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Re: Fall 2020 Prediction Thread
« Reply #25 on: August 26, 2020, 12:26:47 PM »
First of my favorite restaurants to announce they have permanently closed.  Probably ate here 3 times a month :(   :bawl:
Another sad one:


Offline Phil Titola

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Re: Fall 2020 Prediction Thread
« Reply #26 on: September 16, 2020, 12:03:32 PM »
Week early but I think we can see to the 22nd.

Here's mine
What does the United States look like on September 22nd, 2020:

* Did you get it?
* What sports are being planned in what configuration (no fans, etc)
Baseball playing their 82 game schedule, college football pushed to spring, NFL playing without fans - way too pessimistic phil!
* Are all/some schools back in person session?
Schools are all back in session in person - not all
* Is your work experience back to fairly normal?  Feels pretty much like it did in January 2020
Most of my office still working from home as is our current plan but have 50%+ back in their normal offices - plan was pushed like everybody's was
* What did your summer travel end up being?  Take a flight?
Drove to some national parks, no flying
* Do you have any plans to travel the rest of 2020?
Vegas in October and no plans to cancel - cancelled
* How many US deaths?
110,000 - wishful thinking  :frown:
* Do we have a national plan of action for tracing, quarantining any flareups? 
No.  All state plans. 
* Any major political changes?
* Where are we on a vaccine? antibody test? infection test?
Vaccine still being dangled but not much closer.  Antibody test starting to roll out widely.  Infection test is about in every doctor office/CVS and is quick. - too pessimistic on vaccines, too optimistic we could get our testing crap together.
* Is there some sort of "miracle" therapeutic in action knocking down how impactful this is?
No miracle but have developed a cocktail that knocks it down pretty well if you go to the hospital
* Have your favorite restaurants went out of business?
Yes, a few downtown closed, a few are fighting through - better than anticipated, Nara biggest loss downtown so far
* Have you went back to your gym?
Yes.  Went back in July - June
* Where are you at with personal gatherings?  Unlimited?  Only low risk people?
Pretty unlimited but not many big gatherings happening. Basically hanging out with a few family/friends in small groups

Offline cfbandyman

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Re: Fall 2020 Prediction Thread
« Reply #27 on: September 16, 2020, 12:26:09 PM »
What does the United States look like on September 22nd, 2020:

* Did you get it?
Probably, would be more surprised at that point to not have gotten it
* What sports are being planned in what configuration (no fans, etc)
Pro more or less back to normal but not fans, NCAA tries but it's ultimately delayed
* Are all/some schools back in person session
Split, some states yes, some states no
* Is your work experience back to fairly normal?
We try and go back, but some rolling bouts make it be still tenuous. Lots of testing just to get in the door for everyone
* What did your summer travel end up being?  Take a flight?
Well have/had a trip planned to Italy about the time this is supposed to come to fruition. I don't expect Italy to allow us to go, nor would we take the chance. It gets pushed to 2021. Small road trips to more desolate areas around KS/MO taken
* Do you have any plans to travel the rest of 2020?
Other than work, probably not, and work continues to do road trips as much as possible.
* How many US deaths?
* Do we have a national plan of action for tracing, quarantining any flareups? 
In some states yes, but lol at getting anything done on a national level
* Any major political changes?
Giant fight over mail in voting that ultimately goes no where. Most people distraught over voting in November, nothing major really happens to that point
* Where are we on a vaccine? antibody test? infection test?
Vaccine still a few months out but a several trials underway, antibody testing fairly widespread as is infection testing
* Is there some sort of "miracle" therapeutic in action knocking down how impactful this is?
Probably not, would be more surprised if something comes up than not. I think more hospitals are able to handle some of the waves but it's a very busy and disheartening group of hospital workers at that point
* Have your favorite restaurants went out of business?
As long as Homer's coffee, the peanut, and jack stack are there, I'm good
* Have you went back to your gym?
Gym is at work, so see work answer, but I continue to do pull ups, push ups, dips, and running to keep in decent shape
* Where are you at with personal gatherings?  Unlimited?  Only low risk people?
We go through fits of groups and not, personal gatherings stay very limited, even if you can go bigger, lots of people still in general either worried/not in a take risk mode, but more willing in general to get out and about

Still a week off, but literally everything there happened, except me getting it (still have week to see if I come down with it!), and testing at work (though we have antibody).
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Re: Fall 2020 Prediction Thread
« Reply #28 on: September 16, 2020, 12:28:21 PM »
What does the United States look like on September 22nd, 2020:

* Did you get it?
:crossfingers: except not smiling so big
* What sports are being planned in what configuration (no fans, etc)
Hope, but dunno for college/pro. pretty sure most youth/school should be going. this is more important than pro imo.
pretty much. more pro and college than i figured
* Are all/some schools back in person session
Most. I fear eventual shutdown in late fall/winter
fingers crossed to avoid shutdown, local schools are "Hybrid" with a home only option. my kid is hybtid
* Is your work experience back to fairly normal?  Feels pretty much like it did in January 2020.
driving - yes, poker - doubtful. casino may be open, but not the same. oh well online and mobile still avail.
poker room closed, dunno if will reopen, driving still good. wife been work from home since march, gonna go back to office three days/ week soon apparently. pretty empty office
* What did your summer travel end up being?  Take a flight?
No clue, flights less likely.
Didn't really travel at all. My dad flew in twice.
* Do you have any plans to travel the rest of 2020?
trip to Jamaica planned for early sept. not sure if will happen
* How many US deaths?
dunno, I voted 200k in one of the death polls
* Do we have a national plan of action for tracing, quarantining any flareups? 

* Any major political changes?
* Where are we on a vaccine? antibody test? infection test?
antibody and infection tests prob way better, more efficient. prob not to far on vaccine.
* Is there some sort of "miracle" therapeutic in action knocking down how impactful this is?
prob some things that help. prob will be pretty politicized
i think above answer works for both of the questions. i think its pretty accurate too
* Have your favorite restaurants went out of business?
prob not
* Have you went back to your gym?
just this week actually, early morning, pretty empty then anyway, nicname jr and nicname are mask wearers mostly
* Where are you at with personal gatherings?  Unlimited?  Only low risk people?
imo limiting them is prob best for now. hopefully things get better by then.
we've done baseball, heading into flag football, eat out on patios decently often. outside is best imo
If there was a gif of nicname thwarting the attempted-flag-taker and then gesturing him to suck it, followed by motioning for all of Hilton Shelter to boo him louder, it'd be better than that auburn gif.