Author Topic: neighbor stories  (Read 62478 times)

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Offline nicname

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Re: neighbor stories
« Reply #75 on: December 23, 2011, 04:28:05 PM »
category: weird

in between these two is a very tiny house with a very messy, very large yard.  when we moved in the lady who lives there introduced herself and said that she had multiple personalities.  she also said that she likes to keep a watch over the 'hood.  she does this by throwing rocks and sand at people who speed down the street too fast.  she has four dogs who have destroyed her yard.  she owns an old winnebego that is hooked up to an old (and I presume) broken down VW rabbit.  when we first moved in there as a man living with her that was her boyfriend/ lover i dunno she is like 45 and this guy was anywhere between 30-40 i coudlnt tell. he was a goofy guy reminded me of the greasers off that book.  he also had jailhouse tattoos, etc.  one day he came over and asked me if he could have some sticks and old wood pieces that were in my side yard.  I said sure.  the next day they were in a pile near his driveway and he had a sign saying that he had wood for sale.  one day there were cops over there and then he was gone.  the woman said he tried to kill her.  then later this summer the woman had a dispute with the married neighbor guy.  he was apparently mowing too close to her property line, so to combat the she tool these old tree stumps and lined her property with them and the put a do not cross ribbon across them.  the dispute built and eventually the cops went over.  the result was that she had to get rid of one of her dogs because the city decided that 4 dogs were to many for her.  she offered the dog to us. we refused.  also, in the warmer months she gets around on a rascal which she uses as her car.  i havent seen her in a few weeks, i dont think she likes cold weather.

this is my new favorite one

Of course, on, there's probably a neighbor thread where they're talking about the guy who takes a 5-hour break in his pipe-smoking routine to be picked up by dudes driving a jeep with a weird dog on the spare tire by sticking his pipe in the snow and then resuming it when dropped off by the dog jeep.  And he doesn't report child-abusive juggalos.

pshhhh, not the same house.   
If there was a gif of nicname thwarting the attempted-flag-taker and then gesturing him to suck it, followed by motioning for all of Hilton Shelter to boo him louder, it'd be better than that auburn gif.

Offline HeinBallz

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Re: neighbor stories
« Reply #76 on: December 23, 2011, 07:10:01 PM »
Category: Dumb crap:

Just remembered this guy that lives next to my parents.   When I was young this dip crap moved next to us from Wichita - where he was an art teacher.   He said he moved out there to get the real "Country" feel.   So he bought a cow & tied it to a rough ridin' tree like a dog.   Dumb ass didn't even have a fence or anything.  After a couple hours we laughed our asses off as he ran through a field behind our house chasing a cow with a big ass branch tied to its neck. 

He's lived there for 20 years now & has managed 3 failed marriages, Painting a ginormous cartoon styled rocket ship on the side of his garage, Painted every square inch of 3 seperate 20-30 foot tall Live trees - one blue, one red, & one green & reports all of the neighbors in the area for various incidents like trespassing, loose dogs, etc.
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Offline tuck34

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Re: neighbor stories
« Reply #77 on: December 25, 2011, 07:37:45 AM »
didn't realize there were so many poor emaw's living in arkansas  :horrorsurprise:

Offline HeinBallz

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Re: neighbor stories
« Reply #78 on: December 26, 2011, 12:52:46 PM »
The neighbor lives in about a 400K house on 12 acres;  My parents are in a 300K house on 20 acres.   I wouldn't call my parents wealthy, but definitely not poor.
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Re: neighbor stories
« Reply #79 on: December 27, 2011, 01:05:06 AM »
Category:  Warm Fuzzy

About 3 months after we bought our house, an ice storm knocked a giant limb off of one of our trees, blocking the alley behind our house.  It happened around 4 AM and I had to go to work, I planned on dealing with it later.  When I got home at 5 PM a couple of my neighbors had chopped up all the branches into small pieces and piled them up nicely for us.  When I thanked them they were all "We're neighbors, it's what you do."

