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Messages - ksucrcoop

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Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Honeymoon Loacale Advice
« on: August 02, 2013, 08:19:33 AM »
All inclusive resorts are stupid. They're the same on every island.

Rent a house/villa and a badass car or a driver and live.

I'd recommend St. Lucia, St. Marteen, or Barbados - all doable for under 5K.
VRBO is best place to find homes/villas. Car rentals per island take some research, but Tripadvisor is the best site for that kind of stuff.

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Does it matter where you get a MBA?
« on: July 30, 2013, 09:47:00 AM »
to be honest here, in some ways i look at people who waste their time/money on an MBA today as worse candidates than those that weren't dumb enough to fall into the trap.  a good portion of MBA graduate programs today are nothing more than for-profit degree factories.  the course of study is not difficult and the degree has become diluted to the point that it holds a negative value.

unless you're going to a top 10 program.  i obviously think of those programs in a different light, as people should.

Uh, all of them are for-profit...why do you think Harvard has the largest and one of the most expensive MBA programs?
Top 10ish programs give you more options throughout the country, represent large salary increases, and give you a pretty sweet alumni network.
Top 25ish programs are more regionally connected, but still offer pretty substantial salary increases for most industries.
Beyond top 25ish, a complete waste of $.

FWIW - From what I've experienced, MBAs at the top schools are so geared toward consultant type that if you plan on staying at your current (non-consulting) job, don't waste your time. IMO, the whole point of top 25 MBA is to label yourself as smart and successful in order to impress clients, not your boss or coworkers - your work will do that.

Kansas State Football / Re: BSFS Expansion Thread
« on: July 29, 2013, 02:01:28 PM »
The purple isn't foam either.  Clams is really wiffing on this one.

Doesn't surprise me in the slightest after watching him completely air ball the tree planters in the picnic zone.

you guys are really digging in here. 
it looks like purple foam but maybe it's some other substance.
and the trees, i went out on a limb and was wrong and have apologized profusely.

come on cat bros, one WSC.


Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Random Facts You Find Interesting Thread
« on: July 29, 2013, 01:55:11 PM »
Roald Dahl, renowned author of  children's books such as Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, James and the Giant Peach, The BFG, etc., also wrote "adult short stories" for Playboy.

hey mods, you should post real stats about this thread...since you know its epic n stuff.

stuff like % of 'We're fiiinnnnne" to "We're effed"
thread MVP
most prophetic poster

Kansas State Football / Re: If you had a billion dollars...
« on: July 26, 2013, 12:54:48 PM »
I would...
-Burn down the Bram (as I tuck in my shirt) and bring back Ahearn - bigger and better. dont care about parking/practice facilities, whatever. money can fix all that.
-Buy washburn's law school and give it to kstate - making it an elite on-campus setup.
-Build a golf course where the sheep fields are now - tailgating on a g course is elite
-Build a giant moving sidewalk (airport style) from BSFS to the ville
-Make it legal to drink on campus on weekends
-Buy 1000 pizza shuttles to give away each game
-Payoff city officials to outlaw all stones besides limestone
-Found an elite BBS scholarship and suite

Kansas State Football / Re: BSFS Expansion Thread
« on: July 24, 2013, 05:02:21 PM »
I mean, maybe it is too big. amiright?

Wont it scare away some of the small town recruits we used to get - like Jordy Nelson. No small town KS kid wants to play in front of some big city looking skyscraper with fancy lighting and no trees.

Mark my words, this whole bigger is better idea will hurt us in the long run.


Kansas State Football / Re: BSFS Expansion Thread
« on: June 17, 2013, 01:38:03 PM »
They were working Sunday.  Took some bino's and could see some welding going on inside.

seeing the scaffolding starting to disappear makes me  :grin:

the time lapse is going to be pretty boss. Hopefully they dont kstateo the music
I'm proud of the house we built.

yep. that was predictable

Not putting limestone or some kind of paint on the concrete outcroppings for stands is about the most K-Stateo thing possible. JFC.

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Bachelor Parties
« on: June 07, 2013, 12:36:21 PM »
go to Puerto Vallart and stay at Casa Yvonneka and negotiate the price down

Went here in early May with 11 other guys, was unreal. eat the ham quesadillas.

