Author Topic: Classic Keith Olbermann  (Read 6177 times)

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Sugar Dick

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Re: Classic Keith Olbermann
« Reply #25 on: July 26, 2010, 05:35:22 PM »
No, she is still a racist, she just decided to help whitey because he was poor and it was her job.

Jesus dude, watch the video/read the transcript in its entirety. She prefaces her story about how it helped her to overcome racism/prejudice. A story which happened 24 years ago. A situation which helped her to grow as a person.

Where do you get idea she's still racist? Seriously.

Well, if that's the case, they need to fire the top person that forced her to resign. Did Obama authorize this travesty?

Again. Where do you get the idea she's still racist?

Her recent media whirlwind is latent with racist, anti-white, us against the world rhetoric.  She has the ethics of a title lender and should be fired.

It is amazing that even though she was fired before any news broke on FOX, the libs are still trying to blame FOX for her firing.  I think the argument goes something like this, "We were sure FOX was going to run the story, so we didn't have a choice but to fire her before they ran it".  Real persuasive stuff there  :rolleyes:

Offline Jeffy

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Re: Classic Keith Olbermann
« Reply #26 on: July 26, 2010, 10:00:31 PM »
I wonder if Shirley has ever told her husband to keep his racist viewpoints to himself: 

Offline Fitz Bath

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Re: Classic Keith Olbermann
« Reply #27 on: July 26, 2010, 11:07:05 PM »
Her recent media whirlwind is latent with racist, anti-white, us against the world rhetoric.  She has the ethics of a title lender and should be fired.

Okay, what are some of the things she's been saying in the aftermath. Feel free to post quotes, etc. I can't wait for these anti-white comments!

It is amazing that even though she was fired before any news broke on FOX, the libs are still trying to blame FOX for her firing.  I think the argument goes something like this, "We were sure FOX was going to run the story, so we didn't have a choice but to fire her before they ran it".  Real persuasive stuff there

Who cares when they released it? As an ostensibly legitimate news organization, it's their job to get to the bottom of all the stories they cover and determine their legitimacy. Instead, they push through this blatantly cobbled-together video in a thoughtless rush in order to get it out there before anyone else. FOX saw this as a juicy tidbit for their evening conservative talk shows to obsess over and perpetuate this conjured-up negro boogeyman to keep their old, white viewers skeerit.

CNN did their research and interviewed the couple Sherrod mentioned in her speech. They both verified they saw no signs of racism or prejudice from Sherrod, and that she was completely cooperative and did everything she could to help them retain their farm. Furthermore, with a little more sleuthing, CNN uncovered the video in its entirety, context and all. Imagine that, actual reporting. FOX should be taking notes.

Honestly, I really don't care that they ran with this story from a well-established hack without first doing their research. They want ratings. Fine. It's just the network's hypocrisy that's troublesome to me; programs like Fox & Friends, and the O'Reilly Factor castigated this woman on the day the tape came out, and felt her dismissal was justified. The very next day, when it was known the video was taken out of context, the very same shows diverted their outrage to Vilsack, et al for jumping to conclusions on her forced-resignation without the Dept. of Ag's checking the validity of the video first. Exactly the same hasty conclusions FOX had been guilty of the day before.

Vilscack, the White House and the NAACP have all issued formal apologies, and rightfully so; It's disappointing to me they jumped to conclusions without getting to the bottom of the source. It's especially disheartening to me they acted on this from a known right-wing smear merchant. Yet not a peep from the likes of Ingraham, O'Reilly and FOX and Friends. No mea culpa, no apologies on the hasty, shoddy reporting on their part. And you can forget about any apologies from Breitbart, he's already warming up the martyr complex.

Offline Bill Clarahan

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Re: Classic Keith Olbermann
« Reply #28 on: July 27, 2010, 09:56:19 AM »
isn't beck a pub?

