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Re: The Real Estate Investing Thread
« Reply #300 on: April 24, 2023, 05:27:15 PM »
The last one is paywalled for me. 

As executive director of the Mission Housing Development Corp., Sam Moss exclusively builds 100% affordable housing for the most vulnerable San Franciscans. Given the drumbeat of calls from all corners of the city for more subsidized low-income housing, one might expect the city to welcome his work with open arms.

That’s not the case at all.

“The entire housing process is a complete nightmare,” Moss said. “San Francisco has a unique ability to find the most inventive ways to step on its own toes and prevent itself from providing its most needed services.”
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Each housing project Moss has developed in San Francisco has faced the same agonizing hurdles: months of preliminary coordination meetings followed by years of negotiations, paperwork and meetings to receive project approval — only to then be faced with an onslaught of permits before finally breaking ground.

Mayor London Breed blames the Board of Supervisors for obstructing housing. The supervisors in turn blame City Hall for not supporting enough affordable housing. The reality, however, is that all bodies have a role to play in fixing the status quo.
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That’s because the core of San Francisco’s housing problem isn’t politics, it’s bureaucracy.

Decades of compounding bad policies that have resulted in impenetrable red tape that can — and often does — kill housing projects in San Francisco. Including affordable housing.

“What people don’t realize is that nonprofit housing projects have to be completed within 18 months of building permit approval, or we risk losing affordable housing bonds,” Moss said.

And yet the median time for securing approval to build in San Francisco is 627 days — which puts 50% of projects at risk of losing funding due to delays.

The outcomes speak for themselves.

In 2021, San Francisco issued permits for just 2,000 homes, and in 2022 there was similarly anemic building activity. By contrast, Seattle — a city of comparable size — issued more than 10,000 permits.
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SFNext is Chronicle coverage devoted to the city's most vexing problems.

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Have questions for Bilal Mahmood? He’s ready to answer them. Join him on Tuesday at 6 p.m. on SFNext’s new conversation forum, Discord (sign-up required).

San Francisco recently submitted and passed an impressive version of the state-mandated plan known as a housing element: The city says it will build more than 80,000 homes in eight years, or 10,000 homes per year. But state planners are not convinced San Francisco will live up to this promise. And a deep study of the city’s housing bureaucracy provides an answer as to why.

To understand the sweep of the problem, it is necessary to dive into the leviathan that is San Francisco’s city government. It took me several months of interviews with developers, commissioners, housing advocates and academics to fully understand the bottleneck of bureaucracy surrounding housing: a compounding set of confounding procedures that necessitates securing at least 87 permits, enduring 1,000 days for meetings and paying more than  $500,000 in fees on average for any residential project. In combination, these procedures make nearly all housing projects financially infeasible to build in San Francisco.
1,000 days for meetings

Any attempt to build housing in San Francisco starts with meetings. Lots of meetings. Of course the San Francisco Planning Department will want to have its say. So will the Mayor’s Office of Disability and the Fire Department — among others.

There are two phases of housing development. The first is the project approval — or entitlement — phase. This requires meeting with the San Francisco Planning Department to prepare application forms simply requesting permission to build. In San Francisco, housing projects face a median wait time of more than 450 days for this entitlement.

The second phase is called the building permit — or post-entitlement — phase. This is when developers apply for permits to build. Combined with the project approval stage, the time to complete permitting often stretches to over three years, according to data published in San Francisco’s housing element. That’s more than 1,000 days before a housing project can even begin construction.

To understand the bottlenecks, let’s break down the process.
It can take 600 days to finish approvals for housing in San Francisco.

It can take 600 days to finish approvals for housing in San Francisco.
Amy Lee

There are six phases to housing development in San Francisco:

Steps 1 and 2 involve preliminary project assessments (which take 60 days) and project application filings (about 30 days) to the Planning Department that detail the overall housing project.

Steps 3 and 4 entail the preliminary application review (which takes about 90 days) where the Planning Department conducts checks of residential, streets and urban design planning, followed by any project refinements (typically another 30 days).

Step 5 is the final project analysis where comprehensive plan and design checks, and environmental reviews are conducted (which can take at least 180 days).

