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Messages - Sandstone Outcropping

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 358
Other Sports (Tiger's Back) / Re: Summer Olympics thread
« on: Today at 03:07:59 PM »
I will root for Noah Lyles because USA but after watching SPRINT on Netflix I won't enjoy it.  He tries to bring the swag and confidence like Usain Bolt but he has none of Bolt's charisma. He's very fast though.
Lyles is awesome and I will be cheering for sure but Usain Bolt was just an entirely different entity. An actual GOAT. The GOAT-iest of all GOATs.

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: LIBGUY
« on: Today at 02:44:46 PM »
KCUR workers uniting to keep their evil capitalist overlords from forcing them to slave at a hot blast furnace for 18 hrs a day:

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: LOL TRUMP
« on: Today at 02:33:57 PM »

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: Who is JD Vance?
« on: Today at 01:04:09 PM »

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: Charlottesville
« on: Today at 12:04:27 PM »
great job of restoring our nation's soul by biden and the democrats.
these shitbags should be deported directly to Iran

Other Sports (Tiger's Back) / Re: Summer Olympics thread
« on: Today at 12:02:07 PM »
KSU athletes in the Olympics:
Interesting. Thanks. I had forgotten about the whole Romero saga

Word on the street is Beef-A-Roo is close to opening?
Hawaiian Bros Island Grill going in off hwy24 next to Canes.
Whataburger in the old BK in aggieville??
Beef-A-Roo has been close to opening for over a year now. Never seems like a good omen when a place sits in limbo like that.
That building was absolute crap is/was the main reason. Think it sold for around $300k
It seems like if there is a new national franchise coming in, they normally just tear down the existing building and put up their own. I guess there are a lot of Pizza Huts out there that have been re-tooled for Mexican restaurants or Chinese buffets.

That reminds me. I got to eat at the Mexican place that they put into the former Nelson's Landing building in Leonardville. It was pretty good. Had their fried tacos. Would go again if I'm in the area.

Other Sports (Tiger's Back) / Re: Summer Olympics thread
« on: Today at 11:12:13 AM »
Wish I could watch, probably catch a replay. Having the athletes go down the Seine seems really cool.
Have they made a final determination on whether the Seine is safe for swimming?

Watched some more Diamond League Track last night. TV announcers (as well as an army of bots on Facebook) are trying to hype Femke Bol as a rival to our glorious Syd, lol. She will be lucky to be over the last hurdle before Syd starts her world record Gold medal victory celebration.

Other Sports (Tiger's Back) / Re: Summer Olympics thread
« on: Today at 11:08:44 AM »
Oh man, thanks Sandstone. I would have missed it thinking it was at 4pm or something like an idiot. Maybe later!
Glad I could help! Thought there might be some posters without access to Google.

I'm sure I would have seen it on Twitter at some point this afternoon and then tuned in, but I'm happy to now have the opportunity to watch the whole thing. And Mrs. Stevesie is very appreciative as well.

Unrelated, how much do you think a global commercial would cost? I'm assuming every country has their own commercials that play only in their country. But couldn't some billionaire pay for 30 seconds of ad time and just give a PSA or something if they really wanted to?
Maybe multiply the cost of a 30 sec SuperBowl slot x 3?

Other Sports (Tiger's Back) / Re: Summer Olympics thread
« on: Today at 10:39:28 AM »
Oh man, thanks Sandstone. I would have missed it thinking it was at 4pm or something like an idiot. Maybe later!
Glad I could help! Thought there might be some posters without access to Google.

Other Sports (Tiger's Back) / Re: Summer Olympics thread
« on: Today at 09:43:40 AM »
Opening ceremony starts at 12:30 today!

It seems the GOP’s position is to let those immigrant dependent companies and industries fail and stop artificially propping them up with government assistance via immigration exceptions.

Ending socialism has costs and the GOP is telling us that Americans are ready to incur those costs. If that means no more meat, then so be it.

I say we go for it and let the GOP have their way.
Ted Cruz says Kamala can pry his cheeseburger from his cold dead hands. My congressman likes to talk tough on this stuff until the the Kansas Livestock Association is like "you really don't want to shut down the southwest Kansas meat factories and bring our entire industry to its knees." They got a taste of this at the start of the pandemic and it really scared the industry.