Offline cracka

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Re: neighbor stories
« Reply #80 on: December 27, 2011, 10:59:34 PM »
The Retired Engineer:

An embattled relic from the cold war, this engineer is the authority regarding any engineering matter that mankind and our woefully ignorant HOA may face.  City engineers and workmen who put in a sidewalk were subjected to the pea gravel debate of the century -- our HOA would have proper pea gravel or there would be hell to pay.   A Jewish synagogue was built behind his lot, the engineer surveyed and measured water drainage rates and the design of a retention pond and complained numerous times of the malfeasance created by those damned Jews.  He walks around the temple property weekly to survey the damage created by water drainage from the parking lot.  The house that is vacant and waiting to be sold; the engineer categorized and identified numerous invasive weed species and complained to the realtor.  Heard a rumor that he was measuring the grass height with a ruler as well.  Before this house was vacant our beloved engineer decided to sue the home builder, construction company, and HOA because the house didn't meet the minimal square footage (probably off by 200 - 500 sq ft) as determined by a survey of the 1.5 foot thick binder that is 'supposedly' the covenance which governs our beloved HOA.

So the guy is a fighter pilot who retired from the navy/air force and who used to park his helicopter in an empty lot behind his house until neighbors complained.  The guy is legit and was Top Gun back in the 60's.  Unfortunately now he is just batshit crazy and loves to fight.  He won't back down.  The HOA meetings are miserable.  The old codger goes on-and-on at the HOA meetings over every damn engineering matter imaginable -- he makes the same damn complaints every year.  The HOA just cuts and pastes his comments for the yearly newsletter/meeting minutes.  During the last meeting he finally provided some new information when he started going off about having to kill a commie. "It was either him or me, and I'm sitting here; aren't I" was the statement that finished the story he was telling me.

The NBA Baller:
Welcome to never-rough ridin'-never land.  I always thought it would be cool to have a pro (now retired) athlete as my neighbor.  Would lil cracka' learn to play ball from a guy who was in the LEAGUE?  Wonderful stories of other baller neighbors who were sent gift baskets had been rumored, could we be receiving a $$$ gift basket too?  Just imagine who would be stopping by his house? Other ballers, celebrities, a cadre of hotties?  HA! The only fairy dust this jack ass sprinkles goes up his nose or is burnt up in his bong. Wish I could win the lottery and spend all day getting high playing video games, and all night going to the bar/club.

This third-string baller hardly ever saw time in the rotation and was let go (retired) for smoking the ganja after 3 or 4 years in the league.  His scouting report describes him as a big, who, if he possessed a better work ethic and more maturity would have been a serious contender. Yet, the mid-twenty year old has a home that is 1.5x larger than mine and it's paid off.  My wife and I have multiple college degrees, which is wonderful because we'll need these credentials to spend the next 30 years paying for our home.  In the mean-time you would think the baller could take care of his lawn and quit knocking up the baby mamas. Especially the lawn, hopefully the engineer doesn't notice the decrepid state of disrepair.   Oh and the only parties he throws are for his entourage of loser, co-dependent friends who have latched on to his purse strings.  It's like a f'n frat party over there all the damn time.  Oh and his home was always being broken in-to; dumbass had his personal information on the net.  When he was playing ball, thugs would look him up and decide to go fence the NBA players house.

The Lesbians:

Great couple of wonderful gals.  Although they are in their 40's, they're still kind of hot.  Both like beer, we see them at a microbrew all the time.  They give out lots of candy to the kids for Halloween.  And they let me use their snowblower last year.   Wish we could get rid of the other losers and get a few more lesbians.

Offline 8manpick

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Re: neighbor stories
« Reply #81 on: December 27, 2011, 11:05:32 PM »
The NBA Baller:
Welcome to never-rough ridin'-never land.  I always thought it would be cool to have a pro (now retired) athlete as my neighbor.  Would lil cracka' learn to play ball from a guy who was in the LEAGUE?  Wonderful stories of other baller neighbors who were sent gift baskets had been rumored, could we be receiving a $$$ gift basket too?  Just imagine who would be stopping by his house? Other ballers, celebrities, a cadre of hotties?  HA! The only fairy dust this jack ass sprinkles goes up his nose or is burnt up in his bong. Wish I could win the lottery and spend all day getting high playing video games, and all night going to the bar/club.

