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Re: Looks Like Our Lazy Walkon KS Kids Are Being Lazy Again
« Reply #25 on: July 30, 2014, 11:40:46 PM »
I love his passive-aggressive heart piercing barbs

Offline J

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Re: Looks Like Our Lazy Walkon KS Kids Are Being Lazy Again
« Reply #26 on: July 30, 2014, 11:52:22 PM »
Last year I spent six months participating in what I was told was a psychological experiment. I found an ad in my local paper looking for imaginative people looking to make good money, and since it was the only ad that week that I was remotely qualified for, I gave them a call and we arranged an interview.
They told me that all I would have to do is stay in a room, alone, with sensors attached to my head to read my brain activity, and while I was there I would visualize a double of myself. They called it my “tulpa”.

It seemed easy enough, and I agreed to do it as soon as they told me how much I would be paid. And the next day, I began. They brought me to a simple room and gave me a bed, then attached sensors to my head and hooked them into a little black box on the table beside me. They talked me through the process of visualizing my double again, and explained that if I got bored or restless, instead of moving around, I should visualize my double moving around, or try to interact with him, and so on. The idea was to keep him with me the entire time I was in the room.

I had trouble with it for the first few days. It was more controlled than any sort of daydreaming I’d done before. I’d imagine my double for a few minutes, then grow distracted. But by the fourth day, I could manage to keep him “present” for the entire six hours. They told me I was doing very well.

The second week, they gave me a different room, with wall-mounted speakers. They told me they wanted to see if I could still keep the tulpa with me in spite of distracting stimuli. The music was discordant, ugly and unsettling, and it made the process a little more difficult, but I managed nonetheless. The next week they played even more unsettling music, punctuated with shrieks, feedback loops, what sounded like an old school modem dialing up, and guttural voices speaking some foreign language. I just laughed it off – I was a pro by then.

After about a month, I started to get bored. To liven things up, I started interacting with my doppelganger. We’d have conversations, or play rock-paper-scissors, or I’d imagine him juggling, or break-dancing, or whatever caught my fancy. I asked the researchers if my foolishness would adversely affect their study, but they encouraged me.

So we played, and communicated, and that was fun for a while. And then it got a little strange. I was telling him about my first date one day, and he corrected me. I’d said my date was wearing a yellow top, and he told me it was a green one. I thought about it for a second, and realized he was right. It creeped me out, and after my shift that day, I talked to the researchers about it. “You’re using the thought-form to access your subconscious,” they explained. “You knew on some level that you were wrong, and you subconsciously corrected yourself.”

What had been creepy was suddenly cool. I was talking to my subconscious! It took some practice, but I found that I could question my tulpa and access all sorts of memories. I could make it quote whole pages of books I’d read once, years before, or things I was taught and immediately forgot in high school. It was awesome.

That was around the time I started “calling up” my double outside of the research center. Not often at first, but I was so used to imagining him by now that it almost seemed odd to not see him. So whenever I was bored, I’d visualize my double. Eventually I started doing it almost all the time. It was amusing to take him along like an invisible friend. I imagined him when I was hanging out with friends, or visiting my mom, I even brought him along on a date once. I didn’t need to speak aloud to him, so I was able to carry out conversations with him and no one was the wiser.

I know that sounds strange, but it was fun. Not only was he a walking repository of everything I knew and everything I had forgotten, he also seemed more in touch with me than I did at times. He had an uncanny grasp of the minutiae of body language that I didn’t even realize I was picking up on. For example, I’d thought the date I brought him along on was going badly, but he pointed out how she was laughing a little too hard at my jokes, and leaning towards me as I spoke, and a bunch of other subtle clues I wasn’t consciously picking up on. I listened, and let’s just say that that date went very well.

By the time I’d been at the research center for four months, he was with my constantly. The researchers approached me one day after my shift, and asked me if I’d stopped visualizing him. I denied it, and they seemed pleased. I silently asked my double if he knew what prompted that, but he just shrugged it off. So did I.

I withdrew a little from the world at that point. I was having trouble relating to people. It seemed to me that they were so confused and unsure of themselves, while I had a manifestation of myself to confer with. It made socializing awkward. Nobody else seemed aware of the reasons behind their actions, why some things made them mad and others made them laugh. They didn’t know what moved them. But I did – or at least, I could ask myself and get an answer.

