Author Topic: Trump owns Russia  (Read 771141 times)

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Offline sonofdaxjones

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Re: Trump owns Russia
« Reply #8825 on: February 25, 2019, 11:17:05 AM »
You aren't good at following conversations or the subject of a question

You said we didn't know Trump beyond tv mews. You gave zero examples.of how any of this is coming from Trump's withered elderly brain.

Please provide me examples that you could definitively say that idea came straight from the President's brain.   Here's a pro-tip, you can't, you can't find one, until after the history books are written and memoirs come out, and it's mostly anecdotal stories, many times from people putting the best possible spin on it.    Otherwise we only have to go by the actions of the administration itself.

That's an absolutely stupid take from you and Chum, but not the least bit surprising given your level of rage.

Offline Phil Titola

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Re: Trump owns Russia
« Reply #8826 on: February 25, 2019, 11:21:33 AM »
I even asked who you think in his adminstration is coming up with these ideas. Swing and a miss on that too.

Listen you made the claim we don't know Trump beyond tv news when we called him an idiot which he shows on the daily in public speaking and Twitter. You can't point to one thing to contradict that and we have the stupid take?

Okay dax.

Offline sonofdaxjones

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Re: Trump owns Russia
« Reply #8827 on: February 25, 2019, 11:24:58 AM »
I even asked who you think in his adminstration is coming up with these ideas. Swing and a miss on that too.

Listen you made the claim we don't know Trump beyond tv news when we called him an idiot which he shows on the daily in public speaking and Twitter. You can't point to one thing to contradict that and we have the stupid take?

Okay dax.

Why do I have to get into presidential administrations 101 with you, when your takes are so completely awful??

By implication you are saying that all "ideas" and actions of previous administrations emanated straight from the president, which is laughable in every sense of the word. 

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Re: Trump owns Russia
« Reply #8828 on: February 25, 2019, 11:31:33 AM »
He's confused again, and it's so early in the day :frown:
Hyperbolic partisan duplicitous hypocrite

Offline sonofdaxjones

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Re: Trump owns Russia
« Reply #8829 on: February 25, 2019, 11:32:51 AM »
He's confused again, and it's so early in the day :frown:

I appreciate you guys always trying to move the goalposts.

Offline Phil Titola

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Re: Trump owns Russia
« Reply #8830 on: February 25, 2019, 11:42:27 AM »
You don't dax. You said we had a dumb take because we have eyes and ears and see a nincompoop brain dead POTUS. You haven't been able to.provode one inkling of evidence to the contrary.

I'd be angry if I were you too and were duped.

Offline sonofdaxjones

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Re: Trump owns Russia
« Reply #8831 on: February 25, 2019, 11:49:05 AM »
You don't dax. You said we had a dumb take because we have eyes and ears and see a nincompoop brain dead POTUS. You haven't been able to.provode one inkling of evidence to the contrary.

I'd be angry if I were you too and were duped.

Setting aside that I'm just probably being trolled and deciding to respond even though that's your standard go to, which has the depth of a thimble.

Let's review.   ChumDummy said he hadn't heard of anything that I mentioned (which is not the least bit surprising).   I post multiple news articles.   Then it went into an exercise in me having to prove those things were all Trump's ideas.   Then you guys double down when I said that it would be impossible to show that the president him/herself thought of any policy (or similar) by themselves in any administration, and we often times don't know what the origins of most policies in many administrations were until years after the fact.    You guys then continue to double and triple down with idiot takes and asking me to guess who in the administration had those ideas.    Because I won't take wild guesses I'm avoiding the issue.   

Just another day with resident LibDerp Nation:  All Rage-All the Time

Offline Phil Titola

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Re: Trump owns Russia
« Reply #8832 on: February 25, 2019, 11:55:48 AM »
My only rage is concerning normally smart politically astute Americans such as yourself got duped by a known grifter. I'm mad that happened dax. That's not right.

So now all we can do is LOL when you try and double down with your takes that he knows what he is doing in any capacity as our president.

His daily actions prove otherwise.

Offline chum1

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Re: Trump owns Russia
« Reply #8833 on: February 25, 2019, 12:07:22 PM »
ChumDummy said he hadn't heard of anything that I mentioned (which is not the least bit surprising).   I post multiple news articles.   Then it went into an exercise in me having to prove those things were all Trump's ideas.

No, I said from the beginning that I hadn't heard Trump talk about them. I was trying to get you to say why you aren't worried about someone thoroughly corrupt like Trump kowtowing to Putin. And (as usual) you started talking about stuff that has nothing to do with Trump.

Offline sonofdaxjones

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Re: Trump owns Russia
« Reply #8834 on: February 25, 2019, 12:13:11 PM »
My only rage is concerning normally smart politically astute Americans such as yourself got duped by a known grifter. I'm mad that happened dax. That's not right.

So now all we can do is LOL when you try and double down with your takes that he knows what he is doing in any capacity as our president.

His daily actions prove otherwise.

You're just pissed off about the methods.

Look, your guy got dunked on precipitously by Vlad Putin, you're channeling your anger about that.

Your guy stood by and basically did nothing (hell he didn't even follow his own advice that he proclaimed to the world as a Senator) and allowed North Korea to develop missile technology (and give it to Iran as well) to the point that they were launching near Intercontinental range missiles over the top of our allies heads in the Pacific.   Your guys "Asian Pivot" was a total failure with the Chinese continuing to dunk on his dumb head repeatedly, all the while continuing to encircle the South China Sea.    But you, along with a fawning press kept telling everyone that he was fantastic.   