This third-string baller hardly ever saw time in the rotation and was let go (retired) for smoking the ganja after 3 or 4 years in the league.  His scouting report describes him as a big, who, if he possessed a better work ethic and more maturity would have been a serious contender. Yet, the mid-twenty year old has a home that is 1.5x larger than mine and it's paid off.  My wife and I have multiple college degrees, which is wonderful because we'll need these credentials to spend the next 30 years paying for our home.  In the mean-time you would think the baller could take care of his lawn and quit knocking up the baby mamas. Especially the lawn, hopefully the engineer doesn't notice the decrepid state of disrepair.   Oh and the only parties he throws are for his entourage of loser, co-dependent friends who have latched on to his purse strings.  It's like a f'n frat party over there all the damn time.  Oh and his home was always being broken in-to; dumbass had his personal information on the net.  When he was playing ball, thugs would look him up and decide to go fence the NBA players house.

Take it easy super-tuck.

Offline felix rex

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Re: neighbor stories
« Reply #82 on: December 27, 2011, 11:06:11 PM »
Tyler Perry presents cracka's neighborhood.
"How will I recruit to Manhattan? Well, distance. And the proud state of basketball. It start there, and then daily flights to Dallas, because I'm really good at going out. Like top five good. Ask my wife. She wants me to be happy."

Offline Rage Against the McKee

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Re: neighbor stories
« Reply #83 on: December 27, 2011, 11:55:34 PM »
The NBA Baller:
Welcome to never-rough ridin'-never land.  I always thought it would be cool to have a pro (now retired) athlete as my neighbor.  Would lil cracka' learn to play ball from a guy who was in the LEAGUE?  Wonderful stories of other baller neighbors who were sent gift baskets had been rumored, could we be receiving a $$$ gift basket too?  Just imagine who would be stopping by his house? Other ballers, celebrities, a cadre of hotties?  HA! The only fairy dust this jack ass sprinkles goes up his nose or is burnt up in his bong. Wish I could win the lottery and spend all day getting high playing video games, and all night going to the bar/club.

This third-string baller hardly ever saw time in the rotation and was let go (retired) for smoking the ganja after 3 or 4 years in the league.  His scouting report describes him as a big, who, if he possessed a better work ethic and more maturity would have been a serious contender. Yet, the mid-twenty year old has a home that is 1.5x larger than mine and it's paid off.  My wife and I have multiple college degrees, which is wonderful because we'll need these credentials to spend the next 30 years paying for our home.  In the mean-time you would think the baller could take care of his lawn and quit knocking up the baby mamas. Especially the lawn, hopefully the engineer doesn't notice the decrepid state of disrepair.   Oh and the only parties he throws are for his entourage of loser, co-dependent friends who have latched on to his purse strings.  It's like a f'n frat party over there all the damn time.  Oh and his home was always being broken in-to; dumbass had his personal information on the net.  When he was playing ball, thugs would look him up and decide to go fence the NBA players house.

Take it easy super-tuck.

Yeah, no kidding. Cracka is on pace to become the engineer he is complaining about. I would recommend moving away to some place without an HOA if you are concerned about the engineer's bullshit, but his level of nosiness leads me to believe that he needs an HOA.

Offline chum1

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Re: neighbor stories
« Reply #84 on: December 28, 2011, 12:07:42 AM »
Update on me seeing my neighbor:

So, x-mas day I turn on the TV and there's the local news doing the usual story on last minute shopping.  They say they're going to show some footage from x-mas eve at a store on [street near my house].  I think to myself, "hey, wouldn't it be funny if I spotted one of the dozen or so people I know that live around here," and then OH MY rough ridin' GOD THAT LOOKS LIKE THE GERMAN GUY HOLY crap AND THAT'S HIS WIFE I KNOW WHAT SHE LOOKS LIKE BECAUSE I'VE SEEN HER BEFORE AND THAT DEFINITELY LOOKS LIKE HER AND I'VE SEEN THE GERMAN GUY MANY TIMES AND I rough ridin' KNOW THAT IS HIM I rough ridin' KNOW IT IS HIM MAN I THINK I JUST POOPED MY PANTS WHAT THE eff THAT crap IS CRAZY THAT WAS THEM I KNOW IT WAS.

