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Tannou spotting
« on: August 12, 2010, 02:47:00 PM »
Looks like Tannou is now posting on the Ecomomists Comments section under the handle "The Native"

The native wrote: Aug 12th 2010 6:32 GMT .

how sad to see how far Great Britain has fallen.

Just a few decades ago it was the throne of the worlds largest empire. A white man could proudly show his son the world, and say, 'Well, son, these are all the nations we've conquered, and we've given these natives a bunch of rights and values and have improved their lives. our colonies are the biggest and best in the world.'

He could tell his son, 'Son, looked what we did to India. Before the British, the Indians were ruled by Middle East Muslim rulers with no respect for human rights at all. The British took over, and turned India into the worlds largest democracy. The British build roads, trains, schools, universities, hospitals--all foreign concepts to the Indians before. and the British outlawed wife burning.'

He could tell his son, 'Son, we build modern civilization in Africa.'

Now, a white gentile can only say to his son, 'Well, our nations are going to become Muslim or Hispanic majority in a few years, just learn to live like a minority in your own nation.'

All the great vigor and economic vitality that characterized the European race is now replaced by multiculturalism and socialism.

We have gone too far with the nonsense of womans rights, too. Now, woman abuse their husbands in public and no oone cares

Gone are the days when a man could slap his wife to put her in place, teach her about respect, protect his family, and teach his children values and morals.

We don't need just economic performance. We also need a return to pride and prestige in European civilization.

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