Finally, Step 6 is where after receiving an official project approval, the developer can apply for building permits to begin construction (but it can take over 600 days).

Why does navigating these steps take so long?

In part because San Francisco is the only major city in California with a city charter that mandates that all permits are “discretionary” and, by consequence, appealable. This simple rule has far-reaching consequences.

“In most cities, building permits follow what is called ‘ministerial’ approval — where if a project is code compliant, the permits will be approved, often in months,” said Rachael Tanner, president of the San Francisco Planning Commission. “The issue in San Francisco is that because all permits are discretionary, a governing body like the Board of Supervisors can weigh in — or a single resident can ask for the Planning Commission or for the Board of Appeals to take a closer look. This can literally add years to even the simplest projects.”

San Francisco’s discretionary process allows for two obstructionist tactics.

The first is that it enables a neighborhood organization or a single person to file a notice to the Planning Department requesting a delay of the project during the project approval stage or to file a notice to the Board of Appeals at the building permit stage.
CEQA appeals can add more time to building housing in San Francisco

CEQA appeals can add more time to building housing in San Francisco
Amy Lee

The recent housing project at 870 Union St. is a case study that is part of San Francisco’s housing element. A preliminary project assessment was filed in October 2015. Less than a year later, the project filed and received approval for most of its paperwork. But in September 2016, an appeal was filed by a neighborhood resident, triggering hearings and further meetings with the Planning Commission. The project wasn’t approved until May 2017 — more than 200 days later.

San Francisco abounds with such examples of projects delayed by neighborhood input. The cumulative impact was a 123-day median delay in the housing approval process in 2021, according to San Francisco’s Housing Element.

San Francisco is also the only city in California that allows such building permit appeals even after a project has received all its approvals. Assembly Member Matt Haney of San Francisco recently introduced AB1114, which would ban this practice. But even if that ban is implemented, a second obstructionist tactic still emerges from San Francisco’s discretionary system — a delay induced by the California Environmental Quality Act.

A well-intentioned 1970 law, known as CEQA, initiates a process requiring technical studies, environmental notices and additional hearings to evaluate and disclose to the public the environmental impact of any discretionary action by local government. Thanks to San Francisco’s charter, that includes housing projects. Housing experts note that the sheer volume of studies and meetings required to even consider a CEQA filing results in a median 122-day delay to projects. And if deemed necessary, an actual environmental impact report can take a median of 700 days to complete, according to San Francisco’s housing element.

In essence, because all permits in San Francisco are discretionary, every housing project becomes a political battle.

This is what happened at 469 Stevenson St., where developers sought to build 495 units of housing on a Nordstrom valet parking lot, only to be delayed more than a year when the Board of Supervisors rejected the project’s environmental analysis for what many critics argued were spurious reasons.

San Francisco’s extensively broad application of CEQA necessitates conducting more than 5,000 reviews per year. This intensive level of environmental review is not cheap. According to the 2022 update to San Francisco’s housing element, around 40 full-time planners are employed just to work on these reviews.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

San Francisco can simply follow the example of cities like San Jose, Mountain View and Santa Clara, which employ a split permitting process.

In this split process, the planning approval is discretionary while building permit approval is ministerial. This streamlines the approval process and avoids unnecessary discretionary stopgaps.

“Bifurcating the planning and building permit process will create a clear and discernible path for applicants to see what is required of their project,” says Raquel Bito, president of San Francisco’s Building Inspection Commission.

Indeed, the Department of Building Inspection formally first reviewed such a proposal in August —  and is now investigating mechanisms to streamline.

We actually can see the potential impact of ministerial approval in place today. In 2017, a bill authored by state Sen. Scott Wiener of San Francisco, SB35, was signed into law and it enabled ministerial approval at both the project approval and building permit stages for projects that feature 50% or more affordable housing.

The 555 Bryant St. housing development in San Francisco benefited from SB35 — a preliminary project application was filed in January 2021 and the project was fully approved within 175 business days — roughly half the time of the 870 Union St. project.

“Ministerial approval isn’t just important, it’s an absolutely essential tool if San Francisco is to meet its goal of building 82,000 homes in the next eight years,” said Wiener, who is introducing SB423, which would renew SB35 and make it even more effective.