Kansas State Football / Re: Wild Wildcats in 2013 NFL Draft
« on: April 27, 2013, 09:14:19 AM »
They. Love. Him.

Prayers do come true!
he reminds me of someone close to our hearts.
a young ray lewis.  i have the highest of hopes for him.  welcome arthur.  you're gonna be just fine.

and many more...

So Proud.

pinkies locked :lynchmob:

Essentially Flyertalk / Rental Cars
« on: April 09, 2013, 05:02:59 PM »
Best way to get upgrades (i.e. a convertible) / Good prices?


Kansas State Football / Re: BSFS Expansion Thread
« on: April 05, 2013, 02:11:58 PM »
Folks, don't pay any attention to no nothings on this subject like Ubben.


I've followed this stuff for years.   When you look at the scope of the WSC and compare it to other projects with similar scopes.  That being just pressbox/suites/clubs, ingress/egress, concessions and amenities on just one side of the stadium.   Not touching any other parts of the stadium or adding any new seating or redoing any of the existing seating in the seating bowl/decks.   WSC is one of the most expensive, if not THE most expensive project of its kind to date in the facilities arms race.   Yes, other projects have been more expensive but the scope of the project in every case has been much more expansive; rebuilding (or building new) entire stadiums, or renovating the entirety of a stadium.  WSC is just one side of the stadium, and because of the way BSFS is built there's not 10's of millions of dollars being poured into the mundane task of supporting the structure atop an above grade seating bowl.  Yet, that said, the projected cost is $75 million dollars. 

Stanford rebuilt it's entire football stadium, paying premium prices to have it completed in just one year for just $15 million dollars more than WSC.   CFU built a brand new 50,000 seat football stadium for $25 million less than WSC just a few years ago.   OU spent $125 million and that touched literally everything about their stadium, their "Vanier Complex" and other items.   TCU and Okie State literally rebuilt their entire stadiums so the scope of those projects is not comparable to WSC.    Texas Tech spent $84 million and basically re-did their entire stadium, and the WSC will cost $25 million more than the press box/suites and renovated restrooms/concessions they built.   Baylor is building an entirely new stadium from scratch. 

I've looked at, read the particulars etc on nearly every major facilities project at every D1 (FBS and FCS) school across the country over the last 20 years (and in some cases before) . . . WSC is as big time as it gets kids.   :emawkid:

Michigan basically built two WSCs and spent $226M...just saying. We're doing good, but not great.

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: Does God Exist?
« on: April 02, 2013, 01:44:00 PM »
God exists because this thread exists.

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: Does God Exist?
« on: April 01, 2013, 08:32:15 PM »
2.) All things, current and future, are the result of prior events or randomness at the quantum level, but through free will people make choices to direct their path in life.
   A.)  I don't see how an atheist can believe this and have their view on life hold up (help me if I'm wrong). In order for us to have the ability to freely choose (make a choice that is not determined by prior causes) what is right/wrong/good/bad/etc. there has to be something that exists outside of the physical world that influences us.

Our perception of what is right/wrong can be determined by our gene pool - there doesn't have to be an outside force guiding us. It's in the best interest of the species for everyone to understand right/wrong/good/bad. Humans aren't the only animals that make decisions based on what is right or wrong for the species. We like to pretend we are, but we aren't. This seems to be the foundation of your entire premise, and it's wrong.

sorry, bro - it's not what is right or wrong, but if we choose what is right or wrong. actually you're proving my point by stating we don't freely choose what is right or wrong and our "gene pool" implies that our entire make-up is the result of multiple trials and error over time, thus we are not free thinking, just pods byproducts of the evolutionary process.

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: Does God Exist?
« on: April 01, 2013, 07:55:49 PM »
croop, your argument rests on defining free will in a way that no one has ever defined it.  except maybe cs lewis, don't know because i slept through most of those movies.

guess im just original

It's just such a blatant idiot's ploy.  "If you don't believe in god then you don't believe in free will!"---->"If you don't agree with the president then you're un-American!" or "If you're for gay marriage then you're against families!" 

You set it up by associating it with something most people don't want to be labeled as.  It's a tactic geared toward swaying the simple-minded.  "I don't want to be that thing that he said so I'd better agree with him!"

no ploy here, bread... but since you've reverted to basically using the exact tactic your accusing me of against me, I'll try and explain better or maybe it's just a misunderstanding of defining the terms upfront.

