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Messages - Paul Moscow

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 74
Kansas State Football / Re: Football Recruiting Thread
« on: June 28, 2024, 07:38:11 PM »
if you're smart enough to get into stanford you're smart enough to know to go to stanford

Jerome Tang Coaches Kansas State Basketball / Re: Master Dudes Thread
« on: December 14, 2023, 07:59:45 PM »
It’s tough to pull kids out of MO with the laws they passed allowing kids to get NIL money sooner if they commit in-state

It will be until they figure out they can just commit to Mizzou and then back out later without paying anything back.

a lot of these NIL deals are binding. not sure what mizzou's deal is but if you think a bunch of rich white guys are gonna hand a bunch of poor black kids money with no strings attached then you haven't america'd one day in your life


The support for tiny d on this board is the same as across the nation.  vanishing.

He is learning you can't run on culture war homophobia alone. 

Go anti-woke, go broke

Hold on a sec, you've left the qult already??

I have always been full on small government, free market maga bro.  at least since the schism

study on the link between persons creating usernames with some uncreative usage of "dick" and conservatism

Jerome Tang Coaches Kansas State Basketball / Re: #NBADraft
« on: June 23, 2023, 04:21:01 PM »
If you were to re-draft the 1988 class Mitch Richmond would have been the #1 overall pick instead of #5

IDK if any of you keep up with John Kurtz Youtube channel but he has a source that Colorado is already in talks with the Big 12 and that a deal is near finalizing

is the source barry tramel who said he has a source?

Other Sports (Tiger's Back) / Re: CHIEFS
« on: April 28, 2023, 12:04:03 PM »
too bad that the kansas city kitty couldn’t have made his way to the union station for the draft

apparently he did for the early picks, then went home to be with family

He probably went home bc he realized attending the draft is dumb

he wasn't invited into the green room you nimrods. he was wandering around in the grass like all the other people there to watch then went home to see if his name was called.

everyone is forgetting a team and I think you're doing it purpose. put some respect on Villanova's name for chrissakes

what's the word on N'Guessan? feel like this game is gonna get very big 12 foul-y in the second half, would be good to have him

Kansas State Football / Re: Portal Kombat
« on: January 07, 2023, 12:04:31 AM »


South Carolina, Auburn, Colorado and Arizona State are other schools rumored to be in contact with Ward since he entered the portal

wow suck it you less attractive programs

Man, I love him so much. Someone needs to tell him that he can and should be getting paid to do that.

Part of what makes this special is because he doesn't get paid.  Why ruin it?  He'll get his payday soon enough.  Lord.
Yes! Jesus Christ - if we are getting to the point of appearance fees for 10-year old birthday parties than y'all can eff right off.

Yeah, it's cool that he's doing this now. It was a two sentence post that you two managed to miss the first sentence of while getting outraged.

However, the more he does this the more people will expect it. You guys ever meet a college athlete? Their time is extremely valuable. However, he needs to know that it's perfectly okay to be more protective of his time and not listen to people who will shame him when he inevitably does.

one of the weirdest things about college football fans is that they will watch 4 hours of amateur, uncompensated athletes ritually harming their brains for a cartel every saturday then turn around and say that players finally being compensated ruins the wholesomeness.

dude, we've been shipping these guys out to scott city and crap for fundraising events, autograph sessions and meet/greets with donors in MHK, open practices, *unpaid* all in an effort to make our program more flush with cash, STFU. if a player wants to charge $75 an hour to show up at your dumb kids birthday party and that bothers you then take it up w/ capitalism, not sure what to tell you

Other Sports (Tiger's Back) / Re: The Royals
« on: December 14, 2022, 07:40:59 PM »
It seems really stupid to build a ball park district when p&l is already there

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

why? the proximity to the ballpark already beats the crap out of P&L, fans can park (or walk from their apartments) and get to the amenities easily before the game like in SD, where the area around Petco is popping several hours beforehand

the real differentiator vs P&L though, is that there will also be 100's of residential units associated with this project and I'd hope that the new district would have amenities targeted to people that actually live there vs P&L which was built for transient office workers and Fri/Sat night crowds

He's such a downgrade. We didn't discuss him painting eff Utah on his fingernails.

Him and Lincoln are two peas in a pod and epitomize the worst of the NIL open transfer era.