A friend confronted me one evening. He pounded at the door until I answered it, and came in fuming and swearing up a storm. “You haven’t answered when I called you in rough ridin' weeks, you dick!” He yelled. “What’s your rough ridin' problem?”.

I was about to apologize to him, and probably would have offered to hit the bars with him that night, but my tulpa grew suddenly furious. “Hit him,” it said, and before I knew what I was doing, I had. I heard his nose break. He fell to the floor and came up swinging, and we beat each other up and down my apartment.

I was more furious then than I have ever been, and I was not merciful. I knocked him to the ground and gave him two savage kicks to the ribs, and that was when he fled, hunched over and sobbing.

The police were by a few minutes later, but I told them that he had been the instigator, and since he wasn’t around to refute me, they let me off with a warning. My tulpa was grinning the entire time. We spent the night crowing about my victory and sneering over how badly I’d beaten my friend.

It wasn’t until the next morning, when I was checking out my black eye and cut lip in the mirror, that I remembered what had set me off. My double was the one who’d grown furious, not me. I’d been feeling guilty and a little ashamed, but he’d goaded me into a vicious fight with a concerned friend. He was present, of course, and knew my thoughts. “You don’t need him anymore. You don’t need anyone else,” he told me, and I felt my skin crawl.

I explained all this to the researchers who employed me, but they just laughed it off. “You can’t be scared of something that you’re imagining,” one told me. My double stood beside him, and nodded his head, then smirked at me.

I tried to take their words to heart, but over the next few days I found myself growing more and more anxious around my tulpa, and it seemed that he was changing. He looked taller, and more menacing. His eyes twinkled with mischief, and I saw malice in his constant smile. No job was worth losing my mind over, I decided. If he was out of control, I’d put him down. I was so used to him at that point that visualizing him was an automatic process, so I started trying my damnedest to not visualize him. It took a few days, but it started to work somewhat. I could get rid of him for hours at a time. But every time he came back, he seemed worse. His skin seemed ashen, his teeth more pointed. He hissed and gibbered and threatened and swore. The discordant music I’d been listening to for months seemed to accompany him everywhere. Even when I was at home – I’d relax and slip up, no longer concentrating on not seeing him, and there he’d be, and that howling noise with him.

I was still visiting the research center and spending my six hours there. I needed the money, and I thought they weren’t aware that I was now actively not visualizing my tulpa. I was wrong. After my shift one day, about five and a half months in, two impressively men grabbed and restrained me, and someone in a lab coat jabbed a hypodermic needle into me.

I woke up from my stupor back in the room, strapped into the bed, music blaring, with my doppelganger standing over me cackling. He hardly looked human anymore. His features were twisted. His eyes were sunken in their sockets and filmed over like a corpse’s. He was much taller than me, but hunched over. His hands were twisted, and the fingernails were like talons. He was, in short, rough ridin' terrifying. I tried to will him away, but I just couldn’t seem to concentrate. He giggled, and tapped the IV in my arm. I thrashed in my restraints as best I could, but could hardly move at all.

“They’re pumping you full of the good crap, I think. How’s the mind? All fuzzy?” He leaned closer and closer as he spoke. I gagged; his breath smelt like spoiled meat. I tried to focus, but couldn’t banish him.

The next few weeks were terrible. Every so often, someone in a doctor’s coat would come in and inject me with something, or force-feed me a pill. They kept me dizzy and unfocused, and sometimes left me hallucinating or delusional. My thoughtform was still present, constantly mocking. He interacted with, or perhaps caused, my delusions. I hallucinated that my mother was there, scolding me, and then he cut her throat and her blood showered me. It was so real that I could taste it.

The doctors never spoke to me. I begged at times, screamed, hurled invectives, demanded answers. They never spoke to me. They may have talked to my tulpa, my personal monster. I’m not sure. I was so doped and confused that it may have just been more delusion, but I remember them talking with him. I grew convinced that he was the real one, and I was the thoughtform. He encouraged that line of thought at times, mocked me at others.