You need to recheck the talking points website.  He hasn't been a pub for quite awhile now.

what is he?

A media whore

Offline john "teach me how to" dougie

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Re: Classic Keith Olbermann
« Reply #29 on: July 27, 2010, 11:48:08 AM »
Her recent media whirlwind is latent with racist, anti-white, us against the world rhetoric.  She has the ethics of a title lender and should be fired.

Okay, what are some of the things she's been saying in the aftermath. Feel free to post quotes, etc. I can't wait for these anti-white comments!

It is amazing that even though she was fired before any news broke on FOX, the libs are still trying to blame FOX for her firing.  I think the argument goes something like this, "We were sure FOX was going to run the story, so we didn't have a choice but to fire her before they ran it".  Real persuasive stuff there

Who cares when they released it? As an ostensibly legitimate news organization, it's their job to get to the bottom of all the stories they cover and determine their legitimacy. Instead, they push through this blatantly cobbled-together video in a thoughtless rush in order to get it out there before anyone else. FOX saw this as a juicy tidbit for their evening conservative talk shows to obsess over and perpetuate this conjured-up negro boogeyman to keep their old, white viewers skeerit.

CNN did their research and interviewed the couple Sherrod mentioned in her speech. They both verified they saw no signs of racism or prejudice from Sherrod, and that she was completely cooperative and did everything she could to help them retain their farm. Furthermore, with a little more sleuthing, CNN uncovered the video in its entirety, context and all. Imagine that, actual reporting. FOX should be taking notes.

Honestly, I really don't care that they ran with this story from a well-established hack without first doing their research. They want ratings. Fine. It's just the network's hypocrisy that's troublesome to me; programs like Fox & Friends, and the O'Reilly Factor castigated this woman on the day the tape came out, and felt her dismissal was justified. The very next day, when it was known the video was taken out of context, the very same shows diverted their outrage to Vilsack, et al for jumping to conclusions on her forced-resignation without the Dept. of Ag's checking the validity of the video first. Exactly the same hasty conclusions FOX had been guilty of the day before.

Vilscack, the White House and the NAACP have all issued formal apologies, and rightfully so; It's disappointing to me they jumped to conclusions without getting to the bottom of the source. It's especially disheartening to me they acted on this from a known right-wing smear merchant. Yet not a peep from the likes of Ingraham, O'Reilly and FOX and Friends. No mea culpa, no apologies on the hasty, shoddy reporting on their part. And you can forget about any apologies from Breitbart, he's already warming up the martyr complex.

The only people at fault in this mess is the Obama administration. They are so worried about their little socialist experiment being derailed by the truth that they now react before they even know if what is being reported is the full truth. Sad, really.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2010, 12:12:14 PM by john doug »

Offline Goldbrick

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Re: Classic Keith Olbermann
« Reply #30 on: July 27, 2010, 12:05:26 PM »
Yet not a peep from the likes of Ingraham, O'Reilly and FOX and Friends.

Bill O'Reilly apologized.

It might be a dumb move to play a video out of context, but Fox isn't alone in doing so. Fox News is a convenient scapegoat to take the focus off the idiots that actually acted on this and fired her.

The Devil Fox News made me do it.

Offline Dirty Sanchez

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Re: Classic Keith Olbermann
« Reply #31 on: July 27, 2010, 04:30:34 PM »
Yet not a peep from the likes of Ingraham, O'Reilly and FOX and Friends.

Bill O'Reilly apologized.

It might be a dumb move to play a video out of context, but Fox isn't alone in doing so. Fox News is a convenient scapegoat to take the focus off the idiots that actually acted on this and fired her.

The Devil Fox News made me do it.

Exactly.  Never the messiah's fault.

