Author Topic: GOP debate in Ames, Iowa...  (Read 4287 times)

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Re: GOP debate in Ames, Iowa...
« Reply #25 on: August 12, 2011, 08:12:34 PM »
If the republicans really want to beat Obama in 2012 they need to nominate Ron Paul.

The repubs will vote for him just because it says Republican next to his name and he isn't Obama
The ones disenchanted with both parties will vote for him because he talks more sense than any politician out there. (not that he still doesn't have his faults)
The younger crowd will vote for him, it is crazy how many people my age talk about him. College kids love him.
The stoners will go vote for him because he promises to legalize drugs on a federal level, freeing up states to legalize medical marijuana.
And disgruntled liberals who acknowledge Obama is just a puppet for the Liberal Machine will vote for him because he can appeal to them with some of his policies.

In a straight up presidential election I could at least see a chance of him winning, same can't be said for Romney, Bachmann and Perry.

Just like in high school, these people can't be counted on.  If they do show up, it will be waaaaaayyyy too late, and they'll just be looking for you to acknowledge that despite their shortcomings they had the right intentions.   :facepalm:
goEMAW Karmic BBS Shepherd