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Messages - Iceberg

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Kansas State Football / Re: Tennessee AD is supposedly out
« on: July 01, 2011, 10:32:46 AM »
As of today the top 4 candidates for the UT AD job are....

Castiglione, Radakovich, Blackburn, and Hyman

 :kstategrad: :bracketmouse: :emawkid: :drink: :ksu: :opcat: :gocho: :party: :woot: :katpak: :katpak: :combofan: :crossfingers: :zzz: :kstatriot: :pbj: :bwpopcorn:

Cyclone Receivers Can't Overcome Butterfingers

Wheat planting season is September/October.  That would be fitting for ku to have a tractor rolling around the track planting wheat during the game I guess.

It would just be dirt until March.

No, but it would look like grass up until then.

I say we suggest rice. Plant it and flood the stadium, Ames, Iowa style.

Kansas State Football / Re: Tell me you're effing joking Bill....
« on: June 30, 2011, 05:12:34 PM »
I am totally fine with this. Keeps them a little fresher, not broken down, etc. Until Sams is ready, we are going to be running our RB's into the damn ground.

He's effing ready.

I hope so. I would love it if Sams came in 3 games into the season and leads the team the rest of the year. I wouldn't doubt him starting if he graduated in December and enrolled early like he should have. But since he only arrived this summer, I think we won't see him play significant time at QB until 2012.

Kansas State Football / Re: Tell me you're effing joking Bill....
« on: June 30, 2011, 12:15:37 PM »
I am totally fine with this. Keeps them a little fresher, not broken down, etc. Until Sams is ready, we are going to be running our RB's into the damn ground.

Jerome Tang Coaches Kansas State Basketball / Re: for sale
« on: June 30, 2011, 12:21:21 AM »
Does anyone here own a tattoo parlor?   :kstategrad:

New football field is sweet. It's the basketball court that is horrid.

1) Sitting in the north end zone in the early to mid 90's (back in the days of folding chairs) I dumped ice down a big Husker fans shirt. Parent's were pretty pissed, so was the Husker dude. But I was like 10, didn't care and was EMAW.

Is this why they call you Iceberg?

Déjà vu -

Didn't know I said that twice. Good call. But it wasn't how I got the nickname. Stupid story really... Football, freshmen year. Sunk a senior nicknamed titanic at practice. fwiw, I wasn't very good just a freak thing I guess

Kansas State Football / Snyder schedules a new non-conf team
« on: June 28, 2011, 10:30:18 PM »
Or at least he would...

Would take

1) Sitting in the north end zone in the early to mid 90's (back in the days of folding chairs) I dumped ice down a big Husker fans shirt. Parent's were pretty pissed, so was the Husker dude. But I was like 10, didn't care and was EMAW.

2) I used to cheer "I gave your mom AIDS" during free throws in Huggieville days. I don't have AIDS.

3) Ate Magino's hot dogs during half-time

Butthurt that Ragweed is a Poke band?

LRed Dirt MusicIQ. Ragweed is no longer a band

Kansas State Football / Re: Forcier
« on: May 27, 2011, 09:43:58 PM »

Hopefully he doesn't go all :goodbyecruelworld: on our new beautiful 3D turf. :pray:

This is exactly why he's not leaving Grand Rapids and will eventually follow his gf to GVSU..

Michigan winters are tough.  I'd be considering a move south.  But hey, that's just me talking out loud here.

No argument from me, the weather is the only thing I like about living in the south now as opposed to Michigan..

It'd be really respected for Tater to stay in GR or Michigan in general, but he's not going anywhere.. He'll keep carrying on this charade that he is transferring somewhere (maybe even announcing he'll attend such and such University) but he won't leave.. All he does is smoke weed and hang out at his GF's apartment..

Here's an outside-of-the-box thought...why don't we offer his girlfriend a scholarship?

I mean, uh, are they just in love with the beauty of Grand Rapids?

Exactly. We should offer rowing scholarships to all GFs of the elite athletes that we want.

Ask her which she likes better: rowboats or horses?

Hell, Bill pushed for equestrian at KSU over softball. You know he had to be thinking of this, not the fact that his daughter wanted to ride.

