Author Topic: Official Missouri Regrets leaving Big 12 but Tries Really Hard to Justify Thread  (Read 226260 times)

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Offline WildcatNkilt

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This topic needs its own thread.  This summer will be flooded with posts like this:

Dear Kansas City sports media....Please F-ing STOP...
Fescue this morning was the latest one..."With what we know now, did Missouri make the right decision to go to the SEC..."

What is going on now, wouldn't be going on now, if Missouri and A&M didn't leave for the SEC in the first place. The only reason the Big 12 has any credibility at all right now is because the SEC, and Slive in particular, is giving it to them. The Big 12 can go ahead and get FSU and ND and become the second best football conference in America behind the SEC. WE DON'T CARE!!! The Big 12 can implode and be split up into the Pac, the ACC, and the Moutain West. WE DON'T CARE!!! Missouri's move to the SEC was the right thing to do at the time, it is right move now, and it will be the right move 20 years from now. MISSOURI IS IN THE SEC! WE ARE GLAD WE ARE IN THE SEC! WE AREN'T LEAVING THE SEC! GET OVER IT ALREADY!!

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Offline wes mantooth

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mods, please move to the cigar thread, thanks.

Offline WildcatNkilt

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ND's best move would be to join SEC   :dubious:

Yeah, yeah, I know it will never happen.

ND could be a full member right away, and just walk away with no exit fees if it doesn't work out. Their other options will lock them into long term agreements.

Big 10

Natural fit
Many rivalries maintained
Best culture fit

Goes against ND trying to be a National Brand.
Could become Purdue with a better fight song.
Church issues with stem-cell research in Big 10
Recruiting could get harder as a regional player in a poor recruiting region
Weakest football of the Big Four
No Tier 3 rights

Big 12

If FSU and Clemson join, more national
Tier 3 rights

The Cancer of Bevo
GoR will lock them in for years   :ohno:
Ames, Stillwater, Lubbock
Stability is still in question   :confused:
Academics - lost NU, CU, MU and A&M. WV, TCU, FSU add nothing.   :shakesfist:


Full member right away
Can always just walk away w/o exit fees if it does work out
Best football conference
Best money and most stable
Tier 3 rights
SEC Network
Gives SEC an even bigger TV market

Not a culture fit
Academics (but not as bad a Big 12)   :facepalm:
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Offline WildcatNkilt

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mods, please move to the cigar thread, thanks.

No, denied.  No need to flood it with this crap.
Kansas City Blue Barbecue fan.

Offline WildcatNkilt

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They are ks cry babies up there. They know we made

The right choice. They are just trying to make themselves feel superior once gain. If they didn't care they wouldn't talk about it. I don't care if the original teams where still in the B12, or, if they added ND,FSU, USC and MI. I'd still rather be in the SEC. The SEC threw them a bone after the ACC sided with the B10 and P12. Now they talk like they own the country. Very amusing.
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Offline Dugout DickStone

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Couple of pretty big MU donors in my office have already admitted (in private) that they regret the move.  I think they are looking at asking to get back in when the 4 team super confys are established.

Offline WildcatNkilt

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They call BITB "KeKe", and he has really got into their heads. 
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Offline WildcatNkilt

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Agree and it it really shouldn't even be up for discussion..

The fact that UT calls all the shots, and we've never been able to trust UT, justifies the move in and of itself. Not matter what the Big 12 ever does, those facts will never change.

Losing NU, CU, and A&M were also huge factors. NU was becoming a really good rivalry in football. There is nobody in close proximity that could ever replace that. IMO, Arkansas/MU will become a great rivalry in a very short time.

We had an opportunity to go to the greatest conference in college sports as an equal member from day 1. The prestige, exposure, and $$$, would never have been matched in the Big 12, or any other conference. Even if the B12 added ND, FSU, Clemson, VaTech, GaTech, it still isn't even close to what the SEC has to offer.

For once the stars aligned just right for MU, and somehow we ended up in the SfrigginEC! We didn't just win the war, won the damn lottery!

Yet you offered to give the Big 10 a blowie to join?  Made SEC 2nd choice?   :nono:
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Offline WildcatNkilt

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exactly. Big 12 will be the 4th best conference no matter
what they do. Even if they get Notre Dame they're maybe 3rd best.

ND, FSU, and Clemson would still only make us 3rd best?   :embarrassed:  We're so small-timey.
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Offline mcmwcat

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grant of rights is now bad  :dunno:

Offline WildcatNkilt

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Let's play ball. I don't care, b'cuz I'm going to Knoxville

in November, not Mancrappin. We did the right thing. The jealous bastard who said he wouldn't talk about us on his radio show is still talking about us. We have the 11th best class for 2013 & we wouldn't have that if we didn't make the move. We haven't even played a game and we're the envy of the KC metro area. I can't wait for UGA and onward.

