Author Topic: Vegas shooting  (Read 33424 times)

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Offline MakeItRain

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Re: Vegas shooting
« Reply #100 on: October 02, 2017, 07:20:01 PM »
Weren't there numerous eye witness accounts the guy was screaming ala akhbar while murdering people in the gay club immediately after it happened?

This post facto "nobody knew for 3 weeks" seems completely contrived.

Sure, if you completely ignore the time frame and news articles I posted. The initial taking points were hate crime and gun control. Some people shifted the second they heard the dudes name. The motive wasn't revealed until three weeks later, that's a fact, bub.

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Re: Vegas shooting
« Reply #101 on: October 02, 2017, 07:22:55 PM »
Are you suggesting religious radicals may also be mentally ill? Interesting take from you.

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Re: Vegas shooting
« Reply #102 on: October 02, 2017, 07:23:13 PM »
Nothing riles up fsd and ksudub like getting called on their racism
Hyperbolic partisan duplicitous hypocrite

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Re: Vegas shooting
« Reply #103 on: October 02, 2017, 07:28:36 PM »
This should end well for her.

Yeah, she mumped up and gotta go. Good on clay for soldering on for white people, he's the hero you guys need.

That was amazingly quick

What's amazing to me is how someone so highly educated as this woman was could also be so ideologically radical so as to basically be mentally ill. It is hard for me to fathom how crazy you would have to be to tweet something like that and not expect to be immediately shitcanned. A product of Columbia Law School.

What? LOL. Make no mistake, there is absolutely, positively no excuse for what this woman did and I'm all in with her being fired but your pious reaction is absolutely hilarious.

Your people do this crap EVERY SINGLE TIME there's a controversial shooting with a black victim . Bring up Chicago, bring up black-on-black crime, try to find any possible rationalization to excuse what just happened.

You calling for this dudes job. His white privilege allowed him to do this on air!

Offline kso_FAN

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Re: Vegas shooting
« Reply #104 on: October 02, 2017, 08:28:35 PM »
I don't care how conservative you are, if you can't see a problem when a person can have an automatic weapon (or semi automatic?) and gun down hundreds from a balcony then I don't know how to help you. Its incredibly disturbing and sad that these acts of terrorism with mass casualties continue to happen in our country.

Lots to unpack in these two short sentences....

1. Are you assuming that conservatives "can't see a problem" with a mass killing? It's sickening.

2. Whether the weapon was "automatic" or "semi-automatic" is one of the things we still don't know for certain unless it has been declared in the past hour, and is a highly relevant fact to deciding what, if any, "gun control" would have prevented this tragedy.

3. We have no credible evidence at this point that this was an act of terrorism by any rational definition of the word. Terrorism is violence driven by a political or social motive. Without such motivation, all mass killing would be considered terrorism, and that is dumb (and yes, let's all acknowledge this is exactly how Nevada law stupidly defines terrorism). This is not a matter of semantics: what constitutes terrorism may determine the type of action taken in response.

I think many conservatives can see the problem, but there is a choice to not address the problem with guns, especially these types of guns that are made simply to kill lots of people quickly. There is no reason sensible gun control legislation can't be drafted and passed in this country.

And per the argument, "gun control wouldn't have prevented this incident", yes you are probably right. And sensible gun control might not prevent it tomorrow, or next year, or even 5 years from now. But gun control legislation and at least partially changing the mindset towards guns, especially guns that only are made to kill lots of people, may prevent another tragedy of this sort 20-30 years from now. I don't believe that people capable of the evil it takes to perform these types of acts are going away, but I do believe that a movement to make it much more difficult to get the types of weapons that can kill on this scale will at least prevent something this terrible in the future.

Finally, I don't know the semantics of what defines terrorism and we can wordsmith it all we want to, but I can't see killing on this scale anything other than a terrorist act, no matter what the motivation.

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Re: Vegas shooting
« Reply #105 on: October 02, 2017, 08:29:39 PM »
I told a guy today what he said was racist, he told me to eff off because he was born that way. :lol:
it’s not like I’m tired of WINNING, but dude, let me catch my breath.

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Re: Vegas shooting
« Reply #106 on: October 02, 2017, 08:32:55 PM »
I'd like to be as thoughtful and measured in my responses as _FAN someday.


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Re: Vegas shooting
« Reply #107 on: October 02, 2017, 08:41:42 PM »
Weren't there numerous eye witness accounts the guy was screaming ala akhbar while murdering people in the gay club immediately after it happened?

This post facto "nobody knew for 3 weeks" seems completely contrived.

