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Messages - jonsjasper

Pages: [1] 2
it's an improvement overall, but football uni's should never have the block text that large above the numbers. always looks way too busy and crammed in, especially on the modern form fitting silhouette. there's a reason most classic uniforms never utilize this. imo texas is the only one that does this and pulls it off, but only because the rest of the uniform is so minimal.

Kansas State Football / Re: KU football is going through a rough patch
« on: September 22, 2021, 09:37:18 AM »
Long way of saying mir is 100% right, no kid from anywhere outside the kc metro is going to care at all, afterall, it's not like Tuscaloosa, or Clemson, or Auburn, or Baton Rouge are hurting recruiting while Miami, UCLA/USC, and  Rutgers are just wiping the floor with the competition year in and year out.

the general media narrative about certain cities being "tough to recruit to" is so over played and rarely checks out. it might hold some water when talking about genuinely isolated places like pullman or lubbock. but a winning football program/culture will always trump any geographical issues or city amenities.

clemson, tuscaloosa, etc are tiny towns with giant colleges that offer the same amenities as any other college town. south bend has absolutely nothing going for it outside of ND. players want to play somewhere where they'll win and get national media attention. that's all that ultimately matters with the top talent.

Kansas State Football / Re: realignment gems
« on: September 22, 2021, 08:59:27 AM »
Most people don't know the difference outside if B12 country.

attended and worked at 2 big 10 schools. previously lived in big 10 country, and now in the middle of ACC land. still work in higher ed.

sports-wise, definitely see more KU stuff and their bball program is obviously the larger national brand. no denying it's something for them to hang their hats on while college bball is still even a thing.   

but the delusion of KU being some kind of academic powerhouse, with kstate paling in comparison, is hilarious. once you get outside of the top 40 schools or so, which includes the legit "public ivy's" with selective enrollment, like UVA, UMich, Berkley, etc., no employer, grad school admissions officer, or anyone else for that matter, makes any distinction between large state institutions like ku and kstate. obviously all schools have some programs that are stronger than others, but general reputation-wise, they're completely interchangeable.

Kansas State Football / Re: KU football is going through a rough patch
« on: September 03, 2021, 08:44:54 PM »
KU student section started cheering "we want 'bama" after that late first half td.

Kansas State Football / Re: KU football is going through a rough patch
« on: August 31, 2021, 03:39:15 PM »
i actually like em, particularly the large sans serif KANSAS on the front of the jersey. anything is an improvement over that lame ass trajan KANSAS logo they use for everything.

alfalfa green and pumpkin orange, damn. they are putting our aggie credentials to shame.

why is everyone wearing orange at a green vs red game? :dunno:

b12 remnants have no choice but to be aggressive about expansion, but that all still hinges on when OU/UT actually leave and/or what comes of the buyout. and yeah, the competition in whatever the league morphs into will no doubt be diluted compared to the other remaining P5's, which might allow us to be more competitive in the short term. but it's not like it's an outcome we should be celebrating.

on a lighter note, Phog is apparently convinced KU is against expansion because of that imminent big 10 deal that was supposed to materialize like two weeks ago or whatever, and they still have the SEC as a backup plan , but would really prefer not to slum it up with all of those inferior schools. i wonder when reality finally sets in for them. probably when big 12 gets serious about expansion and it becomes clear everyone's in the same boat.

reading their musings (i.e total misunderstanding) of the whole AAU thing and what the BTAA actually does, and them running through the mental gymnastics of KU being such a coveted target despite the status of their football program, has been the silver lining of this whole debacle.

Why? You think it will hurt us with all those out of state students we pull in every year?
no, because of whatever paltry sum we would get from the new media deal. b12 media money has been propping up our athletic dept budget. athletic budget is part of university budget. naturally something will have to give, and consequences aren't limited to athletics.

I'm happy about this, I think a revamped Big 12 is going to be a fun conference that will be immensely winable and whenever a new playoff format starts it will be much easier to get in as a top 3 program in the Big 12 than a top 6 programs in the Pac 12. Would visits to Tempe be better than Memphis, hell yes. Would dealing with UCLA fans be much better than dealing with UCF fuckheads, yes! But the Big 12 is our conference and I don't want to move.

from a fan perspective, in terms of matchups and short-term competitiveness, i almost agree. but the bigger picture financial implications of being stuck a downgraded B12 are potentially devastating to the university.

Welp, looks like it's a DONE DEAL. Smell ya later, taters.

"got together"  - check
"four University's" - check
"other school's"  - check
big 12 logo in letterhead - check

we're mumped.

balmy december day, and pretty slow around the office, so i figured i'd take a walk and contribute to this thread that i've always gotten a kick out of...

i humbly present to you, E. Claiborne Robins Stadium, home of the 2008 FCS World Champions, the University of Richmond Spiders. apparently they also play a sport called lacrosse here too. capacity: 8,217.

and as a special bonus for anyone still looking, Malcom U. Pitt Field, home of Spiders baseball, members of the Atlantic 10 Conference. Capacity: 600. AKA "THE PIT" (i have no idea if anyone actually calls it that...)

they really missed a branding synergy opportunity by placing the the field up on small hill rather inside a literal pit.

ok, Harbaugh, Tressel, any others? i'm not necessarily doubtful, just genuinely curious because no others spring to mind.

Since 2004, 18 FCS, Division II or high school head coaches have been hired as the head coach of an FBS program. At their previous stop, those coaches compiled a combined record of 744-347, with a winning percentage of .682.

Promising resumes, however, have not always yielded continued success at a higher plateau. At their first -- and sometimes only -- FBS head coaching stop, that combined record dipped to 225-375 (.375).

keep in mind this is referring to all FCS to FBS hires, not just P5. also, this quote is from 2014, so there may have been some success stories since then, but still...


all i could find was Harbaugh going from university of san diego straight to stanford. every other example i've seen worked their way up through a "group of 5" type FBS school.

serious question, has there ever been an FCS coach to make the leap to P5 and have any real success?

also, his salary at NDSU is apparently a paltry 300k. had no idea the gulf was so wide...

i just meant grammatically speaking... "vs than vise versa" is making my head hurt  :flush:

Kansas State Football / Re: FIVE HUNDRED
« on: December 05, 2015, 07:49:12 PM »

Kansas State Football / Re: FIVE HUNDRED
« on: December 05, 2015, 07:46:10 PM »

idk, i'm pretty sure the facebook mods would have found a way to delete it if it wasn't true.

huh, this thread is kinda embarrassing...  :flush:

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