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Tech Support and Suggestion Board / the pit
« on: November 27, 2013, 09:45:00 AM »

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Shows that have you by the balls, or vag...
« on: November 27, 2013, 08:38:20 AM »
oh my god a quick twitter search reveals that people liked it.  :flush:
I couldn't watch it all.  I made it about a third of the way through and deleted it off my dvr.  what an absolutely terrible idea.

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Thanksgiving Week as an Excuse
« on: November 26, 2013, 01:36:25 PM »
done for the week  :gocho:

Multiple pressure settings   :lick:

I've been meaning to get a new pressure cooker that can be used as a pressure canner for canning low acidity foods... how well does that basket work?
dunno.  too lazy to do any canning.

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Video games master thread
« on: November 26, 2013, 08:58:27 AM »
rick daris, I will sell you a xbox 360 with 4 controllers, the wireless dongle thing, 20gb hard drive and Oblivion.

ok, but i have no idea how much this would be though. better for me to just get one of those ten dollar wiis that hemmy was pumping?
no. take sd up on his offer (just search ebay and craigslist for prices and then take off a percent for being irl bros) then buy a kinect. trust me on this. it's the greatest toy ever for young kids. keeps them active and burns their energy inside when it's cold and shitty outside.

also you can play star wars with him. great father-son bonding. lots of high fives and fist pumps, etc.

i use dried beans exclusively and have meant to get a pressure cooker and get out of the stone age...

8 quart fagor duo. you're welcome.

Kansas State Football / Re: KU football is hurting
« on: November 25, 2013, 08:01:11 PM »
I can't find positive confirmation of this little gem that was posted in the gridiron forum at, but if this is real.... It's rough ridin' classic!!!

In the postgame, Jeff Woody (ISU fullback) was chuckling and said during the 2nd quarter he looked at #55 and said, "You don't even want to be out here, do you?" The guy shook his head no.

 :lol: :lol: :lol:
that's our babysitter's brother.  :frown:

also he's probably their best player on defense.  he and his dad were super emaw but we only offered him a grey shirt.

I always thought the Heeney kid (drunk driver) from Hutch was their best player on defense...   :dunno:

Regardless, see if you can confirm the above story or at least get their side of it.  Could make for good comedy!

can confirm Reynolds dad is a lazy eff, I believe this story 100%

Kansas State Football / Re: WE'RE GOING BOWLING!!!
« on: November 25, 2013, 03:30:04 PM »
just do a long layover for the texas bowl on your way out to san diego for vacation or something
even 15 minutes is too long to spend in houston.

Kansas State Football / Re: KU football is hurting
« on: November 25, 2013, 03:26:21 PM »
I can't find positive confirmation of this little gem that was posted in the gridiron forum at, but if this is real.... It's rough ridin' classic!!!

In the postgame, Jeff Woody (ISU fullback) was chuckling and said during the 2nd quarter he looked at #55 and said, "You don't even want to be out here, do you?" The guy shook his head no.

 :lol: :lol: :lol:
that's our babysitter's brother.  :frown:

also he's probably their best player on defense.  he and his dad were super emaw but we only offered him a grey shirt.

Kansas State Football / Re: WE'RE GOING BOWLING!!!
« on: November 25, 2013, 03:22:28 PM »
Oregon will beat the crap out of us again, do not want.

Not convinced that they would... We got a very motivated team in Oregon last year in the fiesta.  This team may have thrown in the towel and would be just going through the motions against a group of Wild Wild Cats hell-bent on revenge.

Duck was a shell of their former selves last weekend vs UofA once they realized they had nothing to play for.

Did you see OU run down our throats last week? Oregon would do that x10 just for fun.

I think you underestimate the importance of "motivation" as it relates to individual games.  We had OU/Stoops full attention for this last game...  I don't think the Oregon kids would even give a crap to play in the Holiday bowl and our kids would treat it like Super Bowl I.

ISU isn't 34 points better than ku, but they were highly motivated to play Saturday while ku mailed it in.  Playing Oregon may be the best thing that could happen to this squad.

I agree with this. Oregon has already mailed it in.
also their players only get to travel down the coast a ways and play in san diego while OUR PLAYERS GET TO TRAVEL TO THE COAST AND PLAY IN SUNNY SAN DIEGO!

Kansas State Football / Re: WE'RE GOING BOWLING!!!
« on: November 25, 2013, 02:35:58 PM »
I can't figure out why anyone who actually plans on attending this game would prefer playing in Houston than San Diego, regardless of the opponent.
obviously they don't plan on going.  not real fans, is what I'm trying to say here.