Sure, if you completely ignore the time frame and news articles I posted. The initial taking points were hate crime and gun control. Some people shifted the second they heard the dudes name. The motive wasn't revealed until three weeks later, that's a fact, bub.

Eye witnesses v. MIR fake news
goEMAW Karmic BBS Shepherd

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Re: Vegas shooting
« Reply #108 on: October 02, 2017, 08:41:58 PM »
I think all of you are children for arguing over politics when a crap ton of families just had their entire lives changed.  Grow up, idiots.

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Offline K-S-U-Wildcats!

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Re: Vegas shooting
« Reply #109 on: October 02, 2017, 08:42:47 PM »
I don't care how conservative you are, if you can't see a problem when a person can have an automatic weapon (or semi automatic?) and gun down hundreds from a balcony then I don't know how to help you. Its incredibly disturbing and sad that these acts of terrorism with mass casualties continue to happen in our country.

Lots to unpack in these two short sentences....

1. Are you assuming that conservatives "can't see a problem" with a mass killing? It's sickening.

2. Whether the weapon was "automatic" or "semi-automatic" is one of the things we still don't know for certain unless it has been declared in the past hour, and is a highly relevant fact to deciding what, if any, "gun control" would have prevented this tragedy.

3. We have no credible evidence at this point that this was an act of terrorism by any rational definition of the word. Terrorism is violence driven by a political or social motive. Without such motivation, all mass killing would be considered terrorism, and that is dumb (and yes, let's all acknowledge this is exactly how Nevada law stupidly defines terrorism). This is not a matter of semantics: what constitutes terrorism may determine the type of action taken in response.

I think many conservatives can see the problem, but there is a choice to not address the problem with guns, especially these types of guns that are made simply to kill lots of people quickly. There is no reason sensible gun control legislation can't be drafted and passed in this country.

And per the argument, "gun control wouldn't have prevented this incident", yes you are probably right. And sensible gun control might not prevent it tomorrow, or next year, or even 5 years from now. But gun control legislation and at least partially changing the mindset towards guns, especially guns that only are made to kill lots of people, may prevent another tragedy of this sort 20-30 years from now. I don't believe that people capable of the evil it takes to perform these types of acts are going away, but I do believe that a movement to make it much more difficult to get the types of weapons that can kill on this scale will at least prevent something this terrible in the future.

Finally, I don't know the semantics of what defines terrorism and we can wordsmith it all we want to, but I can't see killing on this scale anything other than a terrorist act, no matter what the motivation.

No offense, but these are platitudes and bromides. If you have a specific gun control measure to suggest, or want to discuss somebody else's specific proposal, let's do that. Anybody can say "let's all work together for sensible gun control." It's the specific policy that actually requires some thought. And it is particularly hard to make such s proposal in the wake of this tragedy before we have any idea what weapons he used or how he got them.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, K-State fans could have beheaded the entire KU team at midcourt, and K-State fans would be celebrating it this morning.  They are the ISIS of Big 12 fanbases.

Offline kso_FAN

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Re: Vegas shooting
« Reply #110 on: October 02, 2017, 08:51:26 PM »
Look, I get that there are a massive amount of guns and types of guns out there, so there will be extreme difficulty in legislation. However, it seems logical to me that high caliber weapons that are semi automatic, have large ammunition cartridges/clips, and are simply designed and built to mow down mass amounts of people would be a sensible start. The fact that 59 people are dead and 527 are injured in a very short amount of time would lead me to believe that he wasn't using a bolt action .22 or a 12 gauge shot gun. It doesn't take a ton of logic to imagine the type of weapon that was used to accomplish such carnage, especially after hearing the bursts on the videos. I don't need to know the make and model honestly.

Offline EMAWican

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Re: Vegas shooting
« Reply #111 on: October 02, 2017, 08:53:41 PM »
Things that take me longer to do than buy any gun in Kansas (RL experiences):

Buy a beer at a crowded bar
Fill car up with gas
Get a burger and fries in a drive-thru
Buy Sudafed
Renew driver's license
Get a flu shot/vaccine
Fresh haircut
Setup a new router
Make a pot of coffee
Read a gE thread with WC influence
Google medical aliment and if I'm going to die/pregnant
Go thru checkout line anywhere at 5:30 pm
Drive three blocks
Find phone charger
Take a shower
Verify a God damned new direct deposit account
Make an artesian sandwich
Deciding on what show to Netflix and chill
Make a call to IT at work
Type this stupid ass post

Offline MakeItRain

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Re: Vegas shooting
« Reply #112 on: October 02, 2017, 09:19:59 PM »
Weren't there numerous eye witness accounts the guy was screaming ala akhbar while murdering people in the gay club immediately after it happened?

