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Messages - Stupid Fitz

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Other Sports (Tiger's Back) / Re: KSU Booze Cats
« on: May 31, 2024, 09:34:28 AM »
Just for giggles I pulled up our rowing roster. Just to double check since I know all of them as i'm a huge rowing fan, but its a hoot to see all of them being from the midwest and the first is from SD. As a huge fan, I already know this, but she is the best because she is from Watertown, SD. Rowing is huge in a place called Watertown.

Other Sports (Tiger's Back) / Re: competitive little kid sports
« on: May 31, 2024, 09:10:35 AM »
We play in Des Moines this weekend and rented out a couple areas at a pickleball place and a court for the boys for Saturday afternoon after pool play. They are going to be so rough ridin' gassed for bracket play, lmao. Going to get wrecked by some crap team game 1 probably.

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Ha, we did this last year. We went to St Louis and played in a tourney (Lil SF got team MVP  :gocho: ). We kicked the crap out of teams in pool play. We went to city museum and the kids were in the hotel pool and messing around in each others rooms having a ball all weekend. Made it to the championship of bracket play and they were rough ridin' gassed. Got beat by a team we crushed in pool play.  :sdeek:

Also those were the good old days. The Lil guy is on like the back seat where all the weird kids sit on the struggle bus. He just can't put it together this year. Little bastard just mashes and has a short quick swing in the back yard, but during games he is just a mess sometimes. Driving me nuts. Its just weird as he's not really even getting overmatched. He's actually been much better against better and faster pitchers, but he just can't get anything going consistently. I've seen him do it so I know he can play. I just feel so bad for him when he struggles. Being a parent blows ass sometimes. He handles it like a champ though, which is awesome.

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: 201* Concert Thread
« on: May 31, 2024, 08:56:54 AM »
May try and catch Arcade Fire in Portugal. They headline the first night which is basically the day we get there so i'm not sure i'll be able to pull it off. If my bod can take it, I figure it would be a good way to scope out the festival before our show a couple days later. Plus, i'd really like to catch Arcade Fire.

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: New Mattress (MASTER SLEEP THREAD)
« on: May 31, 2024, 08:53:25 AM »
i bought like an inclined pillow and having been using it.  it kinda sucks bought also kinda seems to work so i dunno.  probably will get a inclinable bed the next time we buy a bed, but god knows when that will be.
do you use it to address health issues? curious about the benefits and appeal

I want to know this as well. I've been thinking about getting one. I snore a bit when on my back now that i'm old balls and I think this would help, but I'm a lunatic about my pillows so i'm hesitant to try one of these. Plus some of them are huge.

I'm getting better guys!!! Finally got the "feeling" of the turn in my swing a bit. Still a long ways away but the shots are going further and much more straight. Scores still not coming down as much as i'd like. I still have those blow up holes that wreck my round, but hitting more and more "good" shots so it will come at some point. Short chips steal way too many strokes per round right now. Def need to work on those and putting more now that I am starting to hit everything else better.

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Pet Peeves
« on: May 28, 2024, 04:57:35 PM »
I may have said this one before but  :dunno: Work people that set up meetings for simple questions. I feel like zoom has conditioned people to think a full meeting with 8 people is necessary for every conversation. I go to meetings all the time that could have been done over a teams message or a quick call. I had a guy call me this morning 20 minutes before a meeting and he tried to tell me that they needed to move the meeting because so and so couldn't make it. I said, "what did you need"? He just paused and there was awkward silence. I then said, "like, we are talking right now and i'm happy to just answer any questions you have, or we could just wait until another day when more people are around". More awkward silence and he finally goes, yeah, we can just do it now.......Took like 3 minutes.

This is more of a peeve, because everyone feels this way.

I'm not sure that is true according to my calendar that is full of these types of meetings. I normally just go with it, but since the guy called me I figured I would subtly call him out. I chuckled a bit when I said that maybe we should just go ahead and talk now since we were already talking. I also think a lot of it has to do with people just being afraid to do or say anything without their manager's approval. I'm always meeting with different groups of people. Most of them are unnecessary and I could usually just talk to one person and they could pass things along as needed, but whatever. Each person in those groups almost always invites their manager and in some cases their next level, which leads to about 4 other people that have no business on the call, yet they are always there.

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Pet Peeves
« on: May 28, 2024, 04:14:11 PM »
I may have said this one before but  :dunno: Work people that set up meetings for simple questions. I feel like zoom has conditioned people to think a full meeting with 8 people is necessary for every conversation. I go to meetings all the time that could have been done over a teams message or a quick call. I had a guy call me this morning 20 minutes before a meeting and he tried to tell me that they needed to move the meeting because so and so couldn't make it. I said, "what did you need"? He just paused and there was awkward silence. I then said, "like, we are talking right now and i'm happy to just answer any questions you have, or we could just wait until another day when more people are around". More awkward silence and he finally goes, yeah, we can just do it now.......Took like 3 minutes.

Other Sports (Tiger's Back) / Re: competitive little kid sports
« on: May 28, 2024, 03:54:39 PM »
You should push him in the pool.