Kansas State Football / Re: KU football is hurting
« on: November 25, 2013, 02:29:43 PM »
I wanted to stay out of this just because I personally feel KU has made possibly the worst back to back hires in the modern day of college football but I just keep getting sucked in because I want KU to somehow figure this thing out.

Zenger has done some good but he has been as bad as possible in the one sport we really needed him to be good in. He made possibly one of the worst football hires ever. KU needed a young energetic coach and we hired an old out of shape one. If we hired an older guy than it needed to be an older guy that had college football success (at KU it would have to be one that got in trouble somewhere else). Instead he hired a retread that is currently being paid millions to get as far away from South Bend as possible. Let's see, was fired from a "Have" school but will somehow be successful at a "Have Not" school. What logic is that? Please, all you Charlie supporters don't give me the more time BS. You can play that card if Charlie came in here and tried to build from the ground up and had a bunch of freshman and sophomores on the 2 deep, but that's just not the case. Our 2 deep roster is extremely heavy with Juniors and Seniors. Charlie came in here and did the shortcut quick fix method and brought in transfers and tons of jucos and our roster will suffer greatly in the very near future because of it. There's only two ways that can work. 1. You win games because of it. Winning solves all problems, but we all know that didn't work out. 2. You make up for it by just being a really good recruiter and have a great freshman class the next year. Currently we are dead last in the conference in recruiting and there's nobody close to us. I know everybody wants to support their school and coach and hope for the best, but if you look at this without crimson shades you will see Charlie is digging a hole that we are really going to struggle to get out of. Plus if K-State rips us a new one look for ticket sales next year to be extremely low. I'm amazed at the friends I've talked to that have said they've seen enough and will not renew their tickets.

By the way, ISU just announced they are going to bowl in their stadium, KSU continues to do improvements and all we get out of Zenger is rumors. For all the good Zenger has done he has failed miserably in two extremely important areas, hiring a football coach and stadium improvements.
that last sentence is just gold.  "for as good as zenger is, he's been a total failure at the only two important parts of his job."

Kansas State Football / Re: WE'RE GOING BOWLING!!!
« on: November 25, 2013, 02:25:27 PM »
I want to play the worst team possible because I want to win.  I'm tired of losing all of our bowl games, and that says something, because I don't really give a damn about bowl games.
I don't really care about bowl games either, so I would like to spend some time in san diego which would give me an excuse to spend new year's in LA.  also oregon fans seem like they would be fun to pak with. :billdance:

just thawed a venison roast to do corned venison, only to open the butcher paper and find that the butcher didn't debone it and about half of it was a bone.  :dubious:

anywho, I deboned it this morning.  chili time! :lick:  I don't really have a recipe, but it always includes a bottle of dark ale and some cocoa chowder.  I just start throwing crap in the pot until I think it's about right and then I taste periodically and adjust seasoning.  I'm going to use the pressure cooker for chili for the first time, so I'm kind of excited about that.  :D  go cats.

I find pressure cookers to be scary.  Seems like a pretty dangerous operation just to cook some food.
the future is now, mr. bread.  fear not the pressure cookers of today. mine's got, like, 3 different safety mechanism to release steam if pressure gets too high.

Kansas State Football / Re: WE'RE GOING BOWLING!!!
« on: November 25, 2013, 02:11:52 PM »

schlabach = texas bowl vs. minnesota =  :facepalm: + :'bye cruel world:
edwards = holiday bowl vs. oregon =  :excited: + :comeatme:

just thawed a venison roast to do corned venison, only to open the butcher paper and find that the butcher didn't debone it and about half of it was a bone.  :dubious:

anywho, I deboned it this morning.  chili time! :lick:  I don't really have a recipe, but it always includes a bottle of dark ale and some cocoa chowder.  I just start throwing crap in the pot until I think it's about right and then I taste periodically and adjust seasoning.  I'm going to use the pressure cooker for chili for the first time, so I'm kind of excited about that.  :D  go cats.

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Beer Connoisseurs
« on: November 22, 2013, 06:20:45 PM »
speaking of, picked up a bottle of this tonight. I've read 1/2 of one of the books and never seen the tv show but I'm going to judge it on the beer quality of the tie in.