Offline Rage Against the McKee

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Re: Classic Keith Olbermann
« Reply #32 on: July 27, 2010, 07:50:55 PM »
The issue isn't whether she is racist. She used a poor choice of words, and deserved to be fired. It happens all the time at every level of government and even in the private sector. If the CEO of BP were to speak at a republican circle jerk before the election and say "At first I didn't feel like doing all that I could to stop the oil spill because I thought it would make Obama look bad, but then I decided to go ahead commit 100% to the cleanup process," the second part of that sentence does not excuse the first, and he would be fired.

Sugar Dick

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Re: Classic Keith Olbermann
« Reply #33 on: July 28, 2010, 07:20:55 PM »
Her recent media whirlwind is latent with racist, anti-white, us against the world rhetoric.  She has the ethics of a title lender and should be fired.

Okay, what are some of the things she's been saying in the aftermath. Feel free to post quotes, etc. I can't wait for these anti-white comments!

It is amazing that even though she was fired before any news broke on FOX, the libs are still trying to blame FOX for her firing.  I think the argument goes something like this, "We were sure FOX was going to run the story, so we didn't have a choice but to fire her before they ran it".  Real persuasive stuff there

Who cares when they released it? As an ostensibly legitimate news organization, it's their job to get to the bottom of all the stories they cover and determine their legitimacy. Instead, they push through this blatantly cobbled-together video in a thoughtless rush in order to get it out there before anyone else. FOX saw this as a juicy tidbit for their evening conservative talk shows to obsess over and perpetuate this conjured-up negro boogeyman to keep their old, white viewers skeerit.

CNN did their research and interviewed the couple Sherrod mentioned in her speech. They both verified they saw no signs of racism or prejudice from Sherrod, and that she was completely cooperative and did everything she could to help them retain their farm. Furthermore, with a little more sleuthing, CNN uncovered the video in its entirety, context and all. Imagine that, actual reporting. FOX should be taking notes.

Honestly, I really don't care that they ran with this story from a well-established hack without first doing their research. They want ratings. Fine. It's just the network's hypocrisy that's troublesome to me; programs like Fox & Friends, and the O'Reilly Factor castigated this woman on the day the tape came out, and felt her dismissal was justified. The very next day, when it was known the video was taken out of context, the very same shows diverted their outrage to Vilsack, et al for jumping to conclusions on her forced-resignation without the Dept. of Ag's checking the validity of the video first. Exactly the same hasty conclusions FOX had been guilty of the day before.

Vilscack, the White House and the NAACP have all issued formal apologies, and rightfully so; It's disappointing to me they jumped to conclusions without getting to the bottom of the source. It's especially disheartening to me they acted on this from a known right-wing smear merchant. Yet not a peep from the likes of Ingraham, O'Reilly and FOX and Friends. No mea culpa, no apologies on the hasty, shoddy reporting on their part. And you can forget about any apologies from Breitbart, he's already warming up the martyr complex.

She was fired before FOX aired it you nitwit.  FOX, like all other news channels, were covering her firing and what caused it.

And NO, I'm not taking the time to clip links to support my internet message board statement.

Offline MakeItRain

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Re: Classic Keith Olbermann
« Reply #34 on: July 30, 2010, 02:08:32 AM »
Yet not a peep from the likes of Ingraham, O'Reilly and FOX and Friends.

Bill O'Reilly apologized.

It might be a dumb move to play a video out of context, but Fox isn't alone in doing so. Fox News is a convenient scapegoat to take the focus off the idiots that actually acted on this and fired her.

The Devil Fox News made me do it.

Exactly.  Never the messiah's fault.

Nice strawman you dumb [redacted].  There isn't a person in the world with an opinion on the matter who didn't recognize that the White House crap themselves.

