LAWRENCE — This offseason, Kansas defensive backs Lubbock Smith and Greg Brown realized there was something missing from their games. As roommates at Jayhawker Towers, they had plenty of time to get to the bottom of it.
Turned out, the problem was simple. To have the careers they wanted at KU, they needed a new look. It was settled: Smith, a sophomore from Dallas, would ask to wear No. 1 instead of No. 13. Brown, also a sophomore from the Dallas area, would ask to wear No. 5 instead of No. 27.
"We talked about getting the single digits," Smith said. "To play up to our potential, we gotta change our numbers."
Well, there you have it.
"The single digit kind of brings more swag," Brown said. "
You represent yourself with a single digit, you're saying that you're athletic." Read more:'m sure coach TG told them to ask Jesus to make them more athletic; but I guess they didn't buy into that.