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Messages - BigCat

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Other Sports (Tiger's Back) / Re: CHIEFS
« on: July 31, 2012, 11:05:49 PM »

Other Sports (Tiger's Back) / Re: The Royals
« on: July 06, 2012, 11:56:01 PM »
I give zero fucks about walks, hit batters, base hits, etc. Runs. Runs matter.

 :facepalm: uuuuuuh lol... Pretty sure that's the reasoning management must've put used to put together their pitching staff, because it's working.

Interesting. This proves UC-Boulder should have three national championships instead of one, which I will now begin to claim.

'88-89 against ND and 2001, when they got ambushed by Oregon but would have won it all in a fair fight.

Geaux Buffs, owners of (at least) three national championships (and counting).


Other Sports (Tiger's Back) / Re: CHIEFS
« on: April 26, 2012, 09:58:53 PM »
What would #Chiefs fans do with their time if they weren't busy beating their heads against a wall?

Suggestions for #Griefs fans to fill up your time in the absence of cutting yourselves, e.g. kick your dog, fix your IROC, get a job, etc.

Jerome Tang Coaches Kansas State Basketball / Re: Reality check
« on: April 02, 2012, 11:25:01 PM »
ncaa president called ku the kansas wildcaa.... jayhawks.

that's a mention right?
I thought I heard Kenny Smith say "If Whithey gets 4 blocks the title will be going to Manhattan"

Thought I heard that too.

T-shirts are also a must. For anyone who is too apathetic to not pony up $20 to go down to Threads or wherever and get their own Fire Currie shirt, please donate to the cause in some way.

Listen, if someone will take the time to set up the PayPal account, I'm willing to help lead the effort. Those of you in the KC and Wichita areas, please consider those you know who are EMAW and might be valuable contacts (media buyers, donors, hardcore fans, Currie haters, etc.) so that we can get the ball rolling.

The most important part of the word 'backlash' is the latter half. This needs to happen quickly and be severe. Let's go folks.


Someone in the KC or Wichita areas contact someone who does media buys. Here's what we need:

--A well-done Web site explaining the reason for our disdain for Currie and what K-Staters can do about it (include links to active social media)

--Half or full-page ads in Sunday editions of the Star and Eagle

--Billboards along high-traffic thoroughfares in KC and Wichita

--Possibly a TV spot on the local news. Probably a great way to go here.

--Airplane banner at Royals' opening day

--Volunteers handing out flyers at various events

There's no reason we can't pull together enough dough to get this done soon. Let's get it done.

We need to get to the donors. We need over half of them threatening to discontinue their donations until Currie and Weber are gone. But how o we reach them? The important ones are most likely not on the internet, and they definitely aren't on goEMAW or twitter.

Exposure first. Flyers, banners, web site. Somebody should purchase some billboards in KC and Wichita. The message is simply to urge other donors to communicate to Breadstix what the consequences will be if Currie is not fired.

I'll donate if someone will organize a "eff John Currie Right In The Ass!!!" banner to be flown at the first home football game this fall.  :ksu:

I've done the logistics on this before, and I'll do it again....but not for a $20 donation.  It will take a couple grand.

We had the money raised, and the flight scheduled for the Fire Prince airplane banner, and then they canned him.   I then refunded all the money to the donors without incident.

We could do the same thing again.

I'm in for $500 if it actually says, "eff John Currie Right In the Ass!!!".   :blank:

That's longer than what they can do.  It's much easier logistically to do "FIRE CURRIE."  Get more passes, less gas, etc.  If you'd still be in for that amount, your generous gift would go a long way in making this happen.

Also, you cannot fly over during the game.  It's limited to a hour before, or an hour after an event a stadium.  Last time with Prince, we had it lined up for 5-6 passes around the stadium an hour before kickoff.   We were using the same group that did the "FIRE GIBBS" banners for OU, out of Florida.  They were going to fly up to Salina, prep, and then do the fly-overs around the stadium.

Is there nobody in the area who would do it? Seems flying from Florida for the gig would add a good deal of expense.

We need to get to the donors. We need over half of them threatening to discontinue their donations until Currie and Weber are gone. But how o we reach them? The important ones are most likely not on the internet, and they definitely aren't on goEMAW or twitter.

Exposure first. Flyers, banners, web site. Somebody should purchase some billboards in KC and Wichita. The message is simply to urge other donors to communicate to Breadstix what the consequences will be if Currie is not fired.

Also if you could get a team of about a dozen people to distribute anti-Currie propaganda at the parking lot prior to the game you could likely do a lot of good. Print up flyers, move quickly and don't spend a lot of time engaging in conversation or trying to sway people. I'll pay for the printing costs.

I like the airplane banner for starters. A simple '' could work depending on how readable it is. Not sure when Royals open their pathetic season but I would plunk down a fair bit to get this banner rolling if someone in KC felt like organizing it.

