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Messages - Fedor

Pages: 1 ... 62 63 [64]
Kansas State Football / Re: Turner Gill Haters Spouting Off Again
« on: October 15, 2010, 09:23:07 AM »
"You can get blown out by Nebraska or Oklahoma, and nobody will think much of it. But to do it against a team headed for the Holiday Bowl is something else entirely."

Can we get this in writing?  Seems like it would require more than just basic knowledge of the game of football would be required to be a sports writer. :dunno: :dunno:
Guess not.

Kansas State Football / Re: Turner Gill Haters Spouting Off Again
« on: October 15, 2010, 09:14:16 AM »

"Kansas State’s Arthur Brown stripped the ball from Kansas’ Deshaun Sands for one of the Jayhawks’ three turnovers."

(Sugar Sack beat me)  :curse: :curse:

"Kansas went 1-7 in the Big 12 last year with a team that lost the most productive quarterback and pair of wide receivers in school history."

Mellinger is some kind of horrible.  But nowhere near as bad as Kellis

K-State's defense made it easy even before the ball was snapped, we left so many holes just by the way we lined up it was absurd.

Honestly I'll play the  :cyclist:  for a second, that was the worst defensive scheme I've seen at K-State since before Snyder . . . when you could sit up in the stands and see just by the way our defense was aligned where the other team was going to go.   In almost every instance under Snyder where we have been clowned it was because the other team was simply better and had better athletes . . . not because we gave them natural running lanes just by the way we lined up that was exploited by better athletes.   I hate this defense . . . and it's only amplified by our crapty linebackers.

Do what _FAN did and go through the scoring plays and tell us where the defensive alignment was wrong.  Tell us where the holes were...

Kansas State Football / Re: Meltdown :D
« on: October 08, 2010, 12:10:56 PM »
piss is a giant pussy.

Kansas State Football / Re: This headline can be read one of two ways...
« on: October 04, 2010, 11:10:06 AM »
Kellis is slowly reedeming himself imho...

eff no, and all Kellis articles are cut and pasted.  No clicky on linky, he must be fired or publicly executed.  I am not hung up on the means just the end.

Kansas State Football / Re: OSU game
« on: September 30, 2010, 04:18:44 PM »
hoping for early game...have tickets to Roger Waters that night in KC

You guys can hate the Jews together. :opcat: :opcat: :opcat:

Kansas State Football / Re: AZ/Iowa Fans Fighting
« on: September 23, 2010, 04:37:37 PM »
Back in '96 my parents where asked to take me out of the stadium after dumping ice down a husker's shirt in the NEZ. I was in the 5th grade.

I that how you got your nickname?

Kansas State Football / Re: How do I take this??
« on: September 14, 2010, 11:18:28 AM »
I've seen those EMAW boards, and holy hell those guys ARE scum. Funny scum. Pretty entertainting, but no place to actually talk sports.

Well it is pretty obvious hes been here.

Kansas State Football / Re: Rumor on KUsports about Coach Snyder
« on: September 10, 2010, 09:53:05 AM »
Someone check his daily planner.  There is no way he would have had an unscheduled heart attack.

Kansas State Football / Re: new name for da mob
« on: September 08, 2010, 07:19:19 AM »
I am on board with Fire and Ice, if and only if we can incorporate "Icy Hot Stuntaz".  I'm thinking the D-Line, ya know, cause they stunt.

Hey all - not trying to be a gossip monger but I have it on good authority that Carson Coffman may have pulled up limp yesterday in practice with what team doctors are calling a "severe shoulder hernia" - no information on when or if he'll be back this season but suffice it to say that the kid is strong and wants to be back on the field asap.  The chance to play behind the best offensive line in the history of the program excites Carson and he told me (through my friend), that he thinks his shoulder hernia will heal before the UCLA game.

Here's a photo taken with my buddy's camera phone.  Notice how low Carson's shoulder is dipping in the picture and how unnatural his howitzer looks in this evidence/picture:

Has anyone on the board had a shoulder hernia and can you pls comment in this thread (no BS pls, tia).

