(scene-sprawling suburban home-Chappaqua, NY, 8:30am, juice just poured, coffee being served, danish, eggs, toast, bacon. A bulbous nosed Bill Clinton pauses and waits for the hired help to leave the smallish but well apportioned breakfast room. Outside the oversized windows birds stir pecking the grass, late summer sunlight creeps through the trees, a small plump of Canadian geese flies overhead with a raucous honking call as the young geese are learning to fly. The the in-out door of the kitchen swings shut, Bill Clinton waits for the last swing to cease. Hillary Clinton picks up her cup of coffee with both hands, places elbows on table, brow furrowed she stares out the window with a 1000 yard stare. Bill turns his attention back to his plate of turkey bacon and over easy eggs-rye toast-butter, half eaten danish on smallish plate on one side)
(Bill Clinton speaks not looking up): One last time honey, I promise, this will be it (takes bite of egg and turkey bacon)
(Hillary Clinton takes in the words, pauses, takes a sip of coffee still looking out window to the distance): I'll make the call
(Hillary Clinton exits the breakfast room and steps into a small study, not used except for a sitting area for time to time for reading or contemplation, the occasional phone call, various nick-knacky things on shelves pictures from various events over the years adorn the walls and shelves, rarely looked at these days . . . there's just so many. She pulls up her contacts "Giordano Fine Meats". She presses the button-phone rings several times . . . voice answers)
Hillary Clinton: It's a go (she quickly hangs up the phone and steps back into the breakfast room and promptly takes her seat)
(Long pause) Hillary Clinton: I love you Bill
Bill Clinton (Finishing up the last bites of his breakfast): I love you Hillary