
General Discussion => Essentially Flyertalk => Topic started by: Pete on November 30, 2021, 02:03:23 PM

Title: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: Pete on November 30, 2021, 02:03:23 PM
This thread is for questions and discussion about recovery (from anything). My name is Pete and I am a grateful recovering alcoholic, and I haven't a had drink since March 8, 2015.  My personal flavor of recovery is a 12 step program about alcohol. Drugs, gambling, sex, porn, etc. weren't/aren't part of my story or struggle, just alcohol.

There were two things that I THOUGHT that I knew to be fact, which I was dead wrong about, and kept me "out there" drinking a lot longer than I had to. 

First, I thought that I had to hit a "bottom" like they talked about on the after school specials, where you lose absolutely everything and all your family and friends, before you could attempt to get better.  Everyone's "bottom" is different.  Mine was living with suicidal thoughts (obsession really) for several years (absolute living hell) with soul crushing anxiety and depression.  I still had a job, had a 401K, had kids getting good grades, etc...but I was headed for a bullet to the brain.

That brings me to the Second thing I thought was a fact, which I was wrong about.  That was that I believed to the core of my soul that I would never experience pleasure or have fun again if I quit drinking.  Every single moment in my life where I could recall being at ease or having a sense of comfort, included alcohol, since probably puberty.  Drinking seemed like the "normal" life, and not drinking seemed like something that just had to be endured.  So, the idea of letting go of my medicine for life seemed like a last resort....I basically decided to give it a shot before I killed myself.  I figured, "I owe it to my kids to try this before I kill myself."  I'm happy to report that I no longer want to kill myself, and even better than that, I actually enjoy my life.  Here's the thing though...you don't get to know HOW/WHAT/WHY of how you will come to have a meaningful and fulfilling life in recovery, but if you work a program, it will materialize.  For me, and for every person in recovery I have ever spoken with (thousands of people), it was/is impossible to predict how you will feel and what your life will be like. 

go cats, ftb
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: steve dave on November 30, 2021, 02:06:29 PM
Great stuff Pete
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: 420seriouscat69 on November 30, 2021, 02:34:18 PM
Great stuff Pete
Yup, STUD!
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: michigancat on November 30, 2021, 02:34:23 PM
love you, Pete. Proud to know you and see you share this.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: Pete on November 30, 2021, 02:43:40 PM
Thanks fellas!  Hopefully we can use this thread to educate folks about this topic.  Maybe mental health as well.  I'm a big fan of making sure folks are taking care of their mental health via educated doctors/meds and psychologists, in addition to traditional forms of recovery methods.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: AST on November 30, 2021, 02:44:21 PM
Very good stuff Pete.  Thank you for sharing and stay strong.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: Pete on November 30, 2021, 02:45:30 PM
Very good stuff Pete.  Thank you for sharing and stay strong.

Thanks man, and tell your brother "hi" for me!
Title: Sobriety Thread
Post by: IPA4Me on November 30, 2021, 02:47:23 PM

I'm not going to share my story here. That's for the AA rooms. However, I am open about being a recovering alcoholic. I've been sober for eighteen months. I'd had the desire to reduce/stop drinking for a while but just couldn't do it.

For me, putting down the bottle was only a small part of recovery. I've had amazing life changes over the last 1.5 years and look forward to even more changes. Most of us in the program discovered that we were masking/escaping our real life issues when we drank. I firmly believe that most of the world would benefit greatly from a twelve step program.

If you're not sure if you're an alcoholic, you can take this little quiz:


If you want to chat in private, you're welcome to message me. If you follow me on Twitter, my DM are always open.
Title: Re: Sobriety Thread
Post by: Pete on November 30, 2021, 02:49:10 PM

Awesome! Do you mind if I merge this with the other thread?
Title: Re: Sobriety Thread
Post by: IPA4Me on November 30, 2021, 02:50:04 PM
Certainly. Didn't know there was another sobriety thread.
Title: Re: Sobriety Thread
Post by: Pete on November 30, 2021, 02:50:41 PM
Certainly. Didn't know there was another sobriety thread.

It's like 45 minutes old!   ;) :lol:
Title: Re: Sobriety Thread
Post by: Pete on November 30, 2021, 02:52:11 PM

If you want to chat in private, you're welcome to message me. If you follow me on Twitter, my DM are always open.

Same here.  Happy to discuss with anyone privately at anytime. 
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: ChiComCat on November 30, 2021, 02:56:26 PM
I've only met Pete on a handful of occasions but it has been a treat to see the changes and joy that he has now.
Title: Re: Sobriety Thread
Post by: Pete on November 30, 2021, 03:01:07 PM
I'd had the desire to reduce/stop drinking for a while but just couldn't do it.

I think this is a great point, and was the same for me.  I'd quit for a period of time and be like "welp, I proved that I don't have a problem!" Then bam, right back to it as hard or harder than I was before I paused.  I know there are moderation programs out there, but for me, and people like me, I just cannot imagine how they could possibly work over the long haul.  And frankly, I think they would have made me feel worse!  For me, the only thing more miserable than not drinking, used to be trying to moderate my drinking.  Ugh, that was awful.

I once heard an old drunk say "Go drink just two legal sized drinks every night (e.g. an 8 oz wine, or a 1 oz spirit) and see how long you can do that without drinking more." His point was that people who do not have a problem, have no problem doing that.

Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: AST on November 30, 2021, 03:06:52 PM
Very good stuff Pete.  Thank you for sharing and stay strong.

Thanks man, and tell your brother "hi" for me!

I will do.  Slight chance he sees this. He is known to drop a GE reference on me on occasion that he could only get from lurking.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: Pete on November 30, 2021, 03:08:43 PM
Big congrats to IPA4Me.  The first year is a tough one, because everything is new and a "first time" in a long time.  Like the first time you celebrate the 4th of July sober, the first time celebrate Thanksgiving sober, the first time you watch your favorite TV show sober, first tailgate sober, first time eating nachos on a Tuesday wearing a white shirt sober, etc.

Being part of a "program" and really immersing yourself in it helps with that.  There are a bajillion of these cliches and sayings and they are all true, but one that applies here is "first things first." Successful recovery means that you put your sobriety ahead of everything else.  I always like to listen to clergy members in recovery. Those dudes are awesome.  They'll talk about needing to put their sobriety before even God.  Before I entered recovery, I had no idea what that meant.  Like, a dude who hurt his family really, really bad was telling me that he put his sobriety before his family and I was like "eff, that guy is still not putting his family first????" But, I didn't get it.  He has nothing unless he puts his recovery first, and in turn, his family will benefit enormously if he does.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: IPA4Me on November 30, 2021, 03:11:50 PM
Going to the beach without a beer was rough ridin' weird.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: Pete on November 30, 2021, 03:14:19 PM
Going to the beach without a beer was rough ridin' weird.

True story.  I went to the beach at about 3 months sober with my family, and I took at least 12 different diet soda 12 packs with me.  Every flavor you could imagine.   :lol:

Now, I don't even contemplate consuming fluids unless I am thirsty.  It's not a "thing" anymore, but it was a HUGE deal for a really long time for me.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: michigancat on November 30, 2021, 03:16:47 PM
Big congrats to IPA4Me.  The first year is a tough one, because everything is new and a "first time" in a long time.  Like the first time you celebrate the 4th of July sober, the first time celebrate Thanksgiving sober, the first time you watch your favorite TV show sober, first tailgate sober, first time eating nachos on a Tuesday wearing a white shirt sober, etc.

Being part of a "program" and really immersing yourself in it helps with that.  There are a bajillion of these cliches and sayings and they are all true, but one that applies here is "first things first." Successful recovery means that you put your sobriety ahead of everything else.  I always like to listen to clergy members in recovery. Those dudes are awesome.  They'll talk about needing to put their sobriety before even God.  Before I entered recovery, I had no idea what that meant.  Like, a dude who hurt his family really, really bad was telling me that he put his sobriety before his family and I was like "eff, that guy is still not putting his family first????" But, I didn't get it.  He has nothing unless he puts his recovery first, and in turn, his family will benefit enormously if he does.

question for both you and IPA:

Are situations like tailgates, Thanksgiving, concerts, etc. tempting in any way, or somehow harder? Or like needing liquid, is it something you're mostly over?
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: Pete on November 30, 2021, 03:19:16 PM
I couldn't go to concerts for a long time.  I went to a concert early in sobriety to "prove" I could still do stuff I used to do, and it was horrible.  I didn't drink, but it was miserable.  Now, I mostly hate concerts. So loud and stuff.  Although, I do really like Grateful Dead cover band concerts.

I stopped doing lots of crap that I never really liked, but used to do just because there was booze.  Like, I hate softball. I rough ridin' hate it.  However, I used to play it all the time, but never sober.  What a relief to stop playing that stupid game.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: Pete on November 30, 2021, 03:23:22 PM
In early sobriety EVERYTHING is a "trigger."  We don't really even like that word.  There are situations in which we have a desire to change how we feel, and desiring to change how we feel is not good...we need to accept it and move through it.  So, we do other stuff when we feel like we want to change how we feel.  We call our sponsors, we talk to another person in recover, read our program literature, go to a meeting, and pray (to a god of our own understanding...."religion" has nothing to do with this, it's all about spirituality).

Most of us want to take a good time and make it even better, or take a bad time and make it be not so bad.  It's both ends of the spectrum.  We need to be comfortable being a 5.5 on a scale of 1 to 10. That takes time and work....the "work" of working a program for days and days and days.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: michigancat on November 30, 2021, 03:26:29 PM
another question: How did it impact your work/career? I've worked at companies that "partying" be way to core to the culture (which I didn't like) and I know sales can be pretty booze-heavy too.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: IPA4Me on November 30, 2021, 03:33:36 PM
Once I committed to not drinking, doing things I liked wasn't an issue. I enjoyed them more once I got over the weirdness of not having a drink at that particular activity.

I was anxious October 2020 when I went to the beach. I'd always had a cooler of beer at the beach since 1993. Always. Once I was there a couple of days, it was no big deal. Now, I go to meetings in the morning when I'm there. Found a nice meeting spot in Clearwater. Then grab breakfast with the family.

Dinner, horse track, coworker gatherings... no big deal. Everybody knows that I quit drinking. Everybody is cool about it.

I love waking up in the morning on a trip with others bright and cherry while they're bemoaning their hangovers. :)
Title: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: Pete on November 30, 2021, 03:37:43 PM
another question: How did it impact your work/career? I've worked at companies that "partying" be way to core to the culture (which I didn't like) and I know sales can be pretty booze-heavy too.

I was REALLY worried about this. The short answer is that everything at work got better, I got promotions I never thought I’d get and it’s been great!

However, I had it in my head that you had to be able booze it up with people to get to know them, or to “schmooze and sell,” etc.  That isn’t the case at all. And this was a not just me. I know MANY successful sales people and professionals who are in recovery who all say the same thing…recovery is our super power. Accepting life on life’s terms and admitting when we are at fault and quickly making amends are great tools for business.  Also, not being hung over is a huge benefit! :lol:  Without even trying my productivity exploded, and I was so much more effective.

I get to work social events a little late, and leave early.  I am there to make my colleagues a d customers feel welcome and comfortable, it’s not about me. Once I have done that, I get the hell out.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: BIG APPLE CAT on November 30, 2021, 03:38:55 PM
i've heard people say quitting one addiction (like alcohol) just leads to a different addiction. I think typically in the form of cigarettes although that might just be a cliche on TV. Did either of you find yourself becoming addicted or hyperfixated on some other "vice"?
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: michigancat on November 30, 2021, 03:39:58 PM
Once I committed to not drinking, doing things I liked wasn't an issue. I enjoyed them more once I got over the weirdness of not having a drink at that particular activity.

I was anxious October 2020 when I went to the beach. I'd always had a cooler of beer at the beach since 1993. Always. Once I was there a couple of days, it was no big deal. Now, I go to meetings in the morning when I'm there. Found a nice meeting spot in Clearwater. Then grab breakfast with the family.

Dinner, horse track, coworker gatherings... no big deal. Everybody knows that I quit drinking. Everybody is cool about it.

I love waking up in the morning on a trip with others bright and cherry while they're bemoaning their hangovers. :)


another question: How did it impact your work/career? I've worked at companies that "partying" be way to core to the culture (which I didn't like) and I know sales can be pretty booze-heavy too.

I was REALLY worried about this. The short answer is that everything at work got better, I got promotions I never thought I’d get and it’s been great!

However, I had it in my head that you had to be able booze it up with people to get to know them, or to “schmooze and sell,” etc.  That isn’t the case at all. And this was a not just me. I know MANY successful sales people a d professionals who are in recovery who all say the same thing…recovery is our super power. Accepting life on life’s terms and admiring when we are at fault and quickly making amends are great tools for business.  Also, not being hung over is a huge benefit! :lol:  Without even trying my productivity exploded, and I was so much more effective.

