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Topics - pike

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Currently, at least 5 illegal wars...

In the past....An endless war in Vietnam, a "war" with the Soviets to spend money on arms for no reason, funneling billions of dollars worth of arms around the world, Iran Contra, dozens of coups led by the CIA to undermine governments that sought to nationalize their natural resources so our fascist government couldn't exploit them (surprised we haven't attacked Venezuela). And to top it off the rough ridin' Pentagon can't account for over 2 trillion dollars. What else?

Jesus Christ....It's all a game to these people. Starting wars between nations and then laughing all the way to the bank. That's awful.

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Puff Pufff PASS the bill!
« on: June 23, 2011, 09:36:03 PM »
Ron Paul and that Barney dude trying to legalize it, at least at a federal level.

Surely wont pass though since most politicians are glued to the teets of big PHARMA, but it's worth discussing I guess.

It's about a billion times safer than alcohol, so I don't see why not  :ck:

That is, unless, you're a Tea Partier that supposedly believes in smaller government, another form of redneck that drinks Jack on the rocks on a nightly basis, religious, or if you're a real drug dealer that pumps billions of dollars worth of meds to the public and you stand to lose billions of dollars (big pharma)

So yeah. woot.

So wait, there's more going on in the world than Weiner, Casey Anthony, Miss USA, and the Bachelor?

Great article, and yes I know the source is  :jeffy: but it makes a great point

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Bilderberg
« on: June 11, 2011, 04:20:26 PM »

Shelbyville...on PBS right now.

Just more neo conservative, BIBLE beating, tea partying racists that are butt hurt at a few muslims and a few blacks moving into town.

Disgusting  :facepalm:

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Israel
« on: May 19, 2011, 04:29:01 PM »
So Obama said they should go back to the pre 1967 borders or whatever. Of course Fox News is up in arms.

Really couldn't care less on this one though

However, I do think we should stop sucking Israels male genitals

Essentially Flyertalk / Best places to BBS
« on: May 11, 2011, 06:33:47 PM »
Toilet  :users:

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / The Fed
« on: May 08, 2011, 09:12:33 PM »
Seems pretty dumb to me.

"Hey, let's print off this money out of thin air and then earn interest on it by buying Treasury bonds!!!"

"And...we can buy our TB's through Goldman Sachs! That way all of our ass hole friends get rich too! IT's just the tax payers money that we're creating and using!!!"

"And...and then if we ever eff up...we can lie to all the sheeple and have them bail us out!!! After all, I don't want to lose my billions of dollars and private jets and two dozen vacation homes!"

But then again, it's ran by the ruling elite who just want to line there pockets with gold and rape the rest of the world of their wealth.

Now, were stuck with some pretty fun inflation and wages can't keep up. All while the taxpayers will be stuck paying off the fake TB's the Fed bought and paying off interest, on compounded interest for the rest of our lives...

Lovely system we have on our hands, folks.

Essentially Flyertalk / Lucid dreaming
« on: May 03, 2011, 08:33:02 PM »
By my understanding this is when you "Wake up" in a dream....meaning you know you're dreaming in your dream.

Then, you can take control of the dream and go on adventures and stuff. It's supposed to be pretty sweet.

Anyone do this or know how? I'd like to do this every night so i can fly around in space and crap.

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / What would Jesus take?
« on: April 28, 2011, 11:22:20 PM »
Everything according to the book of Mark

Not religion bashing this time but it is funny to watch Rush get owned.

Jesus must be up there sipping wine with Stalin and Che  :blank:

Essentially Flyertalk / The bloop
« on: April 24, 2011, 10:43:20 PM »
Something I "stumbledupon" yesterday that I find fascinating. Just some huge rough ridin' noise detected by NOAA in 1997, and no one knows what the eff it is.

:runaway: :runaway: :runaway:  :runaway: :runaway: :runaway: :runaway: :runaway: :runaway:

I'll be the first to admit, I don't really like gays....I work with a few of them, but don't ever really talk to them.

But this crap is mumped up: (article is from a while ago, but is listed under most commented or whatever)

It all began with a Playboy.

On a missionary compound, the Playboy magazine was far from ordinary and it caused quite a commotion among the teenage boys. Except one: Thomas Swanson, who saw the photos with his friends and felt confused.

"I went up to my dad and just asked him why I didn't like this, but I liked my best friend very much," Swanson said. "I had a crush on him, and that was the first night my dad sent me to the emergency room."

Upon hearing Swanson's question, his father, Mark, continued to punch him until he blacked out and later awoke in the emergency room. This was far from the first time Swanson, a K-State student who did not want his real name be used, had recounted his story of parental abuse and extreme measures to change his same-sex attraction.

An atypical childhood

Swanson spent much of his time as a child moving. While this may not be common for many children in America, for Swanson's family of missionaries it was normal.

By age 13, he had lived in four countries and in more than 10 states. Spending so much time relocating, Swanson formed an intense bond with his family.

