Justin McNutt, if you insist on continuing this i have lots of questions.
1. If this happened the way you remember, no surprise I don't remember this at all, when the hell did it happen and why are you bringing it up now? If this happened it was literally years ago. It seems this is a periodic and unnecessary stirring of crap.
2. Do you really think that as an anonymous person on the internet, probably wilding out at the time, that you are entitled to truth about other anonymous people's personal lives?
3. What is the point of "MIR would choose a white woman over a black woman so that he'd have more to be angry about?" Is that a sentiment you're proud of? That's pretty embarrassing, Justin McNutt. If you are the beacon of justice and fairness you claim to be that should be something you apologise for and not something you should hold over anyone's head.
4. You started all of this by claiming that I'm "angrier than ever," what? Where does that come from, and what did I say that led you to this conclusion? Seems like you're playing the angry black man card, not so woke, Justin McNutt.