From the comments section on the video
Many many mounds. The mound builders/Mississippians. A lot had skeletons of giants. The Smithsonian has hidden a lot but here's the things about the Smithsonian. It was actually stolen from its founders, Moors. It's not New York, New York. It's New York, Morocco. Things were switched. The heart of lower Egypt was Memphis. Egyptian artifacts found in caves in southern Illinois. The Mississippians passed down stories of seeing Egyptian builders going up the Mississippi. Floods displaced many. I believe the Egyptians came from the Atlantic and part of them went west and others went east into Africa and Khemit (later changed to Egypt by the Roman's). The real Israel was in the grand canyon. Israel and Moab were by the real Red sea. California used to be an island and the body of water inbetween was the Red sea. Assyria was in the area of present day Dakotas, Minnesota. Mesopotamia was in present day Iowa, Illinois, Indiana areas. Original Babylon was in Ohio. Garden of Eden was in northwest Florida. Gopher wood is only found in one place on the planet and that would be nw Florida! Clay tablets with Hebrew writing has been found in several places across these lands too, especially Ohio area. The ancient serpent mound is actually the oldest man-made structure on the planet. Researchers are banned from studying it more. There is also a rock quarry in Ohio and the rock matches up perfectly with what the great pyramids were built with . His-story is the story told to us through the minds of greedy egotistical psychopaths that want control but all empires must fall because the many shouldn't be controlled by the few. Namaste