Free will - the freedom of humans to make choices that are not determined by prior causes or by divine intervention (commonly viewed as having a soul/conscience)
Atheist - a rejection of belief in the existence of god/deities. Which I'm assuming they don't believe in life after death or that people have a soul.
So here are the two main view points about free will:
1.) All things, current and future, are the result of prior events and therefore anything that will happen has already been preordained and cannot be changed.
    A.) both deity believing and atheist people can technically believe this - I associated my argument with a christian god definition (which does not allow this viewpoint), but I guess someone could believe in a god that has their entire life planned for them and there is nothing they can do to change it.

1.1) (since someone brought up quantum phsyics)  All things, current and future, are the result of prior events, but through the inherent 'random' nature of quantum level interactions, there are an infinite number of possibilities that can result  - random is quoted since we/me don't really understand how something can truly be random.
     A.) Again, both deity believing and atheist people can technically believe this - but it still does not allow for free will to exist, only infinite randomness. So, our lives are not preordained, but we do not possess the ability to freely choose our own path. This one is tricky though...

2.) All things, current and future, are the result of prior events or randomness at the quantum level, but through free will people make choices to direct their path in life.
   A.)  I don't see how an atheist can believe this and have their view on life hold up (help me if I'm wrong). In order for us to have the ability to freely choose (make a choice that is not determined by prior causes) what is right/wrong/good/bad/etc. there has to be something that exists outside of the physical world that influences us. The prior two view points rely upon either prior cause or random interaction (but still physical or material interaction) to determine future events, so they leave no room for the existence free will. Therefore, if intervention beyond the physical world (i.e. metaphysical) is necessary for free will to exist, then how can someone who does not believe in the existence of a soul (again, I'm assuming atheist don't believe in souls/consciences) hold that free will exists and there is no god?

not saying any of the above ways are better than the other, just trying to make logical arguments...

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: Does God Exist?
« on: April 01, 2013, 02:20:55 PM »
croop, your argument rests on defining free will in a way that no one has ever defined it.  except maybe cs lewis, don't know because i slept through most of those movies.

guess im just original

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: Does God Exist?
« on: April 01, 2013, 11:48:05 AM »
your argument is super flawed croop

then please explain how. It's a pretty simple and widely accepted theory by both atheists and non-atheists.

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: Does God Exist?
« on: April 01, 2013, 11:39:31 AM »
Adam had been given a Law to follow that in itself included the option to obey or disobey.   ...

Fourth, God didn't cause Adam to sin.  Adam freely chose, when presented with the fruit from his wife, to rebel against God.  Adam fell because he freely chose to disobey God, ...

Fifth, if someone doesn't like the idea that God knew they would be tempted and would fall, and therefore says it was wrong for God to let it happen, then what he would be requesting is that God not allow people to fall into sin, no matter what.  Think about it.  Freedom of choice means that temptations will occur.

If God did give mankind free will than God cannot know what decisions we make, until they are made. God got angry at Adam because he chose to "fall into sin," but that means God didn't know whether Adam would do so or not until the moment he did.

God cannot be all knowing if mankind has free will. If God is all knowing, then humans do not have free will.

A great point and gets the heart of the whole "is there a god debate". It all boils down to one question:

Do you believe in free will (i.e. do we, as individuals, actually make independent choices to live our lives a certain way)?

From a purely scientific perspective, there is no free will. AT ALL. Every action/reaction we have in life is the sum product of our previous experiences. It's simple physics, nothing happens on it is own, all happenings are the result of all previous interactions - starting with the big bang, of course. Everything is predetermined and nothing that will happen can be changed.

Therefore, an atheist CANNOT believe in free will or a conscious or anything metaphysical. It is not possible to have free will if there is no god and we are merely a bunch or molecules that somehow came together via an evolutionary process.

So, do you believe in "free will"? If so, then we are more than just the physical make-ups of our bodies and there is god/metaphysical world. If not, you are no different than the computer you're typing on.

C.S Lewis does a much job explaining all of this...

that doesn't make any sense unless you are trying to screw with an atheist.

How does it not make sense?

There is no gray area here. how does free will/choice exist without a soul/conscience/whatever?

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: Does God Exist?
« on: April 01, 2013, 11:09:14 AM »
Adam had been given a Law to follow that in itself included the option to obey or disobey.   ...

