You guys remember when they had that IRL hot tub in that bar right next to RAB?
I think that was in Ale House. Also had a mechanical bull at one point and a claw machine filled with dildos.
I was going to say Tanks but that bar switched names every year. IIRC Brett Alred owned a hot tub rental company in college which is how he got his money to buy tanks/ale house and then expand into basically half the bars in Aggieville and some in it would make sense that they had a hot tub in it at some point.
You have to admit he nailed the generic 21-25 year old bar setup. Draft beer? Nah. Fancy Drinks? Nah. You're getting a BL/CL/ML/Busch Light pounder or some shitty mixed drinks or shots and you will like it. Economies of scale and all I guess.