I get to work social events a little late, and leave early.  I am there to make my colleagues a d customers feel welcome and comfortable, it’s not about me. Once I have done that, I get the hell out.

love it
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: Pete on November 30, 2021, 03:41:54 PM
i've heard people say quitting one addiction (like alcohol) just leads to a different addiction. I think typically in the form of cigarettes although that might just be a cliche on TV. Did either of you find yourself becoming addicted or hyperfixated on some other "vice"?
It’s always a risk, but the point of the caution is that we must learn to live and grow without a crutch. I needed to learn to get past uncomfortable times and grow. I didn’t do that for many, many years. My muscles weren’t built up the way they needed to be.

Now, I do drink too much coffee and I tend to eat too many sweets, etc.  But, so do lots of people.  LOL
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: Pete on November 30, 2021, 03:47:09 PM
Not everyone in recovery has obsessive tendencies, but many do. I do, but mine are pretty manageable for me. I throw myself into new hobbies and stuff all the time, but for me that’s just fun.

Alcohol probably started that way…as just another neat thing I got into. However, over 20 years it got worse and worse. I was probably predisposed at birth, but an alcoholic at 20 or 21. I quit when I was 40.  It was fun for a long, long time. Then, it was fun with problems, and then it was mostly just problems and the good times were far and few between and it was just a way to get through life, no more joy left in it.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: IPA4Me on November 30, 2021, 03:49:32 PM
i've heard people say quitting one addiction (like alcohol) just leads to a different addiction. I think typically in the form of cigarettes although that might just be a cliche on TV. Did either of you find yourself becoming addicted or hyperfixated on some other "vice"?
It’s always a risk, but the point of the caution is that we must learn to live and grow without a crutch. I needed to learn to get past uncomfortable times and grow. I didn’t do that for many, many years. My muscles weren’t built up the way they needed to be.

Now, I do drink too much coffee and I tend to eat too many sweets, etc.  But, so do lots of people.  LOL
My fiance thought was was cross addicting to fitness I was riding my bike so much. Um. No, I just feel better and love to ride.

My sponsor and I talk about endorphins a lot. You don't have to chase them with an addiction. You can do something kind. Give your old friend a call. Clean a toilet. Go for a walk in the park. There are so many things out there that make your brain feel better that aren't drinking.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: BIG APPLE CAT on November 30, 2021, 03:56:45 PM
interesting stuff, thanks gentlemen! And i'm glad to hear that you are both doing well and wish you continued success!
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: michigancat on November 30, 2021, 03:59:38 PM
I mean the consequences of drinking coffee or riding a bike too much kind of pale in comparison to drinking too much
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: tdaver on November 30, 2021, 10:35:33 PM
Thanks for sharing, guys.  Congrats to you both!
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: Dugout DickStone on December 01, 2021, 08:16:59 AM
Pete, as a guy who knew you all 20 of those years and definitely drank way too much by your side, I am very fulfilled to see your story.  giving me a little inspiration to 2 the 2 legal drink thing, though I do pretty good at calling it quits at 3. 

On the career thing, I can say my industry is very booze heavy but not so much so as it used to be.  The guys who brought me up used to go hard, but not anymore.  Without knowing everything, I think many of them have had their battles so they are not into the judging game.  Now, you may miss on a few clients who like to really get after it at a Chiefs game or out at Pebble Beach but 99% of clients prefer paying a guy who is sharp and on his game at 8:30 am versus one who closed it down until 3. 

As far as interoffice, it is perfectly acceptable to show up after work, plunk down the firm card, have your 2 "legal drinks", buy one last round and dip.  The vast majority of my interoffice drinking was with the old guard when I came up.  Not anymore.  Let the youngest go hard on their own dime.  No one disrespects. 

Again, congrats on your journey all of you cats.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: I_have_purplewood on December 01, 2021, 09:59:19 AM
Thank you for sharing your stories and glad to hear things are great!  I know I've had ups and downs with booze and would love to taper more.  I think if I actually wrote down how much I spend on booze monthly it would make me want to quit more.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: 'taterblast on December 01, 2021, 10:24:18 AM
great thread. maybe my favorite thread.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: DQ12 on December 01, 2021, 10:45:29 AM
i feel very lucky that booze hasn't ever really been an addiction problem for me.  anymore i just prefer a dr. pepper, even though i'm constantly catching crap for it.

happy for those cats who recognized that something was a problem and then did the extremely hard job of fixing it.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: Dugout DickStone on December 01, 2021, 10:56:12 AM
i feel very lucky that booze hasn't ever really been an addiction problem for me.  anymore i just prefer a dr. pepper, even though i'm constantly catching crap for it.

happy for those cats who recognized that something was a problem and then did the extremely hard job of fixing it.

Don't you at least have a diet DDP?
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: DQ12 on December 01, 2021, 10:59:55 AM
i feel very lucky that booze hasn't ever really been an addiction problem for me.  anymore i just prefer a dr. pepper, even though i'm constantly catching crap for it.

happy for those cats who recognized that something was a problem and then did the extremely hard job of fixing it.

Don't you at least have a diet DDP?
DDPs are for home.  When I go out and am feeling fancy, i go for the real deal baby.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: IPA4Me on December 01, 2021, 12:06:49 PM
I'm all about the fancy bubbly water these days. The good stuff is hard to find in Kentucky. Topo Chico has to be damn near bootlegged.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: cfbandyman on December 01, 2021, 12:23:39 PM
Thank you for sharing your stories and glad to hear things are great!  I know I've had ups and downs with booze and would love to taper more.  I think if I actually wrote down how much I spend on booze monthly it would make me want to quit more.

Yes, very happy to hear of Pete and IPA's positives from their decisions and that is really, really awesome for them, and definitely a place to get to.

I know for me I am in a decline of usage for a bit, I know probably the whole adage "if you think you might have a problem you do" but realistically at least for me I have found a lot, and I mean a lot of my drinking is driven by basically boredom or stress. I have found as long as I realize that I can (usually) stop the urge, and really it's more my body wants something to "do" and even like a pop or something sweet is just as effective as anything else. It's like when I'm at work, I often go through an entire pack of gum if I have it, chew the piece til it loses it's flavor than start again, it's just a tick that tends to work itself out.

I know for me drinking did not start til literally prom night my senior year of HS, and even still throughout most of college I probably drank (though pretty hard when I did) maybe once a week or every other week, it was a pretty small part of my college experience to be honest, sure plenty of fun parties, but really, it was to weekends, and never on back to back days, and often weeks in between. The pick up in it really took off once I got my house and more or less have lived by myself for the last 5 years, and having a few drinks, not nightly, but more often than once a week, because the way to reward myself for getting chores done, or because I didn't have anything better to do, and I felt safe in doing it at home because well, hey, at least I'm not driving right? Obviously the pandemic just made that even more convenient.

That being said, I am starting some therapy soon anyways, not so much for the drinking but because no matter what I have felt fairly miserable and overburdened, and have been for years (I think the first time any medical professional said I was depressed was senior year of college, a decade ago now) I just need to find better ways at being able to manage that, if that means cutting back more on the hot stuff than so be it, but I think finding better ways of coping will help me out with that too. It really has more felt like I have been running from my problems for too long and haven't taken care of myself at all.

I haven't had a drink in about 10 days right now (I know short) and feel great, but also I slept approximately 50 hours over the 4 days off for Thanksgiving, and didn't touch work once, so that also helped a crap ton too.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: michigancat on December 01, 2021, 12:25:34 PM
good for you on the therapy cfb
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: cfbandyman on December 01, 2021, 12:49:44 PM
good for you on the therapy cfb

thanks man, it's been too long coming, and while I'm trying to temper my expectations, and I know it's going to be work, but just actually having something set up has made me the most hopeful for anything in years.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: IPA4Me on December 01, 2021, 02:01:28 PM
Glad you're getting help! I saw a therapist for the first year or so after I stopped drinking. In my experience, I got far more from AA than I did at the therapist.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: cfbandyman on December 01, 2021, 04:13:06 PM
And that's is totally awesome, and definitely glad that is the path forward. I am very, amazingly happy you are doing something that works for you.

I just think, at least now for me, my issues stem not from booze, as there are other bad habits (and some not as bad, just poor self management/coping) that I just, right now, don't think AA would work (for me).

Booze has been something to cope for sure, and I don't want it to be that, but the root of the problem IMO stems elsewhere. To pull the curtain back and alluded to in my previous post is a lot of pent up issues with work. It's obviously in terms of scale no where close but if you happen to have watched Chernobyl I went through a catastrophic failure (also during at test!, Though obviously and admittedly much smaller, less dangerous, and not as serious of an event) at a site that basically consumed 9 months of my life, and was predated with a further 5 months before that of issues that while didn't directly cause the problem, were very emblematic of the cause of the problem, namely incompetency, lack of understanding, and egos. Chernobyl actually came out during the 9 month rebuild and it struck me (and still does recently rewatching it more recently) just how similar dealing with a crisis it was.

Once again, not as terrible or terrifying, but still traumatic. I was put in a position not unlike the operators, and/or the scientists in that crisis, and it just was beyond stressful and made even worse knowing that the cause of the problem had alarm bells sounded by myself and others trying to make things not be that way, and then it happened. Everyone knew something was going to happen, then it did. It was disheartening, unfair, and frustrating. Make even worse that the main person that was the cause of the problem was allowed to leave, and me and others had to stay and clean up the mess.

Book end that with barely 6 months after returning home from that ordeal you get thrown through the chaos and panic of the pandemic, the reduction workforce and having to cover for all of that, I never really got time to process what I went through, and now I am working on the next plant that is very similar to the one I was out, very much in an attempt to prevent that from happening again, to prove to myself we can learn from our mistakes, but that pressure is building, and that anxiety is ever present.

You may ask, why stay here, why keep suffering in this job? Why keep working? The fact is for me, it would be worse to tuck tail and run, instead of actually doing what is right. It would be far worse at this point to avoid get away from it, than to face it. I want to prove to myself we (and I) can do this right, and not have idiots trash good work. I'll regret it for the rest of my life. Maybe I'm crazy, maybe I'm foolish, but that's where I am hoping to get out of therapy, determining that, and also in general, learning to better deal with stress.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: IPA4Me on December 01, 2021, 04:21:36 PM
For reference, we speak what works for ourselves without necessarily telling you what you should do.

We all have to work our own program.

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Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: cfbandyman on December 01, 2021, 04:23:18 PM
Awesome, and understand  :)
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: Institutional Control on December 01, 2021, 05:35:31 PM
A couple of months ago my buddy’s wife left him and took the kids 1200 miles away because of his drinking. He recently stayed the weekend with me and would begin drinking vodka as soon as he woke up.  My first inclination was to mock him and that had no effect, obviously.  The next day I tired discussing what I could do to help to get his life in order and he insisted he had it under control. Is there anything I can do to help if he doesn’t want it?

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Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: 420seriouscat69 on December 01, 2021, 08:04:41 PM
Thank you for sharing your stories and glad to hear things are great!  I know I've had ups and downs with booze and would love to taper more.  I think if I actually wrote down how much I spend on booze monthly it would make me want to quit more.

Yes, very happy to hear of Pete and IPA's positives from their decisions and that is really, really awesome for them, and definitely a place to get to.

I know for me I am in a decline of usage for a bit, I know probably the whole adage "if you think you might have a problem you do" but realistically at least for me I have found a lot, and I mean a lot of my drinking is driven by basically boredom or stress. I have found as long as I realize that I can (usually) stop the urge, and really it's more my body wants something to "do" and even like a pop or something sweet is just as effective as anything else. It's like when I'm at work, I often go through an entire pack of gum if I have it, chew the piece til it loses it's flavor than start again, it's just a tick that tends to work itself out.

I know for me drinking did not start til literally prom night my senior year of HS, and even still throughout most of college I probably drank (though pretty hard when I did) maybe once a week or every other week, it was a pretty small part of my college experience to be honest, sure plenty of fun parties, but really, it was to weekends, and never on back to back days, and often weeks in between. The pick up in it really took off once I got my house and more or less have lived by myself for the last 5 years, and having a few drinks, not nightly, but more often than once a week, because the way to reward myself for getting chores done, or because I didn't have anything better to do, and I felt safe in doing it at home because well, hey, at least I'm not driving right? Obviously the pandemic just made that even more convenient.

That being said, I am starting some therapy soon anyways, not so much for the drinking but because no matter what I have felt fairly miserable and overburdened, and have been for years (I think the first time any medical professional said I was depressed was senior year of college, a decade ago now) I just need to find better ways at being able to manage that, if that means cutting back more on the hot stuff than so be it, but I think finding better ways of coping will help me out with that too. It really has more felt like I have been running from my problems for too long and haven't taken care of myself at all.

I haven't had a drink in about 10 days right now (I know short) and feel great, but also I slept approximately 50 hours over the 4 days off for Thanksgiving, and didn't touch work once, so that also helped a crap ton too.
This is spot on for me. I might drink 3 nights a week. I just need to get offline when I do it, because I get more irritable with people who make me irritable on social media and here, but am super social and nice IRL. I hate that all of my good friends have moved away (so I’m bored a lot. Especially working from home full-time) and many of my off nights are my time, when the kid is in bed and the wife doesn’t want to watch sports. So I pour a Svedka, watch sports, and talk about it online. Yeah, I’ve expressed my own mental health on this blog before, but overall, my life is in the best place it’s ever been (due to taking steps with medicine and counseling every now and then). I’ll calm down my crap posting, but overall, I’m a very happy, positive person, who likes to PAK when my teams play. Sorry, I thought I had to explain this for Mich, since he’s expressed many times I have a problem and I’m sure it comes off that way. Either way, I’m proud of everyone on here taking steps and for those people supporting them as well. Go cats!

