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Messages - OregonSmock

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Kansas State Football / Re: KU football is hurting
« on: May 20, 2015, 11:48:26 AM »
And seriously, you guys are delusional if you think recruits place that much emphasis on football stadiums.  KU won the Orange Bowl and went 12-1 with a track and no football complex.  K-State football was at its peak before the stadium renovations.  USC's stadium is located in a pretty sketchy part of LA and desperately needs upgrades, and they were dominant back in the early 2000's.  Recruits prioritize playing close to home and playing for a stud head coach more than anything else.  Recruits also want to win and play for a winning program.  Stadiums and facilities are just the extra icing on the cake.

Kansas State Football / Re: KU football is hurting
« on: May 20, 2015, 11:43:56 AM »
It's a fact that KU's football complex is nicer than K-State's.  You can't even argue otherwise.  There's a reason why K-State is renovating Vanier.  It's also a fact that before recent renovations, K-State's football stadium looked like this:

Everything I've said is 100% true.  You guys are rough ridin' delusional and your football team isn't even that good.

How is KU's stadium any better than that? Side by side I'd say perhaps when this photo was taken the two stadiums were even. Tons of donated money for killer upgrades later. . . .and it's not even close. I don't think any of us are trying to say our facilities are better than Alabama. . .but we are sad that KU's facilities are so poor you'll always struggle in recruiting. We want you to be competitive Beems!

The Anderson Family Football Complex is a very nice, modern football complex with all of the bells and whistles (it even comes equipped with clip art).  It's better than K-State's old Vanier Complex.  That's a fact.  Why do you think K-State is upgrading Vanier?  Hint: it's not because it's a great facility.  It desperately needed upgrading, just like your shitty old stadium with the tiny little pressbox.  As for KU, our stadium needs work, no doubt, but as I've said before, KU's stadium is in a much better location and isn't just a hole in the ground surrounded by a parking lot.  There are natural features such as hills, water, and trees surrounding KU's stadium.  Now that the track is out, it's very comparable to K-State's stadium.  Once KU upgrades Memorial, it won't even be close.  Memorial will be much nicer. 

 :love:  :love:  :love:

 :Yuck:  :Yuck:  :Yuck:

Kansas State Football / Re: KU football is hurting
« on: May 20, 2015, 11:25:56 AM »
It's a fact that KU's football complex is nicer than K-State's.  You can't even argue otherwise.  There's a reason why K-State is renovating Vanier.  It's also a fact that before recent renovations, K-State's football stadium looked like this:

Everything I've said is 100% true.  You guys are rough ridin' delusional and your football team isn't even that good.

Kansas State Football / Re: KU football is hurting
« on: May 06, 2015, 10:59:23 PM »
NFL talent.

Kansas State Football / Re: KU football is hurting
« on: May 05, 2015, 02:00:28 PM »
Those numbers are completely inaccurate and saturated with multiple qualifiers.  Why are you such a dishonest old turd, 'Pad? 

$80 million in long-term debt

Kansas State Football / Re: KU football is hurting
« on: May 05, 2015, 01:56:15 PM »

Capital Facility Projects financed by the respective  athletic departments (not by university housing, developers, student fees or taxpayers)  since 1988:

K-State $243 Million   :kstategrad:

KU $120 million


 :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Kansas State Football / Re: KU football is hurting
« on: May 05, 2015, 12:04:50 PM »
K-State's total long-term debt is damn near $80 million.

KU's total long-term debt is $46.8 million, and we've done way more athletic facility upgrades recently.

You guys are poor as eff, and your campus is one big flood plain.

 :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

KU fans complaining about the banana incident from 1978 grows tiresome.  How quickly they forget it was a merely a response to the antics orchestrated by ku students a few weeks before.  From the February 25, 1983 LJ World:

"In January 1978, KU fans at Allen Fieldhouse tossed hot dogs onto the court when flashy Wildcat Curtis Redding was introduced, as an indication of his gregarious on-court manner. . . . The Cat fans responded in kind the following month, tossing more than 100 bananas onto the court when Jayhawk Donnie Von Moore was introduced in front of a Manhattan crowd."

