Not that we entertain conspiracy theories or anything...
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The Brazos Kid1:55p
Just curious if anyone here has had similar vibes as this X user.
The post and replies are basically that Trump is controlled opposition or has been chosen as he will get those that have been staunchly against the NWO to eat it up under the guise of Nationalism and America First. All this talk of Greenland annexation, Canada as 51st state etc. gots some folks talking... couple of replies:
"I hope you are wrong. That would go down as the biggest betrayal of a nation in history. Something in my gut is telling me something is wrong though".
"If I were trying to persuade Trump to embrace the globalist agenda, I would likely propose the idea of him becoming the president of places like Canada, Greenland, and Mexico in addition to the United States.
Appeal to his ego, watch him sell the idea to his followers and the world, and then let it all fall into place once the de facto North American Union is finalized and his term ends.
After all, the Left already largely disbelieves in borders and embraces the concept of global citizenship. Having Trump pull the wool over his followers' eyes to prevent a civil war, while diluting America's sovereignty in the processthat would be a true art of the deal".
Fan Fiction or Sumptin' else?