Other Sports (Tiger's Back) / Re: competitive little kid sports
« on: May 28, 2024, 02:41:25 PM »
it's our last water polo season (probably) and gearing up for summer tournaments there is drama as there usually is. Since there aren't enough girls at any one club, clubs will join forces to create more competitive teams. Anyway my daughter's club and another club were merging and planned to have an A team and a B team. At least that's what one of the coaches thought. There were 3 or 4 combined tournaments with one team and eventually the other coach (who was going to lead the A team in summer tourneys) thought it was going to be one big team with a huge bench while my daughter's coach thought there would be an A and a B team (so weaker players from both clubs could play a lot at an appropriate level).

The two team would have worked brilliantly EXCEPT the A team coach and/or his weaker players decided that his weaker players would not play on the B team, despite the fact that they clearly should based on ability. Which led to my daughter's coach pressuring my daughter (who was clearly an A-teamer) into playing with the B team to guarantee the weaker players of his club would have an opportunity to play on a more competitive team. Like, he tried to tell her she were depriving the weaker players of a chance to play at all and that the A-team coach didn't want her or have space for her when the A coach flat out told her he wanted her on the team and told them that they were depriving the weaker players of a chance to play. Really not cool.

anyway she is playing with the a-team in a couple of weeks and she will have a lot of fun (hopefully)


after convincing my daughter to play with the a-team in a tournament that basically locks her to the team for the summer, A-team coach texted my daughter and two other girls (who happen to be the only seniors not committed to play varsity in college) in a group called "vibe squad" and said that they probably wouldn't play in future tournaments unless they were blowouts but he really liked the "vibes" they brought to the team and wanted them to keep playing. it's pretty wild because this coach has never had a full team practice (because it's a bit of a "super team") but is basically benching these girls in favor of equivalent players who happen to have signed D1 and/or girls that have never played with the team but have a pedigree or something. (note my daughter could have played D1, just didn't like the D1 options available)

I have never complained to a coach about playing time at all, but my daughter had played and started on teams with about half of the girls on the team and started on a team that had more national success than all but two of the girls who were on her team last year. (teams change every year because of 2-year age groups). She also played in a couple tournaments with most of this team and played a reasonable amount and played just as well as any other girls (other than 3 or 4 who are truly clearly better). A-team coach is an ex college coach and I think he thinks that by showcasing a team of committed players he can show coach college again? no idea but it was really shitty for a while - she seems to have accepted it and I think he will end up playing her a reasonable amount but sheesh what a tough way to go out.

This crap just makes me rage. I see and hear coaches like this all the time and am so glad we were able to find a spot that fits us for the most part. crap like this just makes kids hate a sport or quit way sooner than they have to.

Other Sports (Tiger's Back) / Re: competitive little kid sports
« on: May 28, 2024, 02:00:09 PM »
The biggest problem young umps routinely have when working youth games is not widening the strike zone. They go in there with a tight zone and create walk-festivals, which aren’t any fun for anyone. Give them letters to knees and a couple of inches on the outside corner (not the inside). Force the kids to swing the bat.

I fell into this trap pumping youth games in Manhattan about 20 years ago.

Yep, "good" umpires behind the plate can really suck ass. Also, if the kid backs away before the pitch hits the mitt, its an auto strike. Sorry buddy. I felt so bad for this little dude a few weeks ago. He went up to the plate and did the tap the plate with his bat thing. He crouched down and reached across and tapped the plate, but I lol'd when he reached and was barely touching the inside of the plate. There was almost a zero chance of him even hitting anything in the zone he was so far back.

Other Sports (Tiger's Back) / Re: competitive little kid sports
« on: May 28, 2024, 12:37:26 PM »
The biggest tip I would give anyone is do your best and be confident in your calls. We had a couple young dudes this weekend that actually did a decent job, but half the time no one knew what the call was. Even balls and strikes was a struggle. I wanted to tell him, "you are going to get yelled at by dumbass parents either way, so just make your call and make it so we all know what it is".

Appeals are always my favorite. For those that don't know, there are only two umps. When someone gets on, the field ump stands behind the pitcher. Its always a big lol when a kid checks his swing and the coach asks for an appeal. The field ump has basically the same view as the home plate up, but he is just further away so an appeal makes no sense anyway. 99.9% of the time, he just agrees with the call. This weekend, the field ump was a crotchety old dude and they appealed to him and he basically said, "eff off, I don't have the angle for that". The home ump was a young kid and was like, ok what evs, guess my call stands. It was a hoot.

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: White people name, White people shame
« on: May 28, 2024, 10:11:15 AM »
Lot of baseball this weekend. I'll prob remember more, but "Erikton" really stood out.

Other Sports (Tiger's Back) / Re: competitive little kid sports
« on: May 28, 2024, 09:12:50 AM »
Played Mon, Wed, Thursday and then Friday night, 8 and 10am on Sat and 11 on Sunday. Won the weekday tourney and just couldn't hit much in the weekend tournament. The best part was that since we didn't hit that good we didn't make the bracket play on Memorial Day and i'm pretty god damn sure not one kid or parent gave 2 shits about that since we had played like 8 days in a row!!!