The solution here is clear — build by ministerial approval. It works, even sometimes in San Francisco.
87 permits and $500,000 in fees

Just because a housing project is approved doesn’t workers can start building. It merely means the project has permission to apply for permits to start building.

In San Francisco, that process takes a median of 627 days. Worse yet, 270 projects during the past 10 years have taken more than four years to get all their permits. This is the slowest approval time for permits in any major city in California. It’s 400 days longer than Oakland and 300 days longer than Berkeley.

Where’s the breakdown?

The issue is bureaucracy. Namely, the 87 permits San Francisco’s housing element identified that a project needs to apply for in order to begin development: 15 permits from the Planning Commission, 26 permits from the Public Utilities Commission and Fire Department, 19 permits from the Department of Building Inspection, 17 permits from the Public Works and 10 other permits related to public spaces.

With 87 permits across multiple departments, it’s easy to see how San Francisco’s bureaucracy is slowing housing development to a crawl.

Why does San Francisco require so many permits? Part of the problem is redundancy. Of the 87 permits listed, at least 12 pertain to issues of water regulations, issued separately by the Public Utilities Commission, Department of Building Inspection and Public Works.

And it isn’t just the sheer number of permits. San Francisco forces developers to receive each set of permits sequentially — you can apply for a set of permits only after you have completed the previous set. With 87 permits, the time compounds.

Compare that to San Jose, which has only 57 permits and allows for parallel review of both the planning and permitting phases. According to Bito, this allows builders to receive feedback more readily from all requisite departments (like Public Works and the Fire Department), potentially shaving months of waiting.

Permitting in San Francisco isn’t just time-consuming, though, it’s expensive.

Permitting fees — specifically, what the Department of Building Inspection charges for a housing project — are proportional to the cost of construction. The challenge here is the unpredictability of those costs.

Labor and material prices are constantly changing. The longer a project is delayed in the approval or building permit phases, the higher likelihood that market conditions change and materials costs have risen, and the higher the city’s fees.

Furthermore, during the time developers are applying for permits, they incur significant costs to hold the land they plan to use.

San Francisco’s development process is also loaded with what are called “impact fees” — or fixed fees to get project approval. These impact fees cover the cost of providing public services like schools, water, transportation and public art investments in a neighborhood. But when added to the litany of other direct and indirect costs San Francisco imposes on development, they can make projects infeasible.

All told, housing development projects over $25 million can in turn incur at least $500,000 in combined impact and permitting fees, according to San Francisco’s Housing Element. This can add up to $74,000 in costs to an individual apartment or condo in San Francisco, compared to $39,000 per unit in Oakland, $54,000 per unit in Emeryville and $62,000 per unit in San Jose.

The result of these astronomical costs in San Francisco makes housing projects risky or infeasible to build. Only the most monied developers, therefore, have access to the market — and they focus on expensive high-rises to improve the odds of recouping their investments.
A path forward

If a housing project has to sequentially wade through 87 permits, pay $500,000 in impact and permitting fees and endure 1,000 days of meetings simply to break ground, it will be a tall order for San Francisco to build 10,000 houses per year as stated in our state-mandated housing element. We can’t even build 2,000 a year today.

It doesn’t have to be this way. We can be a city with abundant, affordable housing, where unhoused populations can find stable homes, where San Francisco’s workers can live near their jobs, and where people and families of all stripes can make this city their home.

To move forward, however, we need to radically reform our housing approval processes. We need to transition housing approvals away from discretionary reviews — like every other major city in California.

State legislation like Assembly Member Haney’s AB1114 and state Sen. Wiener’s SB423 are necessary steps to get us there. But they are insufficient on their own.

San Francisco also needs to streamline permitting to allow for parallel processing and a reduction in impact fees. Some of this in the domain of Mayor Breed’s office, but both executive and legislative action here are necessary. Breed’s Housing For All executive order, which requests that all departments streamline permitting by 50% within a year, is a great step in the right direction.