Also I don't post on this dumb rough ridin' board so I'll get this out here.  I wish I could fight every single dumb rough ridin' republitard cracker who keeps pretending that Obama and his boot licking yes people are a bunch of messengers for black america.  eff Obama and eff you.  You assholes are so afraid that the mom jeans wearing pussy in the White House is going take away your little piece of the pie that you have to resort to bullshit like this.  Don't worry dirty, sugar dick, jeffy, et al, we won't be getting reprations checks.  When Obama is gone negros will still be pumping gas, cleaning houses, driving old white women, and packed tightly into prisons all over the country.  crap, did you hear the crack sentencing standards were changed, now the crack:blow penalty ratio went from 100:1 to 18:1.  crap nevermind be scared clearly we're taking over.

Don't bother replying I likely won't read it, and if by the off hand chance I do read it I won't give a flying eff about your Fake Sugar Dick (WARNING, NOT THE REAL SUGAR DICK!) retort.

Offline Dirty Sanchez

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Re: Classic Keith Olbermann
« Reply #35 on: July 30, 2010, 06:04:08 AM »
Yet not a peep from the likes of Ingraham, O'Reilly and FOX and Friends.

Bill O'Reilly apologized.

It might be a dumb move to play a video out of context, but Fox isn't alone in doing so. Fox News is a convenient scapegoat to take the focus off the idiots that actually acted on this and fired her.

The Devil Fox News made me do it.

Exactly.  Never the messiah's fault.

Nice strawman you dumb motherfracker.  There isn't a person in the world with an opinion on the matter who didn't recognize that the White House crap themselves.

Also I don't post on this dumb fracking board so I'll get this out here.  I wish I could fight every single dumb fracking republitard cracker who keeps pretending that Obama and his boot licking yes people are a bunch of messengers for black america.  shazbot! Obama and shazbot! you.  You assholes are so afraid that the mom jeans wearing pussy in the White House is going take away your little piece of the pie that you have to resort to bullshit like this.  Don't worry dirty, sugar dick, jeffy, et al, we won't be getting reprations checks.  When Obama is gone negros will still be pumping gas, cleaning houses, driving old white women, and packed tightly into prisons all over the country.  crap, did you hear the crack sentencing standards were changed, now the crack:blow penalty ratio went from 100:1 to 18:1.  crap nevermind be scared clearly we're taking over.

Don't bother replying I likely won't read it, and if by the off hand chance I do read it I won't give a flying shazbot! about your Fake Sugar Dick (WARNING, NOT THE REAL SUGAR DICK!) retort.

Certified non-sequitur/ad hominem/racebaiting post of the year.

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Re: Classic Keith Olbermann
« Reply #36 on: July 30, 2010, 07:52:01 AM »
Yet not a peep from the likes of Ingraham, O'Reilly and FOX and Friends.

Bill O'Reilly apologized.

It might be a dumb move to play a video out of context, but Fox isn't alone in doing so. Fox News is a convenient scapegoat to take the focus off the idiots that actually acted on this and fired her.

The Devil Fox News made me do it.

Exactly.  Never the messiah's fault.

Nice strawman you dumb [redacted].  There isn't a person in the world with an opinion on the matter who didn't recognize that the White House crap themselves.

Also I don't post on this dumb rough ridin' board so I'll get this out here.  I wish I could fight every single dumb rough ridin' republitard cracker who keeps pretending that Obama and his boot licking yes people are a bunch of messengers for black america.  eff Obama and eff you.  You assholes are so afraid that the mom jeans wearing pussy in the White House is going take away your little piece of the pie that you have to resort to bullshit like this.  Don't worry dirty, sugar dick, jeffy, et al, we won't be getting reprations checks.  When Obama is gone negros will still be pumping gas, cleaning houses, driving old white women, and packed tightly into prisons all over the country.  crap, did you hear the crack sentencing standards were changed, now the crack:blow penalty ratio went from 100:1 to 18:1.  crap nevermind be scared clearly we're taking over.

Don't bother replying I likely won't read it, and if by the off hand chance I do read it I won't give a flying eff about your Fake Sugar Dick (WARNING, NOT THE REAL SUGAR DICK!) retort.


