Decided to get back into Low Stakes Live No Limit at the Casinos again at the beginning of April. I usually play one or two nights a week at KS Star, Mulvane or whatever casino I'm near at the time.
Cliffs: Been playing poker a lot more recently. Been doing pretty good. Played a really, really, bad last night and lost a big pot.
Brag: Ran up $5,300 profits (including dealer tips, booze, food, etc.) in about 90 hours mostly playing 1/3 nl wit a little 1/2 when I was in Vegas. Started w/ initial $450.
Beat: Lost biggest hand of the year (1/3) after I raise $25 from button pre w/ KTo over 4 limpers in straddled pot. 4 players see flop, including drunken gambooler old guy who has been running hot. We both have around $900 effective stacks. Flop ($105ish) comes 4cKh9c. Checks to villain in CO who bets $50. I see this as weak and either some 9x, TPWK hand, or flush draw. Instead of raising, I go passive and just call hoping jam villain's turn bet. All others fold.
Turn ($205) brings 10d, giving me two pair and completing a straight draw, which I'm not too worried about. Villain, instead of continuing smallish as he had done leads for $200. I'd planned on raising, but bigger bet through me for a loop. Range now looks more like two pairs, TPTK, Pair+draws, but includes sets, a miracle straight and frusterated club draw. With added showdown equity I elect again to just call rather than jam like originally planned.
River ($605) is just a terribad card for me. Jc. Straights and flushes abound and counterfits my two-pair against KJ, but convince myself there are still many hands in this villain's rainge that I can beat, including turning pairs+busted draws into bluffs, worse two pairs, etc. Villain has gotten increasingly drunk in the last 45 minutes or so. He looks at me and slurs "you gotta pair?" I do this

. He mutters something under his breath then says "I'm just going all in." It's like $625. Because (wrongly) of what I've described earlier I convince myself to call. Terribly played the entire way by me.
Variance: Villain hangs his head and slams cards on the table face up. Guy next to him says "two clubs." Villain looks up, looks at cards and rakes pot. I muck. He had 82cc.
Villain staggers out 15 minutes later with all my chips.