"My parents and I have a cement relationship, hours and hours of talking to them each day," he said.

In many of the places he lived, no one but his family members spoke English, forcing them to bond.

Swanson's options for friends and contact with the outside world were limited, as he was home schooled and had only one sibling.

Confused through puberty

The first time his father sent him to the emergency room, the family was living in Florida.

Having shared such a close relationship with his father, Swanson never gave a second thought to asking him about being attracted to boys. His father physically demonstrated his opinion about Swanson's attraction.

"I like to call that the ‘beat the gay out stage,'" Swanson said. "He just kept punching and punching until I blacked out."

This would occur six more times in roughly six months until Swanson's mother, Carol, said the hospital was not going to believe he had tripped or kept falling down stairs.

To this day Swanson said he cannot understand how the hospital did not acknowledge the physical evidence of parental abuse. He said the hospital dealt with the missionary community on a regular basis and he thinks they would never have believed "these Christians who are changing the world" would abuse their children.

"I was screaming trying to get people to listen, and they just said ‘oh he just hit his head,'" Swanson said.

After seven hospital trips and no change in his sexuality, Swanson was confused and in a state of shock.

At this point Swanson said he did not even know what being gay was, or what was happening to him. His parents decided to take him to "therapy."

Reparative therapy in action

Swanson entered the room cautiously.

He remembers the light yellow walls, the bibles stacked on a coffee table, a comfortable couch, and a welcoming man.

Swanson said he cannot remember the man's name, a fact that bothers him to this day, but he does remember the man's gelled-up hair and glasses — a "coffee-shop cool guy look." Swanson still does not know whether the man he refers to as a "therapist" had formal training or certification in the field.

The man shook Swanson's hand and offered no hostility, causing him to think therapy was a much better option than his father's "solution."

Swanson entered a back room and the therapy started immediately.

"He said I was an abomination and the first session he listed all the religious reasons why I was evil," Swanson said. "Which to me actually hurt quite a bit, because I was missionary kid and I had memorized all the verses he was reading to me."

Swanson said although he had memorized most verses the man referenced, he never truly knew what they meant and felt miserable that he was being damned.

The pair met every other week and during the second meeting Swanson was informed about the gay life he led. Swanson was falsely led to believe he had AIDS.

"Because all gay people had AIDS. Then he showed me everything that would happen with AIDS," Swanson said. "He said you've already got this. You're going to die, but we need to make sure you change before you die."

For a 14-year-old who had had almost no contact with the world outside of missionary compounds, Swanson was terrified. He said he believed every word and wished he could change, hoping God would cure him of AIDS if he were to become straight.

Having AIDS was not the only lie his "therapist" told him.

"This is probably the most insane thing I have ever heard but I completely believed it until I got to college. That there were no other gay people in the world, the government found gay children and killed them," Swanson said. "Somehow I had gotten through and the government would find me and kill me. My parents had already told me this, but he concreted it."

As a result of this news, Swanson said he stayed awake for six nights fearful that his life was over.

But now he understands that his parents and the therapist sought his complete emotional and mental breakdown to ensure he would disconnect from his homosexual attractions. He referred to those two months as the "mental torture" portion of his therapy.

Physical torture begins

Swanson remembers moving to a new room for the remainder of his therapy. Unlike the first, this room lacked a comfortable couch. Instead he was seated in a chair with straps dangling from its arms.

"They hadn't really explained male-male interaction. I understood that my affection toward another male was wrong, that was the abomination and that is what was killing me," Swanson said.

Swanson said it was repeated that he should like girls, and he feared if he didn't there would be repercussions.

After he was seated, each of his hands was strapped to the arm of the chair and softball-size ice blocks were placed in each palm. Then photos of men touching appeared on the screen. At times a heterosexual couple was shown, and the ice was removed. The ice was left on his palms, causing freezing pain, as many photos of homosexual men were shown.

"It was supposed to associate if I touched another man, I would feel pain. Which first of all really confuses a kid because he's been hugging his father for years," Swanson said.

The therapy lasted two sessions, each for one hour, and worked so well that years later when a gay man embraced him, Swanson literally screamed as pain surged all over his body.

The ice proved to be only the beginning. The week he returned after his final ice session, the man introduced heat.

Swanson was again strapped to the chair by his hands. Again photos were shown, but this time, there was a level of intimacy that had lacked in the previous sessions.

The men were embracing or perhaps kissing on the cheek and Swanson received intense amounts of heat transferred through gel pads applied to his hands.

"Now it was the burn sensation," Swanson said. "I still had, for a few years, a huge pink mark across my hand because it would literally burn your skin."

Swanson said the man continued to show photos, and turned the heat on or off depending on whether they were of a heterosexual or homosexual nature. The only relief Swanson found was when the pads were removed, temporarily, to turn his hand over to avoid causing permanent burns to his skin.

