Construction may not take a wealth of intelligence. It does require smarts to be able to do stuff across the board. Of course you can break projects into small enough pieces that any idiot can do the work, much like an assembly line. In order to be able to do a complete project, like building a house from scratch, require intelligence. I worked construction for four years and it was the most satisfying work I have ever done in my entire life. Granted, I became tired of the vast amounts of idiots that you will find on the job site, and that is why I am going back to school.
I do take pride in knowing that the rest of my life and I "man" it up and get crap down in a handyman sense. I do laugh at men that cannot do these things. Much like I laugh at men that do not enjoy sports. Everyone likes to spin things in a manner that reflects positively on themselves.
As far as knocking the work, like I said earlier in this thread, I went from being an 8 dollar an hour unskilled working to 3 years later making 48k a year and having the company pay my rent as well. It is a field that is easy to knock, but also one that you can easily move up in because you are not an idiot. Saying the CEO and his secretary are equals is like saying all who do construction are equals.