Another thing that I pray was a delusion: he could touch me. More than that, he could hurt me. He’d poke and prod at me if he felt I wasn’t paying enough attention to him. Once he grabbed my testicles and squeezed until I told him I loved him. Another time, he slashed my forearm with one of his talons. I still have a scar – most days I can convince myself that I injured myself, and just hallucinated that he was responsible. Most days.

Then one day, while he was telling me a story about how he was going to gut everyone I loved, starting with my sister, he paused. A querulous look crossed his face, and reached out and touched my head. Like my mother used to when I was feverish. He stayed still for a long moment, and then smiled. “All thoughts are creative,” he told me. Then he walked out the door.

Three hours later, I was given an injection, and passed out. I awoke unrestrained. Shaking, I made my way to the door and found it unlocked. I walked out into the empty hallway, and then ran. I stumbled more than once, but I made it down the stairs and out into the lot behind the building. There, I collapsed, weeping like a child. I knew I had to keep moving, but I couldn’t manage it.

I got home eventually – I don’t remember how. I locked the door, and shoved a dresser against it, took a long shower, and slept for a day and a half. Nobody came for me in the night, and nobody came the next day, or the one after that. It was over. I’d spent a week locked in that room, but it had felt like a century. I’d withdrawn so much from my life beforehand that nobody had even known I was missing.

The police didn’t find anything. The research center was empty when they searched it. The paper trail fell apart. The names I’d given them were aliases. Even the money I’d received was apparently untraceable.

I recovered as much as one can. I don’t leave the house much, and I have panic attacks when I do. I cry a lot. I don’t sleep much, and my nightmares are terrible. It’s over, I tell myself. I survived. I use the concentration those bastards taught me to convince myself. It works, sometimes.

Not today, though. Three days ago, I got a phone call from my mother. There’s been a tragedy. My sister’s the latest victim in a spree of killings, the police say. The perpetrator mugs his victims, then guts them.

The funeral was this afternoon. It was as lovely a service as a funeral can be, I suppose. I was a little distracted, though. All I could hear was music coming from somewhere distant. Discordant, unsettling stuff, that sounds like feedback, and shrieking, and a modem dialing up. I hear it still – a little louder now.

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Re: Looks Like Our Lazy Walkon KS Kids Are Being Lazy Again
« Reply #27 on: July 30, 2014, 11:58:57 PM »
(Shout) a little bit louder now

(Shout) a little bit louder now


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Re: Looks Like Our Lazy Walkon KS Kids Are Being Lazy Again
« Reply #28 on: July 31, 2014, 12:38:36 AM »
I’m writing this down in this journal because if I don’t, I may go insane. You may think me insane after reading my story. I wish I was.

My name is Jared Baldwin, and I am twenty-two years old. I recently moved into a brand new apartment in rural Maine. Everything was going great the first two weeks, I was having no problems unpacking my boxes and everything seemed to fit nicely. It looked as if everything I had bought had been bought to furnish this apartment. The power company had forgotten to shut off the electricity, cable, and wifi since the last tenants had moved out. Or perhaps, now that I think about it, they had left so fast the company never knew they had even moved. I can’t blame them.

The first night sleeping in the apartment, once I had completely furnished it and gotten everything set up the way I wanted it, was fantastic. I had no problems adjusting to the new environment whatsoever. I fell asleep within five minutes of getting into bed. It was strange, especially for me, since I usually have trouble falling asleep anywhere I’m not used to. I had this feeling that I was meant to live in that apartment, though it was run-down and in a completely isolated area. I don’t do well with isolation, though it didn’t bother me in the apartment.

The second day went well, though I noticed something strange about the bathroom mirror. It had been painted over with black paint, not an inch of mirror could be seen through the coat. A sledgehammer rested on the tile as though someone had just dropped it and left after considering smashing the mirror, too concerned about leaving the apartment to pick it up before they moved away.

Of course, I didn’t think anything of it at the time. I was rather excited to have gotten a free sledgehammer.
A few weeks went by without incident, and I was completely happy in my new abode. However, strange things were starting to happen.