This post facto "nobody knew for 3 weeks" seems completely contrived.

Sure, if you completely ignore the time frame and news articles I posted. The initial taking points were hate crime and gun control. Some people shifted the second they heard the dudes name. The motive wasn't revealed until three weeks later, that's a fact, bub.

Eye witnesses v. MIR fake news

I don't work for the FBI or Orlando PD.

Offline MakeItRain

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Re: Vegas shooting
« Reply #113 on: October 02, 2017, 09:24:48 PM »
I think all of you are children for arguing over politics when a crap ton of families just had their entire lives changed.  Grow up, idiots.

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1. They're not here, this isn't a thread or board for victims and their families to grieve. If someone, including your hypocritical ass, opens this board and this thread, they know exactly what they're getting.

2. You are absolutely, positively the dead ass last person on this board to stake a moral high ground when it comes to sensitivity to death.

We all will agree on that if it makes you happy.

Offline cfbandyman

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Re: Vegas shooting
« Reply #114 on: October 02, 2017, 09:25:47 PM »
Look, I get that there are a massive amount of guns and types of guns out there, so there will be extreme difficulty in legislation. However, it seems logical to me that high caliber weapons that are semi automatic, have large ammunition cartridges/clips, and are simply designed and built to mow down mass amounts of people would be a sensible start. The fact that 59 people are dead and 527 are injured in a very short amount of time would lead me to believe that he wasn't using a bolt action .22 or a 12 gauge shot gun. It doesn't take a ton of logic to imagine the type of weapon that was used to accomplish such carnage, especially after hearing the bursts on the videos. I don't need to know the make and model honestly.

Overall a lot of this seems sensible, and there can be more done, but I never understand guys like k-s-u's fatalism towards it. There is no (no pun intended) magic bullet to stop these events, bad people will always do bad things, but we can do a lot of things to try to impede, slow down, reduce, and alter amount of high power high ammo count guns. There should be training, background checks, continual licensing and reevaluation to help hopefully weed out and reduce.

Hence also why I post my "nothing could have done to have prevented this says on nation where this occurs on a regular basis" post. We literally do nothing, all the time and it keeps getting worse. It's quite literally the definition of insanity.
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Re: Vegas shooting
« Reply #115 on: October 02, 2017, 09:25:58 PM »
Things that take me longer to do than buy any gun in Kansas (RL experiences):

Buy a beer at a crowded bar
Fill car up with gas
Get a burger and fries in a drive-thru
Buy Sudafed
Renew driver's license
Get a flu shot/vaccine
Fresh haircut
Setup a new router
Make a pot of coffee
Read a gE thread with WC influence
Google medical aliment and if I'm going to die/pregnant
Go thru checkout line anywhere at 5:30 pm
Drive three blocks
Find phone charger
Take a shower
Verify a God damned new direct deposit account
Make an artesian sandwich
Deciding on what show to Netflix and chill
Make a call to IT at work
Type this stupid ass post

You must be proficient in that background check form
goEMAW Karmic BBS Shepherd

Offline EMAWican

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Re: Vegas shooting
« Reply #116 on: October 02, 2017, 09:35:20 PM »
Things that take me longer to do than buy any gun in Kansas (RL experiences):

Buy a beer at a crowded bar
Fill car up with gas
Get a burger and fries in a drive-thru
Buy Sudafed
Renew driver's license
Get a flu shot/vaccine
Fresh haircut
Setup a new router
Make a pot of coffee
Read a gE thread with WC influence
Google medical aliment and if I'm going to die/pregnant
Go thru checkout line anywhere at 5:30 pm
Drive three blocks
Find phone charger
Take a shower
Verify a God damned new direct deposit account
Make an artesian sandwich
Deciding on what show to Netflix and chill
Make a call to IT at work
Type this stupid ass post

You must be proficient in that background check form
It's a one page form for the purchaser with all answers but one being "no".

Offline K-S-U-Wildcats!

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Re: Vegas shooting
« Reply #117 on: October 02, 2017, 09:35:35 PM »
Look, I get that there are a massive amount of guns and types of guns out there, so there will be extreme difficulty in legislation. However, it seems logical to me that high caliber weapons that are semi automatic, have large ammunition cartridges/clips, and are simply designed and built to mow down mass amounts of people would be a sensible start. The fact that 59 people are dead and 527 are injured in a very short amount of time would lead me to believe that he wasn't using a bolt action .22 or a 12 gauge shot gun. It doesn't take a ton of logic to imagine the type of weapon that was used to accomplish such carnage, especially after hearing the bursts on the videos. I don't need to know the make and model honestly.