Hot dogs = not racist

Bananas = definitely racist

Jerome Tang Coaches Kansas State Basketball / Re: #IamNathanPower
« on: February 25, 2015, 01:41:26 PM »
I'm gonna buy my fellow DU frat bro and hero Nathan a case this weekend.

Why is this guy your hero?

Okay, that was my last one.  Seriously done now.


He'll be back. He always comes back.

Not unless he Googles what "slumpbuster" means.

Meh.  I just felt like using a more colorful word than "girls."

Jerome Tang Coaches Kansas State Basketball / Re: #IamNathanPower
« on: February 25, 2015, 01:39:28 PM »
Can we quit calling what happened "violence"? I mean, people have been bumped harder walking down the street looking at their phone

And bars. I've been chicken winged several times before but now enough is enough. I'm going to demand a public apology and that that person be banned from all bars for the rest of time.

Do you honestly not see the difference between civilians in a bar and a fan rushing onto the court and bum-rushing an opposing team's basketball player? 

Okay, now I'm done.  Just had to get that one off my chest.

"and hurt a football player" being the key phrase there.  It's like, how stupid is it for someone to drive a car and text while masturbating to porn?  Words, man.  Words.

Jerome Tang Coaches Kansas State Basketball / Re: #IamNathanPower
« on: February 25, 2015, 01:15:18 PM »
bumping into someone was def worse than all of those

Yep, unwanted physical contact towards an opposing team's player is completely normal, acceptable behavior, and it's obvious at this point that Nathan Powers and the entire K-State fanbase had every right to act the way they did on Monday night.  You guys should be proud of the way things transpired.  Congrats on a hard-faught win, and good luck the rest of the season.

Such a lucky girl Beems wife is. :frown:
Can you imagine their fights? Beems just badgers on and on with the same talking point but continues to spin it over and over. Poor thing.

We never fight, my friend.  I think this thread has run its course, though.  You have all convinced me that K-State is actually the victim in some sort of national conspiracy, and that the behavior Monday night was completely acceptable and in no way reflected poorly on Kansas State University.  I will respectfully leave this board now and let you guys vent your frustrations. 


If you keep making the same false equivalencies, over and over and over, maybe people will buy it at some point.  Keep doing what you do, 'Pad!

Jerome Tang Coaches Kansas State Basketball / Re: #IamNathanPower
« on: February 25, 2015, 12:59:22 PM »
KSU's reputation permanently sullied.
Already forgotten, except in the dark hearts of butthurt squawkers.

Shrug it off all you want, I just know I would be disappointed and embarrassed if my degree-granting institution was all over the news for this shameful display.

You serious Clark? Why should I be embarassed that one out of hundreds of thousands of kids who have attended my fine alma mater did something dumb? If that were the standard, I think KU alums would be downright mortified.
One kid bumps one of their basketball players: embarrassing for all of Kansas State University

Dead beat dad's, sink batterers, elevator molesters, bb gun attackers, bouncer spitters, drunk drivers and more (all members of the beloved KU basketball team in the last few years): nothing to see here

You should contact all of the national media outlets and see why they haven't written anything about all of the stuff that happens at KU.  I'm sure this is all just a conspiracy to make K-State fans look bad.

Beems is ugly guys. Inside and out.


Thanks, man, but there are 65+ slump busters out there who would disagree with that assessment. 


you've really slowed down

I'm married now, bro.


Beems is ugly guys. Inside and out.


Thanks, man, but there are 65+ slump busters out there who would disagree with that assessment. 

Ok? You've had sex. Congrats. Still ugly.


Thanks.  I appreciate the kind-hearted sentiment.

Total meltdown, I think this one has topped all the previous meltdowns.
Yeah, this is incredible to behold. He's capable of anything right now.