PS- I should have taken Clams advice early on and never visited the pit in the offseason years ago.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: IPA4Me on December 01, 2021, 08:41:53 PM

A couple of months ago my buddy’s wife left him and took the kids 1200 miles away because of his drinking. He recently stayed the weekend with me and would begin drinking vodka as soon as he woke up.  My first inclination was to mock him and that had no effect, obviously.  The next day I tired discussing what I could do to help to get his life in order and he insisted he had it under control. Is there anything I can do to help if he doesn’t want it?

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Unfortunately, not much until he is ready.  Step 1 is admitting you have a problem. If he doesn't think he has one, then all you can do is encourage him. If he thinks he might be but is unsure, here's a little quiz.


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Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: Pete on December 01, 2021, 08:53:59 PM
A couple of months ago my buddy’s wife left him and took the kids 1200 miles away because of his drinking. He recently stayed the weekend with me and would begin drinking vodka as soon as he woke up.  My first inclination was to mock him and that had no effect, obviously.  The next day I tired discussing what I could do to help to get his life in order and he insisted he had it under control. Is there anything I can do to help if he doesn’t want it?

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This is the oldest problem there is, related to any kind of addiction, and heck, with any kind of mental health.  In my experience, the most effective way to help them is to let them know that there are options available for help.

I can vividly remember times when different people tried to communicate to me that I had a problem over the years...those moments made a difference.  It didn't affect change in me immediately, but it did plant a seed, and over time that grew. 
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: Pete on December 01, 2021, 09:05:57 PM
Related to the question of "Is there anything I can do to help if he doesn’t want it," is the notion of an "intervention" or "rehab."  In my experience, an intervention (loved ones confronting you) can be very powerful, but usually does not work right away...again, it plants the seed.

Rehab, for someone who doesn't want to be in rehab, is the same way.  It's a very, very expensive intervention that has no more chance of working than a surprise group visit, if the person doesn't want to get sober, in my opinion.  However, it does do a nice job of separating a person from their vice for a short amount of time. So, if you have someone who is at risk of OD'ing or something, then rehab can be a handy way of keeping them alive for 30 days longer. 

If someone really wanted to do something drastic in their recovery to jump start it, in my experience an Oxford House is more effective than rehab (and it's free).

However, my experience and observation has led me to believe that all you really need to do is immerse yourself in a 12-step program and go to at least one meeting a day for 90 days (and still VERY frequently thereafter), get a sponsor and work ALL the steps with them, and calling your sponsor every day.   

I used to wonder "how many meetings do you need to go to a week for the rest of your life?!?!"  The answer changes for everyone.  I've had periods of time where I felt the need to go every day, in periods of higher stress etc.  I've also had days where I had to hit multiple meetings in a single day.  In Covid, I stayed sober not going to a single in-person meeting for 1 year, but I was already 5+ years sober at that point....and it was still a very risky thing for me to do.  These days, I usually go to 2 or 3 a week, and lead one a week.  Sometimes more, sometimes less.  They always, ALWAYS, make me feel better about life.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: IPA4Me on December 02, 2021, 10:49:49 AM
I feel bad for IC's friend. Wife and kids leaving is rough. Unfortunately, it seems to be a trigger rather than a wake up call. Hopefully, the seed IC planted will get his friend to thinking before something unrepairable happens.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: ChiComCat on December 02, 2021, 10:55:06 AM
I hate that all of my good friends have moved away (so I’m bored a lot. Especially working from home full-time) and many of my off nights are my time, when the kid is in bed and the wife doesn’t want to watch sports.

Probably off-topic but I learned that while working from home, I needed to be more intentional about my friendships.  It's a little out of my comfort zone, but I've reached out to people more and tried to set up coffee/drinks/dinner with some acquaintances that I haven't traditionally hung out with before.  It just doesn't happen naturally as much anymore between working from home and being the age where people have kids.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: 420seriouscat69 on December 02, 2021, 11:54:41 AM
100%. I’ve really befriended my wife’s guy friends lately. We try and make plans at least once a month.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: steve dave on December 02, 2021, 05:06:51 PM
100%. I’ve really befriended my wife’s guy friends lately. We try and make plans at least once a month.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: steve dave on December 02, 2021, 05:08:02 PM
JK friend!
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: cfbandyman on December 02, 2021, 05:41:17 PM
Thank you for sharing your stories and glad to hear things are great!  I know I've had ups and downs with booze and would love to taper more.  I think if I actually wrote down how much I spend on booze monthly it would make me want to quit more.

Yes, very happy to hear of Pete and IPA's positives from their decisions and that is really, really awesome for them, and definitely a place to get to.

I know for me I am in a decline of usage for a bit, I know probably the whole adage "if you think you might have a problem you do" but realistically at least for me I have found a lot, and I mean a lot of my drinking is driven by basically boredom or stress. I have found as long as I realize that I can (usually) stop the urge, and really it's more my body wants something to "do" and even like a pop or something sweet is just as effective as anything else. It's like when I'm at work, I often go through an entire pack of gum if I have it, chew the piece til it loses it's flavor than start again, it's just a tick that tends to work itself out.

I know for me drinking did not start til literally prom night my senior year of HS, and even still throughout most of college I probably drank (though pretty hard when I did) maybe once a week or every other week, it was a pretty small part of my college experience to be honest, sure plenty of fun parties, but really, it was to weekends, and never on back to back days, and often weeks in between. The pick up in it really took off once I got my house and more or less have lived by myself for the last 5 years, and having a few drinks, not nightly, but more often than once a week, because the way to reward myself for getting chores done, or because I didn't have anything better to do, and I felt safe in doing it at home because well, hey, at least I'm not driving right? Obviously the pandemic just made that even more convenient.

That being said, I am starting some therapy soon anyways, not so much for the drinking but because no matter what I have felt fairly miserable and overburdened, and have been for years (I think the first time any medical professional said I was depressed was senior year of college, a decade ago now) I just need to find better ways at being able to manage that, if that means cutting back more on the hot stuff than so be it, but I think finding better ways of coping will help me out with that too. It really has more felt like I have been running from my problems for too long and haven't taken care of myself at all.

I haven't had a drink in about 10 days right now (I know short) and feel great, but also I slept approximately 50 hours over the 4 days off for Thanksgiving, and didn't touch work once, so that also helped a crap ton too.
This is spot on for me. I might drink 3 nights a week. I just need to get offline when I do it, because I get more irritable with people who make me irritable on social media and here, but am super social and nice IRL. I hate that all of my good friends have moved away (so I’m bored a lot. Especially working from home full-time) and many of my off nights are my time, when the kid is in bed and the wife doesn’t want to watch sports. So I pour a Svedka, watch sports, and talk about it online. Yeah, I’ve expressed my own mental health on this blog before, but overall, my life is in the best place it’s ever been (due to taking steps with medicine and counseling every now and then). I’ll calm down my crap posting, but overall, I’m a very happy, positive person, who likes to PAK when my teams play. Sorry, I thought I had to explain this for Mich, since he’s expressed many times I have a problem and I’m sure it comes off that way. Either way, I’m proud of everyone on here taking steps and for those people supporting them as well. Go cats!

PS- I should have taken Clams advice early on and never visited the pit in the offseason years ago.

The word, but I found (for me) the best has been my friends basically abandoning twitter and subsequently me has helped out the most there. Only looking at twitter very occasionally and for really only cats or truly news related things has been the best thing. It's such a miserable place regardless of your politics. My friends just got so tired of how awful and negative and disparaging things were on twitter, and while they still have accounts just deleted the app, and they have been so much happier for it, and gotta say following that lead and basically cutting it out does wonders.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: 420seriouscat69 on December 02, 2021, 06:05:56 PM
JK friend!
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: 420seriouscat69 on December 02, 2021, 06:15:18 PM
I really worded that wrong. Lol. I’ve really tried to befriend my wife’s girlfriends partners lately, for some much needed bro time. Or whatever makes sense, that doesn’t sound like Mrs. Wacky is hanging with a bunch of dudes on the side.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: star seed 7 on December 02, 2021, 07:17:38 PM
This site does not kink shame, 420seriouscat69, do whatever you want
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: steve dave on December 02, 2021, 07:23:04 PM
Yeah, I was certainly not meaning to do that
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: 420seriouscat69 on December 02, 2021, 07:36:19 PM
Lol. I know. The English language vs Wacky continues to be the greatest battle online.

Anyways, not trying to take over this thread. Just wanted to shed light on the mental health part of this thread. I definitely could and will do better about my overall presence of being a degenerate when I have time off and talk with friends on the internet.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: Institutional Control on December 03, 2021, 10:40:36 AM
Finding friends as an adult can be hard.  Almost all my close friends I either used to work with or we have kids that were in sports or activities together.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: IPA4Me on December 04, 2021, 11:29:39 PM
Quitting tobacco has proven to be far harder than alcohol. I'd cut a mf'er right now for a pinch of Grizzly.

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Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: Cire on December 05, 2021, 09:02:02 AM

I smoked in college and for about 5 years after. Probably 10 years total.

I used the gum. Took about 4 months from last cig to no more gum

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Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: 420seriouscat69 on December 05, 2021, 09:05:02 AM
I don’t like the gum. I quit cigarettes when my son was born, but substituted cigars from time to time instead. Overall, still doing better than where I was, but it’s hard for sure.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: Cire on December 05, 2021, 09:06:02 AM
Congrats on the sobriety guys

Keep in mind Therapists are like anything else. There’s good ones and bad ones. If you aren’t feeling it with one shop around.

Same with anti anxiety/depression meds

I took lexapro for about 9 years and it helped A TON but I had a breakdown in July/august

Talked to a psychiatrist and she switched me to cymbalta it’s been even better/more effective for me.

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Title: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: Pete on December 05, 2021, 11:10:45 AM
I have tried 5 or 6 different meds since 2000, and have been on one for the past couple years that works well enough to justify the side effects for me.

I am a big proponent of medical help, but for me that wasn’t nearly enough.

If I had to choose meds or program/regular frequent meetings, I’d choose the later, no question about it.  I’ve tried it both ways.

Meetings and working the steps work.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: OB_Won on December 05, 2021, 04:15:33 PM
Quitting tobacco has proven to be far harder than alcohol. I'd cut a mf'er right now for a pinch of Grizzly.

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I smoked and dipped for about a decade, starting in college. I quit both cold turkey with lots of sugar free gum and sugar free candies. The first couple weeks were brutal, but after 3 or 4 it got much better. Then, it eventually got to the point that I missed the idea more than the act. Now, I don't even think about it anymore.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: 8manpick on December 05, 2021, 05:04:04 PM
My brother-in-law is a week in to an in-patient rehab program for alcohol. He did so after his wife (Mrs. 8mp’s sister) served him w/ divorce papers.  They have a 1 year old daughter. Sad stuff, hopefully it works out for him. I like him when he isn’t being a shitty drunk.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: Spracne on December 05, 2021, 05:15:13 PM
This might be the best thread on this blogspace. Really proud of everyone for being real and discussing real issues like adults and without judgment. Godspeed.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: Pete on December 05, 2021, 05:40:48 PM
My brother-in-law is a week in to an in-patient rehab program for alcohol. He did so after his wife (Mrs. 8mp’s sister) served him w/ divorce papers.  They have a 1 year old daughter. Sad stuff, hopefully it works out for him. I like him when he isn’t being a shitty drunk.

One (of the many) things that motivated me was the fear of “what would I do if my kids needed me, and I was too drunk to drive to go help them out.”  Maybe this helps him turn into a good dad before his kid is old enough to know the difference.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: cfbandyman on December 05, 2021, 06:04:16 PM
Quitting tobacco has proven to be far harder than alcohol. I'd cut a mf'er right now for a pinch of Grizzly.

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I got some friends who smoke and they go through bouts of quitting and then going back to it. It definitely looks much harder than drinking would be.

I am glad I never had any smoking desires, tobacco or otherwise. Tried weed, tried tobacco, both just never did it for me and I am very, very glad of that.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: star seed 7 on December 06, 2021, 02:30:32 PM
To continue the meds discussion, how does one go about getting back on an anti-depressant prescription? I don't have a regular doctor or anything. In the past I've had family friends available to write the script, but that's not an option now. The last time I went through Lafene when I was in school 7 years ago or so. This particular med was the first of probably 6 prior that I felt did anything beyond noticeable side effects. I was broke at the time and it was something like $250 a month without insurance so I stopped after 4 months or so. I'd like to give it a try again now that I have insurance and am not broke.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: 8manpick on December 06, 2021, 02:41:36 PM
I was broke at the time and it was something like $250 a month without insurance so I stopped after 4 months or so. I'd like to give it a try again now that I have insurance and am not broke.

