Author Topic: All the bickering back and forth  (Read 910 times)

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Offline SdK

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All the bickering back and forth
« on: March 07, 2012, 03:15:50 PM »
Parties and candidates aside, if you could build your perfect candidate for President, what would be your top 10 list of qualities, characteristics, and ideals? They don't need to be in any particular order. I'm trying to take it away from everyone attacking and defending candidates and actually talking about issues that we believe and hold near and dear. It's easy to throw stones.

I'll start:

1. Great and articulate speaker
2. Not a career politician.
3. Allow abortion in the first trimester, with a cap at 2. If you go in for your third, you will be doing so under the notion that you will also be sterilized during the procedure. I believe there are times when abortion is necessary, good even, but if you can't display good judgement and are using abortion as a quick out, you don't need to be raising children. There is the morning after pill and safe sex after all. (exceptions to this rule would be rape, incest, etc.)
4. You get four years of welfare, and then that's it. Four years is plenty of time to make something of yourself. You can become and RN in two. If you have to take a job that makes you lessen your lifestyle, tough crap.
5. People wanting to have children should have to display adequate income, stability, and common sense before having a child.
6. Mandatory 3 years of civil service from the ages of 18-25. Can be helping your community, mission trips, military service, or something else that I can't think of at the moment) After this you can receive a full ride to any instate institution that you gain acceptance. Or the yearly tuition rate of a public college in your state, taken off of your fees should you go out of state. Or if you don't want to go to college, you can get the 4year tuition in money given in yearly stipends.
7. Declaring war is done by popular vote of the troops after watching a film of the President explaining the pros and cons of going to war. Exemption is if a neighboring country is being invaded or invading us.

I guess this is a mix of what I want in a President and the way I wish things were done. Feel free to take the same liberty. Realizing that I only had three left and was coming up with them on the fly, I'm going to take some time before filling in the final 3. Also they are not all extremely well thought out and I know it won't be hard to take issue and poke holes in them.

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Offline LickNeckey

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Re: All the bickering back and forth
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2012, 03:18:10 PM »
1. be willing to "put a boot in their ass"
2. be someone i could "have a beer with"
3. someone who received no higher than an 8th grade education so they wouldn't be elitist snobs corrupted by the liberal education system.

that is all

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Re: All the bickering back and forth
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2012, 03:20:37 PM »
It would be cool if, like after 6 months or a year, the voters got the chance to reaffirm their vote. If the Pres is a douche hat, then he gets voted out and the 2nd place guy gets a chance. 

Offline LickNeckey

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All the bickering back and forth
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2012, 03:31:14 PM »
You want a PM

Offline Rage Against the McKee

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Re: All the bickering back and forth
« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2012, 03:34:44 PM »
1. Somebody who would reduce the size of our military to something manageable
2. Somebody who would legalize anything that doesn't directly harm other people (drugs, gay marriage, etc.)
3. Somebody who at least acknowledges that we have a shitty health care system
4. Somebody who will fix the federal pay grade so that valuable employees can be paid more and worthless employees can be replaced with cheaper help
5. Somebody who understands that there is a reason we left the gold standard and that it's a really bad idea to go back now
6. Somebody who is willing to expand nuclear power
7. Somebody who will reduce welfare benefits
8. Somebody who is willing to use the federal budget to fund large interstate projects (high-speed rail, interstate system, pipelines, canals, etc.)
9. Somebody who will stop allowing companies who ship jobs overseas to write off their taxes paid overseas from their federal taxes.
10. Somebody who realizes that businesses creating huge environmental disasters would be a bigger problem than the EPA regulating businesses

Offline OK_Cat

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Re: All the bickering back and forth
« Reply #5 on: March 07, 2012, 03:38:27 PM »
OP sounds like a dbag who has never lived in the real world.

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Re: All the bickering back and forth
« Reply #6 on: March 07, 2012, 04:43:28 PM »
1. Somebody who would reduce the size of our military to something manageable
2. Somebody who would legalize anything that doesn't directly harm other people (drugs, gay marriage, etc.)
3. Somebody who at least acknowledges that we have a shitty health care system
4. Somebody who will fix the federal pay grade so that valuable employees can be paid more and worthless employees can be replaced with cheaper help
5. Somebody who understands that there is a reason we left the gold standard and that it's a really bad idea to go back now
6. Somebody who is willing to expand nuclear power
7. Somebody who will reduce welfare benefits
8. Somebody who is willing to use the federal budget to fund large interstate projects (high-speed rail, interstate system, pipelines, canals, etc.)
9. Somebody who will stop allowing companies who ship jobs overseas to write off their taxes paid overseas from their federal taxes.
10. Somebody who realizes that businesses creating huge environmental disasters would be a bigger problem than the EPA regulating businesses
Hyperbolic partisan duplicitous hypocrite