Yeah, no, that's too far. Good grief.
Part of me thinks I would not let my kid get plastic surgery to change their body at least before they're 18, so why would I let them transition to a different sex before then?
On the other hand, thinking back to my self-conscious teen years, it has got to take some serious conviction for a kid to want to go down that road in high school.
Agreed on both accounts. But this is another (in a long series of items like drinking age, smoking, etc.) where we need to have a more universal definition of what constitutes an "adult." Like, it's fine if this kid wants to be a man, but all the hormonal treatments and whatnot should wait (unless he got parents permission, which I'm assuming happened) until they are 18.
I know that doesn't necessarily fix all situations, or this one, but I can understand if a parent denies their child to do something until they are a legal adult (18, or w/e we decide it is) to do things, if in their best interest.