That’s an awfully personal attack.
Didn't mean it that way at all, friend. Did want to add my voice to those who've noticed that you've been a bit different on this stuff lately.
I’m glad to hear that because I like you. I have been very different about it. I’ve been thinking this way for an awfully long time and it frankly been scared to say anything. I didn’t want to disappoint people.
I don’t like Elon Musk as a person and I suspect you’re probably right about his white power stuff. My experience with White South Africans consistently led me to realize that the ones that I interacted with were all of that mindset.
I want to reiterate that I absolutely hate Trump.
I just want to reject all or nothing thinking. I’m spiritually as healthy as I’ve ever been. I still don’t drink. I still try and take care of myself. Lots of doctors visits all that good stuff.
I still root for whatever makes life the best for average working class people in America. I like to think in terms of What would’ve helped people like my parents and grandparents when they were alive. People who didn’t commit crimes pay their taxes their whole lives, help their neighbors and were nice folks. My wife is a retired social worker and college social work instructor. I have intimate knowledge of what that field is about and the types of adversity that at risk populations face. I want what’s good for all of them. I just fear that we’re gonna have to make awfully hard choices in this country over the next 20 years and that many eggs will be broken in order to make the omelette. I don’t think we have time to quibble over whether an idea or a proposal comes from a bad guy or not. if it works let’s use it.