Kansas State Football / Re: Hey friends, long time no talk.
« on: November 21, 2013, 10:30:59 PM »
I know there are no do overs... but man.
+30  :dunno:

this is only sort of offal related, but I think fits well with the original theme of the thread.  this guy is my new hero.  he basically doesn't buy any meat.  he doesn't kill anything he won't eat and the only meat he eats is what he kills (including offal)...and his recipes look rough ridin' amazeballs. :love:

I actually made the venison lasagna last night and it was incredible.  I'm thawing a roast right now to make corned venison.  I wish I had a curing chamber to make the salami and other dry cured stuff.  :frown:

Kansas State Football / Re: Is it morning?
« on: November 21, 2013, 01:29:51 PM »
a win? amazing
a loss? bowling in cali
a win either way

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: David Blaine
« on: November 21, 2013, 10:54:50 AM »
I watched it.  I really don't want to like david blaine because it seems like he takes himself way too seriously, but I did find myself  :D and  :horrorsurprise: through the entire show.  my best guess on the needle tricks are that at some point he had some sort of narrow tube implanted in his arm and hand that stretches from skin to skin and that's why you see him being so careful about putting it in.  I bet he wouldn't let you choose exactly where he puts that needle through.

the card tricks are pretty amazing.  harrison ford was hilarious.  I loved how he cut that orange open and was like.... :blank:..."get the eff out of my house."  :lol:

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Rob Ford
« on: November 18, 2013, 03:03:25 PM »
apparently his brother, doug, has good taste in vodka, but probably should've moved the bottle from out from under his desk before he did this cnn interview.  :lol:

Kansas State Football / Re: Rock Chalk, Hawk Party Picture Talk
« on: November 18, 2013, 02:51:26 PM »
why is this rcjh guy being so mean to us?  :frown:

Kansas State Football / Re: Rock Chalk, Hawk Party Picture Talk
« on: November 18, 2013, 12:53:01 PM »
back to the party pics!   :Woot:

the stoned guy in the front with red shirt and curly hair is a golfing buddy of mine  :lol:  he's like in his mid 40's.

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: How Many Credit Cards Do You Have?
« on: November 18, 2013, 11:54:21 AM »
Hey Rams (et al)-

Any of you ever manufactured any spend on a card to get the bonus? I just got Mrs. WonderMeal into the game and want to show her that she just applies and then voila, SW Companion Passes for the whole family. Really feel like it will invest her for the long haul.

I have a Bluebird, but don't really know what to do with it. Can you help?

Not really interested in manufacturing spend for anything other than getting these bonuses pronto, btw.

I've done a little blue birding in my day. Basically I bought vanilla reload cards at CVS pharmacy with a credit card that earned more than 1 point per $1 (I think the max you can put on each vanilla reload card is $500 and there is a fee of about $5/vanilla reload card purchased) then you put that $500 into your bluebird account (I think it was as easy as entering the numbers on the back of the card or something). Then you use your bluebird account to send checks to whoever, I've paid my mortgage that way one month, I sent a check to my bro, pay utilities etc. I'm not familiar with the Wal-Mart part of it. I would check the blogs ( and seem to keep up on the blue bird stuff pretty well)

Rick Daris has previously bought fully re-fundable SW tickets as far out as you can on a cc, then once you get the cc sign up bonus he cancelled the tickets and was refunded the money with out having to give the points back, I've never tried this though.

You can start working on the minimum spend for the SW cards now (get all you Christmas shopping on them), as long as you don't complete them until 2014 (and within the designated time frame) you will still be able to get the companion pass for all of 2014 and 2015, this is what I did (last year).
that basically sums up the bluebird/vanilla reload deal.  the fee for each card is only $3.95, so you really don't have to use a card that gets more than 1 point per dollar for it to make sense, but that's obviously a better deal.  essentially you just buy the cards, scratch off the number and log in to the vanilla reload site to load your bluebird.  then you just pay whoever you want.  you can get the vanilla reloads at walgreens and cvs.  I actually do this more than amazon payments just because it seems more risky to me since essentially I'm just paying into my wife's individual account.  seems like there's going to be some backlash with amazon payments at some point and I don't want to get mumped when that goes down.  you really don't even need to mess with wal-mart if you don't want to. you can now get a pin number on visa gift cards and load your bluebird at walmart, but the fee is usually $6.95 and you have the added hassle of having to call and set up a pin and then go into walmart.  I don't do it at all anymore since they stopped giving kroger gas points on variable load visa gift cards.  that's the only reason that made sense to me.

I've done the sw refundable thing a few times and it works great, but you obviously don't want to do that with a sw card.  you could risk them taking your points back.

one last point is that you might want to wait to do all of your required spend after your december closing date so that the points from your spend post to your rapid rewards account in january as well, which helps cover the additional 10k you need to get the companion pass.  i actually called and had my closing date moved to the 5th so I have most of january to complete my spend on the two cards.  then all of my points should hit on or shortly after january 5th.

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