One night, around three, I woke up with the urgent need to use the restroom. I shuffled in and stopped dead in my tracks. Though the mirror was covered with black paint, a faint silver glow showed beneath the cracks in the coat. I was fascinated, and overwhelmed with the desire to scrape off the paint and shove my hand through the mirror. I thought I could hear faint whispers coming from the other side, beckoning me to clear the mirror of its black cover.

I came to my senses and realized that what was happening was not fascinating at all, but frightening. The voices behind the mirror became agitated, and a split second later both the glow and the voices were gone. I closed my eyes and shook my head, and when I opened them again I couldn’t shake the feeling that I had been dreaming and had merely sleepwalked into the bathroom.
I used the restroom and returned to my bed without giving the mirror a second thought.

The next night the same thing happened, though I noticed some of the paint had chipped off the mirror. A small hole in the paint, about three inches tall and two inches wide, revealed a sliver of mirror, which glowed and pulsated with a sort of silver electricity. The voices, soothing and inviting, called me and begged me to remove the paint from the mirror.

I closed my eyes, and when I opened them again I found myself in bed. I glanced at the clock, 7:43 am. Had I dreamed the whole thing? I had a nagging doubt in my mind that maybe what was happening was not a dream at all, but common sense put that idea to rest for a while.

A few more nights passed without incident.

I awoke once more and shuffled into the bathroom in the middle of the night, as I had done twice before. This time a very large amount of paint had been removed from the mirror. A hole about a foot tall and four inches wide had been made in the paint. The pulsating, electric glow permeated the surface of the mirror and reached out into the bathroom. Tendrils of smoke trickled from the mirror. Once again, the voices pleaded me to free the mirror from its coating. Once again I found myself back in bed, only to find that it was the next morning.

I went into the bathroom and saw that an even larger hole in the paint had been made overnight. I looked at my hands and saw black under my nails and staining my fingers.

God, had I been the one removing the paint at night? The thought frightened me, and that night I bolted the bathroom door shut from the outside. The previous tenants had placed the lock there, no doubt for the same reason I had.

When I awoke that night, I unlocked the deadbolt and went into the bathroom. The voices, more inviting than ever and making me feel like I was meant to do nothing else but free whatever hid behind that mirror, once again demanded I remove the paint. I obeyed, though a very deep level of my subconscious screamed for me to stop. I suppressed it and let the sheer pleasure of removing the paint drive me to do my duty.

I awoke the next morning horrified to see that I had removed all the paint from the mirror. Not a shrapnel of black remained on the mirror, and my hands were completely black. What had I done? I was afraid to sleep that night.

A few weeks passed without incident.

One night, waking up around three as I had done many times before, I went into the bathroom at the request of the voices coming through the bathroom door. They were louder now, as one would expect, for they were no longer muffled by the paint. What I saw terrified me more than anything I had ever before experienced. The thing that lived in the mirror was not pleasant at all. The silver glow was more intense than ever, surrounding the outside of the mirror. Tendrils of smoke poured out from the glass, and the creature inside grinned at me, revealing rows of jagged fangs. My heart nearly exploded through my chest. The voices that had before been so kind and pleasant now sounded menacing and sinister. The creature, hidden by shadow, climbed through the glass, chanting my name.

I ran, out of the bathroom and into the living room. Hearing it close behind, laughing and taking its time, I bolted out the front door and didn’t look back. I didn’t worry about my belongings or about leaving my door unlocked. I didn’t even grab my car keys, I just ran.

Now, as I take refuge in a neighbor’s home, I can’t help but feel as though I’m not safe. I released it from the mirror, and I know it will hunt me until it pulls me into the mirror with it. I have to get away from Maine. Tomorrow I will be moving to California. I don’t care about my belongings, I just want to be safe.


It has been two months since I last wrote in this notebook. I am now living in a very small apartment in southern California, and am working in a restaurant to pay the rent. Though I can barely afford to buy groceries, I am happy that I no longer have to worry about the demon in the mirror.

Though last night I thought I heard a soft, lovely voice calling to me from my bathroom while I slept. That couldn’t have happened, though, I’m probably just still having nightmares because of what happened in Maine. It couldn’t have followed me here, right?