But setting broad goals is just a start. San Francisco needs decisive action.
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Re: The Real Estate Investing Thread
« Reply #301 on: April 24, 2023, 05:29:08 PM »
Much like having Diane Feinstein as their senator, this is what the people of San Francisco want

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Re: The Real Estate Investing Thread
« Reply #302 on: April 24, 2023, 07:30:13 PM »
The last one is paywalled for me. 

As executive director of the Mission Housing Development Corp., Sam Moss exclusively builds 100% affordable housing for the most vulnerable San Franciscans. Given the drumbeat of calls from all corners of the city for more subsidized low-income housing, one might expect the city to welcome his work with open arms.

That’s not the case at all.

“The entire housing process is a complete nightmare,” Moss said. “San Francisco has a unique ability to find the most inventive ways to step on its own toes and prevent itself from providing its most needed services.”
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Each housing project Moss has developed in San Francisco has faced the same agonizing hurdles: months of preliminary coordination meetings followed by years of negotiations, paperwork and meetings to receive project approval — only to then be faced with an onslaught of permits before finally breaking ground.

Mayor London Breed blames the Board of Supervisors for obstructing housing. The supervisors in turn blame City Hall for not supporting enough affordable housing. The reality, however, is that all bodies have a role to play in fixing the status quo.
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That’s because the core of San Francisco’s housing problem isn’t politics, it’s bureaucracy.

Decades of compounding bad policies that have resulted in impenetrable red tape that can — and often does — kill housing projects in San Francisco. Including affordable housing.

“What people don’t realize is that nonprofit housing projects have to be completed within 18 months of building permit approval, or we risk losing affordable housing bonds,” Moss said.

And yet the median time for securing approval to build in San Francisco is 627 days — which puts 50% of projects at risk of losing funding due to delays.

The outcomes speak for themselves.

In 2021, San Francisco issued permits for just 2,000 homes, and in 2022 there was similarly anemic building activity. By contrast, Seattle — a city of comparable size — issued more than 10,000 permits.
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SFNext is Chronicle coverage devoted to the city's most vexing problems.

Where should we go from here? Send your ideas to [email protected]. We’ll publish the best ideas we receive.

Have questions for Bilal Mahmood? He’s ready to answer them. Join him on Tuesday at 6 p.m. on SFNext’s new conversation forum, Discord (sign-up required).

San Francisco recently submitted and passed an impressive version of the state-mandated plan known as a housing element: The city says it will build more than 80,000 homes in eight years, or 10,000 homes per year. But state planners are not convinced San Francisco will live up to this promise. And a deep study of the city’s housing bureaucracy provides an answer as to why.

To understand the sweep of the problem, it is necessary to dive into the leviathan that is San Francisco’s city government. It took me several months of interviews with developers, commissioners, housing advocates and academics to fully understand the bottleneck of bureaucracy surrounding housing: a compounding set of confounding procedures that necessitates securing at least 87 permits, enduring 1,000 days for meetings and paying more than  $500,000 in fees on average for any residential project. In combination, these procedures make nearly all housing projects financially infeasible to build in San Francisco.
1,000 days for meetings

Any attempt to build housing in San Francisco starts with meetings. Lots of meetings. Of course the San Francisco Planning Department will want to have its say. So will the Mayor’s Office of Disability and the Fire Department — among others.

There are two phases of housing development. The first is the project approval — or entitlement — phase. This requires meeting with the San Francisco Planning Department to prepare application forms simply requesting permission to build. In San Francisco, housing projects face a median wait time of more than 450 days for this entitlement.

The second phase is called the building permit — or post-entitlement — phase. This is when developers apply for permits to build. Combined with the project approval stage, the time to complete permitting often stretches to over three years, according to data published in San Francisco’s housing element. That’s more than 1,000 days before a housing project can even begin construction.

To understand the bottlenecks, let’s break down the process.
It can take 600 days to finish approvals for housing in San Francisco.

It can take 600 days to finish approvals for housing in San Francisco.
Amy Lee

There are six phases to housing development in San Francisco:

Steps 1 and 2 involve preliminary project assessments (which take 60 days) and project application filings (about 30 days) to the Planning Department that detail the overall housing project.

Steps 3 and 4 entail the preliminary application review (which takes about 90 days) where the Planning Department conducts checks of residential, streets and urban design planning, followed by any project refinements (typically another 30 days).

