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Messages - NeverII

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Kansas State Football / Re: Stanford Predictions
« on: August 29, 2016, 08:26:47 AM »
Trees 27
Cats 19

Typical big game for the Cats. Freak out early and get down by two scores (something like 10-0 after 1Q). Then we'll slowly start to rally but never get over the hump. Cats miss 2-point try to draw within 24-21. Trees get late FG to put it on ice. I come away feeling moderately confident about winning at WVU

Kansas State Football / Re: WHO'S EXCITED FOR K-STATE FOOTBALL!?
« on: August 28, 2016, 08:40:40 AM »


I like that.

Please tell me those signs aren't up around town.  How low is John Currie and KSU PR's self esteem about the university that they can't take 2 compliments and not rough ridin' plaster them over everything.  Its like they hired the same PR people as that rough ridin' concrete groundhog off I-70.

The ADJC "sell" every ticket but never divulge actual attendance, disregard on-field product, alienate true EMAWs hype train isn't going to drive itself

Kansas State Football / Re: Who's your guy?
« on: August 26, 2016, 02:43:15 PM »
I yell Duuuuuuuuuuuuuke everytime he makes a play. So I'm a good fan.

Goolsby needs to be on the field for that very reason

Notre Dame hasn't been relevant in the lifetime of most of the readers on this blogsite and gets #2.  And, Boise State??
They went to the national championship several years ago...

They were also (essentially) guaranteed a BCS invitation if the went 9-3 or better. Definitely helped inflate their status during the late 90s/early 00s when they were very clearly in decline.

Not really sure why Nebraska deserves to be in the "blue bloods" section, but OK.  :dunno:

The 90s tho  :D

Kansas State Football / Re: Stan Weber Recap (810 Border Patrol)
« on: August 26, 2016, 07:53:48 AM »
To be fair, Stan basically said that if Ertz went down again he thinks Hubener would go in because of experience, but Delton would eventually be weaned into the position and be the starter by season's end.  Said he thought that was the plan last year when Ertz went down but then Delton went down as well.

Essentially saying that talent-wise Delton is the #2, but experience gives Joe the edge.

That is incredibly stupid.  No amount of experience can overcome how bad Joe Hubener is at football.

If Delton can't go out there and simply improvise his way in front of Hubener, then I agree with MIR that he needs to switch positions or transfer.  Hubener has no business even suiting up for this team.

Have you ever heard Snyder say something like "we put him in the game because he is a talented playmaker even though he is not fully accustomed to the system"?

Just because Delton is #3 on the depth chart doesn't mean he wouldn't smoke Joe in game time performance. He just needs to memorize that playbook before Snyder will hand him the reins.

If this was Snyder 1.0, we may very well have thrown Delton into the fire to start 2015. During his first stint, Snyder played a TON of guys in their first or second year with the program. Simoneau, Dyshod Carter, Jeremetrius Butler, Jarrod Cooper, Terry Pierce, Lockett brothers, Eric Hickson, and plenty of others were starting as either a freshman or sophomore. There was a naive part of me still clinging to the notion that Snyds still handled personnel decisions. I gave up on that during the 2013 season when he kept repeatedly saying after losses "Sams should have played more" or "we should have run Daniel more". The Dimel-Miller braintrust gives zero effs about playmaking ability. Experience trumps all.

Kansas State Football / Re: Who's your guy?
« on: August 25, 2016, 02:56:32 PM »
Reggie Walker

Kansas State Football / Re: Rally House opening in Aggieville
« on: August 17, 2016, 03:03:32 PM »

Kansas State Football / Re: Wildcat Salute!
« on: August 16, 2016, 12:58:14 PM »

K-State men’s basketball team wins again in Italy

The Kansas State basketball team improved to 2-1 on its exhibition tour of Europe on Saturday.

The Wildcats defeated Italian Select 90-55 in Livorno, Italy...


so does certain teams play the same teams on these tours?

Bob Strawn: yes, missouri has played the same group as k-state. missouri lost to
today's opponent; michigan state beat them in overtime.