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Re: Looks Like Our Lazy Walkon KS Kids Are Being Lazy Again
« Reply #29 on: July 31, 2014, 12:43:33 AM »
 Look, I'm all for scary stories during the dark night hours, but how about we save it for the creepy pasta thread eh?
I’ve started to kind of hate people, and it’s not because I have anything against them. It’s just, I enjoy it. It’s recreation.
-Louis C.K.

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Re: Looks Like Our Lazy Walkon KS Kids Are Being Lazy Again
« Reply #30 on: July 31, 2014, 08:15:38 AM »
I like to imagine that J is sitting at his computer writing these. Pretty disappointing it is just C/P. I wonder if he even reads them?

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Re: Looks Like Our Lazy Walkon KS Kids Are Being Lazy Again
« Reply #31 on: July 31, 2014, 01:22:16 PM »
Engrossed in the utter annoyance his distasteful food offered, the watchman missed the man who ran into the omen filled place at 3 past ten. Shabbily dressed in an overcoat, Jeff felt pinned against the grieving people who insensitively buried Anelia in his absence.
Incapacitated by shudders of anguish, he fell to his knees. Fatigued by his inability to mourn as one who lost his reason to live, Jeff threw his distraught face to the ground, which was home to his beloved.
You’d look funny in your sixties; with that well kept hair parting ways from you, scattered hair as beard and that nose further withdrawing from your face.
She had not even waited for him to turn eighteen. The proximity of their souls seemed to have fallen short of destiny’s whims indelibly. His flesh hadn’t cultivated hair enough to slot him as an adult, yet his heart flickered at the memories thrown uncaringly at him. The fragrance of her loosely left hair still resided in his nose.
Imagine, we sailing in a boat, stranded in the middle of the sea, with food which would suffice for only few days, and little hope of finding shore!
Imaginations are mirages crafted by the mind to distract one from realities of bitter inheritance. Jeff could segregate irony from mockery now. Life lured them to create fantasy, and now conveniently fooled them. What is given is liable to be taken back.
“But not so soon!” he yelled within.
Within minutes of his reaching Anelia’s dwelling, her grandfather, a man of fine integrity, walked towards him. Bursting into tears, he hung at the 16 something guy, oblivious to the pain that pierced into Jeff’s bruised heart.
Each step Jeff took towards the black stone which read ‘Anelia Raymond’ was a mile he had to trudge. Death had been hostile towards him, life the major conspirator. If only she had not boarded that bus! Quelling the huge drops of tears which crippled him seemed unachievable.
The curious fellows who witnessed this queer sight got a subject for discussion for the rest of the evening.
‘’She had been an exuberant girl, who never disappointed Raymond and his wife………so pity that she is …………..”
Although words of sympathy flowing out of the crowd were audible, Jeff wasn’t sane enough to be receptive. Was their secret no longer to be treasured? And how could she abruptly leave him alone? The acceptance of her bereavement spat on him.
Hysterically, Jeff ran to Reslin and screamed ‘’I had told her to hire an auto. How could someone be so ignorant?”
Once I get into theatre, Jeff, you will find it difficult to impress me with such catchy dialogues!
The winter winds gushing past the faithful didn’t deter them from singing cacophonies of consolation. The uneducated birds possessed maturity finer than their inept brains. They sustained silence without the minutest longing for attention.
The ignorance of adults is selectively termed a mistake; when it is perpetuated by us, it becomes disobedience. Are they not burdened by obligations of obedience? What leaves them unblemished?
The gravel pillowed on her new shelter hid her from Jeff. Recalling the promise of eternally peppering her life with his presence pinched him. The sheer cruelty behind this separation couldn’t be come to terms with.
I swear, I can’t bear such untidiness! Why don’t you just clean this wardrobe of yours? I always have the option of leaving you. So, in order to woo me, you need to initiate action from teenage.
Three hours had passed past her burial, but Anelia drove everyone to wait for a miracle. The infuriated eyes of her friend melted the strong men standing there with tied hands.
‘’We’ll have to leave your friend, Jeff. She has left us, and now we need to leave her’’ cried her grandmother in a subdued tone.
Holding his hand with an uncertain rigidity she screamed ‘’your friend ……………..”
Jeff could no longer hear her. A faint familiar voice reverberated in his ears. The words were a part of his memory. And now they hummed disturbingly in his mind.
I guess, holding on to you never tires me. Perhaps, I even heard Alisha rumor about us being together. Fearfully enough let me warn you. You are not talking about us to anyone, at least not till we reach adulthood. Are you listening to me, Jeff? Hey! You idiot…..Are you …….?