Escaping the pain

It was after this round of therapy that Swanson first tried to commit suicide. As ironic as it may seem, Swanson said he was terrified of pain. After five torturous therapy sessions he was willing to do anything to end his life, but was left with few options since he wanted to avoid a painful death.

"My first time was a simple overdose," Swanson said.

He was prescribed a heavy dose of pain medication because of his therapy and decided to take 10 pills and just go to sleep.

The pills did not kill him, but caused him to sleep for nearly two days. His parents took him to the hospital, but to this day Swanson has not told his family or the hospital about his intentions.

Hurting all over

Trying to believe his parents and therapist were acting for his own good, Swanson said he continued with the program and was introduced to its final stage: electricity.

"Very very thin needles were inserted into my fingers, on all 10 fingers, still strapped down, and then the rest of my body was strapped down because they knew what was going to happen," Swanson said.

As the man turned on the electricity, the pain was so horrible, Swanson still cannot understand why his mother sat in the lobby and did not race to rescue him as he screamed.

All types of adult images were portrayed on the screen during the electric-shock sessions. The therapist spoke very rarely but with emphasis.

"I block out a lot of things, but I remember him saying, ‘this is evil,' the first time I saw a picture of a man and a man in bed together. I'll never forget that one," Swanson said.

While recounting his electric-shock therapy Swanson stares ahead in a haze. He repeatedly adjusts his pant legs and shifts in his chair.

"Electricity was excruciating," Swanson said with a look of intensity. "I have no way of describing to people how hard I screamed; it was excruciating pain. The pain was horrible I would lose bowel control, consciousness, mental capacity, so many things with the electricity."

The abuse was overwhelming; it had gotten to the point where Swanson feared riding in the car, thinking he was going to therapy.

Clinton Anderson, associate executive director and director of the LGBT concerns office at the American Psychological Association, said he is unaware of any evidence that would support using electric-shock therapy to change a sexual attraction.

"There is no reason for a child or adolescent to go through treatment to change their sexual orientation, from the APA's standpoint, because we do not view it as bad or wrong," Anderson said. "Certainly electro-shock therapy has been used for many years, primarily, for depression. There is some evidence electro-shock can have a role for people dealing with severe depression."

However, Clinton said he does not think that treatment would work to change sexual orientation.

Swanson believes he is living proof that the pain of several electric-shock therapy sessions will not alter sexuality.

"Once we got to electrocution my life was hell. I couldn't eat. I couldn't sleep. We were homeschooled so my education was OK," Swanson said. "My parents were smiling every night, like everything was OK, like ‘this is working on our kid.'"

Read the Collegian tomorrow for the rest of Swanson's story, and keep reading each day this week for the next part of this special series.

not discussing how to hop on the oil right after occuaption. Oh wait...

"BP is desperate to get in there and anxious that political deals should not deny them the opportunity," it quoted minutes of the meeting as saying.

Related articles:

It has never seemed likely that the US and Britain invaded Iraq primarily for its oil. Reasserting US self-confidence as a super-power after 9/11 was surely a greater motive. The UK went along with this in order to remain America's chief ally. Both President Bush and Tony Blair thought the war would be easy.   :dubious:

AMERICA’s elder statesman of finance, Alan Greenspan, has shaken the White House by declaring that the prime motive for the war in Iraq was oil.

In his long-awaited memoir, to be published tomorrow, Greenspan, a Republican whose 18-year tenure as head of the US Federal Reserve was widely admired, will also deliver a stinging critique of President George W Bush’s economic policies.

However, it is his view on the motive for the 2003 Iraq invasion that is likely to provoke the most controversy. “I am saddened that it is politically inconvenient to acknowledge what everyone knows: the Iraq war is largely about oil,” he says.

Two years before the invasion of Iraq, oil executives and foreign policy advisers told the Bush administration that the United States would remain “a prisoner of its energy dilemma” as long as Saddam Hussein was in power.


Essentially Flyertalk / storm nut
« on: April 09, 2011, 09:33:43 PM »

15 tornadoes from one storm in Iowa. Thoughts?

I've been following it on for a while. Damage reports say it's pretty bad...wedge tornadoes mowing down Havs country.

Will be an absolute circus come 2pm.

Just started


Essentially Flyertalk / Favorite tool thread
« on: March 28, 2011, 07:09:58 PM »


Aired tonight. Absolutely disgusting how backwoods/hick/racist these retards in TN are. And people laugh at Kansas for some things we do...I would expect this town to develop a very poor reputation because of this.

" Young men were crying in there, just as they were crying a year ago after the loss to Northern Iowa."

Something about the Thug Hawks molesting the Richmond players as they stormed out of the tunnel.


greggdoyelcbs Gregg Doyel
Kansas' Thomas Robinson made a point of nudging intersecting Richmond players on way to bench. RU players noticed.

Such a clean group of young men.

Cruise missiles:

Each costs about $600,000 U.S.D.

bombs away

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