I really think the most potentially insurmountable challenge with trans rights is trans girls playing girls sports. Which is really an absurd thing to worry about when you look at how often it happens but does the most damage to the center IMO. I don't know how to do it but I still think the best way I've seen a politician handle it is the Utah governor's veto announcement
I hadn't read it in a while and introducing a panel/committee to ensure the trans kids' participation is safe and fair for everyone seems like a pretty good compromise. (Really I think safety should be all that matters but it's compromise!) I would hope that could address a lot of fears while also keeping LGBT activists engaged and most importantly ensuring trans kids are mostly treated like regular kids
They deserve care and respect, truly. I'm sure I'll get harassed, but willing to be corrected. My compromise for anyone transitioning is they be in a "men's" league, and then women in a "women's". I'm sure being sexist , transphobic or something. I just think it's the most fair. FTR if any woman is good enough to be in the "men's" league they can and should.
Honestly, your compromise is a natural response for most people who didn't know transgenderism was a thing until they became adults. I don't think you're being sexist or transphobic, you're just someone who truly wants what's fair and is willing to take in new information.
As to leagues for people transitioning, you say "men's" and "women's" leagues. If I were in politics, I would ignore adult sports - pro leagues, olympics, rec leagues - they can set whatever policies they want. NCAA is a bit of a gray area because of all the government money wrapped up in college sports, but IMO in leagues for kids, "fairness" of competition should come second to allowing trans kids a safe place to compete as their new identity.
I am going to sound crass (and do not recommend a democrat politician using this language), but youth sports results flat out don't matter. As long as people are safe, it is just about having fun, competing, and being part of a community. Your kid will not lose a scholarship to a trans kid, will not miss a spot on the olympics team, will really not be impacted at all by transgenders competing with them. On the flip side, the lives of trans kids could be enormously impacted by not being allowed to play a sport, because it takes away a space for them to do something they enjoy and be themselves. Competing in the gender they don't want to could be absolutely humiliating for many of them and lead to any number of harmful outcomes. They are often scared, confused, and most importantly fragile children, and we should treat them with as much kindness and respect as possible.