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Re: Looks Like Our Lazy Walkon KS Kids Are Being Lazy Again
« Reply #32 on: July 31, 2014, 02:54:09 PM »
You volunteer at the mental health clinic. Given the dangerous nature of the residents, they assigned you the rooms of the less violent patients. The suicidal. Those who hear voices. Those that don’t say anything at all.

You become close to a mute man named Arthur. He is a rapt listener, willing to nod his head for hours as you tell him the story of your life. You mention your past, your present. The people involved in both. Your hopes for the future.

And Arthur just nods.

After several months of listening, you figure that you owe it to Arthur to get him out of the clinic. He can’t be happy sitting in a room by himself nodding at interns everyday. You talk to the supervisor of the clinic. You argue that he isn’t harming anyone. That he grooms and feeds himself with no problems. That perhaps his condition is a physical aliment.

The day comes when your arguing pays off. The supervisor has agreed to let Arthur go. You rush to his room to tell him the news. “You’re free!” You shout. “Isn’t that great?”

And Arthur just nods.

You write your name and address on a piece of paper. Hand it to him. “I’m going to miss having someone to talk to.” You say. “But now you can write me. I can learn all about you. Like why they were so insistent in having you in here, pal. I had to fight Dr. Thanner everyday to get you out.”

He looks at you and takes the paper. Just nods.

You go home, feeling good about yourself. You brag to everyone you can tell, friends, family, classmates, co-workers, about how you came through for Arthur. You even fall asleep with a smile.

That night, your eyes snap open. Screams, unearthly screams wake you up.

Then you see them. Your mother. Your father. Your friends. Your classmates. Your co-workers. Lying on your floor, their blood soaking into your carpet. Your walls stained with carnage. Their heads bashed in, their eyes missing from their sockets. Everyone you know dead or dying.

You whimper and see a man standing in the doorway.

It’s Arthur, holding the piece of paper you gave him.

Your entire body shaking, you choke out. “Are you here to kill me?”

And Arthur just nods.

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Re: Looks Like Our Lazy Walkon KS Kids Are Being Lazy Again
« Reply #33 on: July 31, 2014, 04:06:10 PM »
The first was my favorite, then they got progressively worse.  That last one reads like it was translated from Chinese with babelfish.
I was wrong and I apologize. - michigancat 8/22/14

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Re: Looks Like Our Lazy Walkon KS Kids Are Being Lazy Again
« Reply #34 on: July 31, 2014, 04:20:25 PM »
You volunteer at the mental health clinic. Given the dangerous nature of the residents, they assigned you the rooms of the less violent patients. The suicidal. Those who hear voices. Those that don’t say anything at all.

You become close to a mute man named Arthur. He is a rapt listener, willing to nod his head for hours as you tell him the story of your life. You mention your past, your present. The people involved in both. Your hopes for the future.

And Arthur just nods.

After several months of listening, you figure that you owe it to Arthur to get him out of the clinic. He can’t be happy sitting in a room by himself nodding at interns everyday. You talk to the supervisor of the clinic. You argue that he isn’t harming anyone. That he grooms and feeds himself with no problems. That perhaps his condition is a physical aliment.

The day comes when your arguing pays off. The supervisor has agreed to let Arthur go. You rush to his room to tell him the news. “You’re free!” You shout. “Isn’t that great?”

And Arthur just nods.

You write your name and address on a piece of paper. Hand it to him. “I’m going to miss having someone to talk to.” You say. “But now you can write me. I can learn all about you. Like why they were so insistent in having you in here, pal. I had to fight Dr. Thanner everyday to get you out.”

He looks at you and takes the paper. Just nods.

You go home, feeling good about yourself. You brag to everyone you can tell, friends, family, classmates, co-workers, about how you came through for Arthur. You even fall asleep with a smile.