Fourth, God didn't cause Adam to sin.  Adam freely chose, when presented with the fruit from his wife, to rebel against God.  Adam fell because he freely chose to disobey God, ...

Fifth, if someone doesn't like the idea that God knew they would be tempted and would fall, and therefore says it was wrong for God to let it happen, then what he would be requesting is that God not allow people to fall into sin, no matter what.  Think about it.  Freedom of choice means that temptations will occur.

If God did give mankind free will than God cannot know what decisions we make, until they are made. God got angry at Adam because he chose to "fall into sin," but that means God didn't know whether Adam would do so or not until the moment he did.

God cannot be all knowing if mankind has free will. If God is all knowing, then humans do not have free will.

A great point and gets the heart of the whole "is there a god debate". It all boils down to one question:

Do you believe in free will (i.e. do we, as individuals, actually make independent choices to live our lives a certain way)?

From a purely scientific perspective, there is no free will. AT ALL. Every action/reaction we have in life is the sum product of our previous experiences. It's simple physics, nothing happens on it is own, all happenings are the result of all previous interactions - starting with the big bang, of course. Everything is predetermined and nothing that will happen can be changed.

Therefore, an atheist CANNOT believe in free will or a conscious or anything metaphysical. It is not possible to have free will if there is no god and we are merely a bunch or molecules that somehow came together via an evolutionary process.

So, do you believe in "free will"? If so, then we are more than just the physical make-ups of our bodies and there is god/metaphysical world. If not, you are no different than the computer you're typing on.

C.S Lewis does a much job explaining all of this...

This is why I don't talk politics in polite company -- most people aren't polite.  I said something not particularly controversial and within seconds, I'm called a bigot. That's not an argument. That's name-calling. And it's not true.

Though there is very limited research on the topic of same sex parenting, what research exists suggests that no, two same sex parents are not as good as two parents of the opposite sex. You'll note I never mentioned biological parents, because the statistics suggest that adopted children in two parent (of the opposite gender) homes do best of all.

Like I said, not stuff I typically talk about. I just read the research and listen. Again, I'm not suggesting we make decisions based on what the research suggests, I'm simply saying we shouldn't lie about it. And now, birther pit, I'm out. Flame away, children.

...maybe they're not as good cause they can't marry?

who knows. This is not, and will never be, a scientific argument to favor both sides IMO. Just like you cannot prove or disprove the existence of God scientifically, neither can you prove who is the better parents. For to do so would require defining what is a "good" parent => which is obviously subjective and contingent upon societal morals and beliefs of what is good => which are mostly rooted in religion.

And don't be confused by the word religion. we all have a religion. for those of you stating you don't care what others do as long as it does not effect you - guess what, that is a belief that plays into how you view the world and conduct yourself (i.e. a religion). It's just a word, right? Also, saying you don't care what other people do as long as it does not impact you is technically a flawed logic - not to mention lazy. It implies that only what benefits you or your interests is right and anything denying you from your interests is wrong. this is pretty standard existential fallacy - as it is not scalable to everyone.

student-athletes will be able to step into a 10 feet by 10 feet room and be immersed into simulated-game action.

this is so dumb...and so KU to spend money on it.

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: most boss dinosaur
« on: March 26, 2013, 04:26:11 PM »
T-Rex vs His Airness

who WINS?!?!

Kansas State Football / Re: BSFS Expansion Thread
« on: March 25, 2013, 02:03:14 PM »
i think they'll be fine. they were behind but more like a week and not a month. that was due to having more wind than is typical for mhk during a time when they should've been hoisting steel or whatever. i'm sure there might be some finishing touches that aren't completed but it'll be negligible if at all.

it looks really large up close. not so much far away. looks larger when looking at it from the front and sides then a straight back view that you normally get. chance of trees....not so good.

awful. need trees bigtime.

CC. Limestone wall update?


We need something that will be distinguishing and that all the ag students can get all excited about...

We need hedge sculptures

Throw a PAK head on there and BOOM.

anyone looking for tickets, call

Just got 2 tickets sec 116 row 22 for $88 per. All the LaSalle alum are selling their tix

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: small talk
« on: March 21, 2013, 09:29:59 AM »
so uh, hows this thread gong?

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