Online michigancat

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Re: Classic Keith Olbermann
« Reply #37 on: July 30, 2010, 10:17:50 AM »
Yet not a peep from the likes of Ingraham, O'Reilly and FOX and Friends.

Bill O'Reilly apologized.

It might be a dumb move to play a video out of context, but Fox isn't alone in doing so. Fox News is a convenient scapegoat to take the focus off the idiots that actually acted on this and fired her.

The Devil Fox News made me do it.

Exactly.  Never the messiah's fault.

Nice strawman you dumb motherfracker.  There isn't a person in the world with an opinion on the matter who didn't recognize that the White House crap themselves.

Also I don't post on this dumb fracking board so I'll get this out here.  I wish I could fight every single dumb fracking republitard cracker who keeps pretending that Obama and his boot licking yes people are a bunch of messengers for black america.  shazbot! Obama and shazbot! you.  You assholes are so afraid that the mom jeans wearing pussy in the White House is going take away your little piece of the pie that you have to resort to bullshit like this.  Don't worry dirty, sugar dick, jeffy, et al, we won't be getting reprations checks.  When Obama is gone negros will still be pumping gas, cleaning houses, driving old white women, and packed tightly into prisons all over the country.  crap, did you hear the crack sentencing standards were changed, now the crack:blow penalty ratio went from 100:1 to 18:1.  crap nevermind be scared clearly we're taking over.

Don't bother replying I likely won't read it, and if by the off hand chance I do read it I won't give a flying shazbot! about your Fake Sugar Dick (WARNING, NOT THE REAL SUGAR DICK!) retort.


X 11,000,000. 

This board needs an intelligent angry black man.

Offline Jeffy

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Re: Classic Keith Olbermann
« Reply #38 on: July 30, 2010, 10:27:42 AM »
Yet not a peep from the likes of Ingraham, O'Reilly and FOX and Friends.

Bill O'Reilly apologized.

It might be a dumb move to play a video out of context, but Fox isn't alone in doing so. Fox News is a convenient scapegoat to take the focus off the idiots that actually acted on this and fired her.

The Devil Fox News made me do it.

Exactly.  Never the messiah's fault.

Nice strawman you dumb [redacted].  There isn't a person in the world with an opinion on the matter who didn't recognize that the White House crap themselves.

Also I don't post on this dumb rough ridin' board so I'll get this out here.  I wish I could fight every single dumb rough ridin' republitard cracker who keeps pretending that Obama and his boot licking yes people are a bunch of messengers for black america.  eff Obama and eff you.  You assholes are so afraid that the mom jeans wearing pussy in the White House is going take away your little piece of the pie that you have to resort to bullshit like this.  Don't worry dirty, sugar dick, jeffy, et al, we won't be getting reprations checks.  When Obama is gone negros will still be pumping gas, cleaning houses, driving old white women, and packed tightly into prisons all over the country.  crap, did you hear the crack sentencing standards were changed, now the crack:blow penalty ratio went from 100:1 to 18:1.  crap nevermind be scared clearly we're taking over.

Don't bother replying I likely won't read it, and if by the off hand chance I do read it I won't give a flying eff about your Fake Sugar Dick (WARNING, NOT THE REAL SUGAR DICK!) retort.

BMW?  Is that you?

Offline Dirty Sanchez

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Re: Classic Keith Olbermann
« Reply #39 on: July 30, 2010, 04:04:14 PM »
Yet not a peep from the likes of Ingraham, O'Reilly and FOX and Friends.

Bill O'Reilly apologized.

It might be a dumb move to play a video out of context, but Fox isn't alone in doing so. Fox News is a convenient scapegoat to take the focus off the idiots that actually acted on this and fired her.

The Devil Fox News made me do it.

Exactly.  Never the messiah's fault.

Nice strawman you dumb motherfracker.  There isn't a person in the world with an opinion on the matter who didn't recognize that the White House crap themselves.