I have not had a shoulder hernia but I did have a similar injury it was a shoulder impingement back in my playing days.  Actually it was a single impingement in my throwing arm and a double impingement, or DI, in my other shoulder.  My throwing was not affected and I had full strength and range of motion.  The problem was that the doctor said I could no longer moonwalk.  So if Coffman does have this injury he may be limited to three step drops, he may be able to get to 5 step drops with therapy but I think 7 steps are not an option w/o surgery.  Sucks to say but we may have to revamp the offense and really limit what we can do.   :bang: :bang:

Kansas State Football / Re: Nuggets for lunch/snack/dinner?
« on: August 23, 2010, 12:58:27 PM »
This thread has lots of dumb.  Anyone that knows anything about D-1 knows that guys that take the h.s./snyds "get a bit better everyday" and "go hard or go home" are on the same field as most of the actual athletes that in most contact drills take a "practice, we're talking about practice."  Every year some moron gets geeked because the moron 12th string lb/te that won't ever play a down lit up someone worth a cra on a crackback or in an oklahoma drill or some such nonsense.

Braden is a tool until proven otherwise, his usefulness as a fb is irrelevant.  Injuring your own teammate never gets you cool points unless it is some walk-on that got injured by a good player (then it is ok to "blow off steam" etc.)

Absolutely agree, even more so when you consider that Braden was likely blocking for  Daniel Thomas.  Rather than risk injury to anyone he should have just whiffed and let Harold have a free shot at the best player on the team.   :jerk: :jerk:

Kansas State Football / Re: Football Recruiting Thread
« on: August 19, 2010, 08:44:26 AM »
Morgan Burns is a stud.

Can confirm. The guys built like a brick shithouse. Lifts all the time at the Y and is absolutely ripped. Also is an all-state trackster. Don't know about him at CB though. He plays RB in HS and is definitely more of a offensive minded guy than defense. He is a KU fan too. So if they offer, we need to pray instead of Gill. :embarrassed:

Can confirm the speed, he was bottled up most of the game I watched last year.  He got some room on one play and took it to the hizzy extremely quickly.  Which Y does he go to?

East/North. Seen him at both. Probably the new Andover one too. I see all kind of athletes there. Saw Arthur Brown there a couple of months ago. Trinity sucks at football, that's why he had no room to run. He and that other kid who is pretty talented are the only true talents on the team.

I go to the Andover Y all the time.  Always rock'n the EMAW.   :lynchmob:

I call BS, I am always there, throwing stacks of weight around, and I am the only EMAW in the place.

Kansas State Football / Re: Football Recruiting Thread
« on: August 18, 2010, 07:27:33 AM »
Morgan Burns is a stud.

Can confirm. The guys built like a brick shithouse. Lifts all the time at the Y and is absolutely ripped. Also is an all-state trackster. Don't know about him at CB though. He plays RB in HS and is definitely more of a offensive minded guy than defense. He is a KU fan too. So if they offer, we need to pray instead of Gill. :embarrassed:

Can confirm the speed, he was bottled up most of the game I watched last year.  He got some room on one play and took it to the hizzy extremely quickly.  Which Y does he go to?

Kansas State Football / Re: ****goEMAW podcast #8****IT'S UP!
« on: August 11, 2010, 05:07:52 PM »
I made it almost ten minutes.  I assume this is a record.  Do I get a plaque or certificate or something?

Kansas State Football / Huldon Tharp....
« on: August 09, 2010, 04:09:19 PM »
Huge pussy.

Kansas State Football / Re: Freemaw doing KSU proud
« on: July 22, 2010, 03:40:06 PM »
Mic'ed Up

I think some of the kids in that vid are more accurate.

Someone confirm a possible Grant Gregory sighting at 2:05.

Kansas State Football / Re: The EMAWneers
« on: July 21, 2010, 10:28:00 AM »
You had me at "bawdy rhyme."

ya, lol

I'm just glad we can all be friends again.

