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Messages - sonofdaxjones

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The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: Possible WW3 thread
« on: Today at 02:36:55 PM »
That it's Biden's policies

Marc Elias aka The Fascists Fascist ensuring law fare will absolutely be in play to prevent monitoring of vote counting (in a recent interview) is so absolutely pinnacle #blueanon it sets a new standard.

Protectors of Democracy, tho  :thumbsup:

Your movement is doing all the things I mentioned to win this election.

But protectors of democracy, tho  :thumbsup:

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: Coach Walz
« on: Today at 02:04:59 PM »
#blueanon ducking and weaving through how much Weirdo Walz's fellow MNGuardsman hated his ever living guts  :thumbsup:

Don't let Don Trump steal the election Stupid Fitz! Require in person voting and voter ID!!

Or we could just keeping doing the same thing we have been doing forever without issue and not try and change the rules at the last second because one candidate is a lunatic.

Democrats have challenged every Republican win since Reagan.

Remember the words of one #blueanon icon. CoChair of a commission on election processes 16 years ago.

Absentee ballots remain the largest source of potential voter fraud

Note - Don't be a giant derp and day that I am implying that Jimmy C was saying don't use absentee ballots.

Stupid Fitz - Your movement (and quit denying that it's not your movement) has been the recipients of hundreds of millions of dollars, collectively billions of dollars of untraceable donations, untraceable foreign donations and dark money. You guys used to lose your minds over people like the Koch Brothers, but now you happily take hundreds of millions of dollars from people like the Soros.

Is that kind of thing, "protecting Democracy" to you?

What movement is mine Dax? I'm pretty Gary Johnson didn't have that much money.

are the "untraceable" donations and "untraceable foreign donations" in the room with us right now?

The fact that you don't understand that our FEC has stepped in these issues tells me how wholly uninformed you are . . .

1000% on brand  :thumbsup:

Don't let Don Trump steal the election Stupid Fitz! Require in person voting and voter ID!!

Or we could just keeping doing the same thing we have been doing forever without issue and not try and change the rules at the last second because one candidate is a lunatic.

Democrats have challenged every Republican win since Reagan.

Remember the words of one #blueanon icon. CoChair of a commission on election processes 16 years ago.

Absentee ballots remain the largest source of potential voter fraud

Note - Don't be a giant derp and say that I am implying that Jimmy C was saying don't use absentee ballots.

Stupid Fitz - Your movement (and quit denying that it's not your movement) has been the recipients of hundreds of millions of dollars, collectively billions of dollars of untraceable donations, untraceable foreign donations and dark money. You guys used to lose your minds over people like the Koch Brothers, but now you happily take hundreds of millions of dollars from people like the Soros.

Is that kind of thing, "protecting Democracy" to you?

Oh, and watching the ongoing series of cackling, utter weirdness, gas lighting and Hitlarian gesticulation as demonstrated repeatedly by #blueanon political leaders. . . I would ask that you join me in using the word "lunatic" universally when describing our political leaders.  Pelosi in particular (but not singularly) has been in absolute whack-a-doo mode in her recent interviews. It's kind of sad.

Don't let Don Trump steal the election Stupid Fitz! Require in person voting and voter ID!!

Was that Dr. Jill Biden running Joe's cabinet meeting today?

Again, props to all of #blueanon for pulling off one of the all time gaslightings  :thumbsup:

Tell me more about SMU’s stadium.

Oh boy, here comes OCD/anal Spracs

It opened 24 years ago. SMU in the previous 5 season had 1 winning season. I also know what you're going to say about money and per Phogistan, when the time came to redo memorial stadium, it was going to be 3 or 4 phone calls tops and it was going to all be funded.

Now it's going to take a village to raise KUMS  :thumbsup:

The Dax plan for KUMS would have had the project completed 5 years ago, and that historical facility would have been absolutely fantastic.

I'd drive by it regularly just to take in the application of beautiful Kansas limestone.  The next round would be to tear down Default Football Guy Complex in it's entirety and start all over again, just like K-State did, once again incorporating magnificent Kansas limestone.

All done for approximately $350-$375 million tops

The truly sad part is the excuse making for not moving forward years ago.  SMU sucked balls . . . built a whole new stadium.  Oregon State - mediocre, redid their entire stadium.  Illinois - Not very good, renovated their entire stadium.  Houston - Pretty mid, built a whole new stadium.  Minn - bottom dweller - built a whole new stadium (instead of just using the Vikings new stadium).  Colorado State - slightly above mediocre at the time - built a whole new stadium.

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: Coach Walz
« on: Today at 12:21:52 PM »
 :lol: :lol:

That's the kind of stuff you're getting from that whack-a-doo fascist control freak?  (and maybe a ChiCom spy . . . developing)

The selective New Puritans of #blueanon are absolutely fantastic.


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It's amazing to watch the #blueanon moral police at work while knowing that they've fully supported/ they're supporting:

The woman who was pulled out of a mid level district attorney office position and put into prime roles by the married man she was banging - While in 2016 supporting Hillary Clinton who was all set to bring her sexual predator/Epstein Island VIP husband back into the White House  :thumbsup:

I'll leave the Chinese spy banger who still sits on Congressional committee's for another day  :thumbsup:

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: Possible WW3 thread
« on: Today at 10:50:10 AM »

It's amazing that you believe that, and I do occasionally watch the State and DOD briefings because there's actual long time journalists in the corp at those gatherings who call out their bullshit and it's hilarious to watch POTUS Harris talking heads stammer and stumble around like the giant lying derps that they are

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: Possible WW3 thread
« on: Today at 10:47:58 AM »
World at War: The Harris-Blinken Years just keeps picking up steam  :thumbsup:

DuhBigPsycho: He's just here to stalk  :thumbsup:


Our prior iterations would have hated those that now support us with the power of 10,000 suns  :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: 2024 Presidential Race
« on: September 19, 2024, 11:45:59 PM »
I'm not at all sure what is supposed to be wrong with that clip. Do you think people shouldn't have guns, dax?
It’s like you post on this blog repeatedly but still haven’t figured it out.


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The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: 2024 Presidential Race
« on: September 19, 2024, 10:52:11 PM »
Trump is peddling crypto

Melania is peddling pornography

JD is peddling racism

And whatever the eff that MAGA fashion week thing was

Dax feels the need to get aggressive in providing cover
Lick is covering for his fascists as I keep documenting in the life and times thread

Also covers for #neocon supported #blueanon war mongers and always ran in to defend the racist pedophile grifting war monger in the White House who got there on the back of the second greatest disinformation campaign in US political history . . . after Lick’s movement created the #1 greatest disinformation campaign and insane conspiracy in US history.

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Dax going to "I know you are but what am I" is the pinnacle of his defense response mechanism
Lame rating: 7/7

Lick you fly in at every perceived slight of your beloved racist grifting war mongering pedophiles to deflect back on to Pubs

We’ve been through this 1000 times

#blueanon: Now featuring Dick Cheney

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The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: 2024 Presidential Race
« on: September 19, 2024, 10:41:38 PM »
Shall not be . . .

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Does it trigger you that KH believes in using firearms for home invasion self defense?
It’s amazing to observe your “mind” at work

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The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: 2024 Presidential Race
« on: September 19, 2024, 10:11:22 PM »

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