Offline TBL

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Re: neighbor stories
« Reply #85 on: December 28, 2011, 12:10:22 AM »
Update on me seeing my neighbor:

So, x-mas day I turn on the TV and there's the local news doing the usual story on last minute shopping.  They say they're going to show some footage from x-mas eve at a store on [street near my house].  I think to myself, "hey, wouldn't it be funny if I spotted one of the dozen or so people I know that live around here," and then OH MY rough ridin' GOD THAT LOOKS LIKE THE GERMAN GUY HOLY crap AND THAT'S HIS WIFE I KNOW WHAT SHE LOOKS LIKE BECAUSE I'VE SEEN HER BEFORE AND THAT DEFINITELY LOOKS LIKE HER AND I'VE SEEN THE GERMAN GUY MANY TIMES AND I rough ridin' KNOW THAT IS HIM I rough ridin' KNOW IT IS HIM MAN I THINK I JUST POOPED MY PANTS WHAT THE eff THAT crap IS CRAZY THAT WAS THEM I KNOW IT WAS.

One word: Decaffeinated

Offline Pendergast

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Re: neighbor stories
« Reply #86 on: December 28, 2011, 12:17:06 AM »
So our neighbors have a daughter the same age as our son, so we go to the park and stuff.  She usually wants to hold his hand so he lets her for a few seconds then leaves her wanting more.   :gocho:

Also have asian neighbors who like to put their bird cage outside so they can get fresh air.  They also grow all their plants in pots.

Several neighbors also have literally nothing in their garage but cars and trash bins.  Not sure if poor or just super tidy/anti garage clutter?

Offline TBL

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Re: neighbor stories
« Reply #87 on: December 28, 2011, 12:37:20 AM »
Absolute rough ridin' creepoid:

Welp, have a convicted sex offender living across the street with his illegal (canadian) girlfriend and her kids. He supposedly has molested her daughter. She says he rapes her all the time and she just recently aborted their late 2nd trimester baby/fetus that he took out a loan for. He's always out back practicing his tee shots. Nice form, but I'm quite sure he beats her with the clubs. What to do? Thoughts?

Online CNS

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Re: neighbor stories
« Reply #88 on: December 28, 2011, 12:37:23 PM »
Absolute rough ridin' creepoid:

Welp, have a convicted sex offender living across the street with his illegal (canadian) girlfriend and her kids. He supposedly has molested her daughter. She says he rapes her all the time and she just recently aborted their late 2nd trimester baby/fetus that he took out a loan for. He's always out back practicing his tee shots. Nice form, but I'm quite sure he beats her with the clubs. What to do? Thoughts?

Aren't you a rough ridin' cop?

Offline Tobias

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Re: neighbor stories
« Reply #89 on: December 28, 2011, 12:38:01 PM »
Absolute rough ridin' creepoid:

Welp, have a convicted sex offender living across the street with his illegal (canadian) girlfriend and her kids. He supposedly has molested her daughter. She says he rapes her all the time and she just recently aborted their late 2nd trimester baby/fetus that he took out a loan for. He's always out back practicing his tee shots. Nice form, but I'm quite sure he beats her with the clubs. What to do? Thoughts?

nicname, check pm

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Re: neighbor stories
« Reply #90 on: December 28, 2011, 12:40:16 PM »
Absolute rough ridin' creepoid:

Welp, have a convicted sex offender living across the street with his illegal (canadian) girlfriend and her kids. He supposedly has molested her daughter. She says he rapes her all the time and she just recently aborted their late 2nd trimester baby/fetus that he took out a loan for. He's always out back practicing his tee shots. Nice form, but I'm quite sure he beats her with the clubs. What to do? Thoughts?

Aren't you a rough ridin' cop?
About to ask the same thing. Sounds like she is crying out for help.  You should do the American thing and ignore it till it goes away.

