crusty asked
What are you referring to
There's been multiple cases, but I'm thinking first of the one in California when cis-gendered women complained about the presence of a biological man in their dressing room at a community center, and the cis-gendered woman/women's concern that they were minor children in that dressing room changing in and out of the bathing suits at the same time. When they tried to voice their concerns and tried to tell their side of the story they were physically attacked and/or basically told to STFU
yet, still no link
Again, it takes a special sauce to have been a part of a movement that at least talked about propping up women a lot, that now regularly tells cis-gendered women to STFU, sit down, suck it up and your concerns are not valid. 
But these are after all - The Life and Times of #blueanon/#blueanongE . . . the script just writes itself
It's pretty simple dax, and I know you get it. I can love women, I can love black folks, but being a woman or black, or a black woman, or a multi-racial nonbinary pansexual isn't shelter from being a bigot. If anyone is being a bigot, they should, always and forever be told to "STFU, sit down, suck it up and your concerns are not valid." I'm sorry that you think that having a uterus gives someone the right to discriminate against others, most of us here don't share that view.