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Messages - Spracne

Pages: 1 ... 500 501 [502] 503 504 ... 875
Other Sports (Tiger's Back) / Re: CHIEFS
« on: January 18, 2019, 04:05:17 PM »
Are you broadcasting evidence of fraud on the interwebs, Wacks?

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Other Sports (Tiger's Back) / Re: CHIEFS
« on: January 18, 2019, 03:05:20 PM »
I don't like how overconfident everyone seems about this game...

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Other Sports (Tiger's Back) / Re: Things you've seen happen at Arrowhead
« on: January 18, 2019, 01:46:06 PM »
I've only been to about a dozen Chiefs games and seemed to have missed out on all these crazy piss moments, well other than some really drunk people walking around on the concourse with enormous piss stains on their jorts.

Dolphins game in 08 which was the second coldest game in Arrowhead history
Cowboys game where Miles Austin had like 500 yards receiving and 6 TDs or something
Broncos on Thanksgiving night
Farmageddon game with the blocked extra point at the end   

Pink Floyd
Rolling Stones
Looks like you were at the only Chiefs game I've ever attended!

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Is the Turkish President's Twitter account making a low-key slam on Graham's sexuality??

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Other Sports (Tiger's Back) / Re: CHIEFS
« on: January 18, 2019, 11:52:30 AM »
Wacky winning those tix makes me believe that the Chiefs are a team of density!

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The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: I like Pelosi. Not sorry.
« on: January 18, 2019, 11:49:43 AM »
Ok, that's funny.

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The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: Trump owns Russia
« on: January 17, 2019, 11:29:32 PM »
Cohen was Trump’s personal attorney. He had his apartment raided while he was still working as Trump’s attorney. The idea that there wouldn’t be evidence to back up the claims he makes is laughable.
I'm not saying they don't. I'll be very interested to see what they have. All this supposing is annoying, though. Why don't we just wait until the evidence is presented and then we can all kill each other?

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The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: Trump owns Russia
« on: January 17, 2019, 11:15:24 PM »
breaking the quote chain...

Unless Cohen dishing is getting to dear leader.  That's well worth the media attention that doesn't need any juror...which is probably the larger point to all of this, not just a criminal trial.

Nixon wouldn't have resigned if they didn't have hard evidence against him (the tapes). Impeaching Trump is not legitimate on the strength of Cohen's word alone. The People, and by extension their representatives, will require more. If there is hard evidence showing it is very likely Trump suborned perjury while in office, then that would be legit grounds for impeachment, in my view.

there were still required to release the children.  they got that part right.

they were not required to separate them from their families, put the children in hellish kinderprisons, not maintain records, haphazardly separately deport sometimes the adult and sometimes the child and end up effectively orphaning hundreds of children.  hence the "eff up".

The lawsuits regarding conditions at detention facilities for Unaccompanied Alien Children predate the policy implemented last summer. I thought we were discussing the "family separation policy." Look, you and I are largely on the same page when it comes to this. But the blame doesn't fall solely at Trump's feet. If anything, Trump scorn has finally caused people to pay attention to what's going on at the border. Even so, it's a very complicated situation with tons of competing interests involved. It's very easy to moralize about it. Much harder, however, to actually manage a process that will be acceptable to a majority of Americans. It's a Herculean task we have at the Southern border. We need more of everything: immigration judges, lawyers, acceptable detention centers, etc.

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: Trump owns Russia
« on: January 17, 2019, 10:53:07 PM »
However, Cohen's credibility as a witness is questionable.

Straight from the Presidents mouth.

P sure any of the other lawyers on here would agree with me on this point, sport.

No doubt.  Your expedience to defend your dear leader on the other hand...

Think whatever you want, shitwit. Cohen is a bad witness.

not a lawyer -> so if cohen is found as a shady witness on one thing is he tainted on all things?  That would be pretty sly of trump to keep a crap lawyer so he could leak Cohen being shady on one thing and invalidate his testimony on all things Trump even being Trumps point fixer guy.  4d chess (or maybe just regular chess for a shady guy like DJT)

I'm talking about the prospect of a jury in a federal criminal trial. It only takes one juror.

this did not really answer my question.

