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The irony of calling the US a Banana Republic while advocating that a convicted felon become president.
Trump repeated his familiar claim that, while Manhattan prosecutors have been focusing on him, New York City has been experiencing record-high violent crime. He said this time that “you have violent crime all over this city at levels that nobody’s ever seen before.”

Facts First: Trump’s claim is not even close to true. Violent crime in New York City – and violent crime in Manhattan in particular – has plummeted since the early 1990s and is today nowhere near record levels.
Dax already debunked this. Liberal stats keepers don’t count murders anymore.
The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: Trump 2024
« Last post by catastrophe on Today at 07:50:12 PM »
twitter is going all in on the assassination theory
Could have some real legs if the Supreme Court agrees with Trump that nothing a president does is illegal
Note to all readers. The same people who are bitching about the people who are criticizing the Trump trial are the same people who believed and then parroted that the Hunter Biden Laptop was a Russian intelligence operation. They also believed in Piss Tapes, Russian Dossiers and Russia Russia Russia and numerous other absolutely insane conspiracy theories.

All of our legal experts are absolutely 1000% correct and any legal expert or lawyer who is criticizing this process is 1000% wrong . . .#blueanon/#blueanongE
If any of those other things resulted in a criminal conviction we’d have an actual apples to apples comparison.
Curb is my favorite show to watch on a plane. I can always rewatch and it always delivers

Great call on this
Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Shows that have you by the balls, or vag...
« Last post by mocat on Today at 07:42:10 PM »
I'm on season 4 of Curb. What a masterpiece this show is.

Curb is my favorite show to watch on a plane. I can always rewatch and it always delivers
Other Sports (Tiger's Back) / Re: The Royals
« Last post by sys on Today at 07:34:09 PM »
i hope the royals keep winning (obv), but tbh, i think we're playing for a wildcard.  cleveland is just good.  minnesota is pretty solid too.  just got stuck in the wrong division this year.
I'm on season 4 of Curb. What a masterpiece this show is.

First watch? I'm so excited for you. It literally never gets worse. Just incredible, sustained excellence.

The production value in the first season is so hilariously bad, but the content even then was phenomenal.
Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Shows that have you by the balls, or vag...
« Last post by Cire on Today at 07:09:37 PM »
I'm on season 4 of Curb. What a masterpiece this show is.

First watch? I'm so excited for you. It literally never gets worse. Just incredible, sustained excellence.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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