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Messages - slobber

Pages: 1 ... 491 492 [493] 494 495 ... 497
I talked to a confirmed lesbian that looks just like him last night.. maybe it was him...

what percentage do you think it was him?  that way we can decide if it was him or not.  if your percentage is low then it prob wasn't him.

I would say 50%... if I would have known the lesbian could possibly be him I would have asked it a question about celebrating wins for confirmation...

 :nono: ;)

calm, smooth, radical difference, my kstateo compass is askew

Evidence that he was, at one time, a man.

Did you photo shop that unibrow, or is that sumbitch for reals?

Beems is getting spanked in front of all his friends at the birthday party
and not only is he putting no effort to make them stop, he is encouraging it to continue.

I bet she's great at eating pussy.

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: 8th Grade Graduation
« on: May 10, 2012, 02:33:28 PM »
A couple low-level employees in my office just sent out a mass invite to their University of Phoenix graduation.  What's the protocol for this?  fanning?
I'd tell them that they are now overqualified so you will have to let them go. Also, that company email is not to be used for personal reasons.

I feel so blessed that beems hasn't given up. This thread is one of the reasons I jump on here a couple of times a day.

I love these.


New walk-on to the team
Post #43

Five star vs. Three star talent

Instead of worrying about a fancy dinner at some froo froo five star restaurant, let's enjoy the backyard barbecue and a few brewskies with a bunch of three star down-to-earth good neighbors! That sounds more like K-State to me.


New walk-on to the team
Post #33

Re: Five star vs. Three star talent

Well put. I would much rather have some bbq than some fancy, overpriced food.

This is most definitely from someone who has never even eaten at a ** restaurant.  :facepalm:

Kansas State Football / Re: Journalism - A Brave New World
« on: May 10, 2012, 02:24:39 PM »
All-American performer
Hutchinson, Ks

Hey Wallace

Anything new on jeff luc?


Trying to find out what the latest is today. Things have been eerily quiet though and I don't know what to make of that.

The Sarge
On full scholarship

The cone of silence is deafening.
Need to ask Wallace for another update...

I thought there were going to be a couple of interviews this week? WTF? I am sure someone can tell me of another situation where it took so long to assemble a coaching staff, so please do. This is effing stupid.

i called it, the racist is a black woman

Racist and misandrist I bet. :shakesfist:  Hating people based on the color of their penis is not cool.
Agreed. You can hate on the size, but not the color. So wrong. :nono:

Jerome Tang Coaches Kansas State Basketball / Re: starting lineup
« on: May 10, 2012, 01:42:28 PM »
People are listing starters...

Many probably have errors...

But from the starting speculation, I'm pretty sure there is one player that...

:love: :love: :emawkid: :emawkid:

so i've going to get a bunch of hhonors points in a few months and am thinking about one of the all inclusives in costa rica for a couple of nights. anybody know which one is better? there are two- hilton papagayo and hilton puntarenas. any help would be appreciated. tia.
try the Hilton Tope Herido

Kansas State Football / Re: Ian's uncle got shot
« on: May 07, 2012, 10:09:52 AM »
We were recruiting Junior in '87.  :lol:

The '80's were so bad that it looks like we had a picture of a guy from the '70's on the front of the media guide!

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Kc restaurant suggestions
« on: May 03, 2012, 05:43:33 PM »
Lydia's is garbage.

Thanks for that. dobber has thoroughly enjoyed garbage on two occasions.

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: fanning stuff
« on: May 03, 2012, 05:36:38 PM »
Mods, please rename thread to either, "the guy stuff" or "your the guy stuff"

Wiping my ass

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Kc restaurant suggestions
« on: May 03, 2012, 04:12:53 PM »
Plaza III

Did you know you can get Aids through zit to zit contact?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
What about zit to mouth? Safe :pray:

In the future when I attend games, I can imagine that I will be heard saying something like, "Oh, this is the formation that _Fan was talking about! We need to do XYZ (whatever _Fan said we should do in this situation) and we will destroy them!"

There was an idiot that sat behind us in the second half of the DOD. After every effing play he would immediately call out the upcoming down and distance. If he would be wrong by a yard, I would correct him. Seriously, for the first few games of the first season I thought maybe somebody setting next to him was blind or something and he was trying to give them a mental picture.

Oh, here's another favorite of mine...

Do that on 1st and 10. Make certain to be really animated and yell it repeatedly.

(Sorry, I had to copy this quote from IllinitilIdie a different thread, but it is easily in the top 5)

"Your biggest obstacle in the Weber era will be dishonesty and disingenousness from him and his staff.  They cannot sit back and rest on their record because they will grossly underachieve on their own merits.  They have to constantly manipulate and spread disinformation and blame the fans, AD, and most of all the players while all the while planting stories about how in demand they are  as coaches.  They have been unable to stand on their merits since 2005 when Deron Williams left"

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: travel thread
« on: April 28, 2012, 11:27:22 AM »
i want to go to greece.  just throwing that out there for you guys.
Might be going in related

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