That night, your eyes snap open. Screams, unearthly screams wake you up.

Then you see them. Your mother. Your father. Your friends. Your classmates. Your co-workers. Lying on your floor, their blood soaking into your carpet. Your walls stained with carnage. Their heads bashed in, their eyes missing from their sockets. Everyone you know dead or dying.

You whimper and see a man standing in the doorway.

It’s Arthur, holding the piece of paper you gave him.

Your entire body shaking, you choke out. “Are you here to kill me?”

And Arthur just nods.

Is this about our Arthur, be cause it definitely seems like it

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Re: Looks Like Our Lazy Walkon KS Kids Are Being Lazy Again
« Reply #35 on: July 31, 2014, 07:36:47 PM »
Love crap like this. Remember when you were little and your grandparent would scold you? How scary :ohno:

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Re: Looks Like Our Lazy Walkon KS Kids Are Being Lazy Again
« Reply #36 on: July 31, 2014, 09:23:33 PM »
(Shout) a little bit louder now

(Shout) a little bit louder now



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Re: Looks Like Our Lazy Walkon KS Kids Are Being Lazy Again
« Reply #37 on: July 31, 2014, 11:03:32 PM »
How bad does it make you feel that Felicity Jones will never be your wife? Using a scale of 9 to 10 here people.

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Re: Looks Like Our Lazy Walkon KS Kids Are Being Lazy Again
« Reply #38 on: July 31, 2014, 11:04:20 PM »
I would travel the universe.

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Re: Looks Like Our Lazy Walkon KS Kids Are Being Lazy Again
« Reply #39 on: July 31, 2014, 11:17:05 PM »
Most likely multiple universes. The technology is underway.

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Re: Looks Like Our Lazy Walkon KS Kids Are Being Lazy Again
« Reply #40 on: July 31, 2014, 11:53:12 PM »

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Re: Looks Like Our Lazy Walkon KS Kids Are Being Lazy Again
« Reply #41 on: August 01, 2014, 04:43:59 AM »
How and why did this thread become J's personal playground ?
I was wrong and I apologize. - michigancat 8/22/14

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Re: Looks Like Our Lazy Walkon KS Kids Are Being Lazy Again
« Reply #42 on: August 01, 2014, 05:32:40 AM »
How and why did this thread become J's personal playground ?
The drugs.

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Re: Looks Like Our Lazy Walkon KS Kids Are Being Lazy Again
« Reply #43 on: August 01, 2014, 08:51:56 AM »
Yeah, I have no idea wtf is going on here.

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Re: Looks Like Our Lazy Walkon KS Kids Are Being Lazy Again
« Reply #44 on: August 01, 2014, 09:06:02 AM »
I think J is just taking the time to show all of us the proper way to ruin a thread.

Whatever your reasoning may be (i.e. the thread sucked to begin with, it stalled out, was started by kim or lollypop kid).

Let's be honest how long was this thread going to be 1/2 a page or so? Now look this is probably one of the more interesting threads other than Will Geary and the expansion thread.

Bravo J Bravo. I have already mentally cataloged this thread for later reference.

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Re: Looks Like Our Lazy Walkon KS Kids Are Being Lazy Again
« Reply #45 on: August 01, 2014, 09:10:49 AM »

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Re: Looks Like Our Lazy Walkon KS Kids Are Being Lazy Again
« Reply #46 on: August 01, 2014, 09:41:33 AM »
J is BITB at napalming the crap out of threads

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Re: Looks Like Our Lazy Walkon KS Kids Are Being Lazy Again
« Reply #47 on: August 01, 2014, 11:08:46 AM »
I want to get the thread back on track to see what he dishes out next.

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Re: Looks Like Our Lazy Walkon KS Kids Are Being Lazy Again
« Reply #48 on: August 01, 2014, 11:26:37 AM »
I thought J was pointing out that he isn't a lazy walk-on and deserves a gE full ride.   :dunno:

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Re: Looks Like Our Lazy Walkon KS Kids Are Being Lazy Again
« Reply #49 on: August 01, 2014, 12:21:28 PM »
These lazys better shape up if they ever want a coveted spot on the WC08AHT