all maga requires is figuring out a way to give uneducated white people above average paying jobs that don't require them to work that hard or more than 40 hours a week.
During the post war boom the masses had a much greater degree of upward mobility. I think it's interesting that during this time union membership in America was at an all time high. Of course, subsidizing a war-ravaged world to purchase our products was a uniquely good arrangement for the manufacturing industry, but things didn't have to become as hard on the average Joe as they are today.
Consider the stats we always see about the growth in CEO pay over the decades. If pro-business politics hadn't stripped unions of every meaningful bargaining right, uneducated people would've captured some of that pay and maintained a portion of their previous ability to live comfortably while working
only 40 hours a week. The Left hasn't done the working class any favors either with their politically motivated scheme of importing labor competition from the third world.
Even though he might not understand everything, the average MAGA dude can feel these forces squeezing him. He expresses it in oversimplified terms when he rages about the "elites" or chants Build That Wall. I find it sad how individuals born with agile brains that allowed them to escape small town America have adopted such a condescending attitude toward those without.