Not a meltdown.  Just responding to a bunch of ignorance and justification of violence against KU players and coaches.  It's quite fun, actually. 

Beems is ugly guys. Inside and out.


Thanks, man, but there are 65+ slump busters out there who would disagree with that assessment. 


What's sad is that not one of you cult-following ass clowns can even admit that K-State and its fanbase made a fool of itself on Monday night.  You're all acting like K-State is the victim in all of this and that the national media is just out to get poor, lil' ol' K-State.  It's truly astonishing. 

Beems comes into this thread trying to prove this isn't a rivalry. Goes on to illustrate exactly why this is a rivalry. Our recent basketball success against KU is driving him to literal insanity.

Yeah, I'm insane because I've called out a bunch of idiots who are supporting violence against KU's players and coaches.  Recent basketball success?  You are 5-49 vs. KU in the last 54 games and have only won a total of 4 times on your own homecourt.

We've had as much or more recent (do you understand that this word is relative?) success against KU as anyone in the conference. Yes, it's driving you crazy. You've acted objectively like a lunatic for the past two days. If I knew you, then I'd be legitimately concerned for your wellbeing. There was no violence against anyone from KU on Monday night. A kid thought it would be funny to bump into Jamari Traylor, to rub in the fact that he just lost to a terrible K-State team. If you wanted to commit a violent act, bumping into someone wouldn't be the method you would use. You know that.

The bolded comment is the type of thing a cult follower would say.  There were multiple acts of violence on Monday night.  Seek professional help. 

I think my favorite part out of all of this is KU fans playing the "what if this happened" game on things that didn't happen. :lol:

I think my favorite part is all of the K-State fanboys who are writing off unprovoked violence like it's some sort of normal, everyday thing.

Can one of the mods please copy all of Beem's posts from the past 60 hours and put them in one thread (in order) and then lock that thread? I'd just like to see all of the hypocrisy that would be dripping out of that thread. 

Gonna win 'em all!

I don't think you know what the word "hypocrisy" means.  If you want to see true hypocrisy, take a look at the fanbase that got incredibly butthurt after Jim Mora gave Snyder a quick handshake and had the audacity to criticize him for calling a chickensh!t timeout and having his players bum-rush the UCLA o-line one last time before the end of the game. 

Yep, The scenarios here are EXACTLY the same. Seriously man seek professional help.

They're not even close to the same.  K-State's behavior was way worse than Jim Mora's.  And my mental health is just fine, thanks.  I'll continue to call out your cult-like fanbase for being a bunch of losers.  If you want to see mental health problems, review the tape from Monday night's KU/KSU game.

Well Traylor does have a history of being a violent thug, so I'd say we got pretty lucky, Landon.

 :opcat: :opcat: :opcat:

Jerome Tang Coaches Kansas State Basketball / Re: #IamNathanPower
« on: February 25, 2015, 12:39:50 PM »
the sun will come up spracs. you will feel joy again. hang in there.

Bro, I'm good.  If you recall, I was expecting to lose on Monday.  What I did not expect is for the post-game narrative to be about the behavior of K-State fans and how it is symptomatic of a bigger problem that needs to be addressed.  If I were upset--and I'm not--I would take comfort in the fact that no one is talking about the game itself but rather the behavior of KSU fans afterwards.  Here we are two days later, and ESPN has a story on the front page about K-State's contrition.  It's like WOW, you've just pulled off the most improbable upset, and you can't even enjoy it because everyone is frowning towards you and giving you stern looks while solemnly shaking their heads from side to side.

there is no problem and nothing needs to be addressed.  the college game is 125 years old, can you name one time in the past 125 years when court storming has resulted in an injury to a player?

classic example of results-oriented thinking

typical squawk education.  wildcat asks for example of college hoops and squawk replies with example of high school hoops.  sigh.

You didn't specify the college game in your question, though.

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