I love you all. But seriously, give the guy a chance no matter what his background is. The hire could've been much worse, and honestly I don't think a much better coach would've came here maybe a little better coach but not a much much better one. If that made any sense, lol.

This has likely been iterated but I do not care to delve through several more pages of inanity to reach it: Scoops, yes we love you too. But seriously, the hire could not have been worse. With much misfortune, we are now saddled with an awful coach/recruiter, who you have chosen to back pending results. Hopeful future successes aside, the hire is abhorrent, and is a sign that someone from (anyone) must be more competent than J. Currie, FukTuck.

Very good, Bucket, did enjoy. Reminds me of when we thought State Hoops was actually a thing. :sdeek:

great find SupaG (the one of Doc, not Dr. Tom)...

Holy shitdicks, Doc basically summing up how I feel about State Hoops in this vid. Sorry guys, I'm gonna grab my Gatorade and get up on outta this joint. :bawl: :bawl: :bawl: :bawl:

"Make sure you get a lot of them pictures"

God I love Doc. I would honestly be ok with KSU hoops if we hired Doc. At least he's likeable.

My point exactly. Going in you are aware that he's a garbage recruiter but would be--at the very least--a likeable guy and a bbs silver mine in Nevada. Worst case, we lose a crap ton of games and never recover; see oscar Weber minus a competent coaching search.

My only hope is that Randy Newman will arrange for us a ditty which might narrate and chronicle our consistent failure and fatuity.


great find SupaG (the one of Doc, not Dr. Tom)...

Holy shitdicks, Doc basically summing up how I feel about State Hoops in this vid. Sorry guys, I'm gonna grab my Gatorade and get up on outta this joint. :bawl: :bawl: :bawl: :bawl:

Jerome Tang Coaches Kansas State Basketball / Re: T! S! C!
« on: March 31, 2012, 11:17:37 PM »
Also, 'grats Beems, you've earned it. Go 'hawks. :excited:

Jerome Tang Coaches Kansas State Basketball / Re: T! S! C!
« on: March 31, 2012, 11:15:52 PM »
Sorry LSOC I didn't mean to blow up on you like that. It's just that most of my KU friends are out of work, and most of them are not completely happy with their unemployment 'benefits'. I'm getting worn pretty thin trying to foot the bill for their health care expenses which are pretty hefty as most are morbidly obese. Just a tough time out there for them right now, let them have this without questioning their dedication.

TSC, bros. :tsc:

Jerome Tang Coaches Kansas State Basketball / Re: T!
« on: March 31, 2012, 11:05:42 PM »

Why don't YOU try paying for airfare, lodging and tickets on unemployment, you inconsiderate piece of crap? We are lucky there were twenty KU fans there to represent us, much less the couple hundred that showed up.

Sorry to vent, but let's just be happy in this moment for the KU'rs that could afford pay their Aaron's bill this month.

Curious what others communicated to Currie. Looking forward to crafting one to Breadsticks.

Mr. Currie,

With all due respect, you have made a terrible decision to run Frank Martin out of Manhattan, and to compound the stupidity by gathering oscar Weber as the head coach of Kansas State University men's basketball.

Having reached a station where I planned on donating a significant amount of money to the athletic department, I now intend to use those funds to ensure your name will be mocked wherever you go.

Myself and a number of other like-minded alumni intend to make of you a leper; one completely disregarded for hire by any administration with half of a brain.

Your unwillingness to work with Frank Martin was obtrusive. Your hiring of oscar Weber is unconscionable. If I need to list the reasons why these statements are facts, you must understand that you are delusional and should seek professional help.

As someone who has no respect for our University, you cannot be expected to empathize with the vitriol being expressed to you. What you can expect is to go through the worst professional hell imaginable after those wise alumni let loose the dogs of war. I feel sorry for your wife and children as their lives will forever be negatively altered as a result of your disdain for Kansas State University.

Thank you for your time and I look forward to marking your reply as junk,



I agree and think it's fair to suggest that we will be committed to mediocrity until roughly everyone besides 90% of goEMAW'rs take a dirt nap. This could take the better part of the rest of this century. It hurts to say that the good, honest, hard-working and shy/humble nature of the majority of our fan base is what will continue, ultimately, to do us in.

Frank brought us a successful cable and network television reality show, filled with likeable/loveable characters and constant drama. Our administration and big donors decided that kind of exposure wasn't for them. Only when the new generation of EMAW with deep pockets and a firm grip on how the world works outside of the Midwest is in control, can we reasonably expect to compete.

Tell me if this is wrong... I just think PowerTuck Nation is too oppressive to overcome right now.

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Sarcastic Slow Clap!

Good one, it's almost like the hire itself was sarcastic.

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