Also I don't post on this dumb fracking board so I'll get this out here.  I wish I could fight every single dumb fracking republitard cracker who keeps pretending that Obama and his boot licking yes people are a bunch of messengers for black america.  shazbot! Obama and shazbot! you.  You assholes are so afraid that the mom jeans wearing pussy in the White House is going take away your little piece of the pie that you have to resort to bullshit like this.  Don't worry dirty, sugar dick, jeffy, et al, we won't be getting reprations checks.  When Obama is gone negros will still be pumping gas, cleaning houses, driving old white women, and packed tightly into prisons all over the country.  crap, did you hear the crack sentencing standards were changed, now the crack:blow penalty ratio went from 100:1 to 18:1.  crap nevermind be scared clearly we're taking over.

Don't bother replying I likely won't read it, and if by the off hand chance I do read it I won't give a flying shazbot! about your Fake Sugar Dick (WARNING, NOT THE REAL SUGAR DICK!) retort.


X 11,000,000. 

This board needs an intelligent angry black man.


Sugar Dick

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Re: Classic Keith Olbermann
« Reply #40 on: July 30, 2010, 07:19:07 PM »
Yet not a peep from the likes of Ingraham, O'Reilly and FOX and Friends.

Bill O'Reilly apologized.

It might be a dumb move to play a video out of context, but Fox isn't alone in doing so. Fox News is a convenient scapegoat to take the focus off the idiots that actually acted on this and fired her.

The Devil Fox News made me do it.

Exactly.  Never the messiah's fault.

Nice strawman you dumb motherfracker.  There isn't a person in the world with an opinion on the matter who didn't recognize that the White House crap themselves.

Also I don't post on this dumb fracking board so I'll get this out here.  I wish I could fight every single dumb fracking republitard cracker who keeps pretending that Obama and his boot licking yes people are a bunch of messengers for black america.  shazbot! Obama and shazbot! you.  You assholes are so afraid that the mom jeans wearing pussy in the White House is going take away your little piece of the pie that you have to resort to bullshit like this.  Don't worry dirty, sugar dick, jeffy, et al, we won't be getting reprations checks.  When Obama is gone negros will still be pumping gas, cleaning houses, driving old white women, and packed tightly into prisons all over the country.  crap, did you hear the crack sentencing standards were changed, now the crack:blow penalty ratio went from 100:1 to 18:1.  crap nevermind be scared clearly we're taking over.

Don't bother replying I likely won't read it, and if by the off hand chance I do read it I won't give a flying shazbot! about your Fake Sugar Dick (WARNING, NOT THE REAL SUGAR DICK!) retort.

What a loser!

How dare you and your pathetic, self-defeating, bigoted mind-set insult me.  You aren't fit to lick crumbs off my pie tin.  No sir, my piece of pie is ear marked for a cause with the dignity to ask for it, the courtesy to say thank you, and the integrity to do something worthwhile with it.  All you do is eat, sleep, and consume and then complain if more something for nothing doesn't show up.

You and everyone that condones or endorses your despicable behavior are the poison making this country sick.

eff Off

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Re: Classic Keith Olbermann
« Reply #41 on: July 30, 2010, 07:52:42 PM »

sugar dick bringing the racism extra hard!

Offline Fitz Bath

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Re: Classic Keith Olbermann
« Reply #42 on: July 30, 2010, 08:08:16 PM »
Sugar Dick
She was fired before FOX aired it you nitwit.  FOX, like all other news channels, were covering her firing and what caused it.

Hey, moron. Read my post again. I acknowledged that, and stated it's beside the point. Fox news is still guilty of lazy journalism, and that was my point. It's called reading comprehension, Fake Sugar Dick (WARNING, NOT THE REAL SUGAR DICK!).

And NO, I'm not taking the time to clip links to support my internet message board statement.

So, nothing, huh? That's what I thought.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2010, 08:19:27 PM by Fitz Bath »