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Messages - C_Manbeck

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Kansas State Football / Re: Signing Day Thread
« on: February 05, 2014, 11:01:31 AM »
I'm assuming Ash is being listed in this class because he was just put on scholarship

do you know of any other former walkons getting scholarships, Cole?

No, I'm not sure on who else for this year. I'd look for Trent Tanking to get one, but not until after this upcoming season.

Kansas State Football / Re: Signing Day Thread
« on: February 05, 2014, 10:46:55 AM »
I'm assuming Ash is being listed in this class because he was just put on scholarship

Kansas State Football / Re: FM#LIFE
« on: October 08, 2013, 02:43:49 PM »

Manbeck rough ridin' nails it.

Yeaaa no. Could write the same article for Waters.

Also, Waters has more big play potential than Sams.

Manbeck didn't even mention perhaps the most notable statistic from the game; K-State's offense held the ball for over 35 minutes. If we want to have any shot against Baylor we're going to need a repeat of that.

Has there ever been a more Snyderball possession than that opening drive? I think we had a few drives where we were averaging over or around 1:20 per 10 yards and still moving the chains, which seems hilarious but maybe isn't that uncommon? Add in all the penalties that resulted in SAMs having more total yards than the length of the drive, and it was just a marvelously absurd opening sequence.

The opening drive of the game lasted 8:12 and it only went 38 yards. Had K-State continued that pace and scored a touchdown on that drive, it would have held onto the ball for more than a quarter's worth of the game. K-State had 44 offensive series prior to the game at Oklahoma State. In Stillwater, Sams led the 3 longest drives of the season in terms of time of possession (6:40, 7:02, 8:12).

Kansas State Football / Re: Ron Prince stories
« on: July 16, 2013, 07:49:02 PM »
I was told that after Nebraska hammered K-State in Lincoln in 2007, Prince held a funeral of the playbooks. It was a full-on burial. Whole team was forced to be there for it. A grave was dug and Father Keith was told by Prince to conduct the funeral. The playbook was buried on the northwest grass hill of the stadium. Probably still there.

I'm probably repeating something you guys already know. Sorry if I am.

Also, I know this occurred as I know 2 individuals who watched the funeral.

Kansas State Football / Re: Ron Prince stories
« on: July 16, 2013, 07:16:34 PM »
I was told that after Nebraska hammered K-State in Lincoln in 2007, Prince held a funeral of the playbooks. It was a full-on burial. Whole team was forced to be there for it. A grave was dug and Father Keith was told by Prince to conduct the funeral. The playbook was buried on the northwest grass hill of the stadium. Probably still there.

I'm probably repeating something you guys already know. Sorry if I am.

Thanks guys for all the support.

Now that you are in KC I will have to make good on my round of drinks offer.  pm me.  I will invite fanning and poonhound.

Haha sounds great, I will PM you as soon as I get settled in up there and we'll get together.

Thanks guys for all the support.

Kansas State Football / Re: Fatty article in the mercury
« on: July 02, 2012, 09:32:32 AM »
Cole, was the print version way longer than the online version?  If so, can we get the full print version posted here? 

If that's against mercury rules or something, accidentally email it to me and I'll cut and paste it the way I do when randoms email me full gpc premium content.

No, what's posted online is the full story. It's around 1,400 words. I would have liked to have gone into more detail with the story, but then we would have had to leave out a couple of the pictures on the page. I think the print version just appears longer because it's spread out over an entire page with the four pictures and all of the cutline info.

I miss him. I never met him and I miss him. Loved everything about his posts. Enjoyed the remarkable craftsmanship of his videos. The way they were put together... He was an artist.

Reading all the stories over the past two days from those of you who knew him or even spent just a few minutes talking to him — man, what an incredibly brilliant and loyal person the world lost. There are really no words that can really do his life justice.

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: MANBECK!!!!!!!!!!
« on: September 06, 2011, 08:53:10 PM »
Haha, great work here guys.

Sorry I didn't make it over Saturday. But next one, I'm there.

I haven't posted in so long I forgot how to quote people on here. Sorry about that guys

rumors that interest in the suites are so high that kstate is asking for more money per suite than they initially were. confirm or deny?

That's accurate

Was told in mid-October that Tuggle would "elevate the offense to the next level." That opinion may have changed over the last six weeks, but at the time, the coaching staff was very high on him.

we need an impact guard much more than we need an impact big.  We've basically lost any hope at getting one in this class given Frank's hesitance to oversign.  A-Rod is almost a guarantee at this point....which makes this class suck ass.