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Offline Dugout DickStone

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MU fans talk about the Big 12 SO much now.  It is constant.  Nothing like calling the ex girlfriend 6 thousand times a day to tell her you are over her.  The proof is, MU regrets it.  It is obvious.

Offline jmlynch1

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Mizzou'r just told me he hoped we go to four 16 mega conferences so that all teams get reassigned regionally. Just said, "I can never see myself driving down to Fayetteville, let alone Gainesville."
« Last Edit: May 23, 2012, 11:12:26 AM by jmlynch1 »

Offline Dugout DickStone

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"Have you ever been to Columbia, SC?  No way am I making that trip!"

Offline sonofdaxjones

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"Have you ever been to Columbia, SC?  No way am I making that trip!"

They’ve romanticized the SEC into every town being these incredible collegial settings, with football stadiums shrouded in Magnolia Trees and Mossy Oaks.   About the only place that really fits is Ole Miss.   I know the game days at many of those places is pretty awesome, but overall, many of those towns and campuses just aren't that great.


Offline Dugout DickStone

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"Have you ever been to Columbia, SC?  No way am I making that trip!"

They’ve romanticized the SEC into every town being these incredible collegial settings, with football stadiums shrouded in Magnolia Trees and Mossy Oaks.   About the only place that really fits is Ole Miss.   I know the game days at many of those places is pretty awesome, but overall, many of those towns and campuses just aren't that great.

They will really enjoy Fayettville

Offline jmlynch1

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"Have you ever been to Columbia, SC?  No way am I making that trip!"

They’ve romanticized the SEC into every town being these incredible collegial settings, with football stadiums shrouded in Magnolia Trees and Mossy Oaks.   About the only place that really fits is Ole Miss.   I know the game days at many of those places is pretty awesome, but overall, many of those towns and campuses just aren't that great.
Wait till SkinBen gets in here and starts reliving his two years in Baton Rouge

Offline slobber

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They only think they regret it now. Just wait until they come back to the Big 12 with their tail between their legs and they have to change their mascot since we will already have a tiger in the conference.

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ND's best move would be to join SEC   :dubious:

Yeah, yeah, I know it will never happen.

Big 10

Natural fit
Many rivalries maintained
Best culture fit

yup, when people think of ND, they definitely think of a group of uneducated, toothless, swamp living hayseeds.

Cheesy Mustache QB might make an appearance.

New warning: Don't get in a fight with someone who doesn't even need to bother to buy ink.

Offline SkinnyBenny

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"Have you ever been to Columbia, SC?  No way am I making that trip!"

They’ve romanticized the SEC into every town being these incredible collegial settings, with football stadiums shrouded in Magnolia Trees and Mossy Oaks.   About the only place that really fits is Ole Miss.   I know the game days at many of those places is pretty awesome, but overall, many of those towns and campuses just aren't that great.
Wait till SkinBen gets in here and starts reliving his two years in Baton Rouge

It was three years and it was miserable. Place is a rough ridin' dump.
"walking around mhk and crying in the rain because of love lost is the absolute purest and best thing in the world.  i hope i fall in love during the next few weeks and get my heart broken and it starts raining just to experience it one last time."   --Dlew12

Offline deputy dawg

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SEC = High White Trash Quotient = Good Fit For Moo.  They should feel right at home, they were the doofus school in the conference in the Big 12.

« Last Edit: May 23, 2012, 01:35:18 PM by deputy dawg »

Offline Dugout DickStone

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SEC = High White Trash Quotient = Good Fit For Moo.  They should feel right at home, they were the doofus school in the conference in the Big 12.

They will obviously fit in, but a little worse at football and a little better at wrasslin.

Offline AbeFroman

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I just say a guy in a Mizzou shirt standing on the 12th street bridge looking at the run down building in the West Bottoms with the Big XII logo painted on the side of it. A single tear rolled down his cheek.

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I just say a guy in a Mizzou shirt standing on the 12th street bridge looking at the run down building in the West Bottoms with the Big XII logo painted on the side of it. A single tear rolled down his cheek.

man i wish i knew you were down there Abe, i would have had you pick up a package for me that i have waiting at the UPS warehouse on James St.

Cheesy Mustache QB might make an appearance.

New warning: Don't get in a fight with someone who doesn't even need to bother to buy ink.

Offline WildcatNkilt

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All has beens....

I expect OU to fall into that same category sooner than later. I put KSU, KU, and ISU on that list, but you've just never been.....period.

MU calling out OU as a soon-to-be has been? I mean I don't even...
Kansas City Blue Barbecue fan.