Other Sports (Tiger's Back) / Re: competitive little kid sports
« on: May 24, 2024, 10:26:26 AM »
Had games, Monday, Wed, Thursday (1st place Trophy secured)...Have game Today, 2 Saturday and maybe on Monday.....Fun but......... :sdeek:

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Cool Sciencey Pictures
« on: May 23, 2024, 01:09:53 PM »
Cable news is like a 2/7 on the misinformation scale, you should see the crap dax digs up in the pit.

Disagree. Old people aren't digging up things for the most part. For some reason, they have been groomed to turn on a TV channel that says things that just make them mad. I'll never understand it, but its a huge problem.

Other Sports (Tiger's Back) / Re: The Royals
« on: May 22, 2024, 04:45:22 PM »
Don't really care too much, but it does suck a little that they didn't gain a game in the standings this whole homestead.  :sdeek:

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Cool Sciencey Pictures
« on: May 22, 2024, 04:42:54 PM »
Sure don't hear as many "the earth is only 5000 years old" people these days, do we?
I see a lot of them on western ks social media actually. This stuff doesn’t phase them.

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yeah, people that believe this stuff aren't really the type of people that have any interest in admitting they might be wrong. I'm reading a book called "Sapiens" right now and I catch myself all the time thinking how wild it is that a very large portion of said Sapiens don't even believe how they got here.

It's gotten so bad that my (once?) very intelligent father is starting to deny the theory of evolution.

Cable "news" should have giant warnings that run constantly across the bottom of the screen 24/7.

Other Sports (Tiger's Back) / Re: The Royals
« on: May 22, 2024, 12:24:28 PM »
It seems pretty obvious the royals were spurred into being good by the resounding ass kicking they took when they asked for $2 billion from Jackson county

Ha. Would they have sucked ass again had it passed?  :dunno:

I'm just asking questions?????

We aren't TV watchers and I can't even remember the last network TV show i've watched but my kids started Young Sheldon for some reason and while it def doesn't have me by the balls, I've enjoyed some of the episodes i've watched with them. Georgie is my favorite.

Other Sports (Tiger's Back) / Re: The Royals
« on: May 22, 2024, 08:41:51 AM »
Massey hitting like this consistently would be a huge welcome to the line up. Still have to find an OF or 2. MJ is lost so its time to see if Waters can be any better.

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: travel thread
« on: May 22, 2024, 08:38:51 AM »
I'm going to the Indy 500 in 2 weeks. Any protips from cats who have been or places to eat in Indy?

I went to the Indy 500 once in the early 90s. They had a parade of celebrities before the race. Fabio was in the parade and David Letterman was the head celebrity.

I sat next to a gentleman who was a big fan of Emerson Fittipaldi. Every time Emerson Fittapaldi drove past us (Like 200 laps or something) this guy would yell "Emuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!". The cars were quite loud though so I am pretty sure Emerson Fittapaldi never heard him.

Seeing cars zip past you at those speeds was pretty cool the first lap or 2.  After that it was just a couple hours of more of the same thing.

Hope this helps!

Ha, I went to a NASCAR race a long time ago. This exact thing made me LOL the most. People would stand, wave and yell when their favorite driver came by the whole race. It was so weird to me.

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Cool Sciencey Pictures
« on: May 21, 2024, 09:39:45 AM »
Sure don't hear as many "the earth is only 5000 years old" people these days, do we?
I see a lot of them on western ks social media actually. This stuff doesn’t phase them.

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yeah, people that believe this stuff aren't really the type of people that have any interest in admitting they might be wrong. I'm reading a book called "Sapiens" right now and I catch myself all the time thinking how wild it is that a very large portion of said Sapiens don't even believe how they got here.

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Tornado Season 2024
« on: May 20, 2024, 06:32:55 PM »

Slept right through the one that went from 79th and Lamar to fairway. Pretty pud to call it a tornado.

Slept right through it, but drove down Roe towards PV from SM parkway and holy crap. My neighborhood was clean but at about 60 and Roe I started seeing giant limbs on houses and cars and brush everywhere. It must have just beelined right through that area and mumped crap up while I didn't even have leaves down. Pretty wild. 

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: New Mattress (MASTER SLEEP THREAD)
« on: May 17, 2024, 10:31:17 PM »
the casper snow max is an intriguing new entrant into the hyper competitive foam mattress market

Do you have personal experience?
I have a regular Casper and am seeking options in this thread to contain the inferno that is my bod from sleeping on one every night.

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Other Sports (Tiger's Back) / Re: competitive little kid sports
« on: May 17, 2024, 04:23:17 PM »
A great GC thing is the grandparents and other family members that “go live” as soon as our GC game feed ends. I have tons of 15 second videos that are basically this from our game a couple games ago.

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haha, yes. Go live is a very dangerous button. We have this happen too. Its a real hoot. "River's old ass grandma is now live streaming". ha

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