Some jurors might in fact think that if you lie about one thing, you can't be trusted about other things. Yes. Especially if you have an incentive to lie, combined with the fact that you're already a known liar. It's not far fetched to assume at least one out of a group of twelve people could feel that way.

I can see this.  As someone trying to "use" his testimony I would think you couldn't use his testimony alone to prove any point.  Of course if I was a juror I'd always think this.  I'd need more than one person's "memory" of a situation to be very impactful to my decision. 

Wouldn't any good lawyer or whatever have a person's testimony then backed up by some other evidence?  If not, lawyers aren't very smart, or jurors aren't.

Yes, so if they do indeed have tangible evidence, that's way more important than whatever Cohen says.

This seems like a no brainer comment that everybody gets though?  So the original comment of cohen being credible is moot.  You'd always need better evidence even if Cohen was a choir boy?

My comment is that the fact Cohen says something is not much evidence of anything, despite the fact that media and other types immediately glom onto it as proof positive. The alleged other evidence is the more important story, but everyone will instead talk about Cohen.

they shut down a monitored release program that had like 99% of asylum applicants showing up in court.

And that was a dick move. However, they believed they were still required to release children, hence the eff up.

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: Trump owns Russia
« on: January 17, 2019, 10:46:58 PM »
However, Cohen's credibility as a witness is questionable.

Straight from the Presidents mouth.

P sure any of the other lawyers on here would agree with me on this point, sport.

No doubt.  Your expedience to defend your dear leader on the other hand...

Think whatever you want, shitwit. Cohen is a bad witness.

not a lawyer -> so if cohen is found as a shady witness on one thing is he tainted on all things?  That would be pretty sly of trump to keep a crap lawyer so he could leak Cohen being shady on one thing and invalidate his testimony on all things Trump even being Trumps point fixer guy.  4d chess (or maybe just regular chess for a shady guy like DJT)

I'm talking about the prospect of a jury in a federal criminal trial. It only takes one juror.

this did not really answer my question.

Some jurors might in fact think that if you lie about one thing, you can't be trusted about other things. Yes. Especially if you have an incentive to lie, combined with the fact that you're already a known liar. It's not far fetched to assume at least one out of a group of twelve people could feel that way.

I can see this.  As someone trying to "use" his testimony I would think you couldn't use his testimony alone to prove any point.  Of course if I was a juror I'd always think this.  I'd need more than one person's "memory" of a situation to be very impactful to my decision. 

Wouldn't any good lawyer or whatever have a person's testimony then backed up by some other evidence?  If not, lawyers aren't very smart, or jurors aren't.

Yes, so if they do indeed have tangible evidence, that's way more important than whatever Cohen says.

Yeah, that's the one thing that came to mind. But the Flores Settlement Agreement complicates that.

no, no it does not at all.

The administration deserves blame here, don't get me wrong. But the FSA mandates that minors must be treated differently than adults. The administration is trying to terminate the FSA by finally promulgating regulations that implement the substantive provisions of the consent decree (which dates back to 1997), but those regulations have not yet taken effect. The public comment period closed on Nov. 6, so they may be imminent. The issue with the family separation thing seems to be about improperly classifying kids as UACs, thus fast-tracking them for release while keeping their adult relatives detained. When this crap started to go down last summer, DHS was petitioning federal courts for temporary relief from the FSA so that they could implement the family unification policy that the people desired.

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: Trump owns Russia
« on: January 17, 2019, 10:24:27 PM »
we're not talking about a criminal trial here so none of that crap matters.

I'm sorry, I thought you said you wanted him to face criminal charges? But anyway, if they have other documentary evidence, then Cohen's testimony is not dispositive, and it's a moot point.

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The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: Trump owns Russia
« on: January 17, 2019, 10:22:51 PM »
However, Cohen's credibility as a witness is questionable.

Straight from the Presidents mouth.

P sure any of the other lawyers on here would agree with me on this point, sport.

No doubt.  Your expedience to defend your dear leader on the other hand...

