I will never understand why olds/people who are very sensitive insist they must be on twitter.
I'll never understand why Super Slow people, like Dug for example, always want to comment on things they never seem to understand.
Weird . . . and sad.
You'll never understand almost everything.
It's okay, not smart people don't understand that media entities, particularly those of a particular size can't act in a certain fashion and avoid Federal mandates.
It's sad that these supposedly super smart people running these things are so amazingly butthurt because their party didn't have the first rough ridin' clue back in 2016 on how to use (insert social media platform of choice) and that big dumb fat Derp Don Trump used (insert social media platform of choice) to perfection. Then again, we are talking about a party that's the poster child for IT security disaster(s).
So now, the (insert social media platform of choice) want to start censoring and placing themselves in a position of editing and fact checking which in turn places them under the umbrella of Federal mandates relative to media entities.