update 02-03-2014: Orange Tang motion picture:
please comment and share it.
random release: 1-7-14, RYU:
http://f14life.com/rrryu/random release: 1-1-14, video blog,
http://f14life.com/abexrico/random release: 12-17-2013, Santa baby remake:
http://f14life.com/rrf14baby/random release: 12-13-2013, includes kanye west rant,
http://www.f14life.com/rr4kanye Random release 12-03-13: F14 LIFE episode 2: Insomniac Visionaire show.
http://f14life.com/fl02ivRandom Release: Insomniac Visionaire 11-26-2013
Only a small percentage of people have the ability to envision. This small percentage includes all the movers, shakers, entrepreneurs, business builders, artists, musicians, and creators of all kinds. To think like an IV (Insomniac Visionaire), you must practice designing each aspect of your life. Start by picturing that you have no boundaries on what you can be, what you can do, or what you can have. I.V’s are successful at manifesting their visions, basing their leadership on an inspirational, positive portrait of the future, and having a clear sense of navigation as to how to fly there. The song below is an expression of my Insomnia Vision for F14.
http://f14life.com/rriv/Random Release: Justice League 11-19-2013
The creating experience, for us, is an unparalleled flight into the untamed higher plane of music directly from intuition. It’s soaring clear of the foreseen and expected. It’s an endeavor into sonic colors that form an image in the mind where no rules apply read more & listen here: