So, game report
I was glad the game was at Carnasseca because it's like a big high school gym. it's It's way out in Queens and far from any subway so while technically in New York City the neighborhood feels more like a shitty Long Island suburb. Here's a mailbox near where we parked
The fans were complete assholes in my section. Imagine a Long Island Yankees fan supporting a team that hasn't won anything. The guy in the sweatshirt I assume idolized Joe Pesci movie characters and would stand to scream at refs or plays and like spread his ass cheeks while he did it? The sweatshirt said "Redmen" on the front.
I mention that they seemed obsessed with calling Hausen an accountant or management consultant. (I have my guesses as to why they did not direct this insult towards the worst player on the court, CJ Jones). One guy said Hausen was "slower than the Q46" which is the bus line that runs by campus. I appreciated it even if he had probably used it before. I heard the refs refer to as "Stripes" (which l liked) and "blue" (this isn't a Yankees game jackass).
On the actual game, the defense was bad for that second half run. I didn't know if Hawkins us lazy or hurt or what but not having him help on ball screens was brutal for the defense as a whole. Honestly other than that and a few Hausen fadeaway 2's I didn't have much issue with how they played, but the failure to adjust at all the first 10 minutes of the second half just like us.
Thoughts on the roster:
Dug is fine but didn't create much
Don't mind Max Jones
I honestly felt bad for CJ Jones, one of the most spectacularly bad follows foul out games I've ever seen
Nguessen very solid. I think it shows that he's pretty much the only one that got minutes here last year
Was surprised at how small Castillo was when he went in and it made me understand why he doesn't play much. Wouldn't be able to hang physically today
Hausen had an amazing first half obviously. He only forced it a little but sju did a nice job adjusting
Achor looks pretty skinny and didn't do much
Ugonna Onyenso was fine
I don't quite understand what we're doing with Hawkins. Admittedly the big guy for SJU was a tough matchup for him
I liked Tang's sweater because it was very silly
After the game we went to a great German restaurant and they had an adjoining "Pork Store" that sold German magazines.