Kansas State Football / Re: The EMAWneers
« on: July 21, 2010, 09:15:37 AM »
why exactly copy and paste this with EMAW in it?

Was at the bar having some brews w/ friends, conversation reminded me of a book I read when I was a kid with this song in it.

Looked up the song, was way raunchier and longer than I remembered it.

Was pretty sure that everyone enjoyed a bawdy rhyme or two.

Cut and paste was so obvious and forced it amused me.

Was struck by the fact that although old people want to act scandalized with kids today, they were just the same back in 1910.

Kansas State Football / Re: The EMAWneers
« on: July 21, 2010, 08:01:46 AM »

Not intimidated, you will have to do better.

Do you have a pic of a 13 inch bicep with a flying cow tatoo?

Kansas State Football / The EMAWneers
« on: July 21, 2010, 07:31:07 AM »
The EMAWneers have hairy ears.
They piss through leather britches.
They pop their cocks on jagged rocks.
They're hardy sons of bitches.
Those EMAWneers, they give three cheers
For Hell and all its trifles.
They bang their balls upon the walls
And pepper them with rifles.
The EMAWneers, they're hung like steers.
They'll shag a yawning chasm.
They flop their nuts against their butts,
And shoot a mean orgasm.
The EMAWneers, they love their beers,
And quaff one every minute.
They drain their jocks in big stone crocks,
And wash their faces in it.
The EMAWneers, they shed no tears.
They're full of quips and frolics.
They poop foul gas from out their ass
To cool their iron bollocks.
Those EMAWneers can shift their gears
And crap in all directions.
They wipe their ass on broken glass
Or on their proud erections.
Those EMAWneers with hoots and jeers
Bewail a cun tless nation.
They jab their tools in army mules
In abandoned masturbation.
Those EMAWneers, they have no fears
Of crab-infested niches.
They scratch their pricks with sandy bricks
When annoyed by lousy itches.

Oh, EMAWneers have shaggy ears.
They diddle not with trifles.
They hang their balls on canyon walls
And shoot at them with rifles.
They pound their cocks upon the rocks,
Those hardy sons of bitches.
They wipe their ass with broken glass,
And care not if it itches.
When tail is rare, they rape the bear,
And tie her in half hitches,
Nor hesitate to masturbate
Within their leather britches.
They use their pricks for walking sticks
In crossing muddy ditches.
They shazbot! their wives with carving knives
And flog their teats with switches.
They brew their booze from boots and shoes,
A drink they seem to relish.
They shave their jaws with crosscut saws,
Which makes them look quite hellish.
They always throw their balls, you know,
At women and at babies.
They're full of snot and other rot
And covered o'er with scabies.
From dark till dawn with one bone on,
They shazbot! their clappy wenches.
From dawn till dark, they beat their bark
And screw knotholes in benches.
With limber tools they flail their mules
And warm their offsprings britches.
With stiffened cocks they pry up rocks
And boost Fords out of ditches.

The EMAW lass is full of pash.
They crack nuts in their snatches.
They love to screw an hour or two
Bare-ass in bramble patches.
The EMAW rat is boiling hot.
It covers pricks with blisters.
A stranger once tried lapping cun ts
And singed off all his whiskers.
Those hardy cun ts use double shunts
And mighty heaves and passes,
That pull the pricks off common hicks
And set them on their asses.
They ne'er despair when prick is rare,
But frig themselves with cactus,
Or mount a jack upon their back
Which gives them lots of practice.


player development  :dunno:  seen a lot of teams play like ass after 3 weeks of player development and preparing for a meaningless game.  maybe better working on individual drills and weight lifting after 4 months of practicing and playing.

what's a little silly is that the schedule last year was a joke and we still couldn't get to a bowl.

The player development that you heat about is the underclassmen.  Not the upperclassmen who are playing like ass because they wanted to go to the Fiesta Bowl and play for a national championship and instead are playing in the shitty Alamo Bowl.

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