Overall a lot of this seems sensible, and there can be more done, but I never understand guys like k-s-u's fatalism towards it. There is no (no pun intended) magic bullet to stop these events, bad people will always do bad things, but we can do a lot of things to try to impede, slow down, reduce, and alter amount of high power high ammo count guns. There should be training, background checks, continual licensing and reevaluation to help hopefully weed out and reduce.

Hence also why I post my "nothing could have done to have prevented this says on nation where this occurs on a regular basis" post. We literally do nothing, all the time and it keeps getting worse. It's quite literally the definition of insanity.

You misunderstand my position. I am in favor of sensible gun regulation, but that probably starts with enforcing the laws we already have. For example, it appears that this person was using a fully automatic weapon (not confirmed). We already have very tight regulation to get an license to own such a weapon, so it will be interesting to see how he got one. If he procured it illegally, we would then need to discuss how passing even more onerous laws will prevent people from breaking those laws.

Bottom line is that when someone says "we need more gun control" or "we need common sense gun control" in the wake of these tragedies, I think it is perfectly reasonable to ask "what, specifically, are you proposing, and how would it have prevented this tragedy (or the next one)?" That's not fatalism - it is reasonable inquiry.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, K-State fans could have beheaded the entire KU team at midcourt, and K-State fans would be celebrating it this morning.  They are the ISIS of Big 12 fanbases.

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Re: Vegas shooting
« Reply #118 on: October 02, 2017, 09:38:49 PM »
Will be interesting to see what this Republican congress puts up to answer those questions KSUW.

Offline MakeItRain

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Re: Vegas shooting
« Reply #119 on: October 02, 2017, 09:43:21 PM »

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Re: Vegas shooting
« Reply #120 on: October 02, 2017, 10:05:10 PM »
I’m not a gun expert but I believe that is correct.

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Re: Vegas shooting
« Reply #121 on: October 02, 2017, 10:08:33 PM »
Whether true or not, Hillary's tweet was triple dumb.

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Re: Vegas shooting
« Reply #122 on: October 02, 2017, 10:11:03 PM »
I want to hear more about how the shooter was functioning in real life the last few weeks, months and years with nobody thinking that he seems mumped up and getting him checked out by cops, let alone him being deemed adequate to get guns.

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Re: Vegas shooting
« Reply #123 on: October 02, 2017, 10:21:35 PM »
I think all of you are children for arguing over politics when a crap ton of families just had their entire lives changed.  Grow up, idiots.

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1. They're not here, this isn't a thread or board for victims and their families to grieve. If someone, including your hypocritical ass, opens this board and this thread, they know exactly what they're getting.

2. You are absolutely, positively the dead ass last person on this board to stake a moral high ground when it comes to sensitivity to death.

We all will agree on that if it makes you happy.

You’re not any better than ksuwildcats. You’re both complete dumbasses that type novels to try and win an argument that you will never win. He’s super racist and at a deep level is perfectly ok with that. You’re also racist and also ok with that. So both of you should just stfu, because you’re making me hope that this thread turns into another fanning thread.

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Offline MakeItRain

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Re: Vegas shooting
« Reply #124 on: October 02, 2017, 10:28:46 PM »
I think all of you are children for arguing over politics when a crap ton of families just had their entire lives changed.  Grow up, idiots.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

1. They're not here, this isn't a thread or board for victims and their families to grieve. If someone, including your hypocritical ass, opens this board and this thread, they know exactly what they're getting.

2. You are absolutely, positively the dead ass last person on this board to stake a moral high ground when it comes to sensitivity to death.

We all will agree on that if it makes you happy.

You’re not any better than ksuwildcats. You’re both complete dumbasses that type novels to try and win an argument that you will never win. He’s super racist and at a deep level is perfectly ok with that. You’re also racist and also ok with that. So both of you should just stfu, because you’re making me hope that this thread turns into another fanning thread.

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If you're so offended, why do you keep reading and replying?
Have you ever apologized to people you may have offended when you mocked death just to try to look cool for message board strangers?

Thing is KSUW is standing up for his beliefs, as screwed up as they are. You are a faceless clown that said real regrettable crap about actual people who died for some message board yuks you never got. Now you come onto a politics board to chide people talking politics, you're too stupid to see the hypocrisy and irony.