Offline TBL

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Re: neighbor stories
« Reply #91 on: December 28, 2011, 12:43:08 PM »
Absolute rough ridin' creepoid:

Welp, have a convicted sex offender living across the street with his illegal (canadian) girlfriend and her kids. He supposedly has molested her daughter. She says he rapes her all the time and she just recently aborted their late 2nd trimester baby/fetus that he took out a loan for. He's always out back practicing his tee shots. Nice form, but I'm quite sure he beats her with the clubs. What to do? Thoughts?

Aren't you a rough ridin' cop?

Was. Looking for more of the vigilante style ideas.

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Re: neighbor stories
« Reply #92 on: December 28, 2011, 01:22:19 PM »
Aren't you a rough ridin' cop?


congratulations, tbl.  i am proud of you.
"experienced commanders will simply be smeared and will actually go to the meat."

Offline felix rex

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Re: neighbor stories
« Reply #93 on: December 28, 2011, 01:42:47 PM »
Quit treating Canadians like they're people? :dunno:
"How will I recruit to Manhattan? Well, distance. And the proud state of basketball. It start there, and then daily flights to Dallas, because I'm really good at going out. Like top five good. Ask my wife. She wants me to be happy."

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Re: neighbor stories
« Reply #94 on: December 28, 2011, 01:48:24 PM »
Quit treating Canadians like they're people? :dunno:


Cheesy Mustache QB might make an appearance.

New warning: Don't get in a fight with someone who doesn't even need to bother to buy ink.

Offline felix rex

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Re: neighbor stories
« Reply #95 on: December 28, 2011, 01:55:13 PM »
Quit treating Canadians like they're people? :dunno:


It's ok. I'm friends with a Canadian.
"How will I recruit to Manhattan? Well, distance. And the proud state of basketball. It start there, and then daily flights to Dallas, because I'm really good at going out. Like top five good. Ask my wife. She wants me to be happy."

Offline chum1

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Re: neighbor stories
« Reply #96 on: August 10, 2012, 09:58:05 AM »
Update on German guy: 

A couple weeks ago his SUV broke down.  I know this because I saw the tow truck bring it to his house and drop it off on the driveway.  I was like, "Oh, he's going to fix it himself," but he hasn't touched it.  So, I know what you are wondering.  WHAT ABOUT THE DOG ROUTINE!?!?  Well, he still takes the dogs out every day.  In his wife's Altima.  The dogs completely fill up the back seat and have to duck down because their heads touch the ceiling and it's a pretty rough ridin' hilarious sight.  I don't know about the routine, though, because the Altima gets parked in the garage.

Offline Emo EMAW

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Re: neighbor stories
« Reply #97 on: August 10, 2012, 11:10:03 AM »
Category:  kindness that took a wrong turn

Hope I didn't post this already.  Remember two winters ago when we got a ton of snow?  Well I came home one night and someone had snowblown (weird word) our drive.  My wife told me the neighbors did it so I went over the give the guy some cash.  He refused, said we were neighbors, bla bla bla.  So I went and got him a couple cases of beer (I knew he loved his Bud Light).  I showed back up and made him take them.  The following spring I found out he and his wife were separated, that he was an alcoholic, and now the house has been seized by the bank and every week a crew of Mexicans shows up to mow the weeds.

Offline HeinBallz

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Re: neighbor stories
« Reply #98 on: August 10, 2012, 12:32:02 PM »
Category:  kindness that took a wrong turn

Hope I didn't post this already.  Remember two winters ago when we got a ton of snow?  Well I came home one night and someone had snowblown (weird word) our drive.  My wife told me the neighbors did it so I went over the give the guy some cash.  He refused, said we were neighbors, bla bla bla.  So I went and got him a couple cases of beer (I knew he loved his Bud Light).  I showed back up and made him take them.  The following spring I found out he and his wife were separated, that he was an alcoholic, and now the house has been seized by the bank and every week a crew of Mexicans shows up to mow the weeds.

Good is better than Evil because it's nicer.

Offline steve dave

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Re: neighbor stories
« Reply #99 on: August 10, 2012, 12:32:56 PM »