Florida offer...

Kansas State Football / Re: he would have died for emaw
« on: July 25, 2010, 04:22:52 PM »
You can sometimes name a corporation as the beneficiary.  Many corps have policies on their officers.  But I'd be shocked if Krause could simply buy a policy with Ron as the bene.

I think Krause was desparate and the ONLY way to promise anything close to $3mil was with a life policy.  Premiums would be in the $50k range.  Which he could afford, lot less than $3mill and he might get to keep his job.

i don't see how premiums could be 50k on a 3 mill policy for a 60ish dude.  how could the ins. company not expect to lose money on that?

He was going to take out a $1 million life insurance policy. If that helps.

Kansas State Football / Re: Prince
« on: July 25, 2010, 12:55:43 PM »
I believe Prince when he says he was offered the OC job at Notre Dame. But why on earth would he take that job when the special teams job at UVa was available? He had a much better chance at taking over as head coach at UVa — where he was loved prior to leaving for K-State — than getting the head job at Notre Dame.

Al Groh got fired, as RP no doubt expected.

But Prince's special teams were brutal and they wanted him out, too.

A good plan gone bad for Prince. Sound familiar?

This would make sense, except Prince says he wasn't interested in becoming a head coach in college football anymore. He was ready to move onto the pros, but the pros had no interest at the time, and since the ND offer had passed by then after he waited out a chance in the NFL, he settled on UVA.

Just an FYI, BP said the same thing about Nick. But not my source.

Ball Players is amazing. Brings it in every post...

So, are there any stats on Juevol? Is he going to suck or is he going to be dishing out assists left and right?
12.1 points, 3.7 assists per game. 2.25 assist-to-turnover ratio. (112-50)

Was told a month ago from someone that the staff actually believes Russell has the most upside out of the young guards. I think he stays.
point or SG

Unsure. But I believe they were referring to him as a point guard.

Just an FYI, BP said the same thing about Nick. But not my source.

Was told a month ago from someone that the staff actually believes Russell has the most upside out of the young guards. I think he stays.

Jerome Tang Coaches Kansas State Basketball / Re: Pullen's Tailbone?
« on: March 19, 2010, 03:33:28 PM »
Tailbone fine, elbow was more of a concern. Expect him to wear the padded sleeve on the left arm tomorrow.


Art being Art.

More like lazy ass gpc recruiting reporters being lazy ass gpc recruiting reporters.  Is an Art Alvarez interview really the best they can come up with?

Tried calling Angel himself a week or so ago. Couldn't get him. Nothing wrong with interviewing Art. Good dude. I expect Rodriguez to end up at K-State.

They did. You got the PM a week ago I sent out, I think anyways. I can't remember. I think I forgot Trim on it somehow. My bad Trim.

We need to get you a master e-mail/PM/cell/text list for stuff like this. 

Between this, the octagon explosion, prince mysteriously getting canned just days before Pete's banner of dissent took flight I'm starting to think there isn't a more formidable cadre of fans who are as capable of shaping public opinion as the members here.

Give yourselves a fist pump gents.


These gentlemen who lectured KK informed us that they serve on committees and so forth with Currie, and they "know what's going on."  When we informed them that we get our info from people who put money in the system, instead of those who take it out, they were unimpressed...assuring us that we didn't know how bad things were.

I liked their logic when they told you and KK to shut up and donate money, despite the fact you sit in the VERY SAME DONOR SECTION as they do.

there is no incongruity in a bball staffer reporting that martin didn't feel like contract talks were progressing and not understanding why in january, and martin and currie concluding talks to mutual satisfaction in march.

Don't forget the February PAY FRANK movement.

Yeah, I always seem to forget and leave someone out.

Jmarts source was wrong.  It happens.  Doesn't mean it or others won't be right more often than not.

i don't think his source was wrong. his source said that currie is kind of a doof and that contract negotiations were not progressing and that frank was unsure as to why it wasn't. seems like this was probably the case.

Contract negotiations went well the whole time. There was never a problem.


manbeck says it went well the whole time. a basketball staff member says it didn't. don't know man.  :dunno:

They did. You got the PM a week ago I sent out, I think anyways. I can't remember. I think I forgot Trim on it somehow. My bad Trim.

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