Think whatever you want, shitwit. Cohen is a bad witness.

not a lawyer -> so if cohen is found as a shady witness on one thing is he tainted on all things?  That would be pretty sly of trump to keep a crap lawyer so he could leak Cohen being shady on one thing and invalidate his testimony on all things Trump even being Trumps point fixer guy.  4d chess (or maybe just regular chess for a shady guy like DJT)

I'm talking about the prospect of a jury in a federal criminal trial. It only takes one juror.

this did not really answer my question.

Some jurors might in fact think that if you lie about one thing, you can't be trusted about other things. Yes. Especially if you have an incentive to lie, combined with the fact that you're already a known liar. It's not far fetched to assume at least one out of a group of twelve people could feel that way.

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: Trump owns Russia
« on: January 17, 2019, 10:20:48 PM »
FBI Agent: Boss we got him to admit to lying to Congress.

Mueller: Well if he’s such a liar why should we believe him?

Oh no, TBT is gonna be all up on your ass for saying that . . .

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: Trump owns Russia
« on: January 17, 2019, 10:18:21 PM »
However, Cohen's credibility as a witness is questionable.

Straight from the Presidents mouth.

P sure any of the other lawyers on here would agree with me on this point, sport.

No doubt.  Your expedience to defend your dear leader on the other hand...

Think whatever you want, shitwit. Cohen is a bad witness.

not a lawyer -> so if cohen is found as a shady witness on one thing is he tainted on all things?  That would be pretty sly of trump to keep a crap lawyer so he could leak Cohen being shady on one thing and invalidate his testimony on all things Trump even being Trumps point fixer guy.  4d chess (or maybe just regular chess for a shady guy like DJT)

I'm talking about the prospect of a jury in a federal criminal trial. It only takes one juror.

I always hated Andrew Jackson most for his cruelty and evil. Trump may be too stupid and oblivious to hate more. It totally triggers me that Trump has Jackson's portrait up in the Oval Office. (At Bannon's recommendation. Trump, of course, knows nothing of anything about history.)

So, second only to Ol' Hickory in terms of evil acts?

In terms of loving the crap out of being cruel and evil.

IMO I don't think Trump has the ability to do anything truly heinous. Checks and balances seem to be working in the face of his extreme rhetoric and anti-democratic proclivities.

I guess if you don't believe putting kids in a separate jail from their parents, deporting the parents without the kids, and having no plan or idea how to reunite the kids with the parents is evil, then he probably can't do anything evil.

Yeah, that's the one thing that came to mind. But the Flores Settlement Agreement complicates that.

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: Trump owns Russia
« on: January 17, 2019, 10:04:13 PM »
By the way, Trump is a worse witness, so don't get your panties all wadded up.

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: Trump owns Russia
« on: January 17, 2019, 10:02:46 PM »
However, Cohen's credibility as a witness is questionable.

Straight from the Presidents mouth.

P sure any of the other lawyers on here would agree with me on this point, sport.

No doubt.  Your expedience to defend your dear leader on the other hand...

Think whatever you want, shitwit. Cohen is a bad witness.

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: Trump owns Russia
« on: January 17, 2019, 09:58:20 PM »
However, Cohen's credibility as a witness is questionable.

Straight from the Presidents mouth.

P sure any of the other lawyers on here would agree with me on this point, sport.

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: Trump owns Russia
« on: January 17, 2019, 09:57:12 PM »
All I was saying is that a prosecutor would be very wary of hitching his success to Cohen's testimony alone. The guy is not a credible witness. But if they have better evidence, then good.

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: Trump owns Russia
« on: January 17, 2019, 09:55:29 PM »
7 3/8” work for your MAGA hat Spracs, or do you have a bigger dome?

Suck my dick, pick. My mind is always open to be changed, based on new evidence. Did you see I got 100 out of 100 on openness?

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: Trump owns Russia
« on: January 17, 2019, 09:53:07 PM »
Well, if true, that's obviously v important.

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: Trump owns Russia
« on: January 17, 2019, 09:49:16 PM »
He's already admitted to being a big fat liar with flexible morals.

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