Your guys forays into the Middle East were a total disaster, killing tens of thousands of people and encompassing what can only be described as the most nonsensical and insane Middle Eastern policy in modern American history.   Wrecking havoc on predominately secular regimes, attempting to install the worst kind of Muslim Theocrats possible and signing a unilateral and ultimately meaningless piece of paper with Iran while rewarding them for overrunning our embassy and taking American's hostages.   Not to mention letting AQ thugs go (who are back fighting us now) in a trade for a guy who abandoned his post.  Etc. etc. etc. 

Offline Phil Titola

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Re: Trump owns Russia
« Reply #8835 on: February 25, 2019, 12:18:01 PM »
Yes we are will aware of your Obama concerns.

Doesn't change that you got grifted by a morally, financially, and intelligently empty dimwit. 

That makes me mad dax.  I get pride won't allow you to voice your own anger here but no reason to double down on it.

Offline sonofdaxjones

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Re: Trump owns Russia
« Reply #8836 on: February 25, 2019, 12:23:54 PM »
ChumDummy said he hadn't heard of anything that I mentioned (which is not the least bit surprising).   I post multiple news articles.   Then it went into an exercise in me having to prove those things were all Trump's ideas.

No, I said from the beginning that I hadn't heard Trump talk about them. I was trying to get you to say why you aren't worried about someone thoroughly corrupt like Trump kowtowing to Putin. And (as usual) you started talking about stuff that has nothing to do with Trump.

 :lol:  When Trump chides Angela Merkel for doing that pipeline deal with Putin, is that someone who is "kowtowing" to Putin?   In your dumb little head, Trump belittling NATO is an attempt to break up NATO.   Yet  NATO members committing to greater military spending benefits Russia how?  Hoe does that benefit Russia with even more arms right across the border, Chum?  Asking NATO members to have a military ready to go to war with Russia, benefits Putin how? 

How does pulling out of the INF benefit Putin?   Me, I'd much rather have the arms treaty, but again, how does the United States, still the only real super power, with an $800 billion dollar military budget and still with a decided technological edge pulling out of a treaty (or at least putting it on standby, for lack of better words) benefit Russia and Putin? 

How does extolling the virtues of U.S. Energy Dominance benefit Putin and Russia, Chum?  Pro-Tip, it doesn't. 

Venezuela, pretty sure there's now direct Russian involvement there, the U.S. is attempting to replace their guy . . . but you're expecting the President to be out there every day saying this?  How dumb and naive.


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Re: Trump owns Russia
« Reply #8837 on: February 25, 2019, 12:24:57 PM »
Yes we are will aware of your Obama concerns.

Doesn't change that you got grifted by a morally, financially, and intelligently empty dimwit. 

That makes me mad dax.  I get pride won't allow you to voice your own anger here but no reason to double down on it.

Yet you loved a guy who couldn't put together a cognizant non stammering and stuttering thought off script if his life depended on it.   Thus the moniker:  President Teleprompter

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Re: Trump owns Russia
« Reply #8838 on: February 25, 2019, 04:44:30 PM »
So, nothing substantive comes about, but they can play the "we didn't disclose everything" card to continue forward with the air of illegitimacy.

Will Vlad Putin get to claim (at minimum) a 4 year long dunk fest on U.S. National Security?  We'll see.

Offline chum1

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Re: Trump owns Russia
« Reply #8839 on: February 26, 2019, 06:28:16 AM »

Offline chum1

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Re: Trump owns Russia
« Reply #8840 on: February 26, 2019, 06:33:08 AM »

Offline sonofdaxjones

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Re: Trump owns Russia
« Reply #8841 on: February 26, 2019, 10:09:52 AM »
 :lol: ChumDerp gets so worked over every little thing.

It's so weird, never heard or read ChumDerp say anything when the previous administration was giving bombing coordinates to the Russians so they could go bomb "our guys" on the ground in Syria.   Never heard a peep out of ChumDerp when it was discovered the previous administration was in "back channel" discussions with Russia on a whole bunch of stuff.   Not a peep when Barry announced his era of Post Election Flexibility vis-a-vis Russia on an open mic for all the world to hear . . . etc. etc. etc.  ChumDerp #crickets

What changed ChumDerp?

Offline Phil Titola

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Re: Trump owns Russia
« Reply #8842 on: February 26, 2019, 02:31:03 PM »
"little things" is all in the eye of the beholder I think is what dax post proves. 

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Re: Trump owns Russia
« Reply #8843 on: February 26, 2019, 06:04:23 PM »

Offline chum1

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Re: Trump owns Russia
« Reply #8844 on: February 27, 2019, 06:26:30 AM »

Offline chum1

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Re: Trump owns Russia
« Reply #8845 on: February 27, 2019, 12:32:00 PM »

Offline chum1

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Re: Trump owns Russia
« Reply #8846 on: February 27, 2019, 01:45:58 PM »

Offline steve dave

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Re: Trump owns Russia
« Reply #8847 on: February 27, 2019, 04:38:31 PM »

Offline chum1

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Re: Trump owns Russia
« Reply #8848 on: February 27, 2019, 05:36:51 PM »

Offline chum1

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Re: Trump owns Russia
« Reply #8849 on: February 28, 2019, 06:26:33 PM »