Biden and company being mad at Garland is not a conspiracy theory.
Given how Biden has militarized the DOJ against people of influence they don't like, no one with a single brain cell should be surprised that this person was charged.
Meanwhile, there's all kinds of stuff coming from Michael Shellenberger, Matt Taibbi, and Alex Gutentag right now about what a massive pile of dirty tricks Trump-Russia COLUSION was (and is), so I look for the counterbalances to come fast and furious. In addition, the CNN and points beyond reported missing CIA journal about Trump Russian COLUSION is also starting to make its way back into the news. Someone out there is really freaking out about it. Stay tuned.
Oh, and I completely get that #blueanon now hates Shellenberger and Taibbi with the power of 10,000 suns because they are not towing the company line anymore and are actually doing real investigative reporting, while #blueanon's most favored media outlets tend to skew Lazy AF and are just there to suckle off the teat. So don't bother.