Step 5 is the final project analysis where comprehensive plan and design checks, and environmental reviews are conducted (which can take at least 180 days).

Finally, Step 6 is where after receiving an official project approval, the developer can apply for building permits to begin construction (but it can take over 600 days).

Why does navigating these steps take so long?

In part because San Francisco is the only major city in California with a city charter that mandates that all permits are “discretionary” and, by consequence, appealable. This simple rule has far-reaching consequences.

“In most cities, building permits follow what is called ‘ministerial’ approval — where if a project is code compliant, the permits will be approved, often in months,” said Rachael Tanner, president of the San Francisco Planning Commission. “The issue in San Francisco is that because all permits are discretionary, a governing body like the Board of Supervisors can weigh in — or a single resident can ask for the Planning Commission or for the Board of Appeals to take a closer look. This can literally add years to even the simplest projects.”

San Francisco’s discretionary process allows for two obstructionist tactics.

The first is that it enables a neighborhood organization or a single person to file a notice to the Planning Department requesting a delay of the project during the project approval stage or to file a notice to the Board of Appeals at the building permit stage.
CEQA appeals can add more time to building housing in San Francisco

CEQA appeals can add more time to building housing in San Francisco
Amy Lee

The recent housing project at 870 Union St. is a case study that is part of San Francisco’s housing element. A preliminary project assessment was filed in October 2015. Less than a year later, the project filed and received approval for most of its paperwork. But in September 2016, an appeal was filed by a neighborhood resident, triggering hearings and further meetings with the Planning Commission. The project wasn’t approved until May 2017 — more than 200 days later.

San Francisco abounds with such examples of projects delayed by neighborhood input. The cumulative impact was a 123-day median delay in the housing approval process in 2021, according to San Francisco’s Housing Element.

San Francisco is also the only city in California that allows such building permit appeals even after a project has received all its approvals. Assembly Member Matt Haney of San Francisco recently introduced AB1114, which would ban this practice. But even if that ban is implemented, a second obstructionist tactic still emerges from San Francisco’s discretionary system — a delay induced by the California Environmental Quality Act.

A well-intentioned 1970 law, known as CEQA, initiates a process requiring technical studies, environmental notices and additional hearings to evaluate and disclose to the public the environmental impact of any discretionary action by local government. Thanks to San Francisco’s charter, that includes housing projects. Housing experts note that the sheer volume of studies and meetings required to even consider a CEQA filing results in a median 122-day delay to projects. And if deemed necessary, an actual environmental impact report can take a median of 700 days to complete, according to San Francisco’s housing element.

In essence, because all permits in San Francisco are discretionary, every housing project becomes a political battle.

This is what happened at 469 Stevenson St., where developers sought to build 495 units of housing on a Nordstrom valet parking lot, only to be delayed more than a year when the Board of Supervisors rejected the project’s environmental analysis for what many critics argued were spurious reasons.

San Francisco’s extensively broad application of CEQA necessitates conducting more than 5,000 reviews per year. This intensive level of environmental review is not cheap. According to the 2022 update to San Francisco’s housing element, around 40 full-time planners are employed just to work on these reviews.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

San Francisco can simply follow the example of cities like San Jose, Mountain View and Santa Clara, which employ a split permitting process.

In this split process, the planning approval is discretionary while building permit approval is ministerial. This streamlines the approval process and avoids unnecessary discretionary stopgaps.

“Bifurcating the planning and building permit process will create a clear and discernible path for applicants to see what is required of their project,” says Raquel Bito, president of San Francisco’s Building Inspection Commission.

Indeed, the Department of Building Inspection formally first reviewed such a proposal in August —  and is now investigating mechanisms to streamline.

We actually can see the potential impact of ministerial approval in place today. In 2017, a bill authored by state Sen. Scott Wiener of San Francisco, SB35, was signed into law and it enabled ministerial approval at both the project approval and building permit stages for projects that feature 50% or more affordable housing.

The 555 Bryant St. housing development in San Francisco benefited from SB35 — a preliminary project application was filed in January 2021 and the project was fully approved within 175 business days — roughly half the time of the 870 Union St. project.