Word on the street is Beef-A-Roo is close to opening?
Hawaiian Bros Island Grill going in off hwy24 next to Canes.
Whataburger in the old BK in aggieville??
Beef-A-Roo has been close to opening for over a year now. Never seems like a good omen when a place sits in limbo like that.

The constitution clearly gives the Border Czar 100% responsibility for developing and enforcing all policies and procedures related to the nation's borders.
the title thing is far as I can tell, that term started with Abbot down in texas when he wrote her a letter saying she ought to visit the border since she's the "border czar."  then a lot of mainstream media picked it up and now they're backtracking from it.

point is, she did have an actual responsibility in trying to curb immigration.  she was tasked with both (1) the so-called "root causes" wishy washy stuff that wouldn't show any effect for a long time (and is a pretty unlucky assignment for someone with presidential aspirations); and (2) curbing illegal crossings more immediately.  a lot of Harris apologists are trying to say her role was exclusively the former (and saying she had no role in the immediate effects), but that doesn't really jive with contemporary reports:

A senior administration official said Harris' role would focus on "two tracks": both curbing the current flow of migrants and implementing a long-term strategy that addresses the root causes of migration.

So yeah, there's obviously no such title as "border czar," but she was tasked with "curbing the current flow of migrants," at least per NBC's March 2021 reporting.  But it is bizarre seeing clips like the one dax quoted with current day media reports saying "border czar??? huh?  what are these guys talking about???" when there's a bunch of clips from contemporary media referring to her as the "border czar."
Thanks for the thoughtful response. I think I agree with most of what you said in there. I think that the Biden administration signaling that it would have a softer approach to the border probably led to an increase in attempted crossings and a lot of the humanitarian fallout that goes along with more attempted crossings. As long as the US has the world's richest economy and several (nearly) failed states as neighbors to the south, the border is going to remain a problem. Both sides (probably Republicans more that Dems at this time) are refusing to deal with the issue because it is more valuable as a tool they can use for demagoguery and fundraising purposes. Republicans love to talk tough about the border but know that red state industries like meatpacking need an ongoing supply of workers with no other options in the global economy.

I thought Threads would be a good place to get away from the openly Nazi accounts on Elon's twitter but it no longer gives an option to only see posts from accounts you actually follow so 2/3 of the posts in my Threads feed are from random liberals. Twitter with Nazis still seems more useful.

You can select to only see people you're following in your feed on Threads. iPhone FYI. You just have to select the icon at the top and select following.
Okay. Sweet. Thanks.

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: 2024 Presidential Race
« on: July 25, 2024, 04:08:29 PM »
The constitution clearly gives the Border Czar 100% responsibility for developing and enforcing all policies and procedures related to the nation's borders.

I thought Threads would be a good place to get away from the openly Nazi accounts on Elon's twitter but it no longer gives an option to only see posts from accounts you actually follow so 2/3 of the posts in my Threads feed are from random liberals. Twitter with Nazis still seems more useful.

Kansas State Football / Re: 2024 Wildcats Countdown to Kickoff!!!
« on: July 25, 2024, 12:26:20 PM »
look at the pleats on those slacks

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: Who is JD Vance?
« on: July 25, 2024, 10:04:28 AM »
It's increasingly looking like JD Vance will go down as one of the worst unforced errors of ol trump. Like, yes he makes a lot of bad decisions but this is one he's got full and total control over.
Again, very weird for the smartest, toughest, most savvy boss and businessman of all time to get continually screwed over by the people that he chooses to hire.

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: 2024 Presidential Race
« on: July 25, 2024, 08:59:24 AM »
Really interesting conversation between Jonah Goldberg and AB Stoddard from The Bulwark. She had been calling for and predicting Biden's exit for months. Interesting section about the JD Vance pick (it might be an example of spiking the football too early):

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: The Biden (interim) Dictator
« on: July 24, 2024, 10:10:05 PM »
Poor guy looked like death warmed over in this Oval Office address tonight. Terrible make up, also.

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: ted cruz is a sociopath
« on: July 24, 2024, 10:05:59 PM »
Absolute icon of Alpha-ness

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