God this sucks
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: star seed 7 on December 06, 2021, 02:43:26 PM
I just looked at the current price on Google and it says $500 without insurance  :sdeek:
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: michigancat on December 06, 2021, 02:51:31 PM
To continue the meds discussion, how does one go about getting back on an anti-depressant prescription? I don't have a regular doctor or anything. In the past I've had family friends available to write the script, but that's not an option now. The last time I went through Lafene when I was in school 7 years ago or so. This particular med was the first of probably 6 prior that I felt did anything beyond noticeable side effects. I was broke at the time and it was something like $250 a month without insurance so I stopped after 4 months or so. I'd like to give it a try again now that I have insurance and am not broke.

I would suggest scheduling a regular health checkup with a general practitioner and mentioning all of this in detail. They may write you a prescription or refer you to a psychiatrist.

Psychotherapy may also be an option but I've found it's really difficult to find in-network therapists these days. May be different in KC.

My wife had really good luck with betterhelp.com doing virtual therapy. Out of network but relatively cheap and she likes it more than in-person therapists she's met with.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: 420seriouscat69 on December 06, 2021, 02:57:05 PM
Lib, my Doctor got me right. I was almost a bit suicidal 8 years ago, before she got me on the right cocktail. I'd be happy to refer her to you. Let me know what you think.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: DaBigTrain on December 06, 2021, 03:04:24 PM
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: Pete on December 07, 2021, 07:25:24 AM
I'd like to give it a try again now that I have insurance and am not broke.

I'd just pick a general practitioner at random from those that are covered by your program and call them and ask them if they are taking new patients, and setup the appointment. If they ask the reason, I'd be honest and say anxiety/depression.  Then, I'd do exactly as MichiganCat mentioned and tell them the story....Wish I was on meds this whole time, but didn't have insurance.  They hear that ALL the time, and they'll be very helpful.  Just understand that it may take some time and experimentation to get the right meds for you...and that the side effects for most people do get better with time (don't be like me when I was younger and just quit them at the first sign of a side effect).
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: Pete on December 07, 2021, 07:28:14 AM
Most employers have a health line or employer services thing you can call with "life problems" or whatever.  That will usually include half a dozen free therapy sessions.  I did this when I was first quitting drinking, and it was a nice addition to my overall approach.  The same services are available even if you "just don't feel right" and want to see if professional help would make life better.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: Institutional Control on January 31, 2022, 01:21:56 PM
Does anyone have experience with Transcendental Meditation?  I'm considering looking into it as a way to de-stress and gain focus.  Does anyone have any thoughts about TM?
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: Pete on January 31, 2022, 03:03:34 PM
Does anyone have experience with Transcendental Meditation?  I'm considering looking into it as a way to de-stress and gain focus.  Does anyone have any thoughts about TM?
I’d sign up for a class, like down at Unity on the plaza or buy and app. Calm has some good guided meditation content.

Lots of people get a lot out of it.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: passranch on January 31, 2022, 04:59:28 PM
Not sure if this is the appropriate thread but...final day of dry January for me.  Was surprisingly easy.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: Institutional Control on January 31, 2022, 08:58:22 PM
Does anyone have experience with Transcendental Meditation?  I'm considering looking into it as a way to de-stress and gain focus.  Does anyone have any thoughts about TM?
I’d sign up for a class, like down at Unity on the plaza or buy and app. Calm has some good guided meditation content.

Lots of people get a lot out of it.
Thanks, Pete.  I’m going to give the Calm app a try.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: 'taterblast on March 10, 2022, 11:00:22 AM
i think i need to take a break and consider giving up alcohol for the rest of my life. that's incredibly hard to say. my problem isn't how often i drink, it's that once i start there's no stopping me until i black out. it's been this way for damn near 20 years now. it's the same vicious cycle of getting too drunk, feeling like crap about it, and then completely forgetting it happened two weeks later. it is affecting my marriage. i feel so awkward typing this out but i spend every day on this #blog so it felt like the right place to put it.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: 420seriouscat69 on March 10, 2022, 11:37:33 AM
i think i need to take a break and consider giving up alcohol for the rest of my life. that's incredibly hard to say. my problem isn't how often i drink, it's that once i start there's no stopping me until i black out. it's been this way for damn near 20 years now. it's the same vicious cycle of getting too drunk, feeling like crap about it, and then completely forgetting it happened two weeks later. it is affecting my marriage. i feel so awkward typing this out but i spend every day on this #blog so it felt like the right place to put it.
Love ya, brother. Hang in there! Let me know if you ever wanna chat.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: stunted on March 10, 2022, 12:43:16 PM
i'm seeing ketamine therapy pop up more and more in random places as treatment for depression. have a friend who struggled with depression and it has helped him a ton, he's become someone with a lot of passion for life. could be a great option, although there could be an addiction risk if you got a history for it.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: ChiComCat on March 10, 2022, 12:55:14 PM
i think i need to take a break and consider giving up alcohol for the rest of my life. that's incredibly hard to say. my problem isn't how often i drink, it's that once i start there's no stopping me until i black out. it's been this way for damn near 20 years now. it's the same vicious cycle of getting too drunk, feeling like crap about it, and then completely forgetting it happened two weeks later. it is affecting my marriage. i feel so awkward typing this out but i spend every day on this #blog so it felt like the right place to put it.

I think there are some pretty qualified and willing individuals on here if you need to talk.  It seems like a great place to put it out there.  Good luck on your journey.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: nicname on March 10, 2022, 01:03:45 PM
i'm seeing ketamine therapy pop up more and more in random places as treatment for depression. have a friend who struggled with depression and it has helped him a ton, he's become someone with a lot of passion for life. could be a great option, although there could be an addiction risk if you got a history for it.

Small dose kratom works well too, but also carries addiction risk.

Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: IPA4Me on March 10, 2022, 01:17:03 PM
i think i need to take a break and consider giving up alcohol for the rest of my life. that's incredibly hard to say. my problem isn't how often i drink, it's that once i start there's no stopping me until i black out. it's been this way for damn near 20 years now. it's the same vicious cycle of getting too drunk, feeling like crap about it, and then completely forgetting it happened two weeks later. it is affecting my marriage. i feel so awkward typing this out but i spend every day on this #blog so it felt like the right place to put it.
That first step was a tough one. I know. It was almost two years ago that I made the best decision of my life.

https://www.aa.org/the-big-book (https://www.aa.org/the-big-book) <- you can download a section at a time for reading as PDF.

My private messages are open to chat. I can help get you connected to a group in your area.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: Pete on March 10, 2022, 01:56:04 PM
i think i need to take a break and consider giving up alcohol for the rest of my life. that's incredibly hard to say. my problem isn't how often i drink, it's that once i start there's no stopping me until i black out. it's been this way for damn near 20 years now. it's the same vicious cycle of getting too drunk, feeling like crap about it, and then completely forgetting it happened two weeks later. it is affecting my marriage. i feel so awkward typing this out but i spend every day on this #blog so it felt like the right place to put it.

You sound like me before I quit. Alcoholism gets worse, never better…and it always gets worse.  There are many recovery methods, but I chose AA.  Stanford just completed the largest study to date on that question and found that AA was the most effective ( https://med.stanford.edu/news/all-news/2020/03/alcoholics-anonymous-most-effective-path-to-alcohol-abstinence.html ). To each his own, though.  I just passed 7 years this week.

Before I entered AA, I looked for a lot of physical solutions for a spiritual problem.  I was bankrupt emotionally and spiritually, and was on a dangerous path physically.   “Maybe if I took Xanax?”  “Maybe if I worked out more?”  “Maybe if I changed my job?”  “Maybe if I changed my domestic situation?”  None of that rough ridin' crap was the cause. I was the problem, and wherever I went I was there.

For MILLIONS of people the answer to a happy and content life in recovery from alcoholism has been to work the program of AA.  Go to meetings, get a sponsor, work the steps (hard), and don’t drink.  If you are honest and willing, you will find that contentment.

One warning though, I’ve never seen anyone get the desired effect with anything less than total commitment.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: nicname on March 10, 2022, 02:08:40 PM
Yes, AA is very holistic. It’s why their 12-step approach works with actual addictions, and non-addictions alike. For a lot of people, the addiction itself is a mere symptom of an underlying mental health problem. That’s no always the case tho.

Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: XocolateThundarr on March 10, 2022, 02:18:41 PM
I am currently taking a 30 day break to see how I feel.  So far about two weeks in.  I do find that I am sleeping a lot better.  :dunno:
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: Pete on March 10, 2022, 02:34:27 PM
Yes, AA is very holistic. It’s why their 12-step approach works with actual addictions, and non-addictions alike. For a lot of people, the addiction itself is a mere symptom of an underlying mental health problem. That’s no always the case tho.
I’ve never known anyone who was an alcoholic who only had a trouble with drinking and there was no underlying issues (e.g. fears, resentments, etc. the list goes on). I have only ever known alcoholics for whom drinking was but a symptom of their problems.  I can’t say that’s impossible to only have a problem with drinking, but I have never encountered it before.  It would definitely be a first for me.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: Fedor on March 10, 2022, 04:13:25 PM
i think i need to take a break and consider giving up alcohol for the rest of my life. that's incredibly hard to say. my problem isn't how often i drink, it's that once i start there's no stopping me until i black out. it's been this way for damn near 20 years now. it's the same vicious cycle of getting too drunk, feeling like crap about it, and then completely forgetting it happened two weeks later. it is affecting my marriage. i feel so awkward typing this out but i spend every day on this #blog so it felt like the right place to put it.

You sound like me before I quit. Alcoholism gets worse, never better…and it always gets worse.  There are many recovery methods, but I chose AA.  Stanford just completed the largest study to date on that question and found that AA was the most effective ( https://med.stanford.edu/news/all-news/2020/03/alcoholics-anonymous-most-effective-path-to-alcohol-abstinence.html ). To each his own, though.  I just passed 7 years this week.

Before I entered AA, I looked for a lot of physical solutions for a spiritual problem.  I was bankrupt emotionally and spiritually, and was on a dangerous path physically.   “Maybe if I took Xanax?”  “Maybe if I worked out more?”  “Maybe if I changed my job?”  “Maybe if I changed my domestic situation?”  None of that rough ridin' crap was the cause. I was the problem, and wherever I went I was there.

For MILLIONS of people the answer to a happy and content life in recovery from alcoholism has been to work the program of AA.  Go to meetings, get a sponsor, work the steps (hard), and don’t drink.  If you are honest and willing, you will find that contentment.

One warning though, I’ve never seen anyone get the desired effect with anything less than total commitment.
What did you do to get fulfillment spiritually?  My brother in law literally drank himself to death about a year ago.  Early 40's and he just destroyed his liver with alcohol.  It took years of heavy drinking and a very long, steady and noticeable decline but he just would not quit.  He would not take responsibility for anything in his life, nothing was ever his fault.  Very frustrating and difficult to watch.  He had a lot of underlying issues, but if nothing is your fault you never have to change...
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: cfbandyman on March 10, 2022, 04:30:18 PM
i think i need to take a break and consider giving up alcohol for the rest of my life. that's incredibly hard to say. my problem isn't how often i drink, it's that once i start there's no stopping me until i black out. it's been this way for damn near 20 years now. it's the same vicious cycle of getting too drunk, feeling like crap about it, and then completely forgetting it happened two weeks later. it is affecting my marriage. i feel so awkward typing this out but i spend every day on this #blog so it felt like the right place to put it.

You sound like me before I quit. Alcoholism gets worse, never better…and it always gets worse.  There are many recovery methods, but I chose AA.  Stanford just completed the largest study to date on that question and found that AA was the most effective ( https://med.stanford.edu/news/all-news/2020/03/alcoholics-anonymous-most-effective-path-to-alcohol-abstinence.html ). To each his own, though.  I just passed 7 years this week.

Before I entered AA, I looked for a lot of physical solutions for a spiritual problem.  I was bankrupt emotionally and spiritually, and was on a dangerous path physically.   “Maybe if I took Xanax?”  “Maybe if I worked out more?”  “Maybe if I changed my job?”  “Maybe if I changed my domestic situation?”  None of that rough ridin' crap was the cause. I was the problem, and wherever I went I was there.

For MILLIONS of people the answer to a happy and content life in recovery from alcoholism has been to work the program of AA.  Go to meetings, get a sponsor, work the steps (hard), and don’t drink.  If you are honest and willing, you will find that contentment.

One warning though, I’ve never seen anyone get the desired effect with anything less than total commitment.
What did you do to get fulfillment spiritually?  My brother in law literally drank himself to death about a year ago.  Early 40's and he just destroyed his liver with alcohol.  It took years of heavy drinking and a very long, steady and noticeable decline but he just would not quit.  He would not take responsibility for anything in his life, nothing was ever his fault.  Very frustrating and difficult to watch.  He had a lot of underlying issues, but if nothing is your fault you never have to change...

Holy crap that is awful
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: cfbandyman on March 10, 2022, 04:30:42 PM
Hoping the best for 'taterblast!
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: Pete on March 10, 2022, 04:56:02 PM
i think i need to take a break and consider giving up alcohol for the rest of my life. that's incredibly hard to say. my problem isn't how often i drink, it's that once i start there's no stopping me until i black out. it's been this way for damn near 20 years now. it's the same vicious cycle of getting too drunk, feeling like crap about it, and then completely forgetting it happened two weeks later. it is affecting my marriage. i feel so awkward typing this out but i spend every day on this #blog so it felt like the right place to put it.

You sound like me before I quit. Alcoholism gets worse, never better…and it always gets worse.  There are many recovery methods, but I chose AA.  Stanford just completed the largest study to date on that question and found that AA was the most effective ( https://med.stanford.edu/news/all-news/2020/03/alcoholics-anonymous-most-effective-path-to-alcohol-abstinence.html ). To each his own, though.  I just passed 7 years this week.

Before I entered AA, I looked for a lot of physical solutions for a spiritual problem.  I was bankrupt emotionally and spiritually, and was on a dangerous path physically.   “Maybe if I took Xanax?”  “Maybe if I worked out more?”  “Maybe if I changed my job?”  “Maybe if I changed my domestic situation?”  None of that rough ridin' crap was the cause. I was the problem, and wherever I went I was there.

For MILLIONS of people the answer to a happy and content life in recovery from alcoholism has been to work the program of AA.  Go to meetings, get a sponsor, work the steps (hard), and don’t drink.  If you are honest and willing, you will find that contentment.

One warning though, I’ve never seen anyone get the desired effect with anything less than total commitment.
What did you do to get fulfillment spiritually?  My brother in law literally drank himself to death about a year ago.  Early 40's and he just destroyed his liver with alcohol.  It took years of heavy drinking and a very long, steady and noticeable decline but he just would not quit.  He would not take responsibility for anything in his life, nothing was ever his fault.  Very frustrating and difficult to watch.  He had a lot of underlying issues, but if nothing is your fault you never have to change...
Worked the steps
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: steve dave on March 10, 2022, 08:03:29 PM
Pete, can you elaborate on the steps? I know it’s all out there for us to see ourselves but just a quick and dirty version? You are a great human who I look up to and I like your description of things.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: Pete on March 11, 2022, 11:14:15 AM
Essentially the purpose of the steps is to try and keep ourselves from feeling like we need a drink. So, from a practical standpoint that involves staying out of trouble and cleaning up our messes when didn’t stay out of trouble.

The doozy of the whole thing is that it’s spiritual program. Not religious; unless that’s your own choice.  It’s Spiritual, because we believe that we lack the power to do this stuff all on our own and we need a power greater than ourselves. I personally call that power God, but I don’t belong to any organized religion.  We have proven that on our own, our lives had become unmanageable(admitting that’s the second part of step 1, and frankly way more important that simply admitting we were alcoholics). I had two cars in the garage, a good job and 401K and my life was unmanageable…without alcohol I had no desire to live, and alcohol was causing more problems than it was solving.  I very literally couldn’t successfully live with it or without it, all by myself.

So, slowly but surely, the steps allow us to change our whole attitude and outlook on life. It happens gradually, and is caused by ACTION. It’s not caused by “learning some stuff.”  We say “it works when you work it.”  I have to always try to do the next right thing, and when I eff up I am required to make amends promptly.  I also am asked to regularly pray and strive to maintain contact with my higher power.  I got to meetings, meet with my sponsor, sponsor other guys, lead meeting, and stay in contact with other folks in recovery. All these things help me keep  recovery as the number one priority in my life…before my kids, before even God. That may sound backwards, but that’s the way it has to be in order for anything else to be a part of my life.

So, these days I pray constantly, and only ever to ask God to grant me the knowledge of the right thing and will to do it…to “direct my thinking.”  I grew up about as Lutheran as it gets…maybe missed dozen sundays in my first 18 years of life…youth groups, acolyte, usher, I did it all. That time of my life is NOTHING compared to the quality of my spiritual life now, and again, I belong to no religion anymore.

As a result of working the steps, I can take a deep breath and know that everything is OK, and it will be OK. I don’t fear death or an afterlife judgment. If one exists, I will be happy to have that conversation with God….and frankly, I suspect God will say “you were rough ridin' it all up there for a while, but you got it in the end!”
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: steve dave on March 11, 2022, 11:44:04 AM
thanks Pete
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: IPA4Me on March 12, 2022, 06:08:05 AM
Pete's five paragraph summary is perfect.

Sent from my moto g power using Tapatalk

Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: nicname on March 12, 2022, 12:35:27 PM
 :emawkid: @ Pete. Lots of stoicism in 12-steps imo.

What an awesome description.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: 420seriouscat69 on March 12, 2022, 01:01:27 PM
That last paragraph got me, @Pete. Awesome work!
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: passranch on March 12, 2022, 04:54:42 PM
I am currently taking a 30 day break to see how I feel.  So far about two weeks in.  I do find that I am sleeping a lot better.  :dunno:

Not sure if this is the appropriate thread but...final day of dry January for me.  Was surprisingly easy.

Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: FuzzyWuzzy on March 14, 2022, 03:03:27 PM
Came back to this forum after a long hiatus(since 2012/2013) to celebrate oscar getting forced out.  :emawkid:

looked back at my old posts/post stats and, yikes...

i'm pretty sure I was drunk as a skunk in close to 100% of my past posts and it shows. only <10% of my posts were made between 6am and 5pm(the only hours I would have been sober-ish back then) and ~20% of my posts were made between midnight and 6 am. Many of my posts were just plain incoherent...I even tried to convince folks that a bball player had averaged 1.25 rebounds per possession. It was a real rough time in my life and I handled it terribly.

Anyhow, things are better on this end nowadays, though the pandemic has been tough. I guess I just wanted to offer something of an acknowledgement/apology. Sorry for being a drunk bad person, everyone
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: IPA4Me on March 14, 2022, 03:56:10 PM
Been there. Glad you got your crap together man.

Sent from my moto g power using Tapatalk

Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: schreds21 on March 17, 2022, 10:39:36 AM
Quit chewing tobacco cold turkey 6 years ago.  Had chewed Copenhagen snuff for about 25 years and was up to 1-1 1/2 cans a day.  First month or so really sucked but now I rarely get the urge to take a dip.  This year I have given up booze for Lent.  I'm pretty much a beer only guy now (my hard liquor days are long behind me, just can't do it anymore) but I do drink plenty of it.  My daughter (6 yrs old) is making a Lenten sacrifice for the first time and asked me what I was giving up.  I let her decide and she thought I should give up beer (God Dammit).  I've always been a lead by example guy so I agreed.  Went to a couple of events this weekend where quite a bit of consumption was taking place and it was no big deal.  When it has gotten to me is when I've been grilling.  Like last night I was grilling some chicken and all I could think about was how I really wanted to be holding/drinking a beer.  It was to the point that I was almost anxious about it.  Once we ate, all cravings went away.  It was just really weird.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: Pete on March 17, 2022, 11:25:29 AM
Came back to this forum after a long hiatus(since 2012/2013) to celebrate oscar getting forced out.  :emawkid:

looked back at my old posts/post stats and, yikes...

i'm pretty sure I was drunk as a skunk in close to 100% of my past posts and it shows. only <10% of my posts were made between 6am and 5pm(the only hours I would have been sober-ish back then) and ~20% of my posts were made between midnight and 6 am. Many of my posts were just plain incoherent...I even tried to convince folks that a bball player had averaged 1.25 rebounds per possession. It was a real rough time in my life and I handled it terribly.

Anyhow, things are better on this end nowadays, though the pandemic has been tough. I guess I just wanted to offer something of an acknowledgement/apology. Sorry for being a drunk bad person, everyone
Keep coming back!
Title: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: Pete on March 17, 2022, 11:30:20 AM
Quit chewing tobacco cold turkey 6 years ago.  Had chewed Copenhagen snuff for about 25 years and was up to 1-1 1/2 cans a day.  First month or so really sucked but now I rarely get the urge to take a dip.  This year I have given up booze for Lent.  I'm pretty much a beer only guy now (my hard liquor days are long behind me, just can't do it anymore) but I do drink plenty of it.  My daughter (6 yrs old) is making a Lenten sacrifice for the first time and asked me what I was giving up.  I let her decide and she thought I should give up beer (God Dammit).  I've always been a lead by example guy so I agreed.  Went to a couple of events this weekend where quite a bit of consumption was taking place and it was no big deal.  When it has gotten to me is when I've been grilling.  Like last night I was grilling some chicken and all I could think about was how I really wanted to be holding/drinking a beer.  It was to the point that I was almost anxious about it.  Once we ate, all cravings went away.  It was just really weird.
That’s understandable, and might merely be “habit.”  Everyone needs to decide for themselves if they have a problem, but some of the best guidance I have heard is that it has more to do with how much you drink compared to how much you intended to drink, on a given occasion….and not how frequently.  If I could drink two 6oz glasses of wine and never more, I would do that every night.  I can’t do that.  When I drank, I drank more than I wanted to.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: Katpappy on March 17, 2022, 09:37:28 PM
Quit chewing tobacco cold turkey 6 years ago.  Had chewed Copenhagen snuff for about 25 years and was up to 1-1 1/2 cans a day.  First month or so really sucked but now I rarely get the urge to take a dip.  This year I have given up booze for Lent.  I'm pretty much a beer only guy now (my hard liquor days are long behind me, just can't do it anymore) but I do drink plenty of it.  My daughter (6 yrs old) is making a Lenten sacrifice for the first time and asked me what I was giving up.  I let her decide and she thought I should give up beer (God Dammit).  I've always been a lead by example guy so I agreed.  Went to a couple of events this weekend where quite a bit of consumption was taking place and it was no big deal.  When it has gotten to me is when I've been grilling.  Like last night I was grilling some chicken and all I could think about was how I really wanted to be holding/drinking a beer.  It was to the point that I was almost anxious about it.  Once we ate, all cravings went away.  It was just really weird.
That’s understandable, and might merely be “habit.”  Everyone needs to decide for themselves if they have a problem, but some of the best guidance I have heard is that it has more to do with how much you drink compared to how much you intended to drink, on a given occasion….and not how frequently.  If I could drink two 6oz glasses of wine and never more, I would do that every night.  I can’t do that.  When I drank, I drank more than I wanted to.

Pete, I hate to say it, but you may be a candidate for AA membership.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: steve dave on March 17, 2022, 09:42:17 PM
katdaddy, I've got some shocking news for you....
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: Katpappy on March 17, 2022, 11:10:47 PM
Oh crap, maybe it would be better if I read to tread before I responded to Pete's post.  Maybe I'll take this to the shame yourself thread.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: Pete on March 17, 2022, 11:48:32 PM
Oh crap, maybe it would be better if I read to tread before I responded to Pete's post.  Maybe I'll take this to the shame yourself thread.

I got a kick out of this.  :lol:
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: Trim on March 18, 2022, 12:20:30 AM
Katdaddy's wasted.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: IPA4Me on March 18, 2022, 05:07:05 AM
Damn. That was funny, KatDaddy.

I had a little alcohol reminiscing on Thursday. Without thinking about the day, I stopped at my favorite wing joint for an early lunch. They had all the TVs on pregame coverage. Had a fleeting thought about sitting there all day watching hoops and slamming pitchers with my buddies. Just smiled to myself. Glad to be sober for another day.

Sent from my moto g power using Tapatalk

Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: pissclams on March 18, 2022, 09:20:52 AM
welp, kat daddy lol
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: Katpappy on March 18, 2022, 12:17:47 PM
Glad I could entertain you guys; I'll just put it on my expense account.  :)
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: cfbandyman on March 18, 2022, 12:54:30 PM
I shouldn't laugh but lol that was perfect
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: IPA4Me on June 01, 2022, 06:06:29 AM
Celebrated two years of sobriety on the 30th by completely forgetting about it. Ha. I just don't think about drinking any longer. Anyhow, here's to another day without alcohol.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: michigancat on June 01, 2022, 06:52:13 AM
Celebrated two years of sobriety on the 30th by completely forgetting about it. Ha. I just don't think about drinking any longer. Anyhow, here's to another day without alcohol.
Congrats man, that's great
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: Sandstone Outcropping on June 01, 2022, 09:00:20 AM
Celebrated two years of sobriety on the 30th by completely forgetting about it. Ha. I just don't think about drinking any longer. Anyhow, here's to another day without alcohol.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: mocat on June 01, 2022, 09:28:04 AM
congrats ipa4me
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: Winters on June 01, 2022, 09:29:46 AM
Celebrated two years of sobriety on the 30th by completely forgetting about it. Ha. I just don't think about drinking any longer. Anyhow, here's to another day without alcohol.
Very happy for you! Do you need a name change?
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: michigancat on July 10, 2022, 02:16:37 PM
this is recovery related so it seems like the best thread for this...I have a family member who we all think is chemically imbalanced, making them act very irrational, paranoid, and deceitful, and they now seem to be medicating through booze and marijuana. I know this person has been prescribed medication for mental health in the past, which helped, but has since stopped.

the opinion of most people close to them is they need psychiatric help now, but this person denies any problem we're all worried how they will react to the idea of it. Are there any good resources out there for how to approach getting someone help? (for mental health or substance abuse or otherwise)
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: Sandstone Outcropping on July 10, 2022, 04:23:17 PM
If they aren’t actively psychotic, homicidal or suicidal, it is hard to compel them to get treatment. Would they make an appointment with a physician to talk about general medical issues (eg pain) that are adjacent to their mental health issues? Can be hard to get help when someone doesn’t acknowledge they have a problem. Hope your loved one is able to get to a healthier place.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: stunted on July 10, 2022, 04:39:09 PM
I don’t know crap about crap, I’m pretty life dumb and I’m pakd rn. But imo sounds like their ego is very strong about not having a problem.  Like being even semi confrontational is definitely going to make them double down. So what sandstone said would most likely happen. Would have to slowly ease them into convincing them they’re making a bad decision. Maybe stuff like “I could be wrong but you’re really not acting like your old self”. They have to realize themselves there’s a problem
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: bucket on July 10, 2022, 06:40:57 PM
this is recovery related so it seems like the best thread for this...I have a family member who we all think is chemically imbalanced, making them act very irrational, paranoid, and deceitful, and they now seem to be medicating through booze and marijuana. I know this person has been prescribed medication for mental health in the past, which helped, but has since stopped.

the opinion of most people close to them is they need psychiatric help now, but this person denies any problem we're all worried how they will react to the idea of it. Are there any good resources out there for how to approach getting someone help? (for mental health or substance abuse or otherwise)

There isn't a person associated to your friend that could talk about the benefits they've received from seeing psychiatrist?
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: Pete on July 10, 2022, 08:31:47 PM
this is recovery related so it seems like the best thread for this...I have a family member who we all think is chemically imbalanced, making them act very irrational, paranoid, and deceitful, and they now seem to be medicating through booze and marijuana. I know this person has been prescribed medication for mental health in the past, which helped, but has since stopped.

the opinion of most people close to them is they need psychiatric help now, but this person denies any problem we're all worried how they will react to the idea of it. Are there any good resources out there for how to approach getting someone help? (for mental health or substance abuse or otherwise)
I reacted pretty poorly the first time someone (my dad and mom) suggested I had a problem.  About 10 years later I was required to go to a counselor and therapy etc.  Then, about 3 after that I quit drinking and started therapy and a recovery program and junk.

So, I think planting those seeds is a good idea, but would temper your expectations about how quickly it will grow.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: michigancat on July 11, 2022, 09:23:52 AM
this is recovery related so it seems like the best thread for this...I have a family member who we all think is chemically imbalanced, making them act very irrational, paranoid, and deceitful, and they now seem to be medicating through booze and marijuana. I know this person has been prescribed medication for mental health in the past, which helped, but has since stopped.

the opinion of most people close to them is they need psychiatric help now, but this person denies any problem we're all worried how they will react to the idea of it. Are there any good resources out there for how to approach getting someone help? (for mental health or substance abuse or otherwise)

There isn't a person associated to your friend that could talk about the benefits they've received from seeing psychiatrist?

there are, but this person has been fighting with family and not really listening to people.

I think seeds have been planted? My wife thinks an "intervention" is needed but I don't think that will work too well.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: IPA4Me on August 21, 2022, 06:25:53 AM
Moving to Louisiana pine country next weekend. There are five meetings all week in the entire county. This makes me nervous. Not every meeting is a fit for everybody. I loathe online meetings. My alcoholic brain is in a tizzy. I won't drink over it but it is making me restless.

Sent from my moto g power using Tapatalk

Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: Sandstone Outcropping on August 21, 2022, 07:10:46 AM
Moving to Louisiana pine country next weekend. There are five meetings all week in the entire county. This makes me nervous. Not every meeting is a fit for everybody. I loathe online meetings. My alcoholic brain is in a tizzy. I won't drink over it but it is making me restless.

Sent from my moto g power using Tapatalk
Stay strong and healthy.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: Kat Kid on August 21, 2022, 07:26:25 AM
Moving to Louisiana pine country next weekend. There are five meetings all week in the entire county. This makes me nervous. Not every meeting is a fit for everybody. I loathe online meetings. My alcoholic brain is in a tizzy. I won't drink over it but it is making me restless.

Sent from my moto g power using Tapatalk
Do you have a good sponsor from your current location? Regular Phone calls checking in can be helpful from what I have seen, both for the sponsor and the other person in recovery.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: michigancat on August 21, 2022, 07:30:34 AM
Why are you moving? I thought you had a decent amount of land in Kentucky?
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: Pete on August 21, 2022, 09:10:40 AM
Moving to Louisiana pine country next weekend. There are five meetings all week in the entire county. This makes me nervous. Not every meeting is a fit for everybody. I loathe online meetings. My alcoholic brain is in a tizzy. I won't drink over it but it is making me restless.

Sent from my moto g power using Tapatalk
I changed groups last year, due to a lot of changes in my prior group that I had no control over. I was used to my cadre of old timers that cheered me up. I had to change my mindset to be that I go to the new meetings to add something for others and not to get anything out of it.  Actually ends up being even better that way (most of the time) for me….I end up getting even more out of it.  That mindset change was a big deal for me.

Volunteer to lead one, or to add a meeting to the existing place’s current list of meetings.

Lastly, ask around about “where are good meetings” and if it means that you need to drive one county over once a week, whatever. Get some shopping done or grab a bite to eat after it and make it an outing once week to mix it up.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: IPA4Me on August 21, 2022, 09:49:52 AM

Moving to Louisiana pine country next weekend. There are five meetings all week in the entire county. This makes me nervous. Not every meeting is a fit for everybody. I loathe online meetings. My alcoholic brain is in a tizzy. I won't drink over it but it is making me restless.

Sent from my moto g power using Tapatalk
Do you have a good sponsor from your current location? Regular Phone calls checking in can be helpful from what I have seen, both for the sponsor and the other person in recovery.

I do. Unfortunately he's stage four lung cancer and pretty damn weak these days. I do have friends in the program that I can call if I get too spun.

Why are you moving? I thought you had a decent amount of land in Kentucky?

Liquidated. Moving to Louisiana to care for my parents.

Moving to Louisiana pine country next weekend. There are five meetings all week in the entire county. This makes me nervous. Not every meeting is a fit for everybody. I loathe online meetings. My alcoholic brain is in a tizzy. I won't drink over it but it is making me restless.

Sent from my moto g power using Tapatalk
I changed groups last year, due to a lot of changes in my prior group that I had no control over. I was used to my cadre of old timers that cheered me up. I had to change my mindset to be that I go to the new meetings to add something for others and not to get anything out of it.  Actually ends up being even better that way (most of the time) for me….I end up getting even more out of it.  That mindset change was a big deal for me.

Volunteer to lead one, or to add a meeting to the existing place’s current list of meetings.

Lastly, ask around about “where are good meetings” and if it means that you need to drive one county over once a week, whatever. Get some shopping done or grab a bite to eat after it and make it an outing once week to mix it up.

My sponsor suggested starting a meeting if I didn't find one that works for me. I'm a morning person. Every meeting in the county is at lunch or 8p. So there is opportunity to fill a need for others and myself. I like the mindset rewire and traveling idea.

Thanks gang. Putting things out there always helps, too!

Sent from my moto g power using Tapatalk

Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: Pete on August 21, 2022, 09:58:17 AM
I think you will be fine, IPA.

Also, somewhat like what IPA said, next summer (and hopefully every summer thereafter) I am spending several months in rural northern Minnesota and there are not a ton of meetings. My current group in Joco has probably double the meetings than the entire county in MN has in a week.

I visit up there frequently, and have checked out different groups and have a plan on how to stay active. A couple I will hit just because they are close and convenient, and there is one about 45 minutes away that is really big and a great community and I plan to hit that one on a weekend morning regularly each week.  I will  shoot for 2-3 per week, with the weekended being the “can’t miss” and the others being some I work in and try out new ones and stuff during the week in the evenings.

At this point for me the “not drinking” is way easier than it was in the early years.  For me it’s so much more about staying spiritually fit, being loving and tolerant in my conduct with others, and letting go of resentments. Man, I just want to be reasonably happy in this life, and not-drinking and actively working a behavior modification program is the key for me.  But yeah, above all, I need to not drink.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: Pete on August 21, 2022, 09:59:57 AM
IPA, I’d get an additional sponsor or two. It’s not “cheating on them” to ask another.  Always key to have a local sponsor as well.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: MakeItRain on August 22, 2022, 06:02:50 PM
I think you will be fine, IPA.

Also, somewhat like what IPA said, next summer (and hopefully every summer thereafter) I am spending several months in rural northern Minnesota and there are not a ton of meetings. My current group in Joco has probably double the meetings than the entire county in MN has in a week.

I visit up there frequently, and have checked out different groups and have a plan on how to stay active. A couple I will hit just because they are close and convenient, and there is one about 45 minutes away that is really big and a great community and I plan to hit that one on a weekend morning regularly each week.  I will  shoot for 2-3 per week, with the weekended being the “can’t miss” and the others being some I work in and try out new ones and stuff during the week in the evenings.

At this point for me the “not drinking” is way easier than it was in the early years.  For me it’s so much more about staying spiritually fit, being loving and tolerant in my conduct with others, and letting go of resentments. Man, I just want to be reasonably happy in this life, and not-drinking and actively working a behavior modification program is the key for me.  But yeah, above all, I need to not drink.

Let's do lunch!
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: Pete on August 22, 2022, 08:39:10 PM
I think you will be fine, IPA.

Also, somewhat like what IPA said, next summer (and hopefully every summer thereafter) I am spending several months in rural northern Minnesota and there are not a ton of meetings. My current group in Joco has probably double the meetings than the entire county in MN has in a week.

I visit up there frequently, and have checked out different groups and have a plan on how to stay active. A couple I will hit just because they are close and convenient, and there is one about 45 minutes away that is really big and a great community and I plan to hit that one on a weekend morning regularly each week.  I will  shoot for 2-3 per week, with the weekended being the “can’t miss” and the others being some I work in and try out new ones and stuff during the week in the evenings.

At this point for me the “not drinking” is way easier than it was in the early years.  For me it’s so much more about staying spiritually fit, being loving and tolerant in my conduct with others, and letting go of resentments. Man, I just want to be reasonably happy in this life, and not-drinking and actively working a behavior modification program is the key for me.  But yeah, above all, I need to not drink.

Let's do lunch!
You moved?!?! Or just a summer gig? Where will you be?
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: MakeItRain on August 22, 2022, 08:58:12 PM
I think you will be fine, IPA.

Also, somewhat like what IPA said, next summer (and hopefully every summer thereafter) I am spending several months in rural northern Minnesota and there are not a ton of meetings. My current group in Joco has probably double the meetings than the entire county in MN has in a week.

I visit up there frequently, and have checked out different groups and have a plan on how to stay active. A couple I will hit just because they are close and convenient, and there is one about 45 minutes away that is really big and a great community and I plan to hit that one on a weekend morning regularly each week.  I will  shoot for 2-3 per week, with the weekended being the “can’t miss” and the others being some I work in and try out new ones and stuff during the week in the evenings.

At this point for me the “not drinking” is way easier than it was in the early years.  For me it’s so much more about staying spiritually fit, being loving and tolerant in my conduct with others, and letting go of resentments. Man, I just want to be reasonably happy in this life, and not-drinking and actively working a behavior modification program is the key for me.  But yeah, above all, I need to not drink.

Let's do lunch!
You moved?!?! Or just a summer gig? Where will you be?

I'm now here every May-September, Brainerd Lakes Region
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: Pete on August 22, 2022, 09:04:49 PM
I think you will be fine, IPA.

Also, somewhat like what IPA said, next summer (and hopefully every summer thereafter) I am spending several months in rural northern Minnesota and there are not a ton of meetings. My current group in Joco has probably double the meetings than the entire county in MN has in a week.

I visit up there frequently, and have checked out different groups and have a plan on how to stay active. A couple I will hit just because they are close and convenient, and there is one about 45 minutes away that is really big and a great community and I plan to hit that one on a weekend morning regularly each week.  I will  shoot for 2-3 per week, with the weekended being the “can’t miss” and the others being some I work in and try out new ones and stuff during the week in the evenings.

At this point for me the “not drinking” is way easier than it was in the early years.  For me it’s so much more about staying spiritually fit, being loving and tolerant in my conduct with others, and letting go of resentments. Man, I just want to be reasonably happy in this life, and not-drinking and actively working a behavior modification program is the key for me.  But yeah, above all, I need to not drink.

Let's do lunch!
You moved?!?! Or just a summer gig? Where will you be?

I'm now here every May-September, Brainerd Lakes Region
Holy crap, I’m right between Backus and Hackensack. I will give you a shout!
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: Institutional Control on August 22, 2022, 09:12:04 PM
You guys are making those town/lake names up. Can’t be real.

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Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: ben ji on August 22, 2022, 09:33:25 PM
You guys are making those town/lake names up. Can’t be real.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Those are very upper Midwest names and I imagine them being pronounced with a Fargo accent.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: MakeItRain on August 23, 2022, 12:57:06 AM
I think you will be fine, IPA.

Also, somewhat like what IPA said, next summer (and hopefully every summer thereafter) I am spending several months in rural northern Minnesota and there are not a ton of meetings. My current group in Joco has probably double the meetings than the entire county in MN has in a week.

I visit up there frequently, and have checked out different groups and have a plan on how to stay active. A couple I will hit just because they are close and convenient, and there is one about 45 minutes away that is really big and a great community and I plan to hit that one on a weekend morning regularly each week.  I will  shoot for 2-3 per week, with the weekended being the “can’t miss” and the others being some I work in and try out new ones and stuff during the week in the evenings.

At this point for me the “not drinking” is way easier than it was in the early years.  For me it’s so much more about staying spiritually fit, being loving and tolerant in my conduct with others, and letting go of resentments. Man, I just want to be reasonably happy in this life, and not-drinking and actively working a behavior modification program is the key for me.  But yeah, above all, I need to not drink.

Let's do lunch!
You moved?!?! Or just a summer gig? Where will you be?

I'm now here every May-September, Brainerd Lakes Region
Holy crap, I’m right between Backus and Hackensack. I will give you a shout!

Meet in Pine River! Have you had A-Pine in Jenkins? It's aight but definitely overrated.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: star seed 7 on January 23, 2023, 05:07:22 PM
To continue the meds discussion, how does one go about getting back on an anti-depressant prescription? I don't have a regular doctor or anything. In the past I've had family friends available to write the script, but that's not an option now. The last time I went through Lafene when I was in school 7 years ago or so. This particular med was the first of probably 6 prior that I felt did anything beyond noticeable side effects. I was broke at the time and it was something like $250 a month without insurance so I stopped after 4 months or so. I'd like to give it a try again now that I have insurance and am not broke.

I would suggest scheduling a regular health checkup with a general practitioner and mentioning all of this in detail. They may write you a prescription or refer you to a psychiatrist.

Psychotherapy may also be an option but I've found it's really difficult to find in-network therapists these days. May be different in KC.

My wife had really good luck with betterhelp.com doing virtual therapy. Out of network but relatively cheap and she likes it more than in-person therapists she's met with.

Well, it's two years later but today I had my first primary care appointment since I was in high school and got a script for the meds I wanted. Never give up on your goals.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: Pete on January 23, 2023, 06:46:19 PM
To continue the meds discussion, how does one go about getting back on an anti-depressant prescription? I don't have a regular doctor or anything. In the past I've had family friends available to write the script, but that's not an option now. The last time I went through Lafene when I was in school 7 years ago or so. This particular med was the first of probably 6 prior that I felt did anything beyond noticeable side effects. I was broke at the time and it was something like $250 a month without insurance so I stopped after 4 months or so. I'd like to give it a try again now that I have insurance and am not broke.

I would suggest scheduling a regular health checkup with a general practitioner and mentioning all of this in detail. They may write you a prescription or refer you to a psychiatrist.

Psychotherapy may also be an option but I've found it's really difficult to find in-network therapists these days. May be different in KC.

My wife had really good luck with betterhelp.com doing virtual therapy. Out of network but relatively cheap and she likes it more than in-person therapists she's met with.

Well, it's two years later but today I had my first primary care appointment since I was in high school and got a script for the meds I wanted. Never give up on your goals.
Eye of the tiger
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: michigancat on January 23, 2023, 07:00:32 PM
To continue the meds discussion, how does one go about getting back on an anti-depressant prescription? I don't have a regular doctor or anything. In the past I've had family friends available to write the script, but that's not an option now. The last time I went through Lafene when I was in school 7 years ago or so. This particular med was the first of probably 6 prior that I felt did anything beyond noticeable side effects. I was broke at the time and it was something like $250 a month without insurance so I stopped after 4 months or so. I'd like to give it a try again now that I have insurance and am not broke.

I would suggest scheduling a regular health checkup with a general practitioner and mentioning all of this in detail. They may write you a prescription or refer you to a psychiatrist.

Psychotherapy may also be an option but I've found it's really difficult to find in-network therapists these days. May be different in KC.

My wife had really good luck with betterhelp.com doing virtual therapy. Out of network but relatively cheap and she likes it more than in-person therapists she's met with.

Well, it's two years later but today I had my first primary care appointment since I was in high school and got a script for the meds I wanted. Never give up on your goals.
Nice. Also better help eventually sucked and it was revealed as pretty problematic
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: Katpappy on January 23, 2023, 07:19:18 PM
Was his official name Dr. Drug Peddler or Dr. I Get Paid to Peddle This crap; anyway if you got insurance, money, or preferably both.  I got Hyper-ttension from one of these SOBs about 25 years ago.  Pro Tip:  Get on a drug site or just check if a Dr. on Utube has info. on your newly prescribed drug.  There's a lot of crap the Dr. or pharmacist doesn't tell you, because drugs=money.   
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: cfbandyman on January 24, 2023, 02:09:55 PM
good for you on the therapy cfb

thanks man, it's been too long coming, and while I'm trying to temper my expectations, and I know it's going to be work, but just actually having something set up has made me the most hopeful for anything in years.

Crazy that it's been over a year since I started therapy. It hasn't been a perfect ride, but I have been very grateful to have started and continue. I think the best part for me has been learning to stop beating myself up over mistakes and transgressions, and then through it all have support from friends and family about it. Like, I definitely have been fighting far too many battles by myself, and to know I have support has been the most positive part of it all, and lucky to have relatively little judgement over it all.

Still a journey, but I feel for the first time in a while not just hopeful, but more, more able to be more comfortable with myself, not beat myself up, not despair as easily, and that I am more capable than I thought of myself. Also being able to more clearly see my life from the outside instead of being stuck inside it, that probably took the most "not therapy by my own journey part" but I don't think I would've been as easily able to get there if being more mindful and caring of myself was made to be a priority. Also being more ok with the journey, the process, helps.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: IPA4Me on January 31, 2023, 10:16:05 PM
I've been sober for almost three years now. When I was in Louisville last weekend, I took my ex wife on a dinner date and told her that I know our divorce was my fault. Talk about lifting a burden. One day at a time.

Sent from my moto g stylus 5G (2022) using Tapatalk

Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: Cire on January 31, 2023, 10:33:41 PM
I've been sober for almost three years now. When I was in Louisville last weekend, I took my ex wife on a dinner date and told her that I know our divorce was my fault. Talk about lifting a burden. One day at a time.

Sent from my moto g stylus 5G (2022) using Tapatalk
Congratulations on 3 years

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Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: Stupid Fitz on February 01, 2023, 09:07:51 AM
I just completed dry January aside from one day. I had a good reason you judgmental sons of bitches  :shakesfist: :shakesfist: :shakesfist: Anywho, it honestly felt pretty great. I wouldn't say i'm a huge drinker on the norm, but I will have 1-3 beers a few times a week. Maybe a couple more on a weekend if something is going on. I really didn't miss it a ton. There were a couple of weekend things where everyone else was drinking that were kind of weird. I discovered a few non alcoholic beers that were actually pretty good. I could have like one of those and was fine with it. I def slept a ton better this month which I knew would happen. I also discovered that I prob like food more. I always loved to eat, but try to keep pretty fit so I've always ate healthy. Not having all those booze calories gave me some leeway to snack a bit more, which was great. Not sure how much this will affect my overall booze habits, but I'll prob at least try and cut back and maybe try and do another booze free month during the year.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: Dugout DickStone on February 01, 2023, 10:27:28 AM
I've been sober for almost three years now. When I was in Louisville last weekend, I took my ex wife on a dinner date and told her that I know our divorce was my fault. Talk about lifting a burden. One day at a time.

Sent from my moto g stylus 5G (2022) using Tapatalk

Dang bud.  Those are some big boy pants you got on.  Nice work
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: Dugout DickStone on February 01, 2023, 10:30:17 AM
I just completed dry January aside from one day. I had a good reason you judgmental sons of bitches  :shakesfist: :shakesfist: :shakesfist: Anywho, it honestly felt pretty great. I wouldn't say i'm a huge drinker on the norm, but I will have 1-3 beers a few times a week. Maybe a couple more on a weekend if something is going on. I really didn't miss it a ton. There were a couple of weekend things where everyone else was drinking that were kind of weird. I discovered a few non alcoholic beers that were actually pretty good. I could have like one of those and was fine with it. I def slept a ton better this month which I knew would happen. I also discovered that I prob like food more. I always loved to eat, but try to keep pretty fit so I've always ate healthy. Not having all those booze calories gave me some leeway to snack a bit more, which was great. Not sure how much this will affect my overall booze habits, but I'll prob at least try and cut back and maybe try and do another booze free month during the year.

Did same with a few days (chiefs/cats) of minor dampness.  Sleep is really one of the benefits. 
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: star seed 7 on February 01, 2023, 10:33:11 AM
I've been sober for almost three years now. When I was in Louisville last weekend, I took my ex wife on a dinner date and told her that I know our divorce was my fault. Talk about lifting a burden. One day at a time.

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Nice work man
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: nicname on February 01, 2023, 11:00:49 AM
IPA just killing the 12 steps like an absolute boss and a half.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: cfbandyman on February 01, 2023, 11:12:58 AM
I just completed dry January aside from one day. I had a good reason you judgmental sons of bitches  :shakesfist: :shakesfist: :shakesfist: Anywho, it honestly felt pretty great. I wouldn't say i'm a huge drinker on the norm, but I will have 1-3 beers a few times a week. Maybe a couple more on a weekend if something is going on. I really didn't miss it a ton. There were a couple of weekend things where everyone else was drinking that were kind of weird. I discovered a few non alcoholic beers that were actually pretty good. I could have like one of those and was fine with it. I def slept a ton better this month which I knew would happen. I also discovered that I prob like food more. I always loved to eat, but try to keep pretty fit so I've always ate healthy. Not having all those booze calories gave me some leeway to snack a bit more, which was great. Not sure how much this will affect my overall booze habits, but I'll prob at least try and cut back and maybe try and do another booze free month during the year.

Did same with a few days (chiefs/cats) of minor dampness.  Sleep is really one of the benefits.

I did fairly week except for the last week(end) slid back. Not so great, but yeah that 2.5 weeks was really nice and sleep was really good.

The work to go is just to keep it on off times.

IPA just killing the 12 steps like an absolute boss and a half.

He's crushing it and proud of him
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: mocat on February 01, 2023, 11:26:43 AM
Dry jan flew by, going to continue with dry feb
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: Pete on February 01, 2023, 11:53:53 AM
I've been sober for almost three years now. When I was in Louisville last weekend, I took my ex wife on a dinner date and told her that I know our divorce was my fault. Talk about lifting a burden. One day at a time.

Sent from my moto g stylus 5G (2022) using Tapatalk

Very good work.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: passranch on February 01, 2023, 04:27:36 PM
Completed my second dry January in a row (2022 and now 2023) and for me they are honestly a piece of cake.  Probably the best side effect for me is I am pretty sure I dropped a few lbs without even trying, which is nice, and also the better sleep.  Surprised to see how many others did the same.  Cheers all around on this wet Wednesday! (well except for you mocat, keep dancing to that dry beat :billdance:)

Finally...Congrats IPA on your 3 year chip!  That's really fantastic!
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: steve dave on February 01, 2023, 05:37:50 PM
I didn’t do dry January but committed to not drinking on weekdays which I get is pud but I’ve been doing it whenever I felt like for like 20+ years. Only Friday and/or Saturday. Worked out well enough and probably going to stick to that for calorie savings. Will be tougher during baseball season with the other baseball coaches and families so may make exceptions for that. We’ll see.

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Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: steve dave on February 01, 2023, 05:40:11 PM
Also I have an employee who was in a really bad place and she is 100 days sober now and doing daily meetings and I’m incredibly happy for her. It’s saved her life imo.

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Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: schreds21 on February 01, 2023, 11:27:39 PM
Didn't participate in dry January but Lent is right around the corner so I'm sure I will be doing another 40 day abstinence at the behest of my daughter.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: Pete on February 02, 2023, 07:18:00 AM
Also I have an employee who was in a really bad place and she is 100 days sober now and doing daily meetings and I’m incredibly happy for her. It’s saved her life imo.

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This is great news.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: Stupid Fitz on February 02, 2023, 09:14:29 AM
I didn’t do dry January but committed to not drinking on weekdays which I get is pud but I’ve been doing it whenever I felt like for like 20+ years. Only Friday and/or Saturday. Worked out well enough and probably going to stick to that for calorie savings. Will be tougher during baseball season with the other baseball coaches and families so may make exceptions for that. We’ll see.

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after going a month, i'm hoping to limit my weekly boozing too. I love sunday beers while cooking though. It was a good experiment overall and I will def think about it more. May just have a beer and if I want another, grab a 70 cal non alcohol IPA or something instead. Just doing that will save tons of calories over a year.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: mocat on February 02, 2023, 10:07:05 AM
you would not believe the number of na seltzers i pounded during the afc championship game
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: Gooch on February 02, 2023, 11:08:37 AM
I've had maybe 5 booze drinks in the last 6 months. Not a conscious decision either. I just kind of stopped organically.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: star seed 7 on February 02, 2023, 11:15:40 AM
I've had maybe 5 booze drinks in the last 6 months. Not a conscious decision either. I just kind of stopped organically.

October is the last I remember for me. Booze was never really my main vice though  :bong:
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: Pete on March 08, 2023, 12:35:23 PM
Just hit my 8 year anniversary of no alcohol.  I did zero mood altering things (apart from prescribed anxiety/depression meds…Effexor and Prozac, NOT stuff like Xanax) for 7 years and this past year introduced weed when it was made legal in MO.  So far so good, but it was definitely important that I did not use anything for a long time.  I have a “more is better” personality.  I don’t have issues with limited viewing of porn or limited gambling, which others struggle with, so that gave me reason for optimism with weed. 

I will always have to closely watch myself and be honest about whether I am simply “relaxing” or “escaping.”

THE MOST IMPORTANT thing for me is that this is the 8th anniversary of me no longer wanting blow my own head off.

I still average 2 - 3 recovery meetings a week. I need at least that to maintain serenity and emotional sobriety…it helps me appreciate life.

I would very, very, very, very strongly recommend AGAINST using any mood altering drugs when you enter recovery of any sort. Time will tell if my recent choice is a bad move or not, but I will say that it took me years to approach some level of being able to live life on life’s terms.  I don’t ever discuss weed with others in recovery.  I only mention it here, because many of you know me outside of recovery and know that I partake in weed now and I want to be honest about my process.

go cats, fear the beard
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: Pete on March 08, 2023, 12:37:04 PM
The short version is “don’t kill yourself, it gets better if you want it to.”
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: star seed 7 on March 08, 2023, 01:02:04 PM
I'm certainly glad you did not do that.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: Pete on March 08, 2023, 01:05:59 PM
Rick Daris had no idea he was impacting my life, but a decade or so ago he told me a personal story about a loved one who struggled with mental health and thoughts of suicide, and Daris told a bunch of us about it and encouraged us to get help if we ever needed it.

It really hit home, and was a big part of me taking steps to get healthier.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: Pete on March 08, 2023, 01:06:58 PM
I'm certainly glad you did not do that.
I greatly value you saying that.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: Stupid Fitz on March 08, 2023, 01:33:38 PM
I'm certainly glad you did not do that.
I greatly value you saying that.

Great work Pete. I'm happy you are here and are my internet pal. I tell my wife all the time that you never know what type of crap is going on in other people's heads. I'm glad you were able to fight off the demons and hopefully you speaking about it helps someone else. Go Cats  :emawkid:
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: mocat on March 08, 2023, 01:42:22 PM
congratulations Pete, that is super awesome
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: Pete on March 08, 2023, 01:53:47 PM
Thanks dudes.

Also, I know for a rough ridin' fact that if I took a drink I’d be back to passing out in my recliner every night and hating existence within 2 weeks, tops.  Zero doubt about that.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: 'taterblast on March 08, 2023, 02:36:15 PM
i think i need to take a break and consider giving up alcohol for the rest of my life. that's incredibly hard to say. my problem isn't how often i drink, it's that once i start there's no stopping me until i black out. it's been this way for damn near 20 years now. it's the same vicious cycle of getting too drunk, feeling like crap about it, and then completely forgetting it happened two weeks later. it is affecting my marriage. i feel so awkward typing this out but i spend every day on this #blog so it felt like the right place to put it.

Pete motivated me to provide an update here. I never said thank you to those that voiced their support in this thread - but I do very much appreciate those that reached out. Since this post - I did not give up alcohol, but continued to address my issues with lacking control in certain situations. I'm still fully capable of going out and getting blasted, but it just doesn't happen like it used to - partly because of getting older and having different priorities, but also just because of finally getting to the point of admitting that I have a problem with overconsumption and being open about it. I'm at a good spot with my wife on this too, she's my ultimate partner on this. Constant communication about struggles, triggers, etc. She has been a huge help. It will never be something I can say I've "solved," but at this moment in time I feel good about it.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: Pete on March 08, 2023, 02:40:33 PM
Thanks for sharing, and very happy for you that your life is better for it.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: schreds21 on March 08, 2023, 07:50:02 PM
Congratulations on your sobriety and peace of mind Pete.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: pissclams on March 08, 2023, 08:19:01 PM
great updates guys, thanks for sharing.  your stories impact others.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: Tobias on March 08, 2023, 10:29:30 PM
you guys are badasses
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: Institutional Control on March 10, 2023, 08:53:33 AM
A couple of months ago my buddy’s wife left him and took the kids 1200 miles away because of his drinking. He recently stayed the weekend with me and would begin drinking vodka as soon as he woke up.  My first inclination was to mock him and that had no effect, obviously.  The next day I tired discussing what I could do to help to get his life in order and he insisted he had it under control. Is there anything I can do to help if he doesn’t want it?

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It's hard to believe this post was from over a year ago.  To update, my buddy lost his job 3 months ago. But, thankfully, he checked into rehab this week. 

Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: Pete on March 10, 2023, 09:22:35 AM
A couple of months ago my buddy’s wife left him and took the kids 1200 miles away because of his drinking. He recently stayed the weekend with me and would begin drinking vodka as soon as he woke up.  My first inclination was to mock him and that had no effect, obviously.  The next day I tired discussing what I could do to help to get his life in order and he insisted he had it under control. Is there anything I can do to help if he doesn’t want it?

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It's hard to believe this post was from over a year ago.  To update, my buddy lost his job 3 months ago. But, thankfully, he checked into rehab this week.

That's great to hear.  Everyone has their own "bottom," and its rough ridin' heartbreaking watching them try and find it.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: TheHamburglar on January 09, 2024, 03:24:56 PM
I took lexapro for about 9 years and it helped A TON but I had a breakdown in July/august

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I started taking this 3 months ago after years of “encouragement” from my wife to try something.

I just have to say holy crap is this better. I should have done this a long time ago. If you’re on the fence like I was, at least go have a conversation with a doctor about it.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: XocolateThundarr on May 02, 2024, 11:39:44 AM
It's been over a month since drinking booze of any kind and to be honest it is pretty awesome.  Changed up my diet as well and have dropped almost 30 lbs already.  Not saying I'm never going to have a drink again, but at this point I don't see why I would.  It is amazing to me how much more clear my head is on a daily basis not having to clear the fog from the night before.

Title: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: Kat Kid on May 02, 2024, 11:53:50 AM
It's been over a month since drinking booze of any kind and to be honest it is pretty awesome.  Changed up my diet as well and have dropped almost 30 lbs already.  Not saying I'm never going to have a drink again, but at this point I don't see why I would.  It is amazing to me how much more clear my head is on a daily basis not having to clear the fog from the night before.
Yeah I basically don’t drink unless I am on vacation now and no regrets other than how insanely hungover I get when I do go hard.

Which again, is not an argument in favor of drinking.

Congrats bro!
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: mocat on May 02, 2024, 01:49:38 PM
Great job xt. Just passed 16 months myself
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: BIG APPLE CAT on May 02, 2024, 04:47:44 PM
your results are not uncommon! my golfing buddy and his wife are trying to have a kid and so he has also stopped drinking to show his support, and he's like "my god i feel so much better when i'm not drinking"
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: Pete on May 02, 2024, 05:30:43 PM
It's been over a month since drinking booze of any kind and to be honest it is pretty awesome.  Changed up my diet as well and have dropped almost 30 lbs already.  Not saying I'm never going to have a drink again, but at this point I don't see why I would.  It is amazing to me how much more clear my head is on a daily basis not having to clear the fog from the night before.
I haven’t had a drink in 9 years, and I still don’t claim to have quit drinking “forever,” instead I am just not drinking today. I get that it sounds corny or even disingenuous, but that’s really how I try to approach it.

I’m pretty out-of-the-closet about not drinking, and I label myself a recovering alcoholic. Everyone at work knows, and I even tell my clients if I am at a dinner and they ask me if I want a drink. Society today is much more accepting of good mental health practices, thankfully. For me, being “out” about it actually makes it way easier to not drink because no one ever asks me to drink anymore or ever attempts to put any pressure on me….and my friends/family would not be cool with me drinking.  I also do not spend anytime at drinking events unless I have good reason to be there (hear a band, support a friend for their celebration, watch a game.”)…no “hanging out” while others around me get loaded.

The not-drinking is great for my health, but I had (and still have) a lot of work to do to live my life in a way where I don’t feel the need to drink…be more even keel, accept what I can’t change, make amends quickly whenever I am at fault, etc.  For 20+ years (age 18 - 40) I was a functioning alcoholic and didn’t mature emotionally like a non-drinker…I skipped leg day on my emotions for 20 years. It takes me time to learn those life lessons and practice new behaviors.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: pissclams on May 02, 2024, 09:30:34 PM
It's been over a month since drinking booze of any kind and to be honest it is pretty awesome.  Changed up my diet as well and have dropped almost 30 lbs already.  Not saying I'm never going to have a drink again, but at this point I don't see why I would.  It is amazing to me how much more clear my head is on a daily basis not having to clear the fog from the night before.
I haven’t had a drink in 9 years, and I still don’t claim to have quit drinking “forever,” instead I am just not drinking today. I get that it sounds corny or even disingenuous, but that’s really how I try to approach it.

I’m pretty out-of-the-closet about not drinking, and I label myself a recovering alcoholic. Everyone at work knows, and I even tell my clients if I am at a dinner and they ask me if I want a drink. Society today is much more accepting of good mental health practices, thankfully. For me, being “out” about it actually makes it way easier to not drink because no one ever asks me to drink anymore or ever attempts to put any pressure on me….and my friends/family would not be cool with me drinking.  I also do not spend anytime at drinking events unless I have good reason to be there (hear a band, support a friend for their celebration, watch a game.”)…no “hanging out” while others around me get loaded.

The not-drinking is great for my health, but I had (and still have) a lot of work to do to live my life in a way where I don’t feel the need to drink…be more even keel, accept what I can’t change, make amends quickly whenever I am at fault, etc.  For 20+ years (age 18 - 40) I was a functioning alcoholic and didn’t mature emotionally like a non-drinker…I skipped leg day on my emotions for 20 years. It takes me time to learn those life lessons and practice new behaviors.
every time you post about your journey, I learn something new.

great stuff from everyone in this thread. 
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: steve dave on May 02, 2024, 09:52:06 PM
Pete, you are an incredible professional and personal mentor to me.

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Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: Sandstone Outcropping on May 03, 2024, 07:43:34 AM
It's been over a month since drinking booze of any kind and to be honest it is pretty awesome.  Changed up my diet as well and have dropped almost 30 lbs already.  Not saying I'm never going to have a drink again, but at this point I don't see why I would.  It is amazing to me how much more clear my head is on a daily basis not having to clear the fog from the night before.
I haven’t had a drink in 9 years, and I still don’t claim to have quit drinking “forever,” instead I am just not drinking today. I get that it sounds corny or even disingenuous, but that’s really how I try to approach it.

I’m pretty out-of-the-closet about not drinking, and I label myself a recovering alcoholic. Everyone at work knows, and I even tell my clients if I am at a dinner and they ask me if I want a drink. Society today is much more accepting of good mental health practices, thankfully. For me, being “out” about it actually makes it way easier to not drink because no one ever asks me to drink anymore or ever attempts to put any pressure on me….and my friends/family would not be cool with me drinking.  I also do not spend anytime at drinking events unless I have good reason to be there (hear a band, support a friend for their celebration, watch a game.”)…no “hanging out” while others around me get loaded.

The not-drinking is great for my health, but I had (and still have) a lot of work to do to live my life in a way where I don’t feel the need to drink…be more even keel, accept what I can’t change, make amends quickly whenever I am at fault, etc.  For 20+ years (age 18 - 40) I was a functioning alcoholic and didn’t mature emotionally like a non-drinker…I skipped leg day on my emotions for 20 years. It takes me time to learn those life lessons and practice new behaviors.
This is so good. Thanks for sharing your journey with the board.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: XocolateThundarr on May 03, 2024, 08:32:34 AM
For me, when I'm in social situations with other people drinking, it was more about having something in my hand than the actual booze.  Now when I am at professional events with a bar, I just order a tall club soda with a couple of limes in it and sip on that.  Nobody seems to notice or ask and my head feels much better in the morning.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: RickRampus on May 14, 2024, 06:44:27 PM
If you don't feel like the medication you are taking is working, I would heavily advise scheduling an appointment with your Nurse Pract, or whatever pro you use, and ask for a Gene Sight test.  If they do them, they do a quick mouth swab and within a week or so they will report to you what drugs should work with your genotype. 

For years I had tried different anti-depress with varying degrees of initial success that wore off after a few months.  After doing the gene test and seeing a printout of what should and shouldn't work for you is a breath of fresh air.  I'm taking a medication now that has been a game changer. 

Four years booze free as of March 13.
Title: Re: ReCATery (aka Sober Cats,800BETSOFF Cats,Like Chocoholics but for BoozeCats,etc)
Post by: Pete on May 14, 2024, 09:14:29 PM
If you don't feel like the medication you are taking is working, I would heavily advise scheduling an appointment with your Nurse Pract, or whatever pro you use, and ask for a Gene Sight test.  If they do them, they do a quick mouth swab and within a week or so they will report to you what drugs should work with your genotype. 

For years I had tried different anti-depress with varying degrees of initial success that wore off after a few months.  After doing the gene test and seeing a printout of what should and shouldn't work for you is a breath of fresh air.  I'm taking a medication now that has been a game changer. 

Four years booze free as of March 13.
Fantastic advice, I may do that…and congrats!