As people like David Frum continue to lose their mind about Trump and Russia, and all across the spectrum of #blueanon political and thought leadership, New McCarthyite screeds, Tweets and utterly insane announcements continue to spew forth from their hyper paranoid whack-a-doo mouths and keyboards.
Here's a few reminders on Don Trump:
Don Trump - Killer of Russians via American air power. I cannot believe #neocongE who wants perpetual war with Russia has forgotten this . . . NATO to spend more money on their military
-Moved U.S. troops closer to Russia
-Raised U.S. military spending substantially
-Sanctioned hundreds of Russian oligarchs
-Booted nearly 100 Russian diplomats out of the U.S., our alleged European allies . . . about 10 or so.
-Told the Euros to stop buying gas from Russia
-Started selling Poland billions of dollars of weapons
-Sent lethal assistance to Ukraine - Barry Obama refused
-Issued the Crimea Declaration affirming that U.S. policy is that Crimea is part of Ukraine
-Statement from the Russian Foreign Ministry-
Regrettably, all attempts to improve our relations with the Trump Administration have been unsuccessful... Washington even managed to put us on its list of America’s enemies