*Bob Strawn*
1551 Williamsburg Court
Manhattan, Kansas 66502


Duplex... Woof

Kansas State Football / Re: Bowl Projections
« on: August 16, 2016, 09:37:39 AM »
That place sold for just over 500K  :blindfold:

Kansas State Football / Re: The CSU to Big 12 Argument
« on: August 11, 2016, 05:50:46 PM »
No thanks, bruh!

RANKINGS for past 3 years
Total Viewers (in Millions)
1) BYU - 38.926
2) UCF - 31.85
3) Houston - 22.725
4) Cinci - 22.141
5) UConn - 17.455
6) Memphis - 13.223
7) USF - 12.961
8) Colorado St - 9.494

Why their "hold" on the Denver market is blown WAY out of proportion


I know we kind of bitched this one up at the end but damn it our defense was sexy

Kansas State Football / Re: John Saunders
« on: August 10, 2016, 10:58:26 AM »
Always a great face to see during pregame back in the day (when ABC was actually ABC). Missed listening him, Terry Bowden, Craig James and whoever break down our games. RIP

Kansas State Football / Re: First score of the season
« on: August 10, 2016, 10:26:18 AM »
Stanford rams opening drive down throat. Warmack looks as if he's about to return the proceeding kickoff back for a touchdown when Dana Dimel runs down from the booth and tackles him at the Stanford 8. We pound Winston four times and get into the endzone on 4th and Goal from the 2.

« on: August 09, 2016, 04:12:34 PM »
Reggie Walker ahead of Tanner. Interesting.

Ran with the 1s for a majority of the spring game. Made a few plays too IIRC. Meshak 2.0

Former Houston head coach Dana Dimel didn't sugarcoat things when he said that he thought adding the Cougars to the Big 12 would be a bad move.

Don't be so rough ridin' lazy and work to recruit  :dunno:

Dimel lands one kid out of the Houston area every other year and suddenly that's vital territory for K-State. All of the 3* prospects we might have a chance to land are already staying at home to play for a G5 school. I mean, it's probably better that Houston get invited. Texas kids can shoot down our offers quicker, then we can turn around and give it to some 5-heart. Everybody wins  :facepalm:

I'm watching this classic today.  :bwpopcorn:

Armstrong's hair game is on point :love:


We had no answers for the spread because Snyder kept insisting on attacking the QB.   I believe it was the next year Les Miles and OSU ran an amoeba defense against OU and won the game.   Not rushing, just contain and dropping tons of guys into coverage.

That was a revolutionary game in the Big 12 spectrum. Back then everybody was loading up on big linebackers and physical safeties because the top teams were so run-dominant. Heupel just nickle and dimed the whole conference that year and no school had the schemes/personnel to deal with it. That was also the pirate's first year at Tech. The middle-tier - Tech, OkSt and Mizzou - evolved over the next ~5 years, while much of the old guard regressed. Late 90s/early 00s Big 12 football  :Woot:

His ability to move in the open field still amazes me. He made a modest 6-yard gain look sexy. I was only 10 and 11 when he played. Wish I had been older so I could have truly appreciated his talent. We'll (likely) never see another one like him in MHK

K-State alone received more at large bids to major bowls than the entire history of the Big East conference.

The other conferences give exactly zero fucks about this.  It has absolute no impact at all if another conference takes us or not if the Big12 continues its down slide to a slow death.

What's matters more is that we got passed over for just as many at large bids that we deserved while playing in a power conference because we are Kansas State

We get accepted into major bowls we don't deserve more often than we get passed over. Just look at our bowl record.

Yeah... The 95, 98, 99 and 02 teams all got the shaft in bowl selection. All four of those squads would easily be NY6 picks in the current construct. You could probably make a compelling argument for the 00 team since two of its three losses were to the eventual national champion.

How long do we need to accept said schools? This move is shortsighted at best... Just a matter of time before UT, OU/OSU bolt

Kansas State Football / Re: BSFS Expansion Thread
« on: July 18, 2016, 08:28:56 AM »
Don't sell us short. We've got to have more than one compliance championship

Kansas State Football / Re: Bill is ready, are you?
« on: June 23, 2016, 08:26:06 AM »
Every time I see this thread title, I think of this #KSTATEO


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