Pro life Abolitionist people have to be crazy or they have to be callously indifferent to a genocide. If you believe that abortion slavery is exactly the same as any other kind of murder and you’re not out there doing crazy crap to stop abortion slavery then you’re somebody who just sits around and watches genocides and says oh eff whatever
You can draw parallels between every perceived injustice and the lack of "crazy crap" we see (which is virtually none, outside of a week or two in 2020). In my quoted example above, there were plenty of genuine abolitionists in the antebellum US who weren't going the John Brown route. Plenty of genuine civil rights advocates and anti-vietnam war people who still held down jobs and weren't firebombing or marching every single weekend and led pretty normal day-to-day lives. "Doing crazy crap to stop it" is just not typically how people operate in the face of controversial laws/issues they deem unjust. Murdering George Tiller was pretty crazy crap, imo -- and (aside from the discrete murder, which (to be clear) I view as morally unjustified) I think that was counterproductive to the anti-abortion cause.
If you're advocating for some kind of watered-down "crazy crap," like marching in the streets or protests, the March for Life in Washington DC was last weekend. Abortion clinics ubiquitously have protestors outside. If that's not what you're talking about either, then I don't really know what specifically you mean by "crazy crap."
As for my views, I recognize it as a profound injustice and give money to causes that attempt to reduce it. For the record, I think the Anglican cleric's (?) gesture in the video is idiotic. I hate it.