Kansas State Football / Re: I was only ten...
« on: May 27, 2011, 02:19:12 PM »
2001 was even more heartbreaking. Great game leading to a dissapointing season.

I miss Ell.

Kansas State Football / Re: Forcier
« on: May 27, 2011, 01:56:11 PM »

Hopefully he doesn't go all :goodbyecruelworld: on our new beautiful 3D turf. :pray:

This is exactly why he's not leaving Grand Rapids and will eventually follow his gf to GVSU..

Michigan winters are tough.  I'd be considering a move south.  But hey, that's just me talking out loud here.

No argument from me, the weather is the only thing I like about living in the south now as opposed to Michigan..

It'd be really respected for Tater to stay in GR or Michigan in general, but he's not going anywhere.. He'll keep carrying on this charade that he is transferring somewhere (maybe even announcing he'll attend such and such University) but he won't leave.. All he does is smoke weed and hang out at his GF's apartment..

Here's an outside-of-the-box thought...why don't we offer his girlfriend a scholarship?

I mean, uh, are they just in love with the beauty of Grand Rapids?

Exactly. We should offer rowing scholarships to all GFs of the elite athletes that we want.

Paint Rock Chalk on the KU Cancer billboard. Makes them look bad themselves.

Paint 12-1 a month later on the new KU wheat billboard.

Kansas State Football / Re: meat goat facility
« on: May 21, 2011, 08:38:13 AM »
Yep, they already broke ground on the new one further away from the stadium. As for the North Farm however, there is not a lot of suitable land in the area so that cannot move further north. Plus, that area give great tailgaiting spots that funds student scholarships.

Kansas State Football / A lot of quitters last week...
« on: April 25, 2011, 08:15:23 PM »
Last week the weight training and practices were optional since Bill scheduled too many lengthy practices in the weeks prior. Of course, the scholarship players are FP and worthless...they didn't show up since they were "optional".

Am I blind to think that this didn't happen during the DOD? Part of me thinks that the main thing that made us good in the DOD was a commodity that isn't easily availabe these days... work ethic.


Kansas State Football / Re: not good..(The U)
« on: April 19, 2011, 08:28:17 AM »
We may not play sound defense, but we do take advantage of turnover teams. See Texas

Jerome Tang Coaches Kansas State Basketball / Re: Wall-E
« on: February 21, 2011, 10:28:49 PM »
As official JYC TC, he realized that the cancer wasn't terminal after the defeat on KU and returned to further infect the team. Hey now carries a lock of pullen's beard with him.

Kansas State Football / Re: Spring Game
« on: February 12, 2011, 10:50:12 PM »
Even though Snyd's makes our Spring Game seem equivalent to a late-term abortion (watching paint dry for the shirt tucks), I'm looking forward to watching Sams take over the role of adorableness in everything emaw.


You'll have to wait for a little longer. Sams won't be here in time.

Kansas State Football / Re: We're going to WIN the North next year!
« on: January 23, 2011, 09:26:47 AM »
Question: How is the 2011 Big 12 North like US Route 24?

Way over my head COWBOY!

Maybe you and storm get about stuff?

The rest of us will enjoy the future from the present time!

Did the back Thomas graduate or does he have 1 year left. i now he wad juco but I wasn't sure if he got 3x3 or 3x4? HELP!

Come on, they both go through MANHATTAN, KS


24 also goes through Lawrence  :ck:


Kansas State Football / Re: Our fans are effing horrible, part 217
« on: December 05, 2010, 04:23:22 PM »
Yeah, I also hate the greatest city in the world.  Wait no I mis,spoke, I like the cac out of it. 

You know what I DO hate?  Every cac hole, jerk water village in this for Manhattan, Lawrence and greater KC metro area.  The rest are unlivable hell holes filled with hordes of mouth breathing trolls. 

 :katpak: <=== Filled with cyanide

Kansas State Football / Re: HFBIQ Discussion: The "Shield" Punt Formation
« on: December 04, 2010, 01:22:24 PM »
Interesting to watch teams (I think OSU may be one) who are now using speedy guys at long snapper so they actually serve as sort of mid-gunners.

This is not new. This was the norm for a while and is starting to come back. HS do it all the time.

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