TITLETOWN - A Decade Long Celebration Of The Greatest Achievement In College Athletics History > Kansas State Basketball is hard


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Shooter Jones:

--- Quote from: Sandstone Outcropping on October 30, 2023, 10:50:33 AM ---Hey fellow Cat fans, I'm very excited to see the Cats in action live in the OOD on Wednesday! This is going to be a great season, I can feel it already.

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And it's on ESPN+ for those that can't make it.

Sandstone Outcropping:
It begins tonight!!!

does anyone know how they decided which teams are home and homes and which are just one game?  also, whatever system they used, will they keep using that in the future or how will it be decided in future years?

it looks like we play byu, wvu, isu, osu and ku x2?  ku and isu are good, and osu at least is a former big 8 team, but why the eff do we have to play wvu twice?  or at all for that matter.


--- Quote from: cfbandyman on September 26, 2023, 03:05:51 PM ---
--- Quote from: john "teach me how to" dougie on September 26, 2023, 01:37:02 PM ---Does it bother anyone else that they make the home games grey and away games white? They did the same thing with the football schedule, and it just seems backwards.

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Oh totally agree, I think cause most schools grey out away games and colorize home, so I get it

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