Crazy to see the inverse of this with Rattler’s evolution from HS to OU to SoCar.

what was the problem with him transferring to the school his head coach went to? seems like it was a smart decision given his success in that system, his stats are ridiculous, and the fact that he's probably the #1 pick in the 2024 draft

Kansas State Football / Re: How good is Will Howard???
« on: November 15, 2022, 09:25:55 PM »
my predicto is that Will Howitzer goes down in the TCU game and AM comes in and runs all over the place to win the pepp'

Kansas State Football / Re: Football Recruiting Thread
« on: October 06, 2022, 01:19:49 PM »
if we're not airing it out with AM we're probably not going to air it out with AJ. which is really discouraging. because we need to recruit so many more wr's than rb's, and the difference in skill level between wr is way wider than rb.

We are absolutely going to air it out with AJ. If we don’t he will find a team who will. It’s the reason we got Andre Davis and any chance we have of flipping Manning.

i'm hopeful that we will but I wouldn't say that we're "absolutely" going to change our offense from majority run to majority pass over the course of a single summer
We have a good running QB who built a legacy at NU for turning it over and a Heisman candidate RB. It would be malpractice not to call a majority of runs with what we have.

right but this suggests that our coaches simply select an offense that matches the skillset on the roster each summer vs recruiting players that match their preferred offensive scheme. its definitely the latter. AM and Deuce aren't succeeding at KSU because we decided to not be Oregon for a season, they're succeeding because our system matches them (and they're good).

I guess my concern is that even if we adjusted our current offensive scheme it won't be a complete match with AJ's skillset and he might struggle or risk injury from being ran into the defensive line over and over

Kansas State Football / Re: Football Recruiting Thread
« on: October 06, 2022, 12:54:51 PM »
if we're not airing it out with AM we're probably not going to air it out with AJ. which is really discouraging. because we need to recruit so many more wr's than rb's, and the difference in skill level between wr is way wider than rb.

We are absolutely going to air it out with AJ. If we don’t he will find a team who will. It’s the reason we got Andre Davis and any chance we have of flipping Manning.

i'm hopeful that we will but I wouldn't say that we're "absolutely" going to change our offense from majority run to majority pass over the course of a single summer

CK will have a field day with Avery’s abilities. There’s absolutely no need for a battering ram offense.

This reminds me of Herm Edwards when, after being named HC of the chiefs, swore up and down that he wouldn't force his ball control, running-based offensive playbook onto a very successful Dick Vermeil unit. The following year Larry Johnson broke the record for carries in a season and was never the same again

I wouldn't use "adaptable" to describe CK so far, hopefully that changes

Kansas State Football / Re: Texas Tech game thread
« on: October 01, 2022, 01:38:21 PM »

Kansas State Football / Re: Texas Tech game thread
« on: October 01, 2022, 01:36:31 PM »

Kansas State Football / Re: Texas Tech game thread
« on: October 01, 2022, 01:12:52 PM »
not sure why we can't run deuce out of the i-formation

nice call Paul

Kansas State Football / Re: Texas Tech game thread
« on: October 01, 2022, 12:01:56 PM »
not sure why we can't run deuce out of the i-formation

Kansas State Football / Re: Texas Tech game thread
« on: October 01, 2022, 11:39:44 AM »
feels like AM is cooking at every level and yet CK doesn't want to let him sling it on 3rd and medium.

Kansas State Football / Re: Football
« on: September 30, 2022, 02:10:50 PM »

I’m beginning to think that Adrian Martinez may actually be a legitimate Heisman Trophy candidate. He got a lot of attention as the four year starter at Nebraska and there seems to be a lot of national interest in his career this year.

lol. C’mon man, I’m on a roll.  You have to admit, it is unusual for a Kansas State quarterback to get this much national pub.  There seems to be a buzz.

I can't speak about outkick but Skylar got the same weekly awards and a lot of attention from national and niche media sites after he beat OU. Honestly, it's a bit of a backhand compliment when the media freaks out so much every time we beat those dirt farmers.
All right. You talked me off the ledge. Once again, you are the voice of reason.

this is well beyond the attention Skylar got. Adrian Martinez was the #1 trending topic on twitter for 2 hrs sat night. it was probably the most attention k-state football has had since 2012

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