“Ministerial approval isn’t just important, it’s an absolutely essential tool if San Francisco is to meet its goal of building 82,000 homes in the next eight years,” said Wiener, who is introducing SB423, which would renew SB35 and make it even more effective.

The solution here is clear — build by ministerial approval. It works, even sometimes in San Francisco.
87 permits and $500,000 in fees

Just because a housing project is approved doesn’t workers can start building. It merely means the project has permission to apply for permits to start building.

In San Francisco, that process takes a median of 627 days. Worse yet, 270 projects during the past 10 years have taken more than four years to get all their permits. This is the slowest approval time for permits in any major city in California. It’s 400 days longer than Oakland and 300 days longer than Berkeley.

Where’s the breakdown?

The issue is bureaucracy. Namely, the 87 permits San Francisco’s housing element identified that a project needs to apply for in order to begin development: 15 permits from the Planning Commission, 26 permits from the Public Utilities Commission and Fire Department, 19 permits from the Department of Building Inspection, 17 permits from the Public Works and 10 other permits related to public spaces.

With 87 permits across multiple departments, it’s easy to see how San Francisco’s bureaucracy is slowing housing development to a crawl.

Why does San Francisco require so many permits? Part of the problem is redundancy. Of the 87 permits listed, at least 12 pertain to issues of water regulations, issued separately by the Public Utilities Commission, Department of Building Inspection and Public Works.

And it isn’t just the sheer number of permits. San Francisco forces developers to receive each set of permits sequentially — you can apply for a set of permits only after you have completed the previous set. With 87 permits, the time compounds.

Compare that to San Jose, which has only 57 permits and allows for parallel review of both the planning and permitting phases. According to Bito, this allows builders to receive feedback more readily from all requisite departments (like Public Works and the Fire Department), potentially shaving months of waiting.

Permitting in San Francisco isn’t just time-consuming, though, it’s expensive.

Permitting fees — specifically, what the Department of Building Inspection charges for a housing project — are proportional to the cost of construction. The challenge here is the unpredictability of those costs.

Labor and material prices are constantly changing. The longer a project is delayed in the approval or building permit phases, the higher likelihood that market conditions change and materials costs have risen, and the higher the city’s fees.

Furthermore, during the time developers are applying for permits, they incur significant costs to hold the land they plan to use.

San Francisco’s development process is also loaded with what are called “impact fees” — or fixed fees to get project approval. These impact fees cover the cost of providing public services like schools, water, transportation and public art investments in a neighborhood. But when added to the litany of other direct and indirect costs San Francisco imposes on development, they can make projects infeasible.

All told, housing development projects over $25 million can in turn incur at least $500,000 in combined impact and permitting fees, according to San Francisco’s Housing Element. This can add up to $74,000 in costs to an individual apartment or condo in San Francisco, compared to $39,000 per unit in Oakland, $54,000 per unit in Emeryville and $62,000 per unit in San Jose.

The result of these astronomical costs in San Francisco makes housing projects risky or infeasible to build. Only the most monied developers, therefore, have access to the market — and they focus on expensive high-rises to improve the odds of recouping their investments.
A path forward

If a housing project has to sequentially wade through 87 permits, pay $500,000 in impact and permitting fees and endure 1,000 days of meetings simply to break ground, it will be a tall order for San Francisco to build 10,000 houses per year as stated in our state-mandated housing element. We can’t even build 2,000 a year today.

It doesn’t have to be this way. We can be a city with abundant, affordable housing, where unhoused populations can find stable homes, where San Francisco’s workers can live near their jobs, and where people and families of all stripes can make this city their home.

To move forward, however, we need to radically reform our housing approval processes. We need to transition housing approvals away from discretionary reviews — like every other major city in California.

State legislation like Assembly Member Haney’s AB1114 and state Sen. Wiener’s SB423 are necessary steps to get us there. But they are insufficient on their own.

San Francisco also needs to streamline permitting to allow for parallel processing and a reduction in impact fees. Some of this in the domain of Mayor Breed’s office, but both executive and legislative action here are necessary. Breed’s Housing For All executive order, which requests that all departments streamline permitting by 50% within a year, is a great step in the right direction.

But setting broad goals is just a start. San Francisco needs decisive action.

eff, that’s a lot of article. Will read it tonight.

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Re: The Real Estate Investing Thread
« Reply #303 on: April 24, 2023, 07:51:53 PM »
So, even the article says that SF is an outlier in being the only city in CA that has this set up.

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Re: The Real Estate Investing Thread
« Reply #304 on: April 24, 2023, 08:32:53 PM »
So, even the article says that SF is an outlier in being the only city in CA that has this set up.
I didn't even read that article, but I think maybe(?) the point is how building restrictions can affect prices. One of the most expensive, maybe the most expensive, areas in the country also has the most red tape to cut in order to build. Obviously that's not the only factor, SF had extremely desirable weather and restriction on land, but I think maybe the point still holds water.
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Re: The Real Estate Investing Thread
« Reply #305 on: April 24, 2023, 08:57:51 PM »
So, even the article says that SF is an outlier in being the only city in CA that has this set up.
It cites both Mountain View and San Jose as examples of cities doing it right. Lol those places are shittier and more expensive than SF

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Re: The Real Estate Investing Thread
« Reply #306 on: April 24, 2023, 08:58:35 PM »
So, even the article says that SF is an outlier in being the only city in CA that has this set up.
I didn't even read that article, but I think maybe(?) the point is how building restrictions can affect prices. One of the most expensive, maybe the most expensive, areas in the country also has the most red tape to cut in order to build. Obviously that's not the only factor, SF had extremely desirable weather and restriction on land, but I think maybe the point still holds water.
It cites both Mountain View and San Jose as examples of cities doing it right. Lol those places are shittier and more expensive than SF

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Re: The Real Estate Investing Thread
« Reply #307 on: April 24, 2023, 10:06:09 PM »
yeah, there's lots of ways to make it hard to build, sf's is just one variant.
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Re: The Real Estate Investing Thread
« Reply #308 on: May 02, 2023, 12:34:11 PM »
The red tape can cause projects to be delayed and can make them financially infeasible. The process requires developers to secure at least 87 permits and to pay over $500,000 in fees on average for any residential project. It isn't very pleasant to hear that San Francisco only issued permits for 2,000 homes in 2021, and Seattle issued more than 10,000 permits, even though both cities have similar sizes. I hope my financial planning physicians will help to avoid many financial problems in this sphere. Also, it's very interesting to see how it goes
« Last Edit: May 10, 2023, 09:09:08 AM by blakepiper »

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Re: The Real Estate Investing Thread
« Reply #309 on: May 02, 2023, 01:17:04 PM »
I'm glad blakepiper finally chimed in, have been waiting on their take for some time.
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Re: The Real Estate Investing Thread
« Reply #310 on: May 02, 2023, 01:51:59 PM »
yla airbnb goes live next month  :horrorsurprise:

Offline KITNfury

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Re: The Real Estate Investing Thread
« Reply #311 on: May 02, 2023, 05:33:30 PM »
yla airbnb goes live next month  :horrorsurprise:
I once blew clove smoke in a guy's face that cut in front of me in the line to KJ's.

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Re: The Real Estate Investing Thread
« Reply #312 on: May 02, 2023, 10:02:21 PM »
yla airbnb goes live next month  :horrorsurprise:

how close to the stadium and how strict are you on us trashing the living crap out of the place like the fire department has to come because it's not literally on fire but it's basically "on fire" by how trashed the fuckin' place is?

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Re: The Real Estate Investing Thread
« Reply #313 on: May 02, 2023, 10:02:53 PM »
not asking for myself but for my friend pete

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Re: The Real Estate Investing Thread
« Reply #314 on: May 02, 2023, 10:04:43 PM »
not asking for myself but for my friend pete

who will be renting the place we trash

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Re: The Real Estate Investing Thread
« Reply #315 on: May 08, 2023, 09:47:06 AM »

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Re: The Real Estate Investing Thread
« Reply #316 on: May 23, 2023, 12:18:46 PM »
I thought this thread was interesting to think about, debate internally
I once blew clove smoke in a guy's face that cut in front of me in the line to KJ's.

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"experienced commanders will simply be smeared and will actually go to the meat."

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Re: The Real Estate Investing Thread
« Reply #318 on: June 20, 2023, 09:05:02 AM »
Thanks for sharing this eye-opening article on the challenges of affordable housing development in San Francisco. It's disheartening to hear about the bureaucratic red tape and lengthy approval process that hinder crucial projects like yours. Still, I think some safety steps you just can't skip. I would even suggest hiring building surveyors for this. You can find some info about them at
The city's housing problem seems to be rooted in its complicated system rather than political differences. It's encouraging to see efforts like the Housing For All executive order and proposed state legislation aiming to streamline processes and reduce fees. Let's hope these steps lead to meaningful change and pave the way for more accessible housing options.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2023, 09:34:19 AM by theresamclean »

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Re: The Real Estate Investing Thread
« Reply #319 on: June 20, 2023, 09:56:03 AM »
Thanks for sharing this eye-opening article on the challenges of affordable housing development in San Francisco. It's disheartening to hear about the bureaucratic red tape and lengthy approval process that hinder crucial projects like yours.

I apologize for any confusion, but as an AI language model, I don't have the ability to share or provide specific articles. However, I can certainly discuss the challenges of affordable housing development in San Francisco if you'd like. The issue of bureaucratic red tape and a lengthy approval process can indeed pose significant obstacles to housing projects, making it difficult to address the affordable housing crisis effectively. It's an ongoing challenge that requires collaborative efforts and innovative solutions to make progress.
"The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks"

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Re: The Real Estate Investing Thread
« Reply #320 on: August 24, 2023, 03:03:38 PM »
The potential for monthly income, equity gain, and tax benefits really got my attention. Lately, I've been seriously considering dipping my toes into property investment. It's like a whole new adventure, trying to fit the pieces of cash flow and leverage together. Your tips on depreciation and leveraging OPM are like hidden gems! And that's exactly why I'm here, absorbing as much knowledge as I can to make informed decisions. I stumbled upon It's a resource that's been helping me navigate the maze. Your passion is contagious, and hearing how lives have been changed by smart real estate moves is inspiring.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2023, 04:01:50 AM by Aarondedja »

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Re: The Real Estate Investing Thread
« Reply #321 on: August 24, 2023, 03:06:04 PM »
The potential for monthly income, equity gain, and tax benefits really got my attention. Lately, I've been seriously considering dipping my toes into property investment. It's like a whole new adventure, trying to fit the pieces of cash flow and leverage together.

The machines are now looking to buy property?!  :horrorsurprise:

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Re: The Real Estate Investing Thread
« Reply #322 on: August 24, 2023, 03:18:05 PM »
The potential for monthly income, equity gain, and tax benefits really got my attention. Lately, I've been seriously considering dipping my toes into property investment. It's like a whole new adventure, trying to fit the pieces of cash flow and leverage together.
Property investment can indeed offer various financial benefits like monthly rental income, potential equity appreciation, and tax advantages. It's important to thoroughly research the market, understand the costs involved, and consider factors like location and property management. Creating a solid financial plan and understanding how cash flow and leverage work will help you make informed decisions as you embark on this new adventure. If you have any specific questions or need advice on certain aspects of property investment, feel free to ask!
"The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks"

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Re: The Real Estate Investing Thread
« Reply #323 on: August 24, 2023, 03:29:43 PM »
The potential for monthly income, equity gain, and tax benefits really got my attention. Lately, I've been seriously considering dipping my toes into property investment. It's like a whole new adventure, trying to fit the pieces of cash flow and leverage together.
Property investment can indeed offer various financial benefits like monthly rental income, potential equity appreciation, and tax advantages. It's important to thoroughly research the market, understand the costs involved, and consider factors like location and property management. Creating a solid financial plan and understanding how cash flow and leverage work will help you make informed decisions as you embark on this new adventure. If you have any specific questions or need advice on certain aspects of property investment, feel free to ask!

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Re: The Real Estate Investing Thread
« Reply #324 on: March 27, 2024, 08:41:16 AM »
Interested to see how commission structure changes things