Started studying for the jeopardy test. Plan on taking my test around the first of the year next year.
is there a limit to how many times you're allowed to take it, greg?
afaik you can take it once every 12 months so idk why you wouldn't just take it now if you were planning on next year.
anyway i just took it for fun and found out afterwards they do NOT tell you your score. they only let you know that you "passed" if you get an audition. outrageous.
They do not tell you if you passed. When you complete the test they give you the contestant search email address and tell you to save it to your contacts so the email won't go to spam if they email you.
I misread
@mocat's post, sorry bro. BTW, not everyone who passes gets an audition, and not everyone who gets an audition gets a chance to be on the show. If you are selected for an audition, and this largely depends if they are doing auditions in your geographical area, you go to a hotel ballroom, or convention center, and you have to take another written test. This one you have to get 25/30 correct, if you pass that test, you have to do a screen test. This is just comprised of you standing in front of the room, playing a mini game with two other players. No score is kept on this mini game, it's just a way to see that you are fine to be on TV. After this is done, they don't tell you if you're going to be on TV or not, you just have to wait until they contact you. If you are selected for TV they will email you and you then need to travel to LA, on your own, that's why they pay the third place player $1000. They shoot several episodes at a time, just a couple days a week. I can't speak to what happens with super and ultra champions, I've always wondered how they deal with that. How those